Rising America

Chapter 1471: anxiety

Previously, Qiao An had been dealing with the boy ghost, and ignored the monster spider.

But now that the boy ghost no longer knows where to go, then Qiao An, who has lost the goal of boy ghost, naturally turns his attention back to the monster spider.

Obviously, the level of monster spiders is different from that of boy ghosts.

Within the power of the Seven Seas, the boy ghost has the ability to fight against Qiao An in normal form, and he was a little embarrassed when he fought Qiao An, so that after Qiao An entered the battle form, he completely reversed the situation.

But the monster spider was in the Seven Seas domain, but couldn't even stand up. If it weren't for the appearance of the boy ghost at that time, it would even be hacked to death by a team of walrus soldiers.

The monster spider lying there unable to move, looked at Qiao Ann, who looked bad, and walked towards him step by step, and the intense anxiety became stronger and stronger.

A monster like it has a strong sense of danger.

Now it felt this danger from Qiao Ann, so the monster spider struggled in place, hoping to get itself up, and then quickly escape.

Unfortunately, there is really no way to do it.

Under the suppression of the Power of Seven Seas domain, how can such a small monster like it contend?

You know, that is the seabed pressure of the seven oceans.

Not to mention, it was mixed with the supernatural power of Qiao An, the General of the Seven Seas, so how could such a small character like the monster spider in a small way resist.

After all, it is not a monster at the level of a boy ghost.

The eight compound eyes on the head of the monster spider stared at the coming Qiao Ann, and the half-length woman above it also looked terrified.

Fear and fear are good things!

At least it means that it knows how precious life is, so there will be talk.

Qiao An stopped in front of the monster spider, looked up at the monster spider like a hill, and said: "Tell me who the main messenger behind you is, I can give you a good time, and it's not impossible to even spare you. But if you don’t say it, then what you have to endure next is not so wonderful. You have to believe me, I have the power to make life worse than death."

The eight compound eyes of the monster spider turned for a moment, and there was a color of extreme fear in their eyes. Obviously, it understood Qiao An's meaning, indicating that it had a certain degree of wisdom.

In fact, the big spider as a monster can be regarded as a creature from another dimension or space, and it is really an intelligent life in the original world.

So because it is an intelligent life, it must understand the preciousness and value of life.

If it can survive, I think there is no intelligent creature that understands the preciousness and value of life, and it has to pursue death unless it has that kind of firm belief.

But obviously, this monster spider can't have any faith, so survival is what it hopes most.

Qiao Ann has already shown her strength. Anyway, the Monster Spider understands that it is absolutely impossible for him to be Qiao Ann’s opponent, so as long as it is not stupid, it knows exactly what it should do next and how to cooperate with Joe. Ann, tell me what she wants to know.

Because only in this way can Qiao An be satisfied, and then gain a chance for himself.

The Monster Spider felt that he was too unlucky, and it was indeed its own misfortune to meet someone like Qiao An today.

Originally, it intended to swallow human essence and blood here in order to increase its strength.

But I never thought that such a bad luck would meet someone like Qiao An.

It feels that this world is becoming more and more terrifying. When it was summoned in the past, no one here was its opponent, but now it seems that there are more and more people who can fight against it. Kill its existence.


The monster spider sighed silently in his heart.

It really misses the past.

At the same time, it also sensitively felt that the world that it was summoned from time to time seemed to be different from the past.

But what is the reason, it is not so clear for the time being, after all, it is not an aboriginal in this world.

Also, how could it know that the existences in the various myths and legends in different time and space have returned, and it has triggered the reintegration of all kinds of ethnic groups that have escaped into the current society.

If it knew these things, perhaps all the doubts in its heart would be solved, and it would never be so confused again.

At the same time, it can also know that even if it does not encounter Qiao An, it will encounter other strong men who can kill it in the future. This is not unexpected at all.

But now, anyway, it met Joan.

And the powerful boy ghost sent by the summoner was completely blown up by the woman in front of him, so it had to admit it.

That's a boy ghost!

According to the understanding of the monster spider, it is considered a very powerful monster under the summoner. Basically, as long as the boy ghost is dispatched, there is nothing that cannot be solved.

But such a powerful monster is not the opponent of the woman in front of him, so the monster spider can only admit his fate, because it is very clear that he can't do a boy ghost, so facing this woman who can't even beat a boy ghost, he can't even do it. That's it.

