Rising America

Chapter 1424: This inconspicuous way of debut

The girl called "A Ning" nodded. Obviously, the middle-aged man was asking the girl if he could make a dozen or so dollars of cocoa with "Unique Skills".

After seeing the girl nodded in agreement, the middle-aged man who claimed to be "Yue Buqun" flashed a hint of joy on his face, his waist straightened a lot, and his aura suddenly changed, becoming a kind of The towering mountains appeared in front of him.

Of course, most of the ordinary people around have this feeling.

Yuhuatian and Coco's dog-legged genetic human guards have a lot of dignified expressions, because they all noticed that the pair of fathers and daughters who seem to be doing business are not ordinary people.

But Coco didn't react at all. He just waited curiously, ready to see what the other party was going to reveal, um, the little guy only cared about this.

As for why Coco didn't respond much, could it be said that she didn't realize that the middle-aged people in the field were not ordinary people?

No, but of course I noticed the difference.

But even if the little guy noticed it, she still didn't take it to heart.

After all, in terms of the strength of the little guy, what is the middle-aged man in the field.

If he is malicious towards himself, Cocoa can get rid of him with a sneeze. This is not bragging.

So the little guy doesn't care.

The essence of not caring is that the little guy knows that he is stronger than the other party, and that the strength is not even a little bit. That is the same gap between Haoyue and Yinghuo, even the other party can't even count as Yinghuo.

So, what is Cocoa worried about, and what can be fuss about.

The little guy has never read Jin Yong's novels, so he doesn't know what the three words "Yue Buqun" mean.

Before going out of the palace, the little guy threw a lot of cards out. Obviously, these cards are beginning to work, otherwise "Yue Buqun" would not appear in such a way.

The place where Yue Buqun set up his yard was under the fence of a family at the end of this street, and a huge stone was piled not far away.

Seeing Yue Buqun stretched out his hands, his face surging with red tide, the next second the big rock seemed to be supported by a big hand invisibly, slowly floating up.


The people onlookers exclaimed repeatedly, and their faces were shocked. After all, this method seemed to them to be incredible.

Big stones can weigh more than a ton.

The color on his face became redder and red, like Yue Buqun who was thrown into the stove and roasted. After a snort, the big rock fell again.

No, this hand is really scary.

"Good work!"

"This is a fairy-like method!"

"Open your eyes today!"

The people onlookers talked a lot, but they were all amazed at Yue Buqun's hand.

"Miss still satisfied?"

Yue Buqun punched Coco again, clasping his fists.

The little guy looked extremely disappointed, and it was obvious that Yue Buqun's "Zixia Gong" hand holding the big stone was not the same as the "unique skills" she had imagined.

But Coco still generously threw the ten taels of silver into the gong held by the little monkey who ran over.

At this time, Yuhuatian, after Yue Buqun showed such a hand, the guarded expression on his face faded, replaced by an extremely relaxed look.

It seems that Yu Huatian feels that just this level of Yue Buqun can't bring him and his owner Cocoa any danger.

"Normally, you know how to use qigong, right? This hand is not a unique skill, it's really normal in my eyes. But for your hard work, you will be given these ten taels of silver."

The little guy doesn't know how to say anything, he definitely says what he has.

If you change someone, you will definitely feel that Coco is a little underestimated.

However, although Yue Buqun was dissatisfied with the depth of the city, he would not go to see a little girl like Coco.

Besides, Coco gave him ten taels of silver back.

That's ten taels of silver.

The money can be saved, and it is enough for a family of five to live for three or four months in these years. Especially when the price of food in the capital is so cheap now, it is not impossible to spend the money for a longer period of time.

Therefore, for the gold master Coco, Yue Buqun not only cannot express dissatisfaction, but also has to say good things with a smile on his face.

Don't bend for five buckets of rice, ha ha, this is not something that everyone can do.

At least, he couldn't do this Yue Buqun now.

"Miss Xie gives a reward."

Yue Buqun felt that he was really lucky today, and he actually met such a little girl who was not bad at money. In just a short time, he made 11 taels of silver.

And Yue Buqun secretly pondered in his heart that if he could meet a rich child like Coco every day to give rewards, then within half a month he would be able to earn the capital to re-establish the Huashan School, and then take his wife back to Huashan. You don't need to continue to perform so hard.

Of course, this is just thinking about it.

Yue Buqun also knew that this was simply impossible.

If you are a generous kid like Coco, it is absolutely unavailable and unavailable. Meeting him today can only say that Yue Buqun is lucky today.

