Rising America

Chapter 1418: Enemy

Dorgon, who was watching the battle in Huanxiling, suddenly discovered that a huge army suddenly appeared not far from the battlefield, and the appearance of this army made him feel a little uneasy.

Just when Dorgon was about to send someone to investigate, he saw that two of the army rushed down the mountain bag and rushed straight into the battlefield in the fight.

This made Dorgon very stunned.

Because in his opinion, this is no different from death.

The same mentality emerged from the bottom of Li Zicheng's heart. On this issue, two enemies, Li Zicheng and Dorgon, actually felt the same.

Coco and Kayla rushed into the battlefield, and there was no one in the enemy. Whether it was the elite Shunjun or the sturdy Eight Banners soldiers, they were basically swept by two little guys.

After rushing into the battlefield, Coco and Kaila parted ways. One attacked Li Zicheng's Dashun Army alone, and the other slew towards the joint Guanning Cavalry and Eight Banners Army.

Kaila's goal is the Dashun Army, and the leader of the Dashun Army, Li Zicheng.

Coco's goal is Wu Sangui, Gao Di, and all the generals of the Eight Banners including Dorgon.

How to play the game of the enemy?

This is how the little guy plays here anyway.

It doesn't count as a single-player rushing into the battle, but the warlord has to capture the flag, and eventually kill the enemy's commander, and let the enemy completely collapse.

And in front of Andri, who was struggling with the mountains behind, there was a virtual projection screen that was invisible to others, and the score list of Coco and Kayla appeared on the screen.

Obviously, this game is actually scored.

I have to say that the bear kids can really play.

The cocoa mace was swung, and there was a burst of breaking wind, but anyone who rubbed a little edge would be knocked into the air, and the body became torn apart in the process of knocking.

The strength of the little guy is really not light, not to mention the use of such a small amount of celestial power on the mace, so ordinary people can bear it.

Therefore, the performance of Cocoa is almost violent to the extreme.

The bodies of Guan Ning's cavalry and Eight Banners soldiers were blown by Cocoa, producing spooky and weird blood blossoms. As more and more people were killed by Cocoa, those blood blossoms gradually formed a blood mist, giving them to the battlefield. Added a heavy atmosphere of depression.

Ah, the barking Eight Banners soldiers are not Coco's opponents. The invincible warriors were killed by Coco, and there are so-called warriors there.

Riding a black war horse on the battlefield, Coco seemed like an incarnation of a murderous god.

Behind Coco, the blood mist gathered, slowly forming the image of a blood god.

People with slightly weaker willpower will have a nervous breakdown in this situation.

And Dorgon on Huanxi Ridge just discovered that the sturdy Eight Banners soldier killed was a little girl, and the look on his face suddenly became very exciting and complicated.

"Hahaha! Come on! You guys with mouse tails, you are not called invincible, today I will let you see what invincible is like!"

Cocoa meant no mercy at all.

It is because the little guy treats this kind of killing as a realistic war game.

Anyway, this is not the world in which I live.

So these indigenous people in different time and space are different from the npc in online games.

In short, the little guy doesn't care about the life and death of the indigenous people at all, only if he plays the game himself and can play the game himself.

Strictly speaking, Coco is not shārén mad, nor is he born so cold-blooded.

It's really because the brain circuit of the little guy is different from that of ordinary people, that's why this problem occurs.

But it's not unreasonable for the little guy to think so.

At least in Coco's opinion, it makes sense for him to regard the natives of different time and space as NPCs.

As for what others think, the little guy won't care.

Besides, the little guy is not the kind of person who cares about others' eyes.

It's her demeanor to go her own way.

Lìnglèi strange flowers are her criterion.

Anyway, as long as you listen to your dad, don't mess around with this so-called ‘real world’ in different time and space, and how to mess around in different time and space is all up to Coco.

Obviously, in other worlds, Cocoa has adopted such a way to treat the aboriginals.

Of course, in the process of conquering, killing is also inevitable.

The little guy wants to establish his own power in this time and space, and killings like today will definitely happen many times.

In this regard, young Cocoa, after Andrew's teaching, has already had a deep and clear understanding.

In fact, the little guy once asked Andrew if he was so bad for the indigenous people.

But Andrew’s answer was ‘this is an inevitable process and method of conquest’, and he also cited many examples of interstellar warfare as testimony, making Coco aware of the cruelty.

