Rising America

Chapter 1450: Deeply disturbed

"Mr. Cai, it's time for you to go to court."

More than ten minutes passed, and Situ Feifei did not answer her diànhuà, which made Cai Minghua sluggish.

To be honest, he couldn't figure it out. How could the two girls who were given high hopes now make him a little confused?

But now there is no time for him to explore this issue.

The court side is ready, now he needs to appear.

In desperation, Cai Minghua had to press the doubt to the bottom of his heart, and then cooperated to walk into the court.

Today, he was summoned to the court. The defendant was told that there were some things that needed to be explained. It was only just now that he knew that he was going to do this in court.

To be honest, this made Cai Minghua very uncomfortable.

You know, this was a bit too sudden, so suddenly that he didn't even prepare for it.

If he knew that he was going to appear in court today, how could he hire a lawyer by his side.

Fortunately, Cai Minghua is not stupid. He had already contacted a lawyer from a law firm just now when he called diànhuà in the corridor, and asked the other party to come to the court to meet him now.

There were a lot of people in the courtroom, and Cai Minghua took a deep breath, trying to make himself look as normal as possible.

But in fact, Cai Minghua has this very heavy pressure in his heart.

After all, he has a ghost in his heart.

Although Cai Minghua asked himself about Chen Hao, what he did was foolproof, and he also issued shìpín evidence.

But the fact that Wang Jiahui was still alive caused some uncontrollable changes in this matter.

Of course, the little Wang Jiahui can't afford to turn a big wave.

At least Cai Minghua feels so.

Besides Wang Jiahui, what worries Cai Minghua the most is the shāshǒu who was hired by him to kill Wang Jiahui. Only that guy made Cai Minghua a big change.

Although this guy can't let himself be involved in Chen Hao's case, Go will completely involve himself in Wang Jiahui, making himself the main messenger behind the murderer shārén.

Once this happens, people can't help but ask, why should they buy a murderer to kill Wang Jiahui?

That is, if you cooperate with the information disclosed by Wang Jiahui, everyone will believe in Wang Jiahui even more, so Cai Minghua does not want this to happen.

Fortunately, Cai Minghua has already prepared.

When he appeared in court, the head-down teacher he had invited from Nanyang had already started to act according to his own requirements, and was preparing to resolve the shāshǒu who had gone to treasure island on this day.

As long as that guy hiccups and the police can't find any clues, then this matter has a lot of room for change.

Even Cai Minghua himself has prepared a set of rhetoric specifically to deal with Wang Jiahui.


It's strange that the police officers can find clues by the method of the lower head division.

Cai Minghua walked on the passage of the court, secretly proud of it.

"I swear that everything that is said in the court is true, there is no slightest falsehood..."

All the members of the barrister group that Qiao An brought from the United States focused on Cai Minghua, and their eyes were very playful.

At the same time, many people took out the shèxiàng equipment and began to shoot Cai Minghua.

I'll take it!

There are so many journalists and media!

I thought it was just an ordinary summons, but the current situation made Cai Minghua feel a little bad.

After taking the oath as usual, Cai Minghua went to the witness stand and took a seat.

This made Cai Minghua couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as he is not sitting in the suspect's position, this is a good thing.

But is this really the case?

Just when Cai Minghua breathed a sigh of relief, one of the lawyers from the barrister corps stood up and submitted a shìpín evidence to the court.

Then the lawyer went to Cai Minghua's witness box and began to ask Cai Minghua some questions.

"At the beginning you submitted a shìpín evidence to the court. According to our understanding, the content shown in the shìpín evidence is the proof of Chen Hao's crime, right?"

Cai Minghua nodded: "That's right."

The lawyer continued to ask: "Then why did you submit the shìpín evidence instead of someone from KTV?"

Cai Minghua looked suffocated, but he recovered quickly and replied: "It's not considered to be submitted by me. I just forwarded it on behalf of KTV."

Lawyer: "Then, according to your statement, when did KTV entrust you with this shìpín evidence?"

Cai Minghua: "I remember it clearly before the court session that day."

The lawyer turned and walked to the presiding judge of the court. "Cai Minghua lied. We asked the people from KTV and the boss who ran KTV at the time. They said that on the day Chen Hao committed the crime, jiānkòngshìpín was taken away by Cai Minghua himself. It's not what Cai Minghua said, it was the shìpín evidence that someone from KTV commissioned him to forward when he appeared in court to testify against Chen Hao on the first day."

I go!

Target yourself as soon as you come up!

Even though Cai Minghua was stupid, he was aware of something at this moment, and his heart shuddered.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Cai Minghua.

The feeling of anxiety grew stronger.

But in the face of the lawyer's accusation, Cai Minghua countered: "It has been so many years, and it is possible that I remembered it wrong."

The lawyer did not continue, but nodded.

"You're right. So many years have passed since this matter. You might remember it wrong. I have no way to refute this."

