Rising America

Chapter 1447: I hate men, especially scumbags

Hong Kong High Court.

The team of lawyers who arranged for Jin Xiantai to arrive in Xiangjiang has already questioned the case of'Qingshui KTV' several years ago, and forced the case to be re-trialed under the turbulent public opinion. Generally speaking, this matter is not the same for Cai Minghua. A good thing.

As the ‘suspect’ in the lawsuit by the lawyers’ group, Cai Minghua inevitably appeared in the High Court, which made Cai Minghua very upset but unable to escape.

At this moment, Cai Minghua can see it even if he is stupid. The people behind this group of lawyers are obviously trying to knock him to the ground with a stick, and he will sink forever.

Damn William King!

Cai Minghua is really a curse in my heart. If the mind can do it, then Jin Xiantai now estimates that he will be broken into pieces.

Cai Minghua is not a fool, how could he still be ignorant at this moment, he already knew that Jin Xiantai was going to kill himself.

It's just that Cai Minghua can't figure out why he has to get mad with himself, a ‘little man’, even using such a method.

This really makes Cai Minghua confused and can't figure it out.

But regardless of whether Cai Minghua can figure out the joints, the situation is now beyond his control. Even when Kim Hyun-tae is doing this now, he seems to have failed to see the meaning of relaxation. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is going to break Cai Minghua. Rhythm.

Cai Minghua has already terminated the contract with him at the contracting company. For this reason, Cai Minghua has compensated him with a large amount of liquidated damages in order not to participate in this trouble.

You know, if you don’t terminate the contract with Cai Minghua, then Cai Minghua will still be an artist under the company. As a company, you must conduct public opinion public relations at this time and use all your relationships to help Cai Minghua.

But facing the behemoth cnn, as well as the company's senior executives signed by the wealthy Jin Xiantai and Cai Minghua, really can't give birth to any thoughts of confronting them.

And they also saw what Jin Xiantai meant to destroy Cai Minghua, so in such a situation, breaking the relationship with Cai Minghua became a correct choice.

Kim Hyun-tae has money and people, and public opinion is not weak. Although Cai Minghua’s Hong Kong Economic Company is the largest in the local area, it really does not have the strength to fight against Kim Hyun-tae.

Since the strength is not enough, then you can only admit it, there is no reason to hesitate.

Besides, Cai Minghua himself is indeed a bit discomforting. Over the years, the company has helped him do some horrible things of ‘wiping his butt’, so it is clear what kind of big trouble Cai Minghua is.

Then think about it. When a ‘big guy’ like Jin Xiantai wants to team Cai Minghua, he must have mastered a lot of conclusive black materials.

Considering this point, who can't know, Cai Minghua at this moment is no longer guaranteed, so abandoning him has become an inevitable choice.

This is really nothing surprising.

What about the little kings and talents in the music world?

In the face of people with strong capital, public opinion, and great influence like Jin Xiantai, Cai Minghua is really a little shrimp.

As for how Cai Minghua offended Jin Xiantae, so much so that Jin Xiantae wanted to play him this way, this is no longer a matter of consideration.

The economic company, some friends in the circle who usually call brothers and sisters, all stayed away from Cai Minghua overnight. It really made Cai Minghua feel the heat of the world.

However, Cai Minghua didn't just fall into this situation.

After all, Cai Minghua knows what kind of "reliance" he has, so even at this time, he still feels that he can solve the current crisis.

"Huh! A group of powerful villains! After I get through this crisis and solve the current troubles, let's see how I will clean up you!"

When he came to the court, Cai Minghua, who was going to be asked about something as a suspect for a while, sat on a bench in the hallway of the court and angrily turned off his cell phone thinking about the busy tone.

For several hours, he kept calling the people he could contact, but none of these guys were willing to answer his own phone.

Even if someone answered the phone, it was just to tell yourself something like ‘termination’.

It can be said that in a short period of time, Cai Minghua was abandoned by all relationships, and now he has become a lonely man.

At the same time, this also shows that no one is optimistic about his next ending.

Those friends who used to be friends, friends, friends, can't get in touch at this moment, which makes Cai Minghua extremely unhappy.

You know, when you haven’t gotten into this trouble right now, those guys will contact you all day long, but now these guys seem to have disappeared from the world all of a sudden, obviously they are hiding from themselves, watching It looks like a plague.

Just now, Cai Minghua called a dogleg ‘friend’, but the other party did not answer it several times. This is very telling.

The other party is not busy, and simply doesn't answer his own phone.

How could Cai Minghua bear such a thing.

