Rising America

Chapter 1453: Call the police for me!

For Cai Minghua, what happened really caught him off guard, and even when he himself was taken into custody, he didn't even react at all.

The Xiangjiang Court actually violated the prescribed procedures. Even when the lawyers he hired protested against this situation, he still did not hide.

The video evidence issued by the Kim Hyun Tae lawyers in the court shocked and shocked Cai Minghua. He did not expect the lawyers to produce such evidence. This incident was beyond his expectation.

He designed every step back then and checked it afterwards to make sure that there were no loopholes in every link.

There was only one surveillance video of KTV at that time. This is the conclusion that Cai Minghua confirmed four or five times.

If there is any loophole, this loophole is on the side of ‘Wang Jiahui’.

But Wang Jiahui still couldn't really threaten him Cai Minghua, and how to deal with Wang Jiahui Cai Minghua also had a rumor.

It's just that all of this is useless now.

As soon as the video of the lawyers team was taken out, Cai Minghua was shocked to no avail.

Even when the court announced that he would be temporarily placed in prison, and the Chen Hao case trial continued the next day, Cai Minghua was in a state of turmoil, and he even forgot to shout so much in court.

This video made by Andrew with black technology is really awesome.

Looking at the technology currently possessed by Different Time and Space, it is impossible to make this video, so it is really thanks to Andrew.

At the same time, it can be seen from this that the technology that the Namek star masters is really not so powerful.

"Wrong! This is framed, that video must be fake!"

They were all temporarily listed as suspects, and Cai Minghua reacted after being put in prison.

But at this time, he shouted so loudly, obviously it was useless.

The barrister that Cai Minghua invited looked at him blankly across the iron fence, and told Cai Minghua in a very routine tone that he should quickly settle today's attorney fees, if he wants to continue to hire himself to deal with the next case Trial, then half of the advance payment must be given to him.

The different time and space of Xiangjiang also had a history of being occupied by the British, but compared to a certain time and space, the different time and space of Xiangjiang was recovered very early, which is quite different.

However, due to the relationship that was once controlled by the United Kingdom, although Xiangjiang in different time and space has returned to the embrace of the motherland, it still retains many Western social systems and values. For example, "Everything is looking to the money" is completely money first. The place.

So, of course, this well-known barrister has to have a good talk with Cai Minghua at this time. This is quite normal.

You know, Cai Minghua's situation is different from not long ago, so the lawyer's price will change accordingly. These must be negotiated.

Fortunately, the barrister knows that Cai Minghua received US$5 billion in compensation yesterday, so he is not worried that he will have no money to hire himself. Even the lawyer feels that he can pass this case and take advantage of Cai Minghua’s current disadvantages. Make a fortune from him.

"The video has been sent to the technical department for inspection and testing, but I personally feel that it is impossible for the other party to come up with a fake video as evidence, because the group of people are well-known American lawyers, and they will never commit such a low level. error."

Cai Minghua, who was in the single-person prison, has not immediately responded to the lawyer's offer.

The lawyer was very patient and didn't urge Cai Minghua. After all, the price he had offered was not low, so Cai Minghua should always be allowed to measure it.

So taking advantage of this effort, the lawyer talked to Cai Minghua about his judgment and some of the news he had now.

"The appearance of video evidence is very unfavorable to you, and it can even be said to be unfavorable. I believe that you have seen Cai Sheng. Everyone in the court has basically believed the content presented in the video, so I am responsible to tell You, the next thing is not easy to handle."

"That video must be fake! They forged it! Back then, I have repeatedly confirmed that KTV has no other surveillance video, and the only surveillance video has been taken by me, and finally it became evidence of Chen Hao's conviction. "

At this time, Cai Minghua had a fierce reaction. He firmly grasped the iron fence in front of him with both hands and shouted loudly to the lawyer who was behind the fence.

Unlike Cai Minghua, who reacted fiercely, this barrister was quite calm, but he was not surprised at all. After all, he was not in the single prison cell.

"Cai Sheng, you should not be so excited. Things will always turn for the better. I suggest that you also set up a lawyers team. Only in this way can you reverse this unfavorable situation as much as possible.