"Tell me! Who is the master behind!"

Just when the monster spider was thinking about it, Qiao An asked the first question.

The eight compound eyes of the monster spider turned in unison, and the half-length woman on top of it raised her hand and lifted her shawl's long hair, revealing the ugly face covered under her long hair, and replied with a respectful expression: "The name of the master we summoned from the Asura world is called Chachai. We have been fighting for him for several years, and the reward is that he allows us to devour the flesh and blood of 1,000 people every time we fight..."

The monster spider was very cooperative, and said a lot of things at once. Although there weren't many useful things among them, its cooperative attitude made Qiao An very satisfied.

Through the information revealed by the monster spider, Qiao An learned the name of'Chachai', as well as the fact that the monster spider came from a place called'Sura Realm', and the relationship between it and Chachai. Generally speaking, it was not bad. .

But just when Qiao An was about to continue asking some questions, suddenly a **** hole appeared behind the monster spider. This black hole appeared very suddenly, and after it appeared, the monster spider was sucked into the black hole, and even if it closed and disappeared.

Cha Guai also has a consciousness link on the monster spider, so when he noticed that his information was about to be leaked out by the monster spider, he immediately opened the channel of the Shura realm and sent the monster spider back to avoid this insult. Tell Qiao An more information about yourself.

Qiao Ann was careless.

She didn't check in advance whether there was a conscious link in the monster spider's body, otherwise she could completely cut off this consciousness and avoid such things from happening.

After all, Qiao An is still a ‘Little White Novice’, and he doesn’t understand so much in all aspects that this problem arises.

Although the theoretical knowledge about this aspect is in the godhead she inherited, these theories will be ignored inadvertently. After all, the knowledge is too much and too complicated, and Qiao Ann can't think of it immediately.

After all, she still has too little practical experience.

Qiao An's face was very ugly right now.

But now that things have been like this, she can only recover her domain and combat form, and return to her normal state.

The building on the high court side has been destroyed in half, and the outside is a mess.

In this attack, many people lost their lives, and many others were injured.

Therefore, the case of Cai Minghua, today or tomorrow, even said that there is no way to continue for a period of time.

"damn it!"

Thinking of this, Qiao An couldn't help cursing in a low voice, and then he took out his mobile phone and prepared to tell the boss Jin Xiantai about the incident.

------split line------

"Where did this stinky lady come from? Why is she so powerful? Even the boy ghost is not her opponent."

Sending the monster spider back to the Chacha of Shura Realm, he slowly opened his eyes, raised his hand and slowly wiped the blood stains on the corner of his mouth, and just sprayed a big mouthful of blood, which really made him very uncomfortable.

The two behind them wore long robes ~lightnovelpub.net~ with this typical Southeast Asian appearance. The petite woman sat in the same place with a stale look on her face, without any intention of coming over to take care of Chachai.

From this point of view, it seems that the two women are not quite right.

The burning candles in the room were all extinguished at the same time. As the candlelight of the candles went out, the temperature in the room became not so cold. At the same time, the green and dim light that enveloped the room disappeared without a trace. All seem to be back to normal.

Since Chacha’s consciousness has always been connected to the monster spider and the boy ghost, he calmly analyzed it and felt that he was out of luck today. Maybe he met Qiao An during the action, but he did not think that Qiao An shot to protect Wang Jiahui. .

So Chachai felt that he was too unlucky today.

But no matter what, he received Cai Minghua's money, and this business must go on.

Otherwise, he would have to endure the karma generated by violating the agreement, so Chachai began to re-plan a new course of action without any intention of retreating.

Speaking of which, this is also the sorrow of the lowered head teacher.

Tuk tuk!

When Chaguai re-planned the action plan, a knock on the door suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

Chachai stood up impatiently, walked to the door, looked through the door mirror, and found a middle-aged man holding a one-year-old child outside the door.

"Who are you looking for?"

I didn't think too much about it, and asked after a while.

Just as Chacai was waiting for someone outside to respond, he heard a child's voice outside the door.

"Master, go in, there are people inside."

"Oh, if someone is sure, let's go in."

At this time, it was very unreasonable to check the bottom of my heart, and suddenly a very strong sense of anxiety was born...