Rising America

Chapter 1417: Visitors on a stone battlefield

04 Time and Space On May 26, 1644 (April 21, the 17th year of Chongzhen), the boundary between Funing County, Hebei Province and Suizhong County, Liaoning Province, was a stone at the boundary of "Jiumenkou". Here was a battle concerning the rise and fall of a dynasty .

Hundreds of thousands of horses were fighting on the ‘a piece of stone’ river bed, and the sound of golden and iron mingling mixed with the sound of killing, the sound of sharp weapons entering the flesh, and the cry of crying for help resounded throughout the world.

"This is a time and space that is very similar to a certain time and space."

Andrew, who was riding on a tall horse, wearing a Ming-style armor and guarded by strong guards, turned his head and said to his own lady Coco.

Behind Coco, Andrew, and Kayla, tens of thousands of elite cavalry lined up neatly, waiting quietly for orders.

"When you come to this time and space, you have to fight, which is really bad luck."

Little Coco hadn't said anything, but her good friend Kayla on the other side opened her mouth with a depressed expression.

Yes, but they just arrived at this plane of time and space, and when they appeared, they found that they were already on the edge of the battlefield, so Kaila felt extremely depressed.

The little girl originally planned to take a good taste of the customs of this time and space, and then enter the state of conquering this time and space.

Riding the black high war horse, Coco, carrying a Qinglong knife, turned his head to look at his good friend, and calmly said to him: "It's okay, I just move my muscles and bones, I hope this plane world It’s good for people who can’t help but fight like that. None of the natives in the previous time and space is my opponent. This makes me feel very lonely as snow.”

When Coco said this, Andrew was speechless to the extreme.

Is it okay to have no opponent?

Invincibility is also a good thing.

My lady is really a little **** kid, the idea is simply too funny.

It's really hard for the Namike star elementary school students to accept and understand this idea of ​​Coco.

While Andrew was silently complaining in his heart, Coco turned his head to look at Andrew and asked: "Uncle Andrew, did you just say that this space-time is somewhat similar to a certain space-time? What's the matter?"

Well, what's happening in this time and space is very similar to the time and space history of your and your father's original life. Maybe it comes from a parallel world.

Andrew didn’t answer Coco’s question right away, but muttered silently in his heart. After all, the little guy didn’t know that she and her father were not born and raised in different time and space, but that they entered the different time and space world through the tunnel of time and space, and where they were. Settled down.

So if you tell Coco about this, then with Coco's character and temper, you will definitely let Andrew take her and her father back to the original world.

And Andrew just couldn't do this.

So he has to ponder in his own heart, how can he flicker Cocoa.

I blame Andrew himself for speaking, he had apparently missed his mouth just now.

After pondering for a while, Andrew quickly thought of an explanation, and then responded to Coco: "I have been to many planes and time-spaces in the multiverse, and have seen the same things that happen in this world. There is that."

After listening to Andrew's answer, Coco suddenly lost interest.

Anyway, the little guy didn’t think much, and he lost the desire to go deeper. It’s precisely because Coco knew that Andrew was right. The multiverse has countless planes, and some of these planes are very similar. So Andrew said so. That's right.

And Coco knew this truth roughly, so why would he be interested?

Cocoa nowadays has no idea how many blocks ahead of those scholars in different time and space in the knowledge of the ‘multiverse’. After all, the little guy has already experienced all this personally.

Of course, the little guy herself didn't think there was anything great, she just regarded the entry and exit of the alien world as a game.

At most, in the game, conquer the world, and then build your own belief base, other than that, the little guy has no ideas.

I have to say that Coco's idea is really simple.

Now, the little guy has conquered three planes and worlds, and established his own three sources of faith, and the addicted little guy is now in the mood, so he started his fourth journey in time and space. , Came to such a time-space world similar to the end of China's Ming Dynasty.

"Who shall we help for a while? Or should we solve both sides?"

No matter which plane world Coco went to, he always had a playful mentality and acted carelessly.

Of course, Cocoa also has such capital.

Who makes the little guy possess the strength against the sky, and also master all kinds of cheating methods.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Cocoa with this kind of capital has such a relaxed and playful mentality.

Don't talk about cocoa, even if you change to anyone like cocoa, you will be exactly like the little guy.

Andrew heard the words and thought for a while, and then introduced to Coco: "Miss, this time and space should be in an age similar to that of the late Ming Dynasty in ancient China. Now we see two groups of people fighting. If there is no accident, it should be one. The group was Li Zicheng’s army who had just captured the Ming imperial city, and the other group was Wu Sangui, who had just taken refuge in the Houjin, and Gaodi’s Guan Liao Army, and it looked like they sent troops to help Wu Sangui and Gaodi. An abacus of the Houjin Eight Banners troops."

