Rising America

Chapter 1425: Cai Minghua's confession

"Xiaoxue, why did you come?"

Cai Minghua, who had been waiting for a long time, finally waited until Xia Xue waited eagerly, and left his seat to greet him from a distance.

Xia Xue responded shyly, and then the two took their seats.

Cai Minghua sits directly next to her daughter and behaves very courteously.

To be honest, Xia Xue and Cai Minghua are not very familiar, but now Cai Minghua’s performance gives people a kind of appearance of him and her, as if they are a young couple, but for such a diligent Cai Minghua, Xia Xue is not so. Too used to.

There is a good old saying, "Nothing to do, but not to commit **** or steal." There is nothing wrong with this sentence in Cai Minghua's body, because he really didn't have any good ideas.

If Xia Xue knew what Cai Minghua was thinking, she would be able to lift the table on the spot and then slap Cai Minghua's mouth.

It's a pity that even people's hearts can't even see through gods, so how can Xia Xue see through Cai Minghua's thoughts and plans.

In addition, Cai Minghua's performance is so diligent, which makes girls who have not been involved in the world, except for shyness and shyness, will not think so much at all.

In particular, Cai Minghua is still Xia Xue’s idol, and the girl is Cai Minghua’s obsessive sister. Therefore, when facing Xia Minghua, the girl’s IQ has dropped a lot, which is really speechless. .

Qiao An and a group of female bodyguards sat in the corner and called a waiter to start ordering, while keeping his eyes on the table where Cai Minghua and Xia Xue were.

I ordered dozens of dishes at random. After the waiter left, Qiao An's brows frowned.

As the "General of the Seven Seas", she has the godhead, and can clearly feel that the strange power fluctuations that have appeared before and have affected Liao Ya are flooding the restaurant.

She also found that her female bodyguards had been affected, and they seemed to be idiots from time to time, peeking in the direction of Cai Minghua.

[Yeah, actually this boy is pretty good too...]

Even Qiao Ann began to be affected by that strange power, and a faint thought flashed in her heart that surprised her.

And this thought flashed through his heart, and it really shocked Qiao Ann herself.

To be honest, she is a lace edge, it is impossible to have any good feelings for men at all, it will make her feel very sick.

And she grew up so much, it just didn't feel sick to Jin Xiantai.

But now under the influence of the ‘Power of the Harem’, there was actually a second man who would not let her feel sick, how could Qiao An not be surprised.

And unlike being able to accept Jin Xiantai, Qiao An, under the influence of the'Harem Power', not only started to have a good impression of Cai Minghua, but also had the urge to have a'night's joy' with Cai Minghua.

If Qiao Ann is an ordinary woman, maybe this is nothing.

But Joan is a lace edge.

Without any hesitation, Qiao Ann secretly used a card of "The Power of the Empress" to get rid of the influence of the "Power of the Harem" in an instant.

As Qiao Ann returned to normal, he suddenly felt nausea from the bottom of his heart.

At the same time, the look in Cai Minghua's direction also became very unkind.

Because I have communicated with Cocoa, through Coco Qiaoan, I know what this weird power is and how much influence this power has on girls. It can even be said that it is specifically for girls.

It is with this kind of power that Cai Minghua can live a splendid life where there is no shortage of girls around him, but in the final analysis, these girls are involuntary.

If you are in love with each other, I would like to have nothing to do, but using this method to let the girls stay by your side and play with them in that very despicable way, it seems very scumbag, right?

So Qiao An looked down on Cai Minghua very much.

The'Power of the Empress' virtually dissipated the'Power of the Harem' that affected Qiao'an and others, so that the female bodyguards and Qiao'an returned to normal, avoiding being more and more affected by the weird'Power of the Harem' Deep condition.

Cai Minghua knows nothing about this.

Also, how did Cai Minghua know that someone in this world would find the kind of power that could resist the ‘Power of the Harem’, which was completely beyond his expectation.

In Cai Minghua’s view, the ‘harem power’ he possesses is his greatest support. With this kind of power he can reach the pinnacle of life in the future...

The power of the harem is the product of the patriarchal thinking.

Needless to say, the power of the female emperor is a product of feminist thinking.

These two powerful and weird forces all come from a certain time-space network novel system, and one comes from a male channel and the other comes from a female channel. Each has its own merits.

As the ‘harem power’ produced by the patriarchal mindset, it can satisfy men’s dream of being surrounded by beautiful women. After all, a man does not want to become a heartthrob.