But then again, even though Cai Minghua is in trouble now, not everyone in his relationship will abandon him at this time, especially his friends.

Those guys who ate him and drank him can still use Cai Minghua's name to tease his sister outside. To be honest, if Cai Minghua needs it at this time, they can more or less show up beside him to comfort him.

But why is there such a situation now?

Among them, I will talk about Joan's actions.

Cai Minghua must be overwhelmed here. The lawyer team used the case of'Qingshui KTV' to completely involve Cai Minghua's energy.

But just to uncover the truth of the'Qingshui KTV' case is far from enough for Kim Hyun-tae. Moreover, the bad things Cai Minghua did are not just one thing, there are many more.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai intends to use this opportunity to reveal all the dirty things that Cai Minghua has done, to expose his true face to the public, so that everyone can see what the real Cai Minghua is. Kind of person.

And this kind of method can make Cai Minghua completely unable to turn over, and also eliminates other ways. Anyone who wants to do something in the future will have to weigh it.

In the end, Cai Minghua had only one way to go begging.

In order to achieve this goal, Qiao An has started relevant actions.

All of Cai Minghua's friends, friends, and friends have already fallen into Qiao An's hands, and a large group of bad breeds have been secretly imprisoned somewhere.

It is true that Qiao Ann violated the law by doing so.

But in Qiao An's opinion, is there so much scrupulousness to deal with scum?

Those scumbags that Cai Minghua did, and the scumbags who fell into Qiao'an's hands all know the inside story well, and know that many of them are the parties involved.

So what Qiao An has to do is to pry open the mouths of these bad species, get the key information he wants from them, and let them become other weights that Cai Minghua will never stand over.

As these bad seeds fell into Qiao An's hands, Cai Minghua also contacted many of these friends, so they were already involuntarily at this moment.

As for how Qiao An would pry open the mouths of these guys and get the information he wanted from them, there was no need to worry about it.

Using Qiao'an's method, it is not difficult to pry open these guys' mouths.

Don't forget, Qiao An is one of the generals of the Seven Seas under Anne's command. He is a person with a mutant godhead, so how can he not deal with these ordinary people right now.

To tell the truth, Joan has 10,000 ways to get these guys to talk. It's really not difficult.

"Cai Minghua called you again. It seems that now he really needs you by his side to give him a little comfort." Standing in the shadow, Qiao An glanced over kneeling on the concrete floor not far away. The scumbags with their hands tied back and their mouths stuffed with stinky socks or dirty rags swept away. "I can basically foresee now that Cai Minghua's network is collapsing, and many smart people have chosen to draw a line with him."

Regarding Cai Minghua's current situation, Qiao An can infer one or two without asking, so she is quite confident in what she said.

Da da! Da da!

After talking, Qiao An walked towards the scumbags, and the high heels under his feet touched the ground, making a ‘da da’ sound, echoing in this abandoned warehouse.

A genetic female bodyguard followed Qiao An with a camera in his hand, and pointed the camera at the panicked, fearful and disturbed scum.

"Come on~lightnovelpub.net~Which one of you will speak first? I need to remind you that, generally speaking, the first person to cooperate will have some small benefits and benefits."

Qiao An looked at the scum with a smile and said.

Most of the scumbags lowered their heads, obviously not wanting to be a ‘traitor’. The reaction of these people made Qiao An a little funny.

Obviously they are scumbags who have committed a lot of ugly evils, but at such a time, they still want to show their loyalty, which really makes Qiao An feel funny.

Of course, Qiao An felt that they were not talking about loyalty, but rather because they felt shameless, that's why they resisted this little bit.

At the same time, these people have not tasted their own methods.

Qiao An believes that as long as he chooses a hapless person and uses him as an example to use his own methods, these scumbags who seem to be talking about loyalty will immediately compromise.

So Qiao Ann is not in a hurry.

"It’s time 1, 2, and 3. You missed my opportunity and rejected my kindness. This makes me very sad, and it hurts me such a big beauty, you must pay a little price. Really, A little price."

Looking back, Qiao Ann snapped his fingers.

Soon, a genetic female bodyguard ‘cangdang! Kang Dang pushed a hospital rack and walked over, with various medical equipment on it.

Qiao An picked up a scalpel casually, and his expression suddenly became very gloomy. It seemed that he could even scare the children and stare at the scumbags and said: "Actually, I hate men, since I was a child, especially among men. Those scum, because scum can harm many girls and give them a nightmare that they will linger in their entire lives, and you happen to be such a male scum, and accidentally fell into my hands... hehe... …"