Rising America

Chapter 1441: Wawa, what a big tone!

In the history of the world at the end of the Ming Dynasty, besides the Empress Zetian, the second woman appeared as an emperor, and the emperor was also very young, so young that he was only less than three years old...

That's right, this is Cocoa.

Becoming an emperor is not difficult for the little guy. As long as she wants to be an emperor, she can become an emperor, which is not worth mentioning.

The problem is that others don't know the details of Coco and how strong she is, so this incident really surprised and shocked many ‘indigenous’ people.

But no matter how surprised and shocked these'indigenous people' are, it is an indisputable fact that they have ushered in a female doll emperor. Even if a large number of these'indigenous people' are very repulsive in their hearts, they have no power. What to change.

Also, Coco has millions of soldiers, and hundreds of thousands of system soldiers are desperate, and Dashun, Jurchen, Nanming, Mongolia, and Tibet have all been incorporated into their own territory by Cocoa's army. Such'Martial Arts' is enough to make people have to swallow their breath. Up.

In any case, due to the emergence of Coco, the Chinese people in this time and space have avoided the killing after Jurchen became the lord, and they have also avoided being forced to leave the ‘money rat’s tail’, and ushered in a stable and hepíng day.

And over the past three years, due to Coco's relationship, China has a lot of martial arts, as well as people from all walks of life.

In addition, Cocoa has established two factories to monitor the world.

The eagle dogs of the two factories are not easy to provoke at all, but if someone is dissatisfied with the "Emperor" and is detected by him, or is reported by someone who has bad intentions, then those who attack the "Emperor" will be dropped from the sky. They took them away and sent them to the private prisons of the two factories in Jincheng.

It has been spread among the rivers and lakes and among the people that the life in the prisons of the two factories is not easy. If you enter the prison, you will only have half your life left. The man who will be beaten by you will be tortured and turned into a mud that cannot be supported. Was completely destroyed.

Of course, these are all legends. No one has really seen the prisons of the two factories, and none of those who have seen the prisons of the two factories has been able to come out.

Therefore, even if a female emperor appears in dissatisfaction with the so-called ‘big scholars’ in the opposition, they can only suppress their dissatisfaction in their hearts and dare not disclose a little bit to outsiders, even if they are family members.

So Coco became the emperor, and it was quite smooth.

I have to mention here that in order to save himself from having to deal with court affairs, Coco obeyed Andrew's suggestion and set up the "Inner Court" and made Yuhuatian the so-called Bingbi eunuch, specializing in helping himself with the complicated daily administrative affairs.

But the little guy didn't even think about it at all. She set up the behavior of "Inner Court", but it was in line with the behavior of a "Da Faunjun".

But I want to come, even if the little guy knows it, he won't care.

You know, Yuhuatian is the ‘card character’ of the mystery store, and there is no doubt about her loyalty, so let Yuhuatian help him without worrying about anything.

As for the concerns of others, the little guy won't care.

As the chief of the inner palace of the ‘Bingbi Eunuch’, Yuhuatian is also responsible for managing the two factories, in charge of the people in the arena who take refuge in the court, and is also responsible for monitoring the world. He is simply incomparable.

Then the problem arises.

Although Coco unified China, and after the turbulence, after China unified, Haiyan Heqing is also very prosperous.

However, because Coco showed his fascination and favored eunuchs, this incident was promoted by some people, and there was a message from the people that the ‘country of destiny’ would die forever.

And part of this message has a big market.

At the same time, because of Coco's high-pressure policy on the people in the arena, most of the people in the arena who like to be free and do not want to be controlled have stood on the opposite side of the court.

For a while, the Huaxia rivers and lakes became very restless.

But fortunately, the world is unified, the wind and waves on the rivers and lakes will not affect the dominance of Cocoa, so Cocoa does not care about this small flaw, but feels that this is also quite good, at least with some fun to adjust his boring mind End of life.

You know, the little guy bought so many martial arts master cards from the mysterious store, and released the characters in the cards into the world, isn't it just hope that their appearance can bring a little excitement to him.

Therefore, these problems appearing on the rivers and lakes are just right for Cocoa.

On the second day of his enthronement, Coco announced that he would not go to court for a period of time. All things would be handled by Andrew, the "General of the Universe". Coco himself took Keira, the "General of the Universe", and the chief of the inner court Yu. The three of Huatian and his party secretly left the palace and embarked on a strange journey.

See you!

During this period, if someone from the rivers and lakes who couldn't open their eyes met Coco and offended her, it would be considered **** mildew.

Don't forget, Coco is no ordinary kid.

Those so-called "high come, high go" quack and lake masters are not even a fart here for the little guy.

