Rising America

Chapter 1466: suddenly

The five or six-story monster spider was terrifying, but it fell into a disadvantage under the attack of the walrus warrior. All of its attacks did not play any role against the greasy walrus warrior.

And the tall body he is proud of, at this time not only did not bring any advantages to it, but became a burden.

The fat walrus warriors, although their bodies are bloated, and the fat on their bodies trembles a few times every time they move, but their movements are very agile one by one, and they are not at all burdensome. It is really shocking.

It stands to reason that as a fat man, walrus warriors should not have this level of agility. This is completely unreasonable, especially now that they are still fighting on land, which shouldn't be.

In all fairness, this inference is correct.

But why is there such a situation?

Here, Joan’s own "Seven Seas Realm" has to play a role.

As the head of the Seven Seas Generals, Qiao An also got the Godhead of the Sea God first line, so the realm she possessed must also be the sea realm.

Therefore, when she fights, this field is naturally released, and a special force field is formed within a certain range. All creatures fighting in this force field will be affected by this force field.

So what are the characteristics of the marine field?

Resistance, water pressure, gravity, etc., these characteristics are bound to appear in the field.

Therefore, fighting in such an environment is definitely a very unfavorable factor for people who are not used to the ocean.

But for marine life, this environment is different.

Not only will they not be affected, but on the contrary, if they have received a special advantage, their combat effectiveness will also be greatly improved, even if there is a situation where there is a trade-off.

So, in the end, the walrus warriors took the advantage, and the monster-like spider fell into the disadvantage. This was a matter of reason.

Although the Western gods have a single fighting method and very'crude', but because of the relationship between the gods, they have a characteristic that is different from the Eastern gods, and this has become an advantage of the Western gods. .

Not to mention the monster-like giant spiders, even if the gods are in this domain, they will also be affected by this domain, and their combat power and fairy skills cannot be fully displayed.

Otherwise, in the ancient times, how could Western gods stand up? Obviously, they are also a little capable.

This is fighting on land. If the battlefield is in the ocean, then Qiao An, the leader of the Seven Seas, will have even greater advantages.

But even so, the monster-like spider is still not an opponent of Joan, or the opponent of the walrus warriors.

No way, the levels of the two sides are different, and there is no way to compare them.

In any case, Qiao An is also a true **** of Olympus, who has a true godhead, even if she is a brand new **** of Olympus, it is not very similar to the ancient gods of the past, but the only constant It's that kind of powerful force.

According to the characteristics of Olympus gods, gods obtain power from the energy sources in the region under their control according to their own priesthood and godhead.

Then Qiao An is equivalent to saying that she can absorb power from the seven seas, as long as the seven seas never dry up, then her source of power will not be exhausted.


This is very scary, isn't it?

On the other hand, what is the big spider like a monster.

Regardless of its tall and big appearance, it is still very scary, but in fact, Big Spider has no way to compare with Qiao An.

According to the standards of the magic way, the big spider is just a kind of monster that has been refined for the control of the drive and has no freedom.

For ordinary people, things like Big Spider are definitely scary.

Even ordinary mutants, supernatural beings, and cultivators who are not very powerful are not necessarily the opponents of the big spider, and even against them, they will become food in the big spider's mouth.

But it's different for Qiao An who has reached a certain level of strength or possesses an orthodox godhead.

Not to mention that Qiao An not only suppresses the monster spider in strength, she can also easily summon her subordinate's "Seven Seas Warrior Legion" to fight, then under such a premise, how can the monster spider not fall into a disadvantage?

Qiao An was suspended in the air, and the azure blue divine brilliance in his eyes gathered and dispersed endlessly, blooming like a series of faint blue flowers that continued to rise and die.

The seven water polo behind her slowly turned, providing her with endless power of the seven seas.

In the ancient times, the General of Seven Seas at that time was not such an image.

However, because the gods of Olympus had fallen at the dusk of the gods, after Anne broke into the place where the gods were sleeping by chance, the gods of these Olympus gods were under the influence of the strange forces between heaven and earth. Except for a few escapes, the rest were all merged together to form a new, powerful, and unique godhead, which was then inherited by Annie.

Since then, Annie has become a brand-new **** of Olympus, and also the most powerful, noblest, and sole female god.

