Rising America

Chapter 1444: Oooh, the immortal world is a waver

The so-called ‘United Nations Anti-Drug Administration’ director is basically Andrew, who has changed his voice. He completely imitated the trick of fraud and applied it to Cai Minghua.

In order to increase the success rate, Andri did not hesitate to use nano-thinking to impact the robot, so Cai Minghua could not be caught.

It's no wonder that Cai Minghua showed that kind of brainless state, looking like a brain disabled person.

After all, as an ordinary person, he really has no way to avoid the influence of alien technology. It is ridiculous that he thought he was some kind of ‘man of destiny’.

If he is really a ‘man of destiny’, how can he be played like a monkey now?

You know, as long as he really has the life of the protagonist, then he will definitely not become the current brain-depleted appearance, because when every protagonist encounters a difficult situation, either a grandfather will appear or a confidant will jump out. help.

But look at Cai Minghua now, is there such a person next to him?

Obviously, this guy is the protagonist of Destiny.

"Huh! I want to take away my young master's money so easily. There is no such truth in the world. I don't believe in the so-called causal cycle of practitioners. Anyway, if you want to take away the young master's money, you won't work. To get the money back in this way, but also to make you unable to connect this matter to the young master. I am really a genius, Andrew."

Andrew muttered in a low voice, and narcissistically said that he was a genius, these words made people listen to it very funny.

On the coffee table in front of Andrew, there is a virtual projection. It is Cai Minghua's figure that appears in the projection screen. It can be seen that Andrew is observing Cai Minghua's reaction in his own way and is in control of everything about him.

Kim Hyun Tae is not at home. As the days of service are getting closer, he is getting busier now, and he has to go to the service camps in the Los Angeles area for training every day.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai now spends a short time at home.

This is also the main reason why Coco can go to other worlds to play without restraint, without worrying about his father.

In Coco's view, as long as his father served in the military, then he could "herd the sheep", which made the little guy quite happy and excited.

As for Nuwa's affairs, everything went well.

Because of Jin Xiantai's backing and the help of nn public opinion, Nuwa has now become popular in Europe and America through "Good Voice". It has a lot of popularity among young people and has gained a large number of fans.

And these fans who admired her began to tígòng a lot of the power of belief for her every day, making Nuwa, who had not gained faith for a long time, excited.

And the "Good Voice" competition has come to an end, and Nuwa has also entered the semi-finals. Now the public opinion all over the world is hyping Nuwa's'personal inspirational' story, taking her as an'orphan', as well as when she was in school. What kind of eagerness is for a "student tyrant", turned over and adjusted the report.

The Huaxia side is even more sensational. After all, Nuwa has achieved dazzling results in "The Voice" as a Chinese, how can this not be exciting.

Yanhuang Entertainment has begun to show off to the outside world, saying that Nuwa will return to China soon, and then sign a contract under its own company, and the company will work hard to build Nuwa and make her an international superstar Yunyun.

Of course, there are many other entertainment companies like Yanhuang Entertainment, and they are basically too small to count.

Who made Nuwa show unparalleled potential in "Good Voice" and showed people her talent and strength like a superstar.

Comparable to the singing voices and voices of the three major singers, the high notes that are difficult for Chinese to sing are not a problem for Nuwa. This perfectly explains that Nuwa is a girl with the ability to become an international superstar.

So although she has not yet returned to China, she has become a sweet potato in the eyes of major entertainment and economic companies. Everyone hopes to sign Nuwa to their own company.

More importantly, although Nu Wa hasn't made her debut yet, she is still not a real singer, but through the program "Good Voice", she has gathered countless fans for herself.

Therefore, signing with Nuwa, she will not only come to the company by herself, but will also bring a huge fan base, which is a very precious intangible wealth.

Just imagine, any singer who signed a contract with a huge fan base?

And what are "fans"? They are gold mines that walk one by one!

Crazy fans are willing to spend money for their idols, so every fan represents wealth and interests.

In particular, Nuwa is different from other stars in that she has fans all over the world and she is also a young man with strong spending power.

Combining all the above factors, of course Nuwa will become a sweet potato.

This is really not a strange thing.

Of course, Nuwa's participation in The Good Voice in the United States not only attracted the attention of ordinary people and entertainment economic companies, but also attracted the attention of practitioners and immortals.

As a Nuwa who exists at the level of the "Sage" in the fairy world, it is absolutely impossible for her to go to the United States to participate in "The Voice" because she is greedy for freshness and fun. No one will believe it when she says this.

