Rising America

Chapter 1436: I know it's weird

The matter between Qiao An and Xia Xuemei is only their personal affairs, and it will not have any influence on Jin Xiantai's plan to deal with Cai Minghua.

Even, because Qiao An met Xia Xue, he even helped solve a hidden danger.

Think about it, if Qiao An didn't meet Xia Xue.

So Xia Xue will definitely be ‘taken’ by Cai Minghua during the appointment with Cai Minghua, and then will be influenced by him to help him worship his teacher.


The teacher that Xia Xue was in was not even very powerful in the world of cultivation.

But no matter what, if Cai Minghua jumped from an ordinary person to a practitioner, this is not a good thing after all.

Therefore, the appearance of Qiao An undermined Cai Minghua's plan.

It's just that there was a little problem in the middle. For example, Qiao An gave Xia Xuemei paper to ‘sleep’, which is really a bit dumbfounding.

But in any case, this did not affect Jin Xiantai's plan.

Xia Xue is a stubborn person.

Thinking that she was'sleeping' by Qiao Ann anyway, her'first time' and her innocence were gone, so even though she was very sad, she finally had to accept this fact and told Qiao Ann to give her a chance. Let yourself and Joan try to be "friends" and get along for a while.

Xia Xue, who has a very old-school concept in her bones, really gave Qiao An an unexpected surprise.

Under this kind of surprise, Qiao An suddenly felt full of energy.

Of course, it's not enough for Xia Xue to express here, there is still another level that must be passed by her master.

But Qiao Ann felt that this was not a problem at all.

As long as Xia Xue agrees, there is no way her master can do anything, right?

------split line------

"Cai Minghua hired someone to kill me, but the killer didn’t know why he changed his mind. Instead, he sold me to a certain tribe in Africa and made me a slave. So far, I lived an inhuman life. There is no way to describe it in words, even if I remember it, I will be trembling all over..."

"My face was burned by those people. They burned my face with a burning stick and enjoyed it. They are stupid, and I am a slave. I have no way to resist."

On the TV screen, a picture of 16-year-old Wang Jiahui was posted.

The girl in the photo smiled brightly and brightly, and no one seemed to think she was a beautiful girl with bright eyes and white teeth.

But in the other half of the picture, there was a man whose appearance was ruined, and people couldn't help but let out a chill and put on like a ghost.

It's really hard for people to imagine that a beautiful girl turned into what she is now.

Therefore, many viewers in front of the TV couldn't help showing sympathy.

In the TV screen, Wang Jiahui continued to speak: "I know that many people in front of the TV will pity me now, but I don't think it is necessary. I personally think this is retribution, because I once ruined the future of a brilliant and pious man. So this is God's punishment for me, and I accept this kind of retribution."

Wang Jiahui seemed to see through the world, showing so indifferent.

Although she herself said that this was retribution and that it was punishment for her crimes, people still couldn't help feeling heartache for her.

More importantly, people heard from Wang Jiahui's words of her deep apology and repentance. This is the most important point.

It's not scary to do something wrong.

What is rare is that after doing something wrong, you can recognize the mistake and repent sincerely.

You should know that even if most people make a mistake, they will not admit it, but will quibble and even push the mistake to others.

But Wang Jiahui did not do this, and no one would say anything even if she did.

After all, she had been bewitched by Cai Minghua before she went to frame someone.

However, Wang Jiahui in the TV screen rarely mentions Cai Minghua, but keeps mentioning that she had done evil in the first place, ruining a person’s future and making him unjustly wronged, which made people treat her. Nice senses.

What's more, Wang Jiahui was brave enough to stand in front of the camera, telling the audience in front of the TV about the past, which is really rare.

In a sense, Wang Jiahui's confession was a success.

At least after telling the truth frankly, she can put aside the burden and baggage in her heart in the future. After assuming the criminal law that she has to bear in the future, she can live honestly without worrying about what will be exposed.

Of course, Wang Jiahui has not worried about these in these years, after all, her life is really difficult and painful.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Jiahui can now see it so openly.

"After this interview, I will return to Xiangjiang, surrender to the court, and bear the responsibilities I have committed. I want to clarify that person, and here I want to say "I'm sorry" to him, although I don't know him. Will you accept it, but I still have to say.

