Rising America

Chapter 1437: Wind up

As a result of watching this interview on CNN's global broadcast, all kinds of opinions and speculations among the Xiangjiang people began to rush forward, in short, all kinds of reliable and unreliable.

But let's not say it, some people really guessed the idea. Although they didn't guess the truth 100%, they were pretty reliable.

For example, some people speculate that Cai Minghua will drop his head because of this sorcery, so so many girls are surrounded by him.

Although this guess is not 100% correct, it is quite close to the truth.

Looking at the weird power of "Harem Power" from another angle, it might not be similar to the sorcery of lowering the head that can make people confused.

The only difference is that the lowering of the head requires the use of thought, but the ‘power of the harem’ is not controlled by Cai Minghua, nothing more.

Although it is said that the power of the harem is not controlled by Cai Minghua, Minghua Cai has really benefited from it, and he also enjoys the feminine fate brought by the power of the harem, and is vaguely aware that he has After this kind of power, not only did he have no restraint, on the contrary, he did what he wanted without fear.

This shows that Cai Minghua is regarded as a scum, and that is really innocent at all.

Wang Jiahui’s interview lasted one and a half hours. During this one and a half hour, under the guidance of the host, Wang Jiahui broke out many details that were not clear to people back then, even including Cai Ming when she and Cai Minghua got along. Hua was playing with some inside stories of fans outside.

Once these things were exposed, the people of Xiangjiang were dumbfounded.

It is said that there are scumbags every year, and it is not uncommon.

But everyone has never seen anything like Cai Minghua.

Comparing the reactions of the people in Xiangjiang, the reactions of the people in the Mainland are slightly better, but they are also turbulent. After all, Cai Minghua is really too scumbag.

The reaction of the people in Europe, America and other countries is not as great as the reaction of the Chinese people.

On the contrary, people in Europe and the United States look at this matter with a mindset of watching the excitement, but there are people who denounce it. After all, a man like this is scumbag, but no one can stand it.

Therefore, through this CNN program, Cai Minghua's reputation suddenly became inaudible, and with the passage of time, as well as Kim Hyun Tae and others succeeded in succession, there was obviously no way to reverse this situation.

This is just the beginning.

Playing with female fans and getting girls' stomachs forced them to have abortions. At that time, Cai Minghua had just stepped into the entertainment circle and became famous, but he had already shown a generation of scumbags.

Obviously, the outsiders do not understand these things.

Because those girls are all under the influence of the ‘harem’s power’, so let Cai Minghua do whatever they want, which is really incredible.

And these things came out of Wang Jiahui's mouth, it really made the people watching this program in front of the TV speechless to the extreme.

"At that time I was still his girlfriend. Of course, he said it was a girlfriend. In fact, he was just a person who called and went. He called me when he needed it, and he would let me leave after he was done. .

And I was really like a demon, or a muddle puppet, completely letting him manipulate me, thinking about it now is really abnormal.

But it was precisely because of a section with him at that time that I saw a lot of things that outsiders couldn't see, and I knew a lot of things that everyone didn't know. "

Through her memories, Wang Jiahui described all her feelings and some things she saw and knew when she was with Cai Minghua.

According to the memories described by Wang Jiahui, as long as a normal person can hear it, Wang Jiahui at that time was really abnormal.

Just like what Wang Jiahui herself described, she was almost thoughtless, completely controlled by Cai Minghua, completely lost herself.

And Wang Jiahui's description immediately reminded everyone of Liao Ya, Situ Feifei and other girls, because when they face the public with Cai Minghua, they can also give everyone this kind of illusion.

In other words, the girls, Liao Ya and Situ Feifei, must have been affected and controlled by some strange force just like the original Wang Jiahui. That's why they would ask Cai Minghua.

And Cai Minghua, who has become famous, has shown his girlfriends in front of the public in recent years, especially the people in Xiangjiang have seen this guy, many times with a group of girlfriends in front of the public.

And anyone who has seen Cai Minghua go shopping with his girlfriends, or eat together, vaguely feel that there is something wrong with his men and women getting along.

But what is wrong in the end, no one can tell.

In the end, everyone thought that it was a matter of one man and multiple women being together. It seemed too weird to oneself, that's why there was something wrong with it.

But when I think about it now, it doesn't seem like this at all.

For Wang Jiahui's performance, Jin Xiantai is very satisfied.

Because of her appearance and the things she said, it has completely attracted everyone's attention, and at the same time, the'Qingshui KTV' case a few years ago has re-evoked the public's memory.

