Rising America

Chapter 1445: All busy

Nuwa has returned to Los Angeles from New York, because the finals will be held in Los Angeles.

And Nuwa, who returned to Los Angeles, learned from the gene-man maid at Kim Hyun Tae’s residence that Kim Hyun Tae was very busy recently. She had to report to the military camp outside Los Angeles every day to conduct pre-service officer training, so she stopped wanting See Kim Hyun Tae's thoughts.

But Nuwa missed her little apprentice Coco very much.

It's just that she didn't see Coco here at the mansion. After all, the little guy'herd the sheep' during this time, so she rarely stayed at home.

Fortunately, Nuwa knows her little apprentice very well, so when she sees that Coco is not at home, she knows that her good apprentice must have gone crazy again.

After the top four players of "Good Voice" returned to Los Angeles from New York, the players were given three days off. During these three days, they could continue training or rest at home. In short, they were completely free for these three days.

And because the "Good Voice" competition entered the final juncture, and Nuwa did not want to let the outside world see through her relationship with Kim Hyun Tae, she did not live in Kim Hyun Tae's mansion, but was recognized by the "Good Voice" "The film crew was arranged in a five-star hotel on the Avenue of Stars, also under the name of the Whiston Enterprise.

Basically, some program groups on cnn, whether it is shooting variety shows or TV series, will choose the Whiston Hotel whenever necessary.

According to Kim Hyun-tae, this is called ‘fat water does not flow into the field of outsiders’. Anyway, Annie is also her nominal wife, a woman who has obtained a certificate with her in different time and space.

So since you live everywhere and you spend money where you live, it’s not as cheap as your own family.

Kim Hyun-tae has been busy recently, and Annie is not busy.

The construction of the Nevada oil field has come to an end. With the support of Annie's large amount of banknotes, the construction of the oil field can basically be described as "fast" at all.

The oilfield construction project that originally required time-consuming, due to abundant financial support, Annie recruited hundreds of engineering teams to start the construction at the same time, which greatly reduced the project schedule.

And the huge benefits that can be foreseen in the Nevada oil field will inevitably attract the attention of major oil companies, prompting them to find them one by one.

At the very beginning, Anne didn't care about these guys at all, so this offended the oil companies and prompted them to start looking for trouble in other areas in order to get Anne to submit.

For example, when Kim Hyun-tae was originally working on the logistics network, these oil companies were looking for faults behind the scenes, so that the matter was affected, and development even came to a standstill.

This kind of thing in the business field is not excessive, as long as there is sufficient profit-driven, more dirty and wasteful methods than this kind of thing, those oil companies can also do it.

At this moment, it is nothing more than pediatrics.

In fact, Annie also thought about her rejection of those oil companies, which would trigger them to play tricks behind her back, and she also made some preparations for this.

It's just that Annie didn't expect that those guys actually targeted Jin Xiantai and went to trouble him.

This made Annie feel a little bit sad, and because of the problem of Kim Hyun Tae, she gradually extinguished her thoughts of confronting those oil companies.

To be honest, Annie is not afraid of confronting those guys at all. Everyone is rich and who is afraid of whom.

Besides, everyone is still Jewish.

Annie is not a woman who has never seen a big scene, and even for profit, she has done some very cold-blooded things, so she is not that kind of weak little woman.

Just from the fact that she sold arms to both sides at the same time during the Iran-Iraq War, we can see that she is not an ordinary woman.

But things often have exceptions.

When a woman like Anne, if she falls in love and has a favorite àirén, she will become different, she will no longer be so calm and sensible and cold-blooded.

And those oil companies took action against Kim Hyun Tae's logistics plan, which hit Annie's "seven inches" and suddenly made Annie had to change his response plan.

Under the influence of the mysterious power, Annie really loves Kim Hyun Tae, so she does not want to let Kim Hyun Tae's logistics plan be affected by her stubbornness.

It’s nothing more than some issues of interest. Annie felt that it was not impossible to talk to those oil companies. The reason why Annie was reluctant to talk about it at first was because she really knew the predators behind these oil companies too well. How greedy.

In addition, Annie herself is also of Jewish descent, and she puts a lot of emphasis on interests in her bones, and believes in the principle of exclusive interests.

Therefore, at that time, what she was thinking about was that she, Jin Xiantai and Coco, completely monopolized the interest of the Nevada oil field, and did not want to share it with others.

Besides, it is not clear to outsiders how the underground oil in the Nevada oil field came from, but how could Annie not know.

This is thanks to the blessing of the little guy Coco.

If it weren't for cocoa, where would there be some oil in the Nevada desert?