At the same time, Andrew also taught Coco that when one force conquered another force, sympathy and compassion were the least needed. Only violence and iron and blood were king.

So that Coco finally accepted Andrew's teachings and remembered it deeply.

So is Andrew wrong?

Strictly speaking, it is really correct.

After all, the examples of war of interstellar aggression mentioned by Andrew are real, and they are all cruel, cruel, and cold-blooded.

In these examples, there is no shining point at all.

And this is exactly how the various species in the universe are fighting against each other and conquering.

Then, with Andrew's education and teaching, and practical examples to support it, but under the premise of receiving this kind of education, how could she feel intolerable towards the natives of another world.

Well, what is so pitiful for npc, it is not necessary at all.

I'm sorry for God, but now accepting Andrew's teaching, I don't know whether it is good or bad for her.

As for children, it's kind of that they can learn everything quickly and can easily accept it.

The difference is that after accepting these things, will the child go wrong in the future, and whether she learns to accept bad things.

There are only two people teaching Coco today.

One is Annie and the other is Andrew.

As a real capitalist, Annie taught Coco how to use wealth.

And Andrew taught Cocoa, which made her realize the cruelty of war between different civilizations.

Although the aboriginals here are all human beings, after all, Coco is not part of a time and space. Strictly speaking, Coco and them are all outsiders.

And cocoa wants to establish a belief base in this world.

So no matter how you look at it, killing and conquering is also an inevitable process.

After all, Coco does not have so much time to use a gentle and slow method to do this.

Moreover, even if moderate measures are used, violence may not be avoided in the end.

You must know that no force in this time and space is allowed to have a sect force that can override the king's power.

Therefore, the quickest way is to use war to create a territory of your own, establish your own power and consolidate forces, and then establish beliefs, so that you will not be afraid of any provocations.

Cocoa is doing exactly how.

It's just that in the process of doing this, she will add some of her own things from time to time, such as playing a game of ‘enemy of all’.

But as long as Coco can maintain this state and her aggressive heart, Andrew, who is by her side, will not let the little guy mess around.

After all, in Andrew's view, if Coco can continue to invade, he will have more and more planes in the future, which is good for her and her father, Jin Xiantai, and the benefits are not small.

Therefore, Andrew will support Cocoa.

As for whether Coco was messing around in the process, and whether she was cold-blooded, Andrew wouldn't care about it.

You know, for any interstellar war that Andrew knows, the degree of cold-blooded cruelty is tens of thousands of times more cruel than cocoa, so cocoa is nothing.

Anyway, this is a world in different time and space. No one in the world she lives will know that she is still a quirky and cute little girl in the eyes of others ~ lightnovelpub.net~ is also a good daughter of her father, that's all right.

Moreover, her own xiǎojiě Cocoa has proved her strength by conquering these different time and space worlds, and no one will be able to bully her in the future.

As for the life and death of others, Andrew would not care about it either.

This shows that Cocoa has become like this now, and it has nothing to do with the people around her.

After all, in a normal family, it is obviously impossible for Cocoa to teach this wonderful character.

Coco's score has exceeded 10,000, which shows that she has killed more than 10,000.

And a very strange situation also appeared on the battlefield.

The Dashun Army that was fighting in the past and the Guanning Iron Cavaliers who joined the Eight Banners soldiers now no longer fight each other, but have begun to besieged Coco and Kaila.

I have to say that the two little girls are tough. When they came out, the two armies that had fought violently stopped and targeted them. This is really not what ordinary people can do.

"Xiǎojiě, you have completed the mission of ‘Enemies of Ten Thousands’."

Andrew, who was paying attention to the virtual screen scoring device, used the intercom to tell the story after the Cocoa score broke 10,000.

When he heard that Coco, who was slaying all quarters, waved the mace in his hand, exploded the bodies of the surrounding Eight Banners soldiers swept away, and then laughed and asked: "What is the Kayla score now?"

Andrew replied: "It's only a few dozen to break 10,000."

Obviously, Keira kills the enemy slower than Cocoa.

"Hahahaha! Then I will complete the task of beheading!"

After speaking, Coco shook the mace in his hand and urged the horse to kill towards his goal.

It was two men who were constantly waving their hands and instructing the soldiers to besie Cocoa, wearing the armor of the Ming Dynasty.

Gao Di, Wu Sangui...