It is still difficult to directly kill Cai Minghua with public opinion, so Jin Xiantai does not intend to do so. He wants to use another method to ruin Cai Minghua and lose everything he has now.

Who makes this guy's **** dirty? Always do some shit.

So the case of "Qingshui KTV" is a good starting point.

Jin Xiantai wants the victim to clear his grievances, and at the same time exposes Cai Minghua's mask of hypocrisy. In short, he must be punished.

Who made this guy so immortal, actually hit his daughter Coco on the head, and desperately wanted'Lori Nurturing', this is something that Jin Xiantai absolutely cannot tolerate.

Of course, Nuwa is also a large part of the reason.

Cai Minghua not only had disgusting thoughts about Cocoa, but more importantly, he actually wanted to use his reputation and status to treat Nuwa.

Although it didn't succeed in the end, the goods were shamelessly beaten back, using public opinion to discredit Nuwa.

So now Cai Minghua really asked for this matter.

He was just such a small thing, that is, Nuwa was too lazy to do it, or else he showed a little meaning, most of the monsters would go to Cai Minghua, and in the end he couldn't even leave any bones.

And this also gave Jin Xiantai a chance.

An opportunity to flatter Nuwa.

Don't talk about Kim Hyun-tae. After all, Nuwa is the master of his daughter's Coco, so as Coco's father, of course it's not for her daughter's good performance.

In fact, this is quite normal.

Don't you see, after a lot of children go to school, don't those parents use this or that way to compliment the school teachers overtly and secretly.

So Kim Hyun-tae's use of this to slap Nuwa's **** is really not a thing that makes people criticize.

Besides, that's Nuwa.

If this gains her favor, not only is it possible to get great benefits, but it may not be possible that Jin Xiantai himself can also follow suit.

Anyway, Kim Hyun Tae felt so.

It is not surprising that Jin Xiantai, as an "ordinary" person, would think so.

Because he also wants to "motivate".

Think about it, his daughter Coco has the power against the sky, don't you let him, a father, not be moved?

As a person, Jin Xiantai must also want to have the power of a daughter. This is not about the dignity of being a father, but a very real idea.

I watched my daughter worship the legendary Nu Wa as a master, and as long as Nu Wa can teach herself a hand or two, then she can embark on the path of practice.

Of course, Kim Hyun Tae will be moved and yearned.

May I ask, who can be unmoved?

But Jin Xiantai has also tried, and Nuwa obviously does not intend to lead Jin Xiantai on the path of practice, even if he is Coco's father.

And the little guy couldn't teach his father the power possessed by his daughter Coco, so Kim Hyun Taes had no choice but to find another way.

The appearance of Cai Minghua gave Jin Xiantai an opportunity.

That’s why he worked so hard and helped Nuwa make her debut as a celebrity. He worked tirelessly to bring Nuwa to the United States and let her participate in "Good Voice~lightnovelpub.net~" while patted his chest to ensure that Cai Minghua This scumbag saw a retribution, and this retribution would surely make Nu Wa clear her resentment.

Anyway, Kim Hyun-tae is not full of food, and there is also his purpose.

It's just that he didn't tell anyone about Jin Xiantai's purpose, including his daughter.

Kim Hyun-tae obviously didn't expect that if he had a conversation with his daughter, Coco, maybe he wouldn't need to be so troublesome.

According to the character of this little guy, Coco, isn't it easy for a father to have power? There are many ways to gain power in the ‘mystery shop’ on the underworld.

It's a pity that because of the face of being a father, Kim Hyun Tae didn't communicate this issue with his daughter, so the little guy couldn't help.

Think about it, as a father, it is really shameful to have a daughter who is less than three years old to help him gain strength.

So, it's no wonder that Jin Xiantai will silently implement his plan and use this method to silently flatter Nuwa.

We don’t have to explore Kim Hyun Tae’s mindset too much.

Let us turn our eyes back.

Wang Jiahui revealed a lot of information, but one of the most critical ones.

That is, in her case, there is another very important person, that is the guy who accepted Cai Minghua's commission to kill Wang Jiahui, but temporarily changed his mind and sold Wang Jiahui.

Speaking of which, this guy is also a scumbag.

Because it was because he sold Wang Jiahui, Wang Jiahui spent several years in Africa in a cruel and inhuman life.

And through the way of selling Wang Jiahui, people can see something. It seems that this guy is very familiar with the business people, obviously this is an veteran.

And the guy who can buy and sell people like this must also be a scum...