Therefore, it can affect girls' minds and make them become involuntary after being affected, and finally this kind of power that is wantonly played by the owner of the ‘harem power’ appears.

For the same reason, girls also dream of being a heartthrob, and there are many men around to show their courtesy. Don't think that girls won't have this kind of scumbag.

You know, girls are also human, no different from boys.

The scum girl is much stronger than the scum man.

They don't think that there is anything to be courteous with hundreds of men, and to play ambiguously.

The problem is that no matter how attractive a girl is, it is impossible for so many men to be overwhelmed by her. Therefore, the power of the "female emperor" came into being.

When a girl has supreme power, no matter how ugly she looks, she can still attract the attention of countless scumboys with good looks.

Of course, good boys will also be affected by the ‘female emperor’s power’ and then they will focus on girls.

And by virtue of the "power of the empress", a girl with this power can live every day there are hundreds of men dedicated to themselves, even if the girl is tactfully under the scumbag, there are still countless "fascinated" people. Waiting silently for himself made the good boy feel so sad for himself.

It can be seen from this that the "power of the empress" is really no worse than the "power of the harem", and even stronger than the "power of the harem" in some aspects.

And now, the ‘power of the harem’ that filled the square and circle has begun to be suppressed by the ‘power of the female emperor’, so Qiao An doesn’t have to worry about being affected by that strange power.

Of course, the power of the harem does not mean that it dissipates in this way. It can only be said that within a certain range, the two powers each occupy a corner. The ‘power of the empress’ takes up more, and the power of the harem is less.

However, Cai Minghua doesn't know anything about this invisible change.

This servant showed his courtesy to Xia Xue, but his eyes cast a glance where Qiao An was from time to time, and a hint of lustful luster flashed in his eyes.

Don't think Qiao An is a lace border, but she herself is an out-and-out big beauty.

With blond, blue-eyed and white skin, delicate appearance, and fiery figure, when these are combined, how can he not let Cai Minghua, who seems to be a hungry ghost reborn, notice.

Of course, Joan is not without shortcomings.

Her shortcoming is that she is short.

To be honest, Qiao Ann is a small beauty.

Although Qiao An is short, she can arouse people's desire to protect her, not to mention that Qiao An still has a delicate and beautiful girl face, which is very attractive to some men. of.

It's just a pity that Qiao Ann is a lace edge, she likes girls, and she is still an M attribute lace edge, which is really shocking.

In a word, Joan didn't catch a cold to men at all.

All men make her feel sick.

If you really want to say that the man in this world who won't make her sick, maybe there is only one Jin Xiantai.

But it just doesn't make her feel sick.

As for what will happen to her and Kim Hyun-tae, it is truly impossible.

To be honest, being able to work with Kim Hyun Tae, and Kim Hyun Tae will not make her feel sick, this is already very good.

But even after Jin Xiantai knew that Qiao An was a lace border and was still an M attribute lace border, he had no idea about her.

So nothing will happen to Joan and Kim Hyun Tae.

It's really because neither of them is the other's food.

Qiao An usually hides well, so it is hard to tell that she is a lace edge. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

Only when she saw the girl she liked and started pursuing it, the girl who was being chased at that time would realize the fact that Qiao An was the edge of lace.

But now, Cai Minghua, who has obviously noticed Qiao An, is impossible to know these secrets.

In his eyes, he just saw a blonde, blue-eyed, petite and hot, full of superior temperament, which caused him to have the urge to "conquer her".

It's just that Cai Minghua is too scumbag to perform badly because of Xia Xue's side.

Therefore, Cai Minghua made up his mind and took the time to go to Qiao An to ask for a contact method so that he could launch an'offensive' against Qiao An in the future.

"Xiaoxue, you must help me. I don't want to live this life under the spotlight anymore. I am willing to give up everything I have now. Just talk to your master and let me worship him. it is good."

It is hard to imagine that Cai Minghua, a big man, actually spoke in a coquettish tone to a 16 or 7-year-old girl like Xia Xue, which really made people get goose bumps.

I don't know if it was caused by Cai Minghua's scheming. Xia Xue looked at him with an embarrassed expression. She opened her mouth several times to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

Cai Minghua felt Xia Xue's entanglement, and even if he used his usual trick, it was a very despicable one.

"Xiaoxue, I like you and I want to be with you, so I am willing to give up everything to practice with you, so please beg your master."

That's right, Cai Minghua is used to this trick. He often uses "I like you" as an excuse to make girls feel soft and finally achieve their goals.

But everyone knows that this is just a means that Cai Minghua used to achieve his goal. Who can he really like for such a selfish person?