Rising America

Chapter 1462: confusion

At this moment, Wang Jiahui is experiencing the most terrifying scene in her life.

The walls in the whole room were covered with densely packed small spiders, and these small spiders all had a female head with a pale face and a ferocious expression.

Even one is very scary, but now it is densely packed with the floor, walls and corners of the room, which can scare your legs weak.

The two bailiffs who were in charge of looking after Wang Jiahui had already been gnawed into two bones at this time. The flesh and blood and internal organs on their bodies were all gnawed away by those scary human-faced spiders.

Wang Jiahui was extremely frightened, because what she was seeing and experiencing was completely beyond the normal scope of cognition.

She opened her mouth and screamed in horror, but after the sharp voice rushed through the mouth, nothing came out of the room, as if the entire room and the outside corridor had been blocked by a mysterious force.

After the dense human-faced little spiders ate the two bailiffs, they began to crawl towards Wang Jiahui, and Wang Jiahui had nowhere to escape.

The people outside the hallway knew nothing about what was happening in the room, and were unaware of it.

No one could imagine that such a paradoxical and terrifying thing would happen in broad daylight.

The rustling sound made by small spiders when they are crawling is no less than a sound of urging talisman to Wang Jiahui. In addition, as a female, she will hate spiders, snakes, cockroaches, mice, etc. Scared.

So at this time, Wang Jiahui was really scared to the extreme.

Those little human-faced spiders surrounded Wang Jiahui 360° without dead ends, giving people a feeling of being controlled by man.

As the appointment and removal spiders surrounded Wang Jiahui, they paused for a while. About a few seconds later, the spiders in the front row jumped fiercely and rushed toward Wang Jiahui.

These little human-faced spiders have proved their power, and the two bailiffs who have become bones are the evidence.

Therefore, Wang Jiahui can almost imagine that if these little spiders jump on her body, then she will have to face the same ending as the two bailiffs. It is impossible to have any accidents.


Obviously, I can't avoid it.

The small room, the ceiling, the floor, and the surrounding walls are all covered with human face spiders, so where can I hide?

Since she couldn't escape, Wang Jiahui could only close her eyes and admit her life.

Otherwise, what can she do.

But at the moment when he closed his eyes, Wang Jiahui did not see that the little human face spiders that were flying towards him were suddenly blown away by a faint blue light.

In an instant, a faint blue divine power waved out of her body, and quickly formed a protective cover covering her body, protecting her personal safety.

And the little human-faced spiders who wanted to pounce on her were all hit by the blue light from the dark blue divine power wave cover that enveloped her body when they approached her and died.

Needless to say, this is Qiao An's shot.

Also, if it weren't for Qiao An's shot, then Wang Jiahui would not be able to live by watching.

Besides, Qiao An couldn't just watch Wang Jiahui die like this, so it's not surprising that she made a shot at this critical moment.


The door was slammed open, and Qiao An's petite figure appeared outside the door.

As Qiao An smashed open the door, the creepy scene in the room was always seen by Qiao An'an.

And when he saw the dense human-faced spiders in that room, even Qiao Ann couldn’t help but explode with a swear word, "Wardfack". It was because of the dense human-faced spiders that made people scalp It's tingling and creepy.


The human face spider seemed to have been thrown into a small stone in a peaceful sleep, and immediately set off a circle of ripples, and quickly separated a part and crawled towards Qiao An.

At the same time, because the door was opened, the restrictions that originally restricted the human face spiders disappeared suddenly, so some human face spiders appeared in the corridor.

When some human face spiders appeared in the corridor, their distorted and hideous female faces showed obvious excitement and excitement.

Because they saw the people gathered in the corridor, and these people in their eyes, that is the delicious food that can make them full.

So, there is no reason for them not to be excited.

The spider's jumping ability is very strong. After a short period of excitement, the small human face spiders in the corridor launched an attack on people.

These little things with human heads, faces, and the rest of the torso are spider mentality, which really shocked people.

Especially after these little things jump on the body, they can bite off a large piece of flesh and blood from their body in one bite. How can this not be scary.

As a result, chaos in the corridor.

Screaming and crying for help came one after another.

In such a situation, it is obviously impossible to wait for the hearing to be held on time.

"Run! These little spiders eat people!"

After the three hapless guys were bitten into bones, people were scared.

With a shout, everyone started to run towards the court gate, and no one wanted to stay.

Also, what to do if you stay.

Eaten by those little spiders with human faces!

