Rising America

Chapter 1427: Ah, hate!


Can this be checked!

Although Xia Xue is just a girl who has just been brought into the world of practice by her master, and has not learned any unpredictable magical powers, she is also a practitioner anyway.

So even if she has no magic skills, she can still do it to find out if Cai Minghua is terminally ill.

So Cai Minghua dared to let Xia Xue check it.

Obviously, Cai Minghua's lies are about to be exposed.

If the ‘power of the harem’ is still at play now, it is not difficult to solve the current situation.

But by coincidence, the ‘power of the harem’ was not suppressed by the ‘power of the empress’ covered by Qiao An’s body now.

So, Cai Minghua now has dàmá annoyance.

Seeing the embarrassment and anxiety flashing across Cai Minghua's face, Qiao An contempted him in his heart.

"No, no need." There was really no way, Cai Minghua could only refuse Xia Xue's kindness to check for herself.

And he can't refuse it.

"Oh, I have a headache. I'm going back to take medicine and see the doctor." Cai Minghua was anxious and got up to leave, pretending to have a headache.

This is also one of the methods he uses on girls.

Generally speaking, he said that, but all the girls who have him in their hearts will become very nervous and care about him, and under the influence of the ‘harem’s power’, their IQs have again begun to drop significantly.

This makes girls who are affected by the weird power and become very different immediately ignore these things and put all their minds on Cai Minghua.

Next, Cai Minghua will take the opportunity to get closer to the girl, and then use a variety of methods and means to turn the girl into his own person and consolidate his relationship with the girl.

And this trick is very effective.

This time, Cai Minghua, who is in a hurry, moved out of this trick again.

In fact, Cai Minghua also saw that Xia Xue seemed to get rid of her own influence and became normal. This was a situation he didn't want to see very much.

After all, for Cai Minghua, Xia Xue's IQ decreased, so that she could better fool her. If the girl's IQ became normal, then how could she fool her again.

But Cai Minghua is very confused about how Xia Xue got rid of her own influence and how the girl did it.

So Cai Minghua decided in an instant to use the current method to shift Xia Xue's focus, and then leave the place with the girl.

Maybe the reason Xia Xue got rid of her own "harem power" has something to do with the place where they are currently.

I have to say that Cai Minghua is really smart.

Because if there were no accidents, Xia Xue would really be caught this time.

You know, Cai Minghua said that he had a headache, and he pretended that he didn’t want to live. With his superb acting skills, Xia Xue was really deceived by him, thinking that he was really sick. It.

Under such circumstances, Xia Xue was really going to check whether Cai Minghua was terminally ill. She immediately put aside and put her mind on the ‘sick’ Cai Minghua.

What a lie.

Qiao An, who was watching all the time, sighed silently in her heart. She felt that Xia Xuemei's paper was too good to deceive.

However, Qiao An could understand Xia Xue.

After all, the sister of Xia Xue is a very simple girl, she has never had a boyfriend when she grows up, and Cai Minghua is her idol, plus the'power of the empress', although the'power of the harem' is suppressed, but This is not to say that the'Power of the Harem' had no influence on Xia Xue at all.

It's just that under the strong suppression of the'Power of the Empress', the influence of the'Power of the Harem' on Xia Xue has become much weaker than before.

At the same time, girls are always easy to soften their hearts, and they are also very emotional. They are not rational to people and things like boys.

So now Cai Minghua's performance is so painful, it will inevitably arouse Xia Xue's sympathy, and let Xia Xue's sensibility as a girl prevail.

As for the things that were detected earlier, they were all forgotten by Xia Xue at this moment.

Anyway, young girls are easily deceived.

And those scumbags always like to socialize with young girls. The key is that young girls are too easy to fool around.

Don’t you see, as long as people have experience in dating between men and women, and those 27 or 8 year olds, some of them are so easily deceived.

Although it is impossible to have none of them, after all, most of the sisters will have a little more caution when interacting with men.

Xia Xue now belongs to this type of sister paper that is easy to be fooled.

What she is facing now is another scumbag like Cai Minghua, and he still has a wealth of experience, so it is normal for him to be led by his nose again.


Yes, we are going to say ‘but’ here.

However, if it was just Cai Minghua and Xia Xue today, then Xia Xue would definitely not be able to escape this ‘catastrophe’.

How could she be such an innocent sister, Cai Minghua's opponent to the veteran scumbag guy.

