Rising America

Chapter 1472: Bad taste

Chacai felt that the uneasy feeling in his heart was totally unfounded.

At this moment when Cha Guai was very puzzled, the locked door was pushed open effortlessly, and then the middle-aged man standing outside the door holding the child turned face to face with Cha Guai.

The door of the room was locked, and it was absolutely impossible for him to be pushed open so easily. There must be something wrong with it, and I was pretty sure about it.

You know, he locked it himself.

For an instant, the thought flashed in Cha Guai's mind, which could not help making him serious and cautious.

"Who are you?"

Asking a question on his mouth, and at the same time, he flicked a few fingers slightly. A shadowy formation was placed in the small corridor of the porter in the room, and he took precautions.

The middle-aged man seemed to perceive the little movement of Cha Guai, and a slight smile suddenly appeared in his eyes, as if he couldn't catch his eyes at all of this little movement of Cha Guai.

The middle-aged boy who looked like he was only about a year old, watched Cha Gu with big eyes curiously, but he didn't notice anything.

At this time, Cha Guai's original expression behind him was stereotyped and his eyes were empty and lifeless, as if they were two women with soulless human bodies. Suddenly their pupils were all replaced by scarlet, and the expression on her face became a bit hideous and terrifying. He whispered a beast-like'chuck', bowed slightly and watched the middle-aged man holding the little boy in his arms.


Faced with Chachai's question, the middle-aged man holding the little boy gave a casual response, and walked into the room directly with his leg raised, without any intention of seeing outside.

The middle-aged man stepped into the room, and a whirlwind was rolled up under his feet for no reason, but when the whirlwind had not become more intense, it disappeared instantly without knowing what was wrong, and everything became calm.

This change made Chachai's eyes constricted.

The moment the middle-aged man stepped into the room, he triggered the formation he shot.

According to common sense, the middle-aged person should immediately fall into the formation, facing the danger of being gnawed by the evil spirits from hell.

But the other party not only didn't fall into this kind of crisis, but didn't see any action, and resolved everything into invisible. Obviously, the other party was definitely not an ordinary person.

This immediately raised Chachai's fear of middle-aged people by several levels.

As the saying goes, as soon as an expert makes a move to know if he has it, let alone he doesn't know how the opponent is doing it, he has already cracked the formation he shot, obviously his strength is far higher than himself.

So on the premise of having such a judgment, how can you guess without fear?

"Don't be embarrassed in front of me if you are not influential, okay? With such a little rubbish, you are embarrassed to sit in front of me and show off, I have to say that you really have no knowledge.

The middle-aged man's eyes are very contemptuous and contemptuous, and the look in his eyes is very uncomfortable.

But Chagui didn't react excessively, just stood there silently.

But the middle-aged man didn't mean to stop, and continued to nag and contempt: "You are a member of the so-called Nanyang descending head division, right? Even if you don't admit it, I can guess some, you don't have to rush to deny it. .

In the eyes of ordinary people, you are mysterious and powerful, but at best, you are fooling ordinary people. In the eyes of real experts, you are really infamous, because what I said is the truth, uncle, no matter what you admit. deny.

Your little tricks are nothing more than handed down from my Eastern Demon Dao, and they are still incomplete, so I really don't like it, uncle.

Don't say that you guys just learned a little bit of fur, even if the real giant of the magical way meets the uncle, they can only directly follow and call the ancestor. "

Big tone! Great spectrum!

Also very arrogant!

I don't know what exactly is this middle-aged man, and why he has such a big tone.

If he is not bragging, then he must be really capable.

And to check and guess, the other party must be capable of this kind, definitely not a guy who brags in front of him.

"I'll give you a way now, that's where you come and go there. There are some things that you can't intervene, so you can save your life.

But if you have to be obsessed with it, then today, uncle, I am going to kill you guy here on behalf of the heavens. So I hope you must consider it carefully and think clearly. "

The middle-aged man's tone is not good, and he can understand the meaning expressed in both soft and hard words.

Obviously, I hope I can put aside Cai Minghua's entrustment, leave Xiangjiang and return to Nanyang immediately, and do not continue the next action.

If he insists, then the middle-aged man will kill himself.


Chi Guoguo and unabashed threat!

