Rising America

Chapter 1419: This is a fairy

Gaudi and Wu Sangui were killed by Coco Array!

These two guys didn't even go through a single move under Coco's hands, they were knocked off the horse by Coco's mace, and their bodies exploded into countless small pieces.

When they met a little girl like Coco, the two of them were **** mildew.

Due to the deaths of Gaudi and Wu Sangui, the Guanning cavalry suddenly collapsed completely.

On the battlefield of the Guanning Houjin united side, only Houjin is still attacking Cocoa.

But don't look at Houjin Baqi still continuing to besie Cocoa, but these guys were actually smashed by Cocoa, and they only managed to besiege without pretending to attack.

In fact, the Eight Banners soldiers did this mainly because they were afraid of military laws. If they retreat without the command of the commander, they would die if they returned.

So they couldn't flee like the Guanning Cavalry, now they can only bite the bullet and pretend.

But let them continue to attack Coco, hehe, to be honest, they really don't dare now.

Cocoa has now completed the so-called "Enemies of Ten Thousands" mission, which actually killed more than 10,000 people on the battlefield, and how could Cocoa who showed such a sturdy combat effectiveness not be treated as a monster.

You must know that the time and space Coco is currently in is not a world of martial arts or cultivation, but an ordinary world just like the previous "Five Huluhua" world.

Therefore, the combat power displayed by the little guy is truly horrible as if he had seen a ghost.

Especially after killing so many people, the little guy didn't blush or breathe, and seemed to be able to continue killing, which had to make people feel terrified.

And Dorgon, who was watching the battle on Huanxi Ridge, was stunned by the combat power displayed by Coco at this moment.

To be honest, in such an ordinary world, it is really scary to suddenly pop up a child like Coco.

This is completely beyond everyone's cognition and worldview.

Therefore, even among the Eight Banners soldiers surrounding Coco, there were also many guys who knelt on the ground and kept kowtow to Coco. They might consider Coco as a **** in the world.

Gao Di and Wu Sangui have been belching, and the task of "slashing the general" Cocoa has completed two-thirds. You can turn your eyes on the sluggish Dorgon on Huanxi Ridge. It is for the ordinary Eight Banners soldiers around you. Not interested at all.

What the Eight Banners elite white armored soldiers, killing them is easier than cutting melons and vegetables.

Seventy percent of the elites brought out by Dorgon have been confessed in Coco’s hands, including their most proud white-toothed soldiers. These are tall and strong, wearing two layers of cotton armor and covering them with No fewer than 500 people died in the hands of Cocoa, a layer of iron armored elite fighters.

Basically, all the elites in Dorgon's hands died under Coco's hands.


Coco is no longer interested in the little soldier. Anyway, she has completed the mission of ‘Ten Thousand Enemies’, and the ‘Slash General’ quest has also been completed two-thirds, so the little guy started to attack the last goal.

That's right, her next goal is Dorgon.


Dorgon came back to his senses at this time, because he saw the little ghost-like girl, who had already rushed towards his direction.

To be honest, even though Dorgon, one of the post-golden fierce men, had seen the fierceness of Cocoa, he couldn't think of confronting it.

Dorgon asked himself that he could not be the enemy of ten thousand people.

So he knows very well that he is definitely not Coco's opponent, and the result of playing against the little guy is no accident, and he will die miserably.

So what Dorgon can do now is to turn his head and run quickly.

If you are facing the same ordinary people, or many Ergun can really run away with horsepower, it's just a pity that the people he meets are Coco.

Under the eyes of everyone, Coco sat down on the black war horse with four hooves, black mist appeared in the sky, and in this way beyond the cognition of everyone present, he pursued and killed Dorgon.


I don't know who yelled so loudly.

Immediately, the Eight Banners soldiers who had been smashed into the battlefield knelt down like a tide.

At this time, Dorgon was also chased down by Coco, and he didn't know how to describe his feelings.


The little guy's black war horse was fast. After Dorgon urged the horse to turn around, he was caught up by Cocoa before he ran a few steps. Soon the little guy waved his mace and smashed it towards the back of Dorgon's head.


Dorgon was smashed to pieces.

The little guy has always done things cleanly, so he doesn't talk nonsense at all.

So Dorgon didn't even have time to leave a word in the last sentence, and he didn't even have the opportunity to say something to Coco, so he was killed.

When Dorgon died, the elite guards beside him stopped their horses one after another, and then looked at Coco with dull expressions, but they didn't mean to do anything.