Fortunately, she met Qiao Ann at the meeting of fate, and Qiao Ann became interested in her and followed her to this place of dating.

So, Cai Minghua's bad idea is doomed to fail.

"How are you doing?"

Xia Xue stretched out her arm to support Cai Minghua, while still showing tension and concern.

It can be seen that Xia Xue is really nervous about Cai Minghua's physical condition. After all, Cai Minghua said that he has a terminal illness, which is really too evil.

Cai Minghua’s acting skills exploded, and I don’t know how he did it. His complexion that was originally good now has become pale and pale. It’s easy to believe that his current condition is really bad and that he is indeed sick. of.

Just rushing to this acting skill will definitely make people give him a thumbs up, and even Coco will have to bow down.

The reason why Cai Minghua can show such violent acting skills is mainly because he is constantly self-hypnotizing himself, thinking in his mind that he is being rounded by a thousand strong men like Asimodo, so of course he There will be such a reaction.

You know, this kind of self-hypnotic imagination is really disgusting, isn't it?

Cai Minghua raised his head'weakly' and smiled as if trying hard, which made Xia Xuemei, who is extremely kind and compassionate, feel sour.

"No...nothing, I may need you to trouble me, take me to see a doctor, now my body is a little weak..."

"No trouble, I'll take you there."

Seeing that her obsessive idol is so weak, how could Xia Xuemei refuse it.

For the kind sister paper, even if Cai Minghua is not her idol, but a passerby, she would not stand idly by if she encounters this situation now.

After responding to Cai Minghua's request, Xia Xue turned to Qiao An and said apologetically: "Excuse me, I want to take my friend to the doctor."

At this time, Cai Minghua seemed to hang his head weakly, his eyes dribbling around, and he kept wondering why today's harem power is so weak.

Of course, Cai Minghua must not understand.

But he felt that it must have something to do with this place.

Fortunately, Xia Xue has agreed to accompany herself to the doctor. This excuse is just enough to allow herself to take Xia Xue away from this place. As long as he leaves here and waits for the power of the harem to be able to influence Xia Xue again, then he will have 10,000 A way to get Xia Xue.

But before Cai Minghua could breathe a sigh of relief, Qiao An spoke at this moment.

But seeing Qiao An staring at Xia Xue, she said to Xia Xue in a serious and sincere tone: "Xia Xia, this man is not a good thing. Everything he shows in front of you is actually wěizhuāng. I'm sure he is just No terminal illness, I advise you to check it for him."

Qiao An didn't have the patience to play the "cat and mouse" game, so she simply picked out the fact that Cai Minghua was pretending to be.

As for offending Cai Minghua or something, Qiao An didn't care at all and didn't need to take care of it.

The influence of the ‘Female Emperor’s Power’ once again suppressed the ‘Harem Power~lightnovelpub.net~. Due to this change, Xia Xue’s IQ was once again online.

"What are you? You can speak here and there."

I don't know if it was influenced by the'Female Emperor's Power', Cai Minghua actually made a brain-disabled behavior that reduced the impression score in front of Xia Xue and seemed very unreasonable.

He actually said to Qiao An unceremoniously.

And this kind of performance really shows that he has no quality.

The snow frowned slightly.

At the same time, the girl also whispered in her heart about the second time she became brain-stuffed.

Speaking of it, although Xia Xue was brought to the path of practice by the master for a short time, she also learned some methods more or less.

When Cai Minghua is ‘ill’, it’s very easy for Cai Minghua to get rid of the pain and suffering by her little means.

But Cai Minghua didn't ask him to do so, instead he asked him to take him to the doctor.

Of course, this is not what makes Xia Xuemei paper most confused.

The thing that makes Xia Xuemei's paper frown the most is why she seems to have been affected by a force twice, and her IQ has become much lower than usual?

Looking at the volatile Xia Xuemei paper on her face, Cai Minghua is really worried that this girl can use tricks to investigate her condition, because once so, her lie will turn back to be exposed.

And these few performances of myself will become like a clown, and even make girls hate themselves.

This is what Cai Minghua doesn't want to see.

So he hated Joan.

If there is no Qiao An, it can't be said that he has taken Xia Xue away from this weird place now, and once again put Xia Xue under the influence of the ‘Power of the Harem’.

The hateful Cai Minghua cursed Qiao An very viciously and wretchedly in his heart. js3v3