Coco quietly listened to Andrew introducing himself to the historical point of this time and space, and the situation of the two armies that were fighting not far away, and immediately pretended to be serious and serious, and looked fake.

Basically, starting from the time and space of the "Five Random Hua", the little guy has appeared and changed into such a state from time to time.

It seems that only this way, the little guy thinks that he will look more powerful.

It's just that Coco didn't know. Not only did she not make people think she was powerful, but it made her look funny.

Of course, this is not unrelated to the fact that the little guy did not show his acting skills well. You must know that Coco's acting skills are still very good.

"I don't like those guys with money tails. If I help them, wouldn't I have to call myself a'minion' when I deal with them? Humph! Just rely on their stuff, don't say let me call myself a'minion' 'Now, just change them for me as a slave, I still hate it."

Soon, the little guy saw the backward troops uniting Wu Sangui's side as potential enemies, and he would have to kill them for a while.

And just when Kayla and Andrew both thought that Coco would not help unite Wu Sangui’s Eight Banners and then help Li Zicheng’s army, Coco said again, "Li Zicheng’s army is not good. Uncle Andrew, you didn’t show me some Weird history books. In those weird history books, I don’t have a good impression of Li Zicheng, so I won’t help him either."

Andrew and Kayla looked at each other, as if they had guessed something.

Sure enough, Coco continued: "Of course, I will not help the decaying emperor of the Ming Dynasty, so I decided to kill Li Zicheng, Houjin, and Wu Sangui in a while. Hahahaha, I want to be the emperor by myself!"

Sure enough, this is my lady.

Sure enough, this is my boss.

Yes, the little guy would not choose to help any party.

As far as Coco's character is concerned, she is not such a child at all.

Besides, she came to this world to start conquering, so why would she choose to help one party?

Therefore, for Cocoa, eliminating all the forces is the most beneficial option for her.

If you help Houjin beat Li Zicheng, will the little guy call himself a slave in the future?

Obviously, the little guy is not such an idiot.

After all, Coco is not a Qingfan girl, and she hates the money rattail, so it is strange that she would choose to help the Hou Jin Baqi powerhouse who united Wu Sangui.

And for Li Zicheng Cocoa also has no favor.

In the eyes of the little guy, Li Zicheng is a big bandit, so why should I help a bandit leader?

Even the little guy from the Ming Dynasty didn't like it.

In the eyes of the little guy, this is an extremely corrupt dynasty, and the ministers in the court are also very despicable one by one, so she will not support such a corrupt dynasty.

After much deliberation, it is best to be the emperor by yourself.

"Boss Coco, this time we will play the single player destroying the enemy mode or the violent soldier mode?"

Now that Cocoa has set a tone~lightnovelpub.net~, the next step is simple.

It's nothing more than one pot.

So the listless Kyla asked.

And Kayla's question was a little baffling.

In fact, these are all the ‘plays’ that Coco invented in the time and space of the ‘Five Random China’.

Cocoa manages to call this ‘One Riding One Thousand Thousands’, and it is claimed that only after such power can one obtain the title of ‘enemy of ten thousand people’.

So much so that when the "Five Random China" was created during the time and space, the disciples of the "Nandou and Beidou" genres began to follow suit, and many people have actually died for this.

However, in this very funny and cruel way, many good seedlings have indeed come to the fore.

People who are enemies of thousands of people have not appeared, but there have been many masters of ‘One Riding One Thousand’.

Kayla’s so-called “violent soldiers”, as the name suggests, is that Coco uses his own “plug-in” to explode soldiers when fighting against the enemy, and use small soldiers to push the enemy away, while he is traveling freely. Drinking black tea with milk in the back to watch the big show.

Anyway, Coco can afford to play such a mode, who makes her cheat?

Now that Kayla asked, after thinking about it for a while, Coco said to Kayla: "This time we are playing'The Enemy of Ten Thousands', we are going to make a shining debut!"

After speaking, Coco urged his horse, screamed and raised the Azure Dragon Sword in his hand, and rushed down the small mountain bag watching the battle.

Kayla flicked the reins and followed.

With a wry smile, Andrew stood on the mountain pack to appease the ‘system’ army, and saw that the blue dragon knife in the hand of the lady who rushed down the mountain pack flickered and turned into a mace.

And Kayla also took down two huge gourd hammers from both sides of the saddle...