And the little guy’s "Journey to the Rivers and Lakes" this time is also with the mentality of having fun and traveling in the mountains and rivers, but it is not aimed at those in the rivers and lakes, so as long as the unlucky guys do not open their eyes to provoke Coco, want to come to Coco There will not be many storms in the arena.

It's just that, most of the time, many things cannot be transferred by one person's will...

Riding a tall horse, with two short blades pinned to the left and right of the waist, dressed in tight-fitting shorts, and wearing a certain hat of cocoa on his head, and Yuhuatian dressed as a scholar, Kayla in the appearance of a little maid, and A kind of masters of the two factories and rivers and lakes who look like family members, riding horses on the mountain path leading to Huashan.

Coco originally planned to take Yuhuatian and Kayla out to walk the rivers and lakes, but in the end he couldn't help Andrew's nagging, so he took a group of 50 or 60 guards from the two factories.

And Andrew persuaded Coco to bring a security guard, instead of using ‘safety’ as an excuse, instead he used ‘bring a dog leg to make a show’ to impress the little guy.

Also, with Coco's power against the sky, can anyone in this world threaten her?

Obviously, such a person is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, the safety of cocoa must not be used or worried about.

But as an'uncle' Andrew, even though he knew this truth, he still persuaded the little guy to bring dozens of two-factory eagle dogs with him based on the safety of the better.

Speaking of it, this is also an expression of Andrew treating cocoa as his family.

If it weren't for cocoa as his family, Andrew would never worry about it.

It's just that Andrew himself is still not clear about his mentality.

One of the two eagle dogs has to be mentioned, that is, he defected to her in the early days of Coco, and made a ‘city management’ Zuo Lengchan in the capital.

By coincidence, Coco went out shopping and met Yue Buqun, who was doing art. At that time, Zuo Lengchan, who was a street patrolman, clashed with Yue Buqun because he did not pay market management fees. Fought.

It is precisely because of this relationship that Zuo Lengchan was Yuhua Tianxiangzhong, and then bid farewell to his'urban management' career, entered the Xichang Fanzi among the two factories, and in a short time with some achievements, is now Yuhua Tian Zhen'er, as the leader of the West Factory, has realized the miracle from a river and lake diaosi to the pinnacle of life. Now it is almost time to marry a Bai Fumei.

The team of Jinyiwei in the East Factory is managed by Yuhuatian himself.

It can be said that Yuhuatian and Zuo Lengchan are now the two imperial thugs under Cocoa's command that specialize in'wet work'.

Although the establishment of the inner court, the organization of the two factories was also condemned by the people and the so-called big scholars.

But Coco himself thought it was fun.

It also demonstrates his power and style, and at the same time can show that he is a qualified daddy temperament.

Yes, the little guy lived with the mentality of being a dude in the world at the end of Ming Dynasty.

In short, Coco would not take this world seriously. Anyway, for Coco, this world is nothing more than a ‘place’ for cocoa and play. Of course, she would not care too much in the past.

"I heard that Yangzhou is fun, isn't it?"

While riding the horse, Coco summoned Zuo Lengchan and asked him about the affairs of Yangzhou.

The little guy came out this time, but wanted to go and play around~lightnovelpub.net~ and Yangzhou, Jinling, Hangzhou, these places I heard are very good, so Cocoa should want to take a look .

After all, many people say that these places are fun, and how can this not let Cocoa, who is at this age, like playing.

It’s just that the little guy doesn’t know. The ‘fun’ she heard from others has nothing to do with the ‘fun’ she thinks.

Others say that Yangzhou is fun, because there are so many thin Yangzhou horses.

Jinling is because of the land of fireworks that makes people forget to return.

The same is true in Hangzhou!

But the little guy thought that these places, as he thought, had many delicious and fun things.

Zuo Lengchan didn't think much about it at this time. He rode on the horse and replied respectfully: "As the saying goes, riding a crane down to Yangzhou, these places are definitely fun."

Coco felt very satisfied with Zuo Lengchan's dáàn.

"Let's go to Huashan to meet this guy Yue Buqun, and then go to Yangzhou. I want to see how fun it is there."

Seeing that the little guy went to Yangzhou, his heart became more and more determined.

At this time, Keira came to Coco’s horse and asked: "Boss, this time we go to Huashan to find Yue Buqun. If this guy still doesn’t agree to join the West Factory, then we should give him a taste. ?"

Hearing this, Coco nodded without even thinking about it: "Of course! Who does he think he is? If he doesn't agree this time, you will beat him to me until I agree."

But before Coco's words fell, he heard a sound from the mountain road.

"Baby! What a big tone, you are not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue!"


The sound suddenly sounded, and in a flash, Yu Huatian and Zuo Lengchan, as well as the accompanying Dongchang Jinyiwei, and the Xichang Jianghu masters were on alert.