Please forgive me for my youth and ignorance, for ruining your bright future for my love, and for separating a pair of lovers who were originally good-matched lovers. All this is my sin, please forgive me.

For this, I am willing to surrender and assume all legal responsibilities. "

Wang Jiahui did not mention Cai Minghua.

But this made many people think of Cai Minghua, and hated him as the mastermind to death.

The Xiangjiang media was immediately dispatched and gathered towards Cai Minghua's house.

At this time, Cai Minghua was still asleep.

He didn't even know what was happening now.

Speaking of it, things were not going well today, Cai Minghua met Situ Feifei and Xia Xue was also in trouble. After returning home in the evening, he called Liao Ya, but Liao Ya simply refused to answer her phone.

Cai Minghua wondered, what happened to these women today?

And today, he hadn't encountered this situation at all. It really made him feel too weird.


After thinking about it, Cai Minghua didn't figure out what went wrong.

He simply stopped thinking about it.

After tossing for such a day, Cai Minghua was very tired and went to bed early.

But as soon as he fell asleep, a large group of reporters gathered outside his building. At a glance, there were hundreds of reporters.

But these reporters are here, but they can't break into the building and knock on the door of Cai Minghua's house.

So they can only gather outside the building and wait patiently, waiting for Cai Minghua to leave the building before they can catch up and conduct interviews.

So in the process of waiting, these reporters got together in twos and threes, and you exchanged what you know, some dark historical information about Cai Minghua.

To be honest, there are no secrets in this world that are really hidden.

It is impossible for Cai Minghua to hide the disgusting things from everyone.

It's just that these things haven't been exposed, because they have been suppressed by powerful people.

As the most sensitive reporters, of course, it is impossible for them to understand nothing, but to be kept silent.

Now, everyone clearly noticed something wrong.

CNN carried out a fanfare report on Cai Minghua's dark history, which was more brutal than the news released some time ago. It directly approached the person involved in'Qingshui KTV' and asked her to tell the unknown truth about the original case.

Aiming at Cai Minghua.

Obviously, Cai Minghua is going to be unlucky.

At the same time, Liao's media also released rumors, saying that it would not suppress Cai Minghua's reports. This is no less than telling everyone clearly that in the future, everyone can report on Cai Minghua's affairs.

Once the shackles were gone, the Xiangjiang reporters were quite excited.

Because Cai Minghua has too much dark history, just taking out a piece of writing can shock the people of Xiangjiang. The topic is absolutely new.

"I knew that there was a problem in that case. Now it turns out that it is the same as I guessed. It was the ghost of Cai Minghua. If it wasn't for the boss to stop me from continuing the investigation, I would find out something. "

"Who says it's not? At that time, I wrote a few manuscripts about the suspicious points of the case~lightnovelpub.net~ but they were all shot back, and my boss told me that such manuscripts could not be written. Chen Hao was a mess of this kind of manuscript, and I was still wondering why. Later I learned that it was Ms. Liao asked to do this, and there was Cai Minghua's shadow behind it."

"Oh, the public opinion of all Xiangjiang at that time was very unfavorable to Chen Hao. Everyone with a discerning eye knows that there is someone behind it, but what can we do?

Don’t forget, that some people have published several articles about the suspicious points of the case, and they also criticized Chen Hao, but didn’t all the people who wrote the articles have an accident? "

A few reporters gathered outside Cai Minghua’s house, discussing the original ‘Qingshui KTV’ case in a low voice, and everyone looked sad.

Discussions like this are also happening in other small groups temporarily formed.

"I'm very surprised, Ms. Liao loves Chen Haoai to die. Why did she suddenly change her personality and attitude after seeing Cai Minghua once? Finally she came together with Cai Minghua and became Cai Minghua My girlfriend, this is really weird."

Someone mentioned Liao Ya's puzzling transformation.

Immediately, this question was responded and echoed by the people around him.

"Yes, that is, I couldn't figure out how Ms. Liao changed so that it was incomprehensible, as if she was a different person. Since then, Ms. Liao has used her own media to help Cai Minghua not Less busy."

"Actually, there are rumors outside that girls like Ms. Liao and Situ Feifei seem to have dropped their heads, and the person who dropped their heads is Cai Minghua.

Think about it, if it weren't for the sorcery to control the girls, how could these women of the day endure sharing a man together, especially if this man is still a scumbag. "