Rising America

Chapter 1460: The brain-depleted ‘destiny’

Cai Minghua’s ‘Five List’ was well thought out, but Nuwa and Jin Xiantai’s names are not included in this list. After all, he still doesn’t know his current situation is due to the relationship between Nuwa and Kim Xiantai.

Otherwise, there must be two names in the ‘list of five’.

But after all, Cai Minghua didn't know.

Wang Jiahui, Chen Hao, Liao Ya, Situ Feifei and the funny killer who had been hired to kill Wang Jiahui, Cai Minghua hoped that they would die.

Wang Jiahui and the funny killer are two people. Cai Minghua hopes to die is easy to understand. After all, the existence of the two of them poses a great threat to Cai Minghua.

As for Chen Hao, the man framed by him, Cai Minghua also didn't want him to continue to live.

The above three people were included in the'list of five' by Cai Minghua, which is really not so surprising.

However, the names of Liao Ya and Situ Feifei also appeared in the'list of five,' which is very incomprehensible.

You know, no matter what Liao Ya and Situ Feifei say, they are also women who have been with Cai Minghua for many years, and they have also provided him with a lot of help, both financially and in dealing with some problems.

What's more, why is Cai Minghua so cruel that he is so cruel?

So this really makes people wonder.

In fact, Liao Ya and Situ Feifei were included in the list of five people, mainly because Cai Minghua vaguely felt that he was a little unable to control them, especially when Cai Minghua called them these days, the two girls never refused to pick them up. , I didn't mean to pay attention to him at all, so Cai Minghua had no idea.

In these years, Liao Ya and Situ Feifei have helped Cai Minghua deal with the dirty things, and they know a lot about the disgusting things he has done, and they can be regarded as people who know nothing about them.

Therefore, in some respects, they can be regarded as one of the people threatening Cai Minghua.

That being the case, they are now people who need to be guarded or resolved to Cai Minghua who is extremely self-conscious.

I have to say that now Cai Minghua's style of doing things and his thinking have become more and more brain-dead. God knows if it is because of the influence of the ‘Female Emperor’s Power’ that his IQ has begun to attack towards a negative number.

If that weren't the case, how could he include both Liao Ya and Situ Feifei in the list of five.

Of course, for a scumbag like Cai Minghua who is extremely self-inflated, it is not a surprise that he did not take into account the ‘feeling’ for several years at such a time.

After all, he has no ‘love’ for the two girls at all, he is just using them and playing with them.

At the same time, Cai Minghua also sees that the current situation is very unfavorable for him, and he can even infer that Chen Hao's case will definitely be reversed in the end.

At that time, wouldn't Chen Hao and Liao Ya come together again?

Under some selfish actions, Cai Minghua decided to kill Liao Ya, so that he would not have to see Chen Hao and Liao Ya reunited.

Cai Minghua also has such an attitude towards Situ Feifei.

I used scheming tricks to frame Situ Feifei's cousin, and got the girl through that opportunity, and made Situ Feifei's cousin, like Chen Hao, both unjustly wronged.

If Chen Hao's case is reversed, then people will inevitably continue to dig deep within themselves, and this matter will also be revealed at that time.

Besides, over the years, Situ Feifei, the girl, has always been scornful to herself from time to time, and she only accommodates her because of her usefulness.

But now the girl is obviously not under her own influence and control, so of course it is not necessary to keep her.

So she must die!

I have to say that Cai Minghua is really "brainally disabled" now.

Because this reason is far-fetched, it is not even logical at all, and it is very cold-blooded.

At the same time, it makes people very sigh that the girls have met people like Cai Minghua, and they have really lost the blood mold for eight lifetimes.

But no matter what, the list of five people has been listed, and Cai Minghua notified Chachai here, and Chachai has already started.

At this time, the court was temporarily adjourning, and Cai Minghua was in the small room beside the corridor outside the court, secretly waiting for the result.

[Humph! Everyone will be shocked when the court is held in a while, because they will find that Wang Jiahui, the little girl, is belching like this for some reason. 】

Cai Minghua imagined viciously.

As for Wang Jiahui, a girl who had loved him and sacrificed a lot for him, Cai Minghua not only did not feel regret and reflection, but rather cold-blooded hope that she would die immediately.

Even when Cai Minghua knew that Wang Jiahui had been disfigured, not only did he have no sympathy and pity, but instead only thought of disgust and nausea.

To be honest, Cai Minghua's scum level is simply eye-catching.