So why should the benefit of the oil obtained by my family be given to others!

This is Annie's early thoughts.

But with the passage of time, and those oil companies took action on Kim Hyun Tae's logistics plan, this prompted Annie to change this mentality.

And Annie, who fell in love with Kim Hyun Tae, is indeed less ‘stubborn’ than before, and has a little bit more feminine softness and scruples.

If Anne was still single, if she encountered such a thing, she would have to use a thousand ways to find her place.

But now she would not do this.

Because there are people with scruples in my heart.

But in this way, Anne was still very unwilling to give up the interests of the Nevada oil field, and it was really impossible.

Because Annie is very clear that this oil field in Nevada is theoretically a large oil field that will never be exhausted, and the benefits contained in it are not at all.

After all, Cocoa masters countless plane worlds. As long as those worlds have oil, they can guarantee that this oil field will not be exhausted.

So of an oil field like this, Anne of course would not be so brain-headed to give up the benefits to other people. You must know that the shares of this oil field, even the old George, an acquaintance, Anne did not give it.

But those oil companies also need to come up with a way to dismiss them, and save these guys who will continue to find trouble in the future, especially with Jin Xiantai.

In general, Annie's attitude softened, and all this was just scrupulous about Jin Xiantai.

Otherwise, Annie will definitely fight these oil companies to the end, and will not be soft on these guys at all.

And Annie was Annie, and she soon thought of a way.

At the same time, Annie is not a bad temper. Since those oil companies want to take away some of the benefits and benefits from her, she must also make these guys pay a certain price.

Everyone is a businessman, and it is impossible to do anything at a loss.

In particular, Annie is also a qualified capitalist, a Jewish businessman, and she will not do business at a loss.

Therefore, the efforts of oil companies to help Jin Xiantai win the "Federal Logistics" and make his logistics network plan smoother, which became a price adjustment proposed by Annie.

Annie’s benefits are the 1.2 billion barrels of crude oil that is lower than the market price per year, and the abandonment of the construction of crude oil refining and the land transportation of crude oil as a weight, and finally reached an agreement with the seven major oil companies. He also kept the shares of Nevada Oilfield and kept these shares in his own, Jin Xiantai, and Cocoa's hands.

Of course, this time is considered to be the seven major oil companies, a reminder to Annie, a newcomer in the oil industry, after all, no one wants to join a newcomer in this circle, so such suppression is normal.

Maintaining a monopoly is something the seven major oil companies must do.

In particular, Annie, an oil newcomer, is different from ordinary businessmen. She has huge funds in her hands. If she doesn't pay attention, she will really get into this circle and get a big cake.

Such things are unwilling to see the seven major oil companies.

Therefore, suppressing and restricting the Nevada oil field has become a very necessary thing.

At the same time, the oil extracted from the Nevada oil field must also be in the hands of the seven major companies.

But the seven major oil companies have not counted thousands of calculations. The oil owned by the Nevada oil field, not to mention the annual production of 1.2 billion barrels, can be mined even if it doubles.

In other words, the daily production of 4 million barrels of crude oil is not a problem at all for the Nevada oil field~lightnovelpub.net~ In another time and space, the daily production of 4 million barrels of crude oil is the national daily output of a small Arab country, and this It's already incredible.

Switching to different time and space, since the Nevada oil field is only an oil field discovered in one state, the seven major oil companies did not think too much. According to their own estimates, 1.2 billion barrels a year and 4 million barrels of crude oil per day are already produced. At the limit of the Nevada oil field, there can be no more output.

At the same time, Annie's abandonment of the business of crude oil refining is tantamount to abandoning the deeper business circle involved in oil. So just the Nevada Oilfield and Annie who mastered crude oil extraction is not too worrying.

You know, crude oil is mined, and only by refining it can be sold at higher prices. At the same time, there are transportation and other businesses.

These links are indispensable if you want to be bigger.

Therefore, they will finally reach an agreement with Annie.

Because the seven major oil companies feel that 1.2 billion barrels of dījià crude oil a year are enough to allow them to control the source of Nevada’s oil, grasp the amount of crude oil in their own hands, and restrict An’s involvement in crude oil refining and transportation. Will protect their own interests.

So what is there to worry about?

But they didn’t want to fall. The Nevada oil field cannot be inferred and estimated by common sense at all, because the oil resources contained in this desert come from another plane of the world, which is so huge. Staggering.

And although Annie gave up getting involved in crude oil refining, land transportation, these deep links, she still controls the shipping business.

So Annie put a little bit on this issue.

It can be seen that as a Jewish capitalist, men and women are not friendly...js3v3