Obviously, the lawyer did not intend to use this as a breakthrough, and as Cai Minghua said, after so many years, it is normal for him to remember wrong.

However, as long as anyone with an online IQ can detect it, Cai Minghua's excuse is actually very clumsy.

But whether it is clumsy or not, at least Cai Minghua's excuse can be used, and at the same time, it makes people unable to find fault.

The lawyer walked back to the partners in the lawyers' team, they whispered and exchanged something, and then the lawyer walked back again.

"Then I want to confirm here. Has the shìpín evidence you submitted at the time been edited?"

Cai Minghua rolled his eyes, obviously not wanting to answer this question.


How could that shìpín have not been edited.

But it is impossible for him to admit this.

Xiangjiang is a special zone, and the rules of the court are the same as those of Europe and the United States, so Cai Minghua can play a rogue on this issue, and let people have no way to deal with him.

But this has a prerequisite, that is, the court agrees to play a rogue.

"Mr. Cai, I hope you can answer this question."

With a word from the presiding judge, Cai Minghua's plan to play a rogue was shattered.

But who is Cai Minghua? Soon Cai Minghua said, "I came here as a witness, but what are you doing? If you regard me as a suspect, please be fair to me. At least I am. Have the right to hire a lawyer."

The reason is very good.

The lawyers of the lawyers did not insist, and went back to sit down among their peers.

The presiding judge nodded at Cai Minghua at this time: "Allow you to invite a lawyer to the court."

To tell the truth, today I lied to Cai Minghua to come to the court because he was afraid that this guy would not notice it and run away.

That's why the court is here to make propositions and get Cai Minghua to the court in this way.

I have to say that there are many things here in different time and space, which are really weird. The court can do this, it is simply unimaginable.

And this kind of thing, placed in another time and space, it is simply impossible, good or not.

But considering that this is a different time and space... well, weird is weird.

Cai Minghua's feeling of anxiety became stronger and stronger.

------split line------

The reality of different time and space only passed for a few hours, but more than a year has passed by the end of Ming Dynasty, and Coco finally got tired of playing in this world, taking Andrew and Kayla back to the real world of different time and space. .

Of course, before leaving the world at the end of the Ming Dynasty, Coco had already established his own name in the arena, played the title of the'first martial god', unified the culture of the rivers and lakes into the martial virtues, and established his own source of faith'Ziwei Doudi Palace '.

At this point, Cocoa has four sources of faith under his hands.

When Coco and his team returned to the Beverly Mansion in Los Angeles, it happened to be just over eight o'clock in the morning, and this was the moment when Cai Minghua entered the courtroom.

Now that it was back home, it was morning again, and Coco had a breakfast at home by the way.

Lobster porridge, egg burritos, and a few pickled cucumbers, the little guy doesn't ask for a variety of things to eat, only his own appetite.

And this kind of breakfast is nutritious enough to ensure that the little guy needs it.

"Where is my father?"

During the meal, Coco asked casually.

Because the little guy found out that his father was not at home.

The gene-man maid on the side replied: "Master went to a military base in the suburbs to receive officer training."

After getting the dáàn he wanted, Coco cheered excitedly.

"Yeah! Dad won't be back for a day. After having breakfast in a while, let's find another place to play."

For a child like Coco, the only thing that can make her worry about all day is how to play, and this is also understandable.

After all, Coco is not yet three years old~lightnovelpub.net~ So for a child of this age, she doesn't think about how to play all day, is it possible to make her think about saving the people all day?

Obviously, that is nonsense.

Kayla, who is young, of course agreed with Coco and nodded. As a child, she also likes to play, especially with Coco. She can also appreciate the different aspects of the world, so of course she will not refuse Coco. Proposal.

Andrew shook his head helplessly, this time he didn't plan to accompany his own xiǎojiě crazy.

"Xiǎojiě, I won't be with you anymore, I'm going to stay with the young master."

"go Go."

Cocoa didn't mean to leave Andrew at all, which made Andrew a little sad.

"I hope my father will go to the military service soon, so that I will have more time, and I can go wherever I want to play at that time. I want to go to experience the customs of different time and space more."

"Xiǎojiě, are you not reluctant to bear the young master? It takes five years for the young master to serve."

"If you can't bear it, my father is an adult, he can take good care of himself, and there will be no Uncle Andrew by his side when you follow.

Well, if I want my father, I can easily go to my father. Don't forget that I am a girl who masters the magic channel. "

In other words, Coco really didn't want her father to serve. Even for Coco, she wished that her father would go to serve quickly.

Because as long as her father goes to serve, then she can do whatever she wants at home. Look, the little guy’s idea is so simple and realistic.

Andrew looked at Coco dubiously, thinking that if her remarks were passed on to Jin Hyun-tae, he estimated that his young master Jin Xian-tae would definitely be ‘sad...