Rising America

Chapter 1433: You don't need to worry

Kim Hyun Tae's eyes flashed.

It can be seen that the girl cannot forget the nausea she has committed in the past.

And it proves from the side that a girl is not a born evil person, and she has kind thoughts in her heart. It's just that she couldn't help it when she did that. Now she regrets it.

Also, a good person who was framed and turned into a notorious criminal, his fate was changed abruptly in that way, and the sins were not trivial.

A man with a brilliant life was ruined just like that.

The girl's ugly face gradually became less unacceptable to Jin Xiantai, at least her heart was not distorted, and she still yearned for the light and did not fall into the darkness.

Therefore, even if he knew the girl, he was one of the evildoers at the beginning, but Kim Hyun-tae didn’t hate her. More importantly, Kim Hyun-tae knew that a large part of the reason why the girl did it in the first place was not unrelated to the power of the harem that Cai Minghua mastered. And she herself was dealt with by Cai Minghua with despicable means, and she had already paid the price.

Therefore, Kim Hyun-tae really can't hate this girl who is remorseful and ruined.

Strictly speaking, she is really not a villain.

From another perspective, she can be considered a victim.

But anyway, now the girl's destiny has a good turn.

Jin Xiantai has a way to get the girl out of the nightmare that plagued her, and it can also help her restore her appearance and lead a normal life again.

It is not very difficult for Kim Hyun Tae to do all this.

"If you can trip Cai Minghua this time, I don't know if that person can clear his grievances."

The girl and Kim Hyun Tae looked at each other and asked such a question.

Jin Xiantai nodded very seriously: "This is inevitable, if you come forward to testify, his grievance will inevitably be revealed to the world."

"That's good, this is good." The girl kept repeating this sentence, and it was obvious that she couldn't let go of the person she had framed.

"I have the technology to restore your appearance right now, but I don't want to do it yet. I need you to face the camera like this and tell the things you have personally experienced in front of the camera.

I know that this kind of reminiscence narrative will make you very painful, so here I say sorry to you first, but I need to let you know that only in such a way that shocks people can be serious. Look at this matter.

So you want to be prepared. "

Kim Hyun-tae spent his energy to find this girl, just to make her appear in front of the camera and tell the world what he had gone through.

When people look at a person with a ruined appearance, like a ghost, appearing on the TV screen and telling why they have become like this, they will inevitably be very shocked.

And what Jin Xiantai wanted was such an effect.

Only in this way can people carefully examine Cai Minghua, who has always been a genius, after being shocked, and come up with the idea of ​​revealing his true face under miànjù.

At that time, Jin Xiantai would want to see what other tricks and methods Cai Minghua could use to abuse him.

Originally, Jin Xiantai just thought Cai Minghua was a scumbag.

But as more and more information about him was collected, it was discovered that Cai Minghua was actually scumbag, which really made Jin Xiantai feel sick to him to the extreme.

So that originally, I just wanted to teach Cai Minghua a little lesson. Who made him feel evil towards Coco, so of course the father Jin Xiantai would be unhappy.

But now as I understand what kind of scumbag Cai Minghua is, and how many horrible things he has done, it has become to the extent that Jin Xiantai wants to ruin him to death before he is relieved.

If Jin Xiantai is still just like the original time and space, just an ordinary single father, maybe what he can do now is just sit in his heart and curse, or be a keyboard man on the Internet.

But after unexpectedly came to another time and space, Jin Xiantai's destiny and life have changed a lot. He has mastered staggering wealth and got to know many powerful people.

So in such a situation, when Jin Xiantai, who has the power, knew that there was a scumbag like Cai Minghua in the world, it would not be just a curse in my heart, or it would be as simple as being a keyboard man.

Speaking of which, Cai Minghua is also quite sad.

The reason why he went from being a diaosi to the new-generation young king of Xiangjiang, from nothing to a penny, and no shortage of money, is that he has a lot to do with Jin Xiantai's father.

After all, it was because Jin Xiantai and his daughter passed through the tunnel of time and space. When they entered this time and space, they brought out something and fell on Cai Minghua, which made Cai Minghua diaosi turn over.

If there were no Jin Xiantai father and daughter, then Cai Minghua must still be a diao silk now, this is an indisputable fact.