When Yue Buqun expressed his gratitude to Coco, the girl next to him also came over and stood beside Yue Buqun. She also raised her hand and clasped her fist to say thank you to Coco.

"My husband and wife thank you for your reward."


Can't tell, this girl is actually Yue Buqun's wife.

As the girl spoke, Yuhuatian and Coco only knew her identity.

And Yuhuatian's sight was constantly sweeping between Yue Buqun and the young girl, and Yue Buqun, who had already collected his merits, blushed as if he had used Zixia magical power again.

This combination of old couples and young wives is indeed very eye-catching.

This is especially noticeable when the old man is still a diao-looking person, and the young wife is a beautiful girl.


It’s a pity that a flower is planted in a pile of old cattle and rice fields.

The people around couldn't help sighing for the girl in the bottom of my heart.

At the same time, I also lamented why I didn't have such a good life.

"Are you a couple?"

Cocoa is also very unexpected.

Yue Buqun nodded awkwardly. Of course, he understood how unworthy he and his wife were, but even how unworthy he was, after all, he and the girl became a husband and wife, this is already an indisputable fact.

And over the years, when the identity of him and the girl's husband and wife were exposed, they have also seen many such scenes and onlookers.

It's just that after so many years, he is still a little uncomfortable.

On the contrary, the girl standing beside Yue Buqun's performance was generous, and it made people feel that it was a pity that her flower made Yue Buqun get his hands.

After one sentence, Coco asked again: "You know Kungfu? I'm not talking about the kind of kungfu that goes through the rivers and lakes, but the real kungfu."

Although Yue Buqun and the girl don't match well, the little guy doesn't care at all, she is very interested in that Yue Buqun is very likely to be a martial arts master.

The little guy knows very well that this is a very ordinary ancient world, and it stands to reason that there can be no martial arts masters.

But because he had scattered all the Jianghu character cards he bought in the mystery shop in the world of this world, Cocoa needed to figure out whether the appearance of Yue Buqun had something to do with him.

To be honest, this thing that was only done before leaving the palace, and now I met people like Yue Buqun, it really made Coco feel that this speed was too fast.

Faced with the problem of Cocoa, Yue Buqun was relieved.

As long as the little guy is not chasing him and his wife.

And Yue Buqun also thought about it in his own heart. He felt that Coco was so generous in his shots that his family definitely didn't lack money.

And it was too hard for me to take his wife to the rivers and lakes to make money. So when Coco appeared, Yue Buqun felt that if he could get closer to Coco and seek to be a martial artist in her home, it would be necessary. It's much better than playing tricks.

But how to achieve the goal?

Yue Buqi felt that she had to keep showing her hands to impress the little girl in front of her.

And only when he performs better, he can seek better treatment. Once he succeeds, he only needs to do it for a year and a half before he can bring his wife to Huashan.

Thinking of this, Yue Buqun nodded ~lightnovelpub.net~ to admit Coco's guess.

And to the extreme, Coco reported that he had learned from his school.

"The mountains in Xiahua are not grouped, but my wife Ning Zhongze is next to him."

Huashan School, as expected, this guy has something to do with him, because this world didn't originally have this Huashan School.

As Yue Buqun reported to his teacher, Coco basically had a spectrum in his heart.

But these things, but they will not tell Yue Buqun at all, and they will not have a relationship with Yue Buqun and win him over to himself.

And at this moment, just as Yue Buqun spoke, and said to Coco that he could continue to show his great skills and let the little guy take a look, suddenly a group of guys dressed in yacho styles separated and appeared.

Unlike ordinary yamen, these guys have a big word ‘patrol’ on their chests instead of ‘ya’, so obviously they are not yaya.

At best, they are dressed a little bit similarly.

"Who asked you to set up a stall here? Did you report to the Liushu Street Sub-district Inspection Office? Did you pay the commercial street management fee? Look, look, look at what you see, you will know at a glance that you didn't pay the management fee, right! Do you know that this is illegal and arrogant? Go, follow me to the management office and fine! If you do this, you simply didn't put my Zuo Lengchan in your eyes!"

The guy who led the team unceremoniously asked a series of questions as soon as he appeared, and immediately asked Yue Buqun to go to the management office with him.

Xu is the guys with the word ‘patrol arrest’ on their chests, knowing that Yue Buqun’s husband and wife are setting up a stall illegally.

Speaking of these people, they are similar to modern urban management. They are a team formed by Andrew. Their responsibilities are the same as those of modern urban management. At the same time, they are accompanied by security matters in their respective neighborhoods.

"Street Patrol Team" is their external name.