Chachai's breath gradually became thicker, and at the same time he was struggling fiercely inside.

Do it! Killing this guy, who he thinks he is, dare to speak to himself like this, he is just some means, if he really fights life and death in the end, who can guarantee it!

No, you must not do it yourself. This middle-aged man is definitely not good-natured, and he must not be stupid. Just give up the business according to his wishes.

In Chachai's mind, the two views are entangled with each other.

The middle-aged man holding the little boy looked at Cha Guai, who was undergoing a fierce ideological struggle, with a playful look, and said nothing.

He also wanted to see if he wanted to come, and guess what kind of decision would be made in the end.

Did you leave according to your own will?

Or choose to be the enemy against your own good will?

For middle-aged people, this is a very interesting thing.

Well, this is the evil taste of middle-aged people at work.

If you change to his classmate, you won't have so much nonsense, and you will solve the guesswork directly.

But the middle-aged person is a middle-aged person after all. He has a bad taste that is different from his fellow brothers. He likes playing such games very much, which he finds very interesting.

It's just that his taste is a bit hard to agree with.

"Master, why don't you just kill him?"

The little boy in his arms, who seemed to be just over a year old, asked the middle-aged man with a special secret technique.

Obviously, in the eyes of the little boy, it is impossible for this guy to be his own master, that is, the opponent of the middle-aged man holding him.

So, just take a shot and solve him directly.

But what I am doing now is simply unreasonable, and it is still very troublesome.

For children like him, whoever has the biggest fist must have the final say, and this is also the easiest way to solve the problem.

"Because it's fun, don't you think it's a good boy? You don't want to follow your sister. You have to use violence to solve everything, it's not good."

The middle-aged man also responded to the little boy with a secret technique.


I don’t think it’s fun, but I think it’s just like ‘take off your pants and fart’.

After getting a reply from the middle-aged man, the little boy rolled his eyes, obviously disagreeing at all. At the same time, his reaction was seen in the eyes of the middle-aged man, making the middle-aged man a little helpless.

No way, his apprentice disagrees with his own preferences so much, which makes him very sad as a master.

"It’s really fun. Don’t you think it’s interesting for people to be so entangled? Take a closer look at whether he dares to resist now, or he wants to accept my suggestion and leave, but he is reluctant to leave. Isn’t it interesting?"

The middle-aged people were very unwilling, and tried hard to persuade their apprentices to face this fun thing with the same mentality as themselves, and at the same time to understand and understand deeply.

However, it is a pity that this kind of bad taste boy is destined to be unable to accept it.

"Forget it, Master, I really don't think there is any fun, please don't impose your preferences on me, I don't like it at all."

The middle-aged person is really sad, and his apprentice can’t appreciate the fun of this, and he is really helpless as a master~lightnovelpub.net~ At this time, check the look on his face It changed drastically, but soon his expression became firm, and it seemed that he had already made a decision.

"I don't want to leave!"

After about a few seconds, Chachai gave a fierce shout, and then his figure quickly retreated at a speed that violated the laws of physics. At the same time, the two women behind him flew toward the middle-aged man with grim expressions.

Obviously, Cha Guai decided to fight.

The reason Chachai made such a decision was mainly because the middle-aged person did not show his true strength, so that Chachai felt that he still had the power to fight.

It cannot be said that this is a deliberate result of the middle-aged people.

If the middle-aged does not hide his aura and let Chachai feel the vast and majestic power fluctuations, perhaps he will not make the decision to fight, but choose to accept the suggestion and leave Xiangjiang dingy. .

Therefore, no one can guarantee that the middle-aged man deliberately gave Chaguo such an illusion.

Two women who are not normal, their faces are distorted like evil spirits, sharp nails grow on their hands for an instant, and there are bursts of black mist on their bodies, and in the mist there is still a faintly open mouth wailing. The figure of, but anyone who is timid is estimated to be weakened or incontinent.

But the middle-aged man holding the little boy was extremely calm, and even the little boy in his arms did not show fear or panic.

"Huh! It's just two Asura girls, and they are of the handyman rank. I want to be fierce in front of the jungler and let the uncle show you something."

The middle-aged man said a word with a disdainful face, and didn't see any movement from him, he saw a blue telescreen suddenly appeared in the room, covering everyone in...