Therefore, those people in the spiritual world and the immortal world began to speculate about what Nu Wa did this for?

But soon, a message began to circulate in the spiritual world and the fairy world.

No one knows where this news spread.

But the content implicit in this news really made the spiritual world and the immortal world, especially those who need faith in the immortal world, boiled in their hearts.

There are many lack of faith.

Although they have now returned, they have also discovered that although the people of the century are afraid of their existence in these myths and legends, it is difficult for them to believe in themselves and to believe in themselves.

It's really because the modern human mind is too complicated, and it is far from the simple mind of the past.

So this discovery really made the existences in these myths and legends speechless to the extreme.

So using the old methods of the past to make everyone believe in themselves obviously won't work.

Therefore, the wise among them began to find and open up a new way and way, hoping that they could fit the people of the century, and then get faith from them.

Nuwa is obviously one of such smart people, and she has really achieved success.

Although being an idol singer as a ‘sage’, it’s really surprising.

But it is undeniable that Nu Wa succeeded.

In this way, she really opened up a source of faith for herself, so that she could once again have faith and become strong.

Therefore, as soon as the example of Nüwa appeared, the hearts of the immortal world suddenly floated.

But because they can’t think of a good way, many people plan to mix in the entertainment circle like Nv Wa, and Xue Nv Wa gathers faith for themselves through fans.

Therefore, a lot of handsome men suddenly appeared in the world, as well as various types of middle-aged and old handsome men. They chose a different entertainment agency and entered all walks of life in the entertainment industry.

The appearance and joining of these people has caused people in the entertainment industry to exclaim that China Entertainment will take off...

In short, being engaged in such a way by Nuwa, China Entertainment's career is indeed promising.

But there are also many people who don't want to learn from Nüwa. They want to find a way of their own, a source of faith that they have opened up.

People such as the master of elucidation, the old man of Tusita, and the master of the sect who lost the battle of the gods, they all don't want to go to study Nuwa.

There are many reasons why they don't want to learn from Nuwa and enter the entertainment industry.

But the key is that they also exist as the ‘Holy’ level, and they can’t hold back their face to learn, because it’s very faceless.

At the same time, studying Nüwa and mixing in the entertainment industry is equivalent to enjoying Nüwa's well-being, which is a matter of great cause and effect.

After all, the way that the mixed entertainment industry gathers fans to gain faith is a way that Nüwa opened up. The latecomers are equivalent to accepting the benefits of Nüwa's path, and there is bound to be cause and effect.

Therefore, the higher the level of Dana, the less they will be like ordinary gods. They need to use their own methods to open up their own sources of faith.

In fact, several major ‘sage’ levels have already started doing this kind of thing, but Nuwa was the first to succeed.

Although high-level experts will not take the path that Nuwa has already taken, they have seen a little bit worth learning from Nuwa's successful model.

This is very important.

Because this gives them experience worthy of reference, let them know what they are still lacking~lightnovelpub.net~ First of all, you must rest assured that you can enter the world with a normal heart, and you can't always hold yourself Fairy shelf.

At the same time, I have to be willing to show my face and make myself fully fit into the society of the next century.

This is exactly what Nuwa did, and it was successful.

Therefore, Yuan Yuan, Laojun, and Tongtian figured it out, and after they figured it out, they came out one after another.

"Blade of Heroic Soul" is very popular in different time and space, and it can be regarded as a global online game.

Therefore, this popular new online game has inevitably spawned many teams, and these teams also have a large number of fans.

A fat man saw this and formed a heroic team by himself. The name of the team was "Proud Fatty". With the battles, the fat man led the team to emerge in the game industry and really gained a lot of support. Teng and fans support.

In addition to this fat man, in Huaxia Capital, a language technology school called "Lan Xiang" was established and began to recruit a large number of students.

The purpose of this school is to help students improve their kǎoshì grades, and to help people who intend to take tuōfú to go abroad to learn foreign languages ​​in a short time.

At the same time, this school also has various courses, even courses such as chefs and excavators are taught.

At the same time, a fitness exercise with a health-preserving effect began to spread throughout China. It gathered a large number of middle-aged and elderly practitioners in a very short time, and it became the second type that attracted a large number of middle-aged and middle-aged practitioners. A large group huódòng where the elderly collectively participate.

Even places like Wuguanzhuang and Gaolaozhuang have launched their own so-called ‘high-yield food’ technology learning technology park. People from all walks of life are welcome to come and learn...