And now it is the two parties who are so involved in each other, they will have a conflict when they look at each other, and they will end up in a complete sinking of one party.

I have to say that this really makes people see some wonderful causality.

Of course, more or less this was done by Cai Minghua himself.

If it weren't for him to be too creative, such a thing would never happen if he wanted to.

If he can be honest, he will inevitably live comfortably in his small days and live his life comfortably.

However, Cai Minghua regarded himself as the protagonist of the destiny. From the moment his fate changed, he began to act unscrupulously and unscrupulously used despicable means to achieve his goals.

Maybe God couldn't pass it in the dark, which eventually caused him to meet Nuwa, and Coco, and finally provoke Jin Xiantai to start targeting him.

"Today, all these are the result of the evil causes of the past. After so many years and after so many experiences, I can still bear this." The girl looked at Jin Xiantai with serious eyes, "Don't worry, you don't need it. Worry about my problem here."

After finishing speaking, the girl reminded Jin Xiantai: "Cai Minghua’s wealth and network are definitely not comparable to you, but he has always been lucky, as if he was taken care of by God, so you must make perfect arrangements here. That's good.

At the same time, there are two girls around Cai Minghua, who are desperate to him. I am worried that Cai Minghua will use them to do some extreme things..."

After all, she used to be boy and girl friends with Cai Minghua. The girl clearly knows what kind of person Cai Minghua is. Therefore, she has a trace of concern about the reaction Cai Minghua might have.

Of course, this is also because the girl does not know what kind of situation Cai Minghua is at this stage, so she is so worried.

If she knew how bad Cai Minghua's situation is now, maybe she wouldn't think so.

More importantly, she didn't know about these people around Jin Xiantai. Picking one out was stronger than an ordinary person like Cai Minghua, and Cai Minghua could not deal with it at all.

So, her worries are really superfluous.

In any case, Cai Minghua is still an ordinary person after all.

He may bully and bully ordinary people, or those girls who are influenced by the power of the harem, but to say that he can fight against people like Jin Xiantai, this is the same thing as a fantasy.

Jin Xiantai smiled and thanked the girl for the reminder. After all, people reminded themselves to pay attention to this aspect for their own good.

But in order to make the girl feel at ease, Kim Hyun-tae still revealed a little bit to the girl, so that the girl does not have to worry too much about this aspect, so that she can focus on what to do next. .

"Don't worry, Cai Minghua can't make a comeback. Whether or not he got the love of heaven, but his reliance is really ridiculous in my eyes."

When he said this, a look of disdain flashed across Jin Xiantai's face, and this flash of disdain was seen by the girl.

The girl didn't know why Jin Xiantai had the confidence to say so.

"Mr. Jin, I still advise you not to underestimate Cai Minghua, maybe you have more wealth than him~lightnovelpub.net~ know more powerful friends, but Cai Minghua can’t look at Cai Minghua from the eyes of ordinary people. And understanding.

In these dark and painful slave life, I have not forgotten to ponder Cai Minghua. I found that Cai Minghua not only seemed to be favored by God, but also became lucky and did things smoothly.

I also found that he has a fatal attraction and yòuhuò power for women, and it can make girls lose their self and become obedient to him.

So I have to suspect that Cai Minghua is probably a monk who has practiced some witchcraft, and his witchcraft can control the girls...I was so unconsciously cooperated with him to frame the innocent man, now I think about it. I get up in a cold sweat from time to time. "

Jin Xiantai grinned, it was because of the girl's speculation and inference, although it sounded funny to him.

However, it is not unreasonable to look back and savor the girl's speculation and steps.

After all, the girls who came into contact with Cai Minghua will indeed become like **** after a period of time, which makes people feel weird and incomprehensible.

From the girl's point of view, ordinary people can't do this, obviously Cai Minghua is not an ordinary person.

Moreover, the existences in various legends in the world have now appeared in this world, and the practitioners of the evil way are not non-existent.

Who can guarantee that Cai Minghua is not one of them.

At least, in the girl's eyes.

"Things are not what you imagined. I dare to slap your **** and promise you that Cai Minghua is actually just an ordinary person, so you don't need to worry about this at all."

Jin Xiantai knows whether Cai Minghua is an ordinary person or not.

So he made a guarantee to the girl.