Rising America

Chapter 1410: Hate


A valuable vase was smashed down on the wall, and the fragments were scattered everywhere. Cai Minghua had returned to his home on the edge of Victoria Harbour at this time, and began to smash things at home to vent.

Yes, Cai Minghua felt very uncomfortable at the tea restaurant.

The reaction of Situ Feifei also made Cai Minghua very upset.

It's just that he didn't know what happened to Situ Feifei.

What was it for? Suddenly it seemed to be extremely unfamiliar, and even his eyes were full of disgust, so that he didn't say anything about Situ Feifei's help, so he watched Situ Feifei leave the tea. restaurant.

And Situ Feifei was in his plan, but a very crucial person came. Without Situ Feifei's help, his plan would not succeed to a large extent.

At that time, he returned home with anxiety in his arms and dialed diànhuà at Situ Feifei's home, hoping to have a good talk with Situ Feifei.

In Cai Minghua's view, it is very likely that Situ Feifei has such an attitude because she is too distracted and there are too many girlfriends around her.

Based on Cai Minghua’s years of experience with the girls, he felt that he took the initiative to give the girl a diànhuà, talked sweetly, made some impossible promises, and finally made the girl forgive himself and be persuaded to help himself. of.

After all, in these years, the girls haven't had a little temper, or they haven't quarreled with him, but every time the girls are like this, they will be coaxed back by Cai Minghua's sweet words.

Only this time Cai Minghua miscalculated.

It was Situ Feifei's father who answered diànhuà.

In diànhuà, Situ Feifei's father Situ Lei clearly told Cai Minghua not to contact his daughter anymore, and his words were full of joy and threat.

And Cai Minghua has been going smoothly over the years, and everything goes smoothly, just like a male protagonist on the Internet. It can be said that the gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks and kill the Buddha, and luck is also extremely high.

In addition, he can be regarded as rich and powerful, so no one has dared to speak to him like this in these years, so how could Cai Minghua feel comfortable with the threat of Situ Feifei's father.

It is true that Situ Lei, as the leader of one of the five major societies in Hong Kong, is far superior to Cai Minghua in terms of identity, status and even wealth.

But since Cai Minghua turned over from playing salted fish, he has considered himself the protagonist of the destiny.

So Situ Lei's unceremonious remarks, Cai Minghua can bear.

Next, there was this scene of Cai Minghua smashing things at home to vent.

"Situ Lei! You are immortal, you will take your family business one day or later, and **** your daughter every day to let you know that I'm not an easy mess!"

Cai Minghua felt unhappy and returned unhappy, but he also knew that he and Situ Lei were not at the same level, so he really couldn't be too arrogant in front of Situ Lei.

Therefore, Cai Minghua could only press the anger in Nai's heart, gritted his teeth and muttered some vicious words in a low voice to relieve the depression in his heart.

And from his whispered curse words, Cai Minghua's thoughts were really disgusting.

The room was in a mess.

Some handicrafts and furnishings were all smashed by Cai Minghua, and even LCD TVs, refrigerators, dishes and bowls in the kitchen were smashed by Cai Minghua.

Anyone who came to Cai Minghua's house to take a look, and those who didn't know thought they had encountered some natural disaster.

Panting with red eyes, Cai Minghua walked to the sofa and sat down with a vicious light in his eyes. After a lot of beating and venting, he now feels more or less comfortable.

The room became quiet for a while, and it was even a little hairy.

Sitting on the sofa, Cai Minghua propped his thighs with elbows and supported his chin with both hands. His eyes flashed with a malicious figure, and he narrowed his eyes and began to think.

What happened in the tea restaurant made Cai Minghua involuntarily feel very uneasy.

Cai Minghua himself knows the existence of the power of the harem.

He understands very well that it is precisely because of the power of the harem that he can lead such a corrupt life surrounded by beauty.

But he was surprised, why did Situ Feifei, under the influence of the power of the harem, suddenly got out of control?

The pensive Cai Minghua began to recall all the experience of the tea restaurant at that time, trying to find out what traces.

Soon, Cai Minghua locked the reason for all these changes on Chi sperm.

You know, before Chi Sperm appeared, he and Situ Feifei were happily getting along, nothing unusual at all.

But it was after the appearance of the chi sperm that Situ Feifei changed dramatically.

Therefore, this matter is absolutely inseparable from Chi sperm.