You know, as Dorgon’s guards, these elite Eight Banners Swinging Teeth are all brave and undaunted, and they will be executed when the main general is killed when they go back, so they will often kill them at this time. The main man desperately.

But at this moment, their performance is very abnormal.

But this is not surprising, it is because people like them know very well that even if they fight for their own lives, they cannot be the opponent of the little girl in front of them.

Especially when Coco chased and killed Dorgon, he also showed the ability to soar through the clouds.

Ancient people are actually very superstitious.

It is indispensable that these Houjin Eight Banners soldiers have already regarded Coco as a little fairy.

So as a mortal, how could he be an opponent of the gods, and how dare he attack the gods.

Those guys who died on the battlefield were obviously punished after they shot the gods.

Coco didn't know the reason for this. She saw that the dozens of people who were obviously taller than the ordinary Eight Banners soldiers. At first glance, the guys who weren't all-in-one characters didn't intend to do it, so they didn't have the idea of ​​killing these guys.

After all, for the little guy, she had killed enough people today, and there was no point in continuing to kill.

At the same time, the Guanning Cavalry and the Eight Banners troops were now completely solved by her alone, so there was really no need to continue to kill.

Therefore, Coco just glanced at these savvy guards of Dorgon, then rode down on the black war horse and jumped off the battlefield again.

As Coco left, the dozens of Dorgon's guards looked at each other, and then rushed toward the battlefield.

Coco, who returned to the battlefield, faced the Houjin Eight Banners soldiers who had knelt on the ground, and Guan Ning soldiers who had seen the scene of Coco riding in the fog.

And at this moment, the hatred in their eyes has disappeared, replaced by worship, awe, and other complicated things.

Think about it, too, Coco's previous ability to fly through the clouds and fog, really shocked them too much.

It was even more shocking than she had killed 10,000 people alone.

Everything has been decided on Cocoa.

And Kayla has basically come to an end.

Li Zicheng’s Dashun Army has now collapsed, and the Titan Liu Zongmin has been killed by Kaila with a golden hammer. After him, Kaila also killed more than a dozen of the Dashun Army. Now he is killing straight. The final goal, Li Zicheng, was about to kill Li Zicheng.

And Li Zicheng was also stunned by Kayla. Like Dorgon, he didn't dare to confront Kayla, and was also ready to escape.

To tell the truth, it's not that Li Zicheng and Dorgon are timid, but they are really afraid of confronting children like Coco and Kaila.

Don't forget that Li Zicheng and Dorgon in this time and space are all ordinary people.

Under Coco's gaze, Kayla smashed Li Zicheng to death, while the Dashun Army lost all its generals and fell into a situation without command. The collapse was irreversible.

Andrew and the army on the mountain pack are no longer there. At this time, Andrew has led the army and blocked the retreat of the Dashun army.

Therefore, there is no way to retreat the Dashun Army here.

And because of Wu Sangui's relationship, the Houjin army who ran here to help in the fight also appeared to mean that the whole army surrendered to Cocoa.

At this point, ~lightnovelpub.net~ a stone battle, can be regarded as the result of the victory of the cocoa side.

Next, what Coco has to do is to take over the front line of Shanhaiguan, and then rectify the prisoners of the Dashun Army, as well as the Houjin troops who surrendered as gods, and send troops to take over Beijing, which has become an empty city.

So the little guy has his own territory at the start.

The rest depends on how she deals with the remaining Dashun army units and other Ming Dynasty units.

"Boss, what do these guys kowtow to you? They still mutter words one by one." Kayla returned to Coco's side and found people kneeling down around them. They kept muttering words and muttering something. At the same time Still kowtowing towards Cocoa.

Upon seeing this, Kayla was puzzled.

Hearing that, Coco explained to Kayla: "It is estimated that they regard us as gods."

The little guy can more or less guess the psychology of those around him.

"God? Boss, you master, you are one of the bosses in the fairy world, so as her apprentice, you are really a god, right?" After hearing this from Coco, Keira suddenly remembered another identity of Coco. That's right, that is Nuwa's apprentice.

"I can't be counted? I'm just a master's apprentice, not a god." Because I don't know much about the immortal world, I feel that I am just a disciple of Coco, and I don't think I can be regarded as a **** at the moment. Up.

Of course, Cocoa is not wrong to think so.

After all, she has not experienced the catastrophe, and the various tests needed to become a fairy.

But even so, as Nuwa's apprentice, even if Coco said that he was a ‘fairy’, it’s not an exaggeration at all.

You know, her starting point is too high and too high...... 8)

(Sanqi Chinese 37zw)