Even if it cannot be reversed, you will eventually be convicted, but those of us will help you fight for the shortest sentence. After all, the law is not without loopholes, but it depends on your personal choices. "

In all fairness, although this lawyer also wanted to win a vote from Cai Minghua, he also sincerely gave Cai Minghua a conscience suggestion based on professional ethics.

Cai Minghua is not short of money. He can follow Jin Xiantai's example and directly hire a group of Hong Kong lawyers to help him.

After all, he got 5 billion dollars in compensation.

As the lawyer said, his strength and energy are limited after all, but it is different if a group of people form a group.

As the saying goes, "Three heads are better than Zhuge Liang," isn't it?

At that time, people like them can find out something beneficial to Cai Minghua in the legal framework to help him.

At the worst, in the end they can also fight for Cai Minghua to get a more favorable sentence, which is not bragging.

So now, it depends on Cai Minghua's reluctance to make money.

As for whether Cai Minghua framed Chen Hao in the past, or whether he was violent against Liao Ya, the barrister didn't care.

For people like him, the employer’s problem is the most important thing. Even if the murderer invites him, then he will do everything possible to get him out of crime.

"Okay! Just do what you said, I'm not short of money!"

Cai Minghua only thought about it for a moment, and then nodded and agreed to the lawyer's suggestion.

The reason why he is so happy is really because Cai Minghua himself knows very well that he did something despicable back then and really framed Chen Hao.

Now that the video and Wang Jiahui's appearance have shown him that there is no possibility of a comeback, what Cai Minghua needs to do now is to let the lawyers help him get the best results as much as possible.

Perhaps it was also $5 billion that gave Cai Minghua confidence.

But at this moment, the executives of HSBC showed up with a few people, and their group also brought a very bad news.

"Cai Sheng, there is no money in your bank account."


There is no money in the account! ?

You guys are not joking internationally with me!

To be honest, this news is really difficult for Cai Minghua to believe, even he thinks it is a very bad joke.

Unfortunately, this thing really can't be true anymore.

And it is impossible for an executive from HSBC to lead a team to the temporary detention management station to joke with him.

"Cai Sheng, because you are a large depositor of our bank, we feel it is necessary to meet you in person to inform this news. You transferred all the money in our bank yesterday evening to a strange account."

Cai Minghua's eyes widened, and he couldn't remember such a thing no matter how much he recalled.

This is not surprising, because at that time he was under the control of a nanobot and made a transfer behavior, and this memory was erased after the transfer.

So when HSBC executives told him about this, he didn't blame him for not having any impression.

"All my accounts are out of money!"

"Yes, you transferred all the deposits in your account to an unfamiliar account called'Pissyouoff'. At that time, the people in our bank also reminded you ~lightnovelpub.net~ but at that time you also transferred our The employee scolded."

"I have no impression at all!"

All of this really made Cai Minghua unable to believe it.

But looking at the appearance of the HSBC executives, as well as his tone and tone, it really doesn't look like a lie.

But why don’t I have any impression of myself! ?

This is really hell.

"We have a video of your transfer. If Cai Sheng has any questions, we can take out the video and show it to you.

Ok, now that I have fulfilled my obligation to notify you, then I want to ask Cai Sheng, since the deposit in your account has been cleared, will you continue to deposit money in your account next?

If you do not continue to deposit money, then we at HSBC will have to cancel the account in accordance with the regulations. "

The HSBC executives and Cai Minghua's confrontation with China made the calm lawyer on the side somewhat uncomfortable.

Because he ran here early in the morning and worked hard until now, he hasn't received Cai Minghua's money yet.

"Cai Sheng, do you think you will settle my expenses for today?"

At this time, neither HSBC executives nor lawyers thought too much.

They didn't know that Cai Minghua was completely penniless now, and they all felt that Cai Minghua had transferred his money to another place.

At this moment, Cai Minghua in the single prison cell gradually turned pale, and his lips turned blue, and he even shivered uncontrollably.

"Call the police! Quick! Call the police! My money..."

After a while, Cai Minghua said such a sentence tremblingly.

And hearing Cai Minghua's words, HSBC executives and lawyers finally felt that something was wrong. It seemed that this matter was not what I thought...