Of course, the population of different time and space is more than ten times more than that of the earth in a certain time and space. In contrast, there must be some scum in these extra populations.

After all, it is ‘the same rice raises a hundred kinds of people’. It’s not a surprising thing that a scumbag like Cai Minghua appears sincerely. It’s just that there are very few scumbags to his level.

He Cai Minghua is basically a fighter among scumbags.

Even compared with him, the performance of other scumbags can almost all be regarded as very kind.

At best, it's just the feelings of girls.

But Cai Minghua not only lied to the feelings, but also played with the girls' bodies, and used the girls for his own benefit. Once the girls were useless, he would abandon them without hesitation.

Even when he is facing threats, he will viciously want to let the girl die, which is not what ordinary scumbags can do.

It is not an exaggeration to describe Cai Minghua's scum with words such as cold-blooded, cruel, vicious, etc., and it is not even enough to describe it.

From this it can be seen that he and Jin Xiantai were in a bad relationship, so that Cai Minghua fell into the current situation. Maybe it was God's arrangement and it was not necessarily true.

Accompanied by several court officers, Wang Jiahui was arranged to rest in another small room. A female Chinese lawyer from one of the lawyers was accompanied by Wang Jiahui and comforted the girl softly.

Today, Wang Jiahui appeared in the court and told Cai Minghua in front of her past that she did it with all her courage.

Although Wang Jiahui hated Cai Minghua very much, it really took courage to let her face him like this.

Because Cai Minghua is almost Wang Jiahui's nightmare, he must appear in the nightmare he has every day.

And she is in such a miserable situation now that Cai Minghua has done everything to her.

Hate, fear, and in short, Wang Jiahui’s attitude towards Cai Minghua is very complicated, and with this complicated mentality entangled, it is difficult for Wang Jiahui not to get excited.

No one can know how much effort and courage Wang Jiahui has made to stand in the courtroom seemingly calm and tell all that.

At the same time, she restrained the impulse in her heart in this way. When she saw Cai Minghua in court, she rushed forward to make an excessive behavior.

After the temporary adjournment, Wang Jiahui seemed to collapse.

Seeing that she was in such a bad state, of course everyone on the lawyers' team was watching her, so she asked a female Chinese lawyer to come over to comfort and rehabilitate Wang Jiahui, who was in bad condition.

Qiao An and Xia Xue acted like spectators. They found a place in the corridor and quietly exchanged some of the previous court issues and their respective inferences on the subsequent direction of the case.

But no matter how you extrapolate it, one thing is already obvious.

There will be no surprises in the outcome of the case, and Chen Hao is sure to clear his grievances.

Those media reporters who came to court that day issued a bulletin within a short period of time, and then the news spread through the Internet.

After the information about the trial was published on the Internet, netizens began to discuss enthusiastically.

Although the comments of netizens are basically one-sided, some people occasionally make different opinions.

For example, some people have put forward some of their opinions on the fact that the procedures of the court are not in compliance with the rules, and they have justified their opinions.

This view has indeed attracted the approval of many netizens.

To be honest~lightnovelpub.net~ Everyone started to hate Cai Minghua very much through the truth that was slowly revealed.

After all, with the revelation of one after another, this made everyone see the true face of Cai Minghua, he was a scumbag at all.

But in terms of facts, even if Cai Minghua is a scumbag, the court did violate the relevant legal procedures. This is a fact that cannot be avoided.

Therefore, for many people who still view this issue rationally, this is also an issue that needs to be focused on.

After all, legal procedures are legal procedures, and the courts can violate the established rules just because of Cai Minghua's scumbag and whether he has framed someone.

If such an example is opened, will it all be messed up in the future?

Judging from the starting point of these netizens, they are all harmless.

At least they all believe that apart from the violation of the procedure, there are no other problems with Cai Minghua.

However, these rational netizens were immediately attacked by most of the netizens who were already excited, especially those who sprayed for spray.

Similarly, those fans of Cai Minghua are also beginning to be severely polarized at this moment.

Some of them choose to continue to believe in Cai Minghua, and firmly believe that someone is discrediting their idols.

And some people are already sober, and through evidence and various news, they have judged what kind of scumbag is hiding under their idol mask.

Cai Minghua doesn't know, he has now made the headlines of all major forums on the Internet and has become a recent "man of the wind".

The reason for this phenomenon is mainly because the constantly exposed information shows that Cai Minghua is really too scum, and it is beyond people’s imagination...