After thinking about it, Cai Minghua became more convinced that Chi sperm was related to Situ Feifei's changes, but Cai Minghua could not figure out how Chi sperm affected Situ Feifei.

After all, Chi Sperm gave Cai Minghua the feeling that he was an ordinary person, without the appearance of mutants, strangers, or practitioners at all.

So, that's weird.

How did an ordinary person influence Situ Feifei?

In this regard, Cai Minghua was puzzled.

But anyway, Cai Minghua locked the suspected object firmly on the Chi sperm.

After a while, Cai Minghua reached out and fumbled in his pants pocket, then took out his mobile phone and dialed a diànhuà number.

After a busy tone, diànhuà connected.

"Is it Huazi?"

Cai Minghua's face was expressionless, but his tone was very gentle in response: "It's me, do you have time?"

"I have time! I have time! My master is out today, and it is boring for me to stay in the store alone." The girl over diànhuà looked very excited.

"See you at Pacific Place."

After speaking, Cai Minghua ended the call.

After putting the phone back in his jeans pocket, Cai Minghua did not get up, but continued to sit on the sofa, seeming to be thinking about something.

After dozens of seconds, Cai Minghua said to himself: "Huh! Situ Feifei, don't think that I can't do anything without your help. I, Cai Minghua, is a man of destiny. Could it be that without you, the earth will be nothing. Doesn't it turn?

Since you don't know good or bad, let our fate end here.

Originally, I wanted to wait for the spiritual practitioner to take you Situ Feifei on the path of spiritual practice, but now it seems that you have no life.

When Lao Tzu becomes a cultivator and learns the magical powers of overwhelming rivers and seas, you and your father must pay the price for what you do today, especially your immortal father! "

With this whisper, Cai Minghua was full of hatred.

At this moment, Cai Minghua still remembers the time he spent with Situ Feifei, and his mind was full of Situ Lei's words threatening him.

Cai Minghua doesn't want to think about the so-called one-day husband and wife's a hundred days of grace. No matter what, Situ Feifei has been with you all these years, it can be said that there is some affection.

Nowadays, it's just that the girl's father said something, which made you hate Cai Minghua like this. This is really drunk.

This shows how self-centered and selfish Cai Minghua is. In his heart, he has never loved Situ Feifei and the other girls. Some of them are just using and playing games. I have to say that I know him Cai Minghua. , Those girls are really sad.

After clearing up his mood, Cai Minghua went to the bathroom to wash up, and then went out with the spirit of re-dressing. He wanted to see the girl he was talking to with the best spirit.

And Cai Minghua made up his mind. Since Situ Feifei couldn't help herself anymore, he would find another girl who could help to implement his plan.

Of course, that girl has been thinking about it for a long time. He originally thought about the small fire slowly, and tried to make the girl fall in love with herself~lightnovelpub.net~ and then seek to maximize the benefits.

But at the moment, Cai Minghua can't take care of a lot. He decided to take that girl down and become his own woman, and then let her help him, and at the same time use the other's relationship to enter the practice circle.

Yes, that girl is a practitioner herself.

It is precisely because the girl is a cultivator that Cai Minghua picked up her idea.

And the girl is still Cai Minghua's fan. For Cai Minghua, this invisibly gives him a natural advantage in contact with girls.

The girl is different from those practitioners in the ancient times. She was originally a girl living in the 21st century. She became a practitioner by chance. Therefore, her personality and thinking are destined to be different from the previous practitioners.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the girl is Cai Minghua's fan.

And it is precisely because the girl is a cultivator, so this also allows Cai Minghua to see an opportunity, an opportunity to step into the world of practice.

For Cai Minghua, who has always used girls to take advantage of habits, it is not impossible to contact this girl, turn her into her own woman, and then enter a higher level.

Not only can she set foot in the spiritual circle through girls, but also have **** with girls, no one will refuse this kind of good thing, let alone Cai Minghua has always been such a scum.

Cai Minghua, who just left the house, didn't know. Because some people began to enter his life circle, his destiny had begun to change.

To enjoy the power and wealth of the world, and to become a practitioner, the good things in the world are all yours, Cai Minghua.

Ha ha!

It's a pity that he never thought about it, he was not the protagonist of Destiny at all.

Or to apply what some time-space netizens said Cai Minghua really thinks too much...