And Annie, who inherited the brand-new Godhead after fusion, also possessed the power to appoint a new generation of Olympus gods in a certain sense. It was at that time that Qiao An became the **** of the Seven Seas and gained The godhead after mutation and fusion.

Hesitate that this godhead was given by Annie, and it was integrated by the power of heaven and earth. It belongs to the brand-new Olympus godhead, so it must be very different from the godhead possessed by the Olympus gods in the ancient times. .

And after inheriting this new godhead, the external image presented is of course different from the past. This is a very inevitable phenomenon.

And I really want to be honest, Joan's generation of new Olympus gods, this new image is indeed much better than the old gods in the past.

You should know that the images of the ancient gods were shirtless, and even appeared in front of mortals shirtless.

But look at the current Qiao An, his image is more eye-catching than the ancient gods, right?

It's just that the small group of walrus warriors she summoned gave her a bit of points, which was really helpless.

[In the future, I will not call these fat guys anymore. I will take a bit of effort to manage the waters and gather mermaids to form a mermaid army under my own. Those mermaid soft sister papers are king, these greasy fat guys I really didn’t feel good about it]

Lily has a heart attack, and Qiao An decides to form a private army, and will never call other marine fighters to fight.

If Qiao An’s thoughts were known to those walrus warriors, they would definitely cry out in grief, ‘General! Is fat wrong! ’.

Of course it’s right to be fat, but it’s a sin to look greasy and have no value.

Especially what they don't know is that when the head of the Seven Seas generals, the goddess responsible for managing the affairs of the Seven Seas, or the Te Niang's is a lace border, it is even more unreasonable.

This is not the original mad, old **** who likes to fight and drink. He always likes ‘strong’ men like them.

He likes the lace edge of a young and beautiful soft girl.

Therefore, in the future, the status of Seven Seas is destined to be unprecedentedly improved.

Of course, this benefit is not something that every girl can get. First of all, you need to have good looks, a good figure, and a good personality, so that you can get this benefit.

If there is no such thing as...

No way, who makes this era a time to look at faces?

There is really no place for people to reason.

And such a trend is bound to sweep across the seven seas in the future and become a standard.

Only now, the gods in the Seven Seas still don't know anything about it.

Of course, Qiao An is nominally the ‘head of the Seven Seas’ and has the power to manage the Seven Seas.

But in fact, there are not so many sites she can manage.

You know, there are Dragon Kings of Four Seas in Huaxia Family.

Therefore, in the future, it is inevitable that everyone has to wrestle around to truly determine the given site and the size of the management boundary.

But in any case, Qiao An has already decided that he will never use "Fatty" next to him, and he must change to soft sister paper.

Fat oil and green body fluid splashes.

The heavy breathing of the walrus warrior is intertwined with the neighing friend of the monster spider.

This is a lingering picture, at least Qiao An feels that he can't stand this scene.

But the walrus warriors became more and more enthusiastic as they fought. lightnovelpub.net~ fought so hard that they secreted more oil.

JoAnn is going crazy.

I don't know if I have seen too much fat, but Qiao An decided that he needs to eat vegetarian food for a while.

Not far away, Xia Xue looked at Qiao An in midair with a look of admiration.

At this moment, the girl knew that Qiao An was actually stronger than herself, even stronger than her master.

As if feeling Xia Xue's adoring gaze, Qiao An looked down in Xia Xue's direction, then grinned, showing his big white teeth.

But at this moment, Qiao Ann’s body suddenly seemed to have been hit by a huge force, and fell from mid-air to the ground, and then fell heavily to the ground, and due to the falling speed, it even still There was a big hole in the ground.

All this happened too suddenly, so people didn't have a little guard.

When Xia Xue ran in the direction of Qiao An with a panic and worried look, before she ran to that side, she saw a figure in the dust and smoke standing staggeringly.

Seeing this figure, Xia Xue couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But before Xia Xue asked Qiao An if he was injured, the figure in the smoke swayed, and immediately rushed out of the scattered smoke.

That's what Joan is right.

And at this moment, the walrus warriors who were taking advantage and slashing the monster spiders were all stiff, and the next second they lay down softly.

Probably when their fat bodies fell down, Qiao Ann just rushed over.

Before he could think about it, Qiao Ann glanced quickly.

She discovered that these walrus warriors, bleeding from their seven orifices, had all weirdly lost signs of life...