Rising America

Chapter 1459: Head down division

Cai Minghua now has nothing, but before he became nothing, this guy took out a sum of money in advance, invited a head-down master from Nanyang to come to Xiangjiang to help him, and was hiring the guy called'Chacha' When he lowered his head to the teacher, he had already given money according to the opponent's asking price.

Therefore, even if Cai Minghua has become nothing, because he paid the money in advance, the head-down master still has to continue to fulfill his deal with Cai Minghua.

As for the descendant master, he cannot break the contract. If he breaks the contract, it will definitely have a great influence on his sorcery. A mana that is not easy to practice hard will be caused by it. The mourning is unknown.

There is no doubt about the power of the lower head witchcraft, but this witchcraft also has many taboos to follow, including that if you make an agreement with someone, you must abide by this rule, whether it is for the head lowering teacher or the employer. .

It is precisely for this reason that Chacai, a descendant from Nanyang, did not leave when Cai Minghua was so downhearted, but rather surprisingly wanted to continue to fulfill his employment agreement with Cai Minghua.

You know, according to Cai Minghua's current situation, no one would say anything when the head-down master checked and guessed that he left like this. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Cai Minghua is finished.

And if most people have already got the money from Cai Minghua, just like Check and Guess, it is estimated that they will definitely choose to leave Xiangjiang and not continue to fulfill the employment agreement.

But Chachai couldn't do this, because he was a head-down master.

If he chooses not to fulfill the agreement, it will not only affect his future mana improvement, but also affect his use of sorcery to deal with some little ghosts, necromancers, and demons.

The reason is simple. The head-down master himself has mana and mysterious means, but these mana and means are possessed by communicating with those demons, imps, and dead spirits.

If he is not honest here, then it will definitely affect the views of those guys, so that those guys will worry that they are doing the same to them, and that would be bad.

Of course, most of them are Cha Guai believes that his mission this time is very simple, and he doesn't think it is too dangerous.

He has done a lot of this kind of thing, every time he is successful, but he has not failed naturally, he has self-confidence.

In his opinion, this time is no different from the previous employment tasks. It is nothing more than helping the employer kill a few people so that the employer can get rid of the current troubles. This is not difficult, and it is fundamental to him. It's a breeze.

As for whether the people the employer wants to kill by themselves are good people, this is not something that Guess needs to investigate. As long as the employer pays the price he wants, then he won't care about those things.

That's right, check and guess only money!

And all head-down teachers are basically the same as Chachai, and his Chacha is not a special case.

But it is precisely because of the style of the lower head teacher that only recognizes money, it also makes them always have no shortage of business to come to the door.

This is not surprising when you think about it.

It is indeed more cost-effective and more secretive to hire these head-down teachers to do things than to hire ordinary killers.

Therefore, the wealthy merchants in Nanyang, the black forces want to solve any troubles and people, the first time they think of choosing to find a lower head teacher.

However, because of this reason, there is always a surprising situation where two headed divisions are fighting against each other.

Without it, the two head-down divisions were hired by two hostile forces.

Once such a situation occurs, the fun is really not small.

And the lower-head teachers who worked for the two sides will also have a life and death.

It can be said that this profession is not without risk, but this situation does not happen often.

But from this point of view, the people in Nanyang respect the lowered master.

Chachai used his mind to communicate with Cai Minghua, got the names of five people from Cai Minghua, and then started his own action.

And Wang Jiahui became the first person to kill Chachai.

As the so-called "take people money and people to eliminate calamities", this is the golden rule of all descendants. No one can violate it. Once they violate their magic power, no matter how powerful the gods and demons are, they will be short-lived. The mana was destroyed in time, and he became a terribly disabled person.

The reason why sorcery is called sorcery is mainly in the word ‘evil’, which means that their source of power is not very formal. According to the Chinese practice world, it is a kind of thing that is very evil.

But the strength of the lower head teacher is beyond doubt.

In the presidential suite of a five-star hotel in Central, Chachai placed his magical instruments one by one in front of him, while he sat cross-legged on the ground. There were also many candles lit in the room. People think something is wrong, and it's different from ordinary candles.

The reason why these candles look very wrong is because the candles are all refined from corpse oil, so they must be different from ordinary candles.