"Everyone, go! I'll block these monsters!"

Xia Xue couldn't sit still at this time. She volunteered to cut back for everyone, stop the spider monsters that attacked people, and buy time for everyone to escape.

The reason why Xia Xuekou called the little spider a monster was because she had noticed the strong dark aura fluctuations from the human face little spider.

Judging by the knowledge Xia Xue learned from the master, creatures that can emit such dark waves are obviously monsters.

Another piece of evidence is that these little human face spiders like to chew flesh and blood, which is also an obvious characteristic of monsters.

Like eating flesh and blood, this is a typical feature of monsters.

Therefore, Xia Xue determined that those human face spiders were monsters.

And these monsters, ordinary people are obviously unable to deal with, so when facing these monsters, the best choice is to quickly escape.

But there were too many people in the corridor, and people were crowded in a panic, so that there was no way to smoothly escape the attack range of the monsters.

So Xia Xue knew that she had to stand up, and while maintaining order, she also bought time for everyone to escape.

The little girl in the twenty-eighth year of China has a heart full of justice.

Brush up!

Using the sword of reference, Xia Xue killed dozens of small human face spiders and rescued the hapless ones running at the back of the crowd, so that they could avoid the end that turned to bones.

The few people who were rescued didn't even say thank you, and didn't even turn their heads back. They shoved the people in front of them and squeezed toward the court hall.

Xia Xue shook her head, but didn't care if the rescued was grateful to herself, but she felt a little unhappy in her heart.

But the little girl is a 21st century person after all, so she is not surprised by this kind of thing.

"Xiaoxue! You leave too, these little spiders are just vanguards, and there will be more powerful guys appearing in a while, that's not something you can deal with."

At this time, Qiao An assisted Wang Jiahui and walked over from a distance. The small human face spiders seemed to be pushed to the sides by invisible force, and there was no way to get close to Qiao An and Wang Jiahui.

Xia Xue finally understood that Qiao An was not an ordinary person.

Although I was very puzzled and had many questions to ask, it is not a good time right now.

Therefore, Xia Xue could only nod her head, followed Qiao An's suggestion, and prepared to leave the court corridor and go to a safe place.

"You take her with you. This incident is obviously against Wang Jiahui. Someone wants Wang Jiahui to die. If I guess it is correct, then Cai Minghua will definitely be behind the scenes."

Qiao An rescued Wang Jiahui from the crisis. After a little bit of thought, he found out who these little spiders were targeting, and a little bit more thought of him, it was normal to think of Cai Minghua.

After all, in this world who wants Wang Jiahui to die, it seems that there is no one else except Cai Minghua.

Of course, although Cai Minghua was suspected, there was no direct evidence.

"Cai Minghua! It's him!"

"Yes, there is no one else except him, but this is just my personal guess, there is no direct evidence~lightnovelpub.net~ After you take Jiahui away for a while, find some courageous media reporters and tell what happened here. They are all filmed."

Xia Xue nodded, accepted the matter of supporting Wang Jiahui, and then turned and left with Wang Jiahui.

Qiao Anke didn't mean to leave.

She asked Xia Xue to leave because she considered that Xia Xue could not cope with the current situation, but she herself was different from Xia Xue.

As one of the Seven Seas Generals under the command of the new generation of Olympus **** Anne, Qiao An is also a goddess with a godhead, and she is also quite amazing.

It's just that Qiao An has never had the opportunity to use his power.

But if anyone regards her as weak and deceptive, then he is really blind.

As Xia Xue left, Qiao An was covered with a sea-blue female skirt armor. This armor set off Qiao An a bit less and weaker, and a bit more determined and sturdy.

Seven blobs of blue water slowly turned behind Qiao An.

As the head of the Seven Seas General, Qiao An can control and use the power of the seven oceans, and the power of the ‘seven oceans’ power is contained in the seven water **** behind her.

It can be said that each of those faint blue water **** contains the power to destroy the world.

Raising his hand, an illusion of howling ocean tide appeared in the corridor. Although it was an illusion, it was true that after the impact of the ocean tide, the little human face spiders were killed by the ocean tide.

After the Human Face Spider was solved by Qiao An, the corridor suddenly shook, as if it had encountered an earthquake.

And Qiao An stood calmly in place, she knew that this was a prelude to the real BOSS.

Sure enough, a big hole was broken in the building above Qiao An's head, and a slender spider leg that was extremely sharp and covered with inverted sharp barbs slammed into his Tianling Cap along the big hole.