In front of Chachai, there was a small black urn.

Chachai unlocked the lid of the small urn, and there was a small bone in the urn. The moment he opened the lid, the whole room suddenly became gloomy, and the temperature dropped a lot for no reason. Those burning candles also shook violently a few times.

Two dark-skinned women with a typical Southeast Asian appearance appeared in Southeast Asian robes and knelt down behind Chachai.

These two women are very beautiful, although their skin is darker, it does not hinder their beauty.

But the eyes of these two women are very hollow, they are not a little smart at all, which makes their beauty greatly compromised. At the same time, it also gives people the illusion of "these two girls have no souls", because combined, these two This girl really means playing the walking dead.

Chachai has black tattoos all over his body, which makes him look full of mystery, and at the same time he looks like some strangers would not enter.

And whether it was the black man with small bones in front of him, or the two women with hollow eyes behind him, they were actually the support he relied on when he walked across the South Seas.

Obviously, that is not simple.

At the same time, this is also his life-saving capital.

Since it is a capital, it must be impossible to use it so easily.

Therefore, Chachai turned his attention to Hei Ong, on a white porcelain plate. This porcelain plate is very large, about the size of two human faces, and there is a shriveled black spider on the plate.

"You are the one!"

Chachai murmured in Nanyang dialect, and then reached out and put the Panxiu in front of him, and he sealed his hands, and began to mutter words in his mouth.

The weird and inexplicable syllables spit out from Chachai's mouth. This is not the language of any country in the world. It sounds like Chachai is talking weird nonsense.

And as the guesswork started, there was a faint cry of crying in the presidential suite. At first, it seemed that there was only one, but slowly, there were more and more crying sounds, and in a short while, many people became a lot of people. Crying.

And these crying sounds have a mysterious power.

Thanks to the absence of outsiders at this time, otherwise hearing such weird and mysterious crying will definitely make people lose their minds and perform some very intense and irrational behaviors, and even self-mutilation is not impossible.

The light in the entire room disappeared, and replaced by the lush green glow. This is very unreasonable, and people can’t help but cool air from the bottom of their hearts. At the same time, the whole room is also full of letting People are very depressed, dull, and feel trembling from the depths of their souls.

It's as if the cry of tens of thousands of women slowly became quieter, but they didn't completely disappear. It just lowered, becoming faint but more permeating.

And as the cry of sobbing decreased, it was replaced by sultry chants, screams, pleadings, wailing, and the sound of fighting between gold and iron, and a thick group appeared in front of Chacai for no reason. The black mist is rising endlessly.

In the black fog that rises and gathers endlessly, from time to time there are faintly mysterious figures flashing, and these looming figures look very powerful and tall, but they do not look like human bodies.

When the black fog that was reunited and scattered appeared ~lightnovelpub.net~ Guess the whole person trembled fiercely, then picked up a sharp blade next to him, and slashed fiercely on the wrist of his left hand, suddenly **** It splashed out from the wrist wound, but it did not fall on the ground strangely, but was attracted by the black mist and floated past, as if the black mist had a strong suction.

The blood was immersed in the black mist, a very satisfying voice came out from the black mist, and then a very hoarse voice came out from the black mist, and the words were very difficult to hear, as if It's like an alien language.

However, Chachai seemed to be able to understand what the other party was saying. After hearing the words from the creatures in the dark mist, his whole body was shocked, and suddenly he became energetic.

Immediately, he also said a lot of things similar to those of the creature in the black mist, but the exchange between them seemed a little bit like a neurotic whispering to others.

A black light rushed out from the black fog, hitting the nagging guess, making the obscure tattoo on his body darker, and as the black light came out, the black fog quickly dissipated. It disappeared without a trace in a short time.

However, the strange, green and quiet atmosphere in the room remained unchanged.

Guess where the two beautiful women with empty eyes are sitting on their knees. Obviously, the scary and weird scene just now did not have much impact on them.

"Haha! King Raksha has given me new powers, making my puppet's mana more profound. I want to come to the five people I will kill today, King Raksha is very eager for them."

Chachai began to fiddle with the large white porcelain plate in front of him, and at the same time took out a very special package of powder from his arms, cut out a little bit and sprinkled on the shriveled black spider in the large disk, and whispered to himself. language……