Rising America

Chapter 1477: Badlands

Red clouds are suspended in the sky. Looking at a deserted sea of ​​sand, there is no green vegetation at all, and from time to time there are storms mixed with electromagnetic waves. In such an environment, it is not suitable for breeding. life's.

After the two little guys, Coco and Kayla, entered this plane world full of excitement, they arrived at such a place.

Gravity, air pressure, and a large number of toxic substances contained in gas, basically any ordinary person who came to such a place would lose his life quickly in a very short time.

Fortunately, Coco and Kayla are not ordinary little girls, so even if the two of them did not wear space suits, nor did they carry any survival equipment for them, they only appeared here in ordinary casual clothes, but there will be no Any threats and problems.

Kayla is a Kryptonian, she is not a human girl, although she looks no different from an ordinary human six or seven year old girl, but the essential difference is very big.

As a Kryptonian, Kayla, like her brother, possesses the exclusive talents and abilities of the Kryptonite Collection, able to survive in extremely harsh environments, and at the same time automatically absorbs all kinds of radiation that appears around him. To enhance its own functions.

Placed on the earth in different time and space, Kayla absorbs radiation from the sun.

And after Coco came to this world of planes, Kayla could also absorb the various radiation contained in the current planet, which was also considered the talent of Kryptonians.

Generally speaking, compared with the people on earth, the survival ability of the Kryptonians is really stronger than that of a little bit, but quite a lot.

Even in such an environment, Kayla doesn't need to absorb oxygen to provide a guarantee for her survival. Just this one doesn't know how many times stronger than the people on earth.

Cocoa is also so powerful.

It is true that this little fellow Coco is an authentic little earth girl, but she absolutely cannot treat this little girl like an ordinary earth little girl, plus she has all kinds of weird and powerful abilities, so this environment is harsh The planet also has no effect on the little guy.

Even Cocoa, like Kayla, does not need those survival equipment to provide all kinds of guarantees for his survival when he is on this planet, which is really powerful and staggering.

"The gravity here is 15 times that of the earth, and the air pressure is not low. There are a lot of toxic substances in the surrounding gas. If ordinary people live in this place in less than 30 seconds, they will die or even move under 15 times the gravity. To."

Kayla looked around for a while and told Coco a little bit of information that she had obtained after observation.

But where does Coco care about these things?

The character of the little guy has always been this way. In her opinion, these are trivial things that don't need to be taken care of.

No way, Coco is so careless.

In addition, since she followed her father to the earth in different time and space, and knowing that she has a powerful and heavenly power, everything went smoothly without suffering, so she gradually formed her current personality.

From Coco's point of view, gravity, air pressure, and gas contain toxic substances. These are things that don't need to be cared about. As long as she is not affected in this place, it is enough. Other things don't need to be cared about at all.

Look, now Coco is such a child.

She didn't even know what important things were in the information Kayla told her.

Of course, this information may be really important to ordinary people, but for a bear kid like Coco, she really doesn't need to care too much.

After moving his hands and feet, Cocoa didn't feel anything strange. 15 times the gravity and air pressure, as well as the toxic substances contained in the gas, did not have the slightest impact on Cocoa, so Cocoa turned his head and said to Kaila: " This place is OK, but I don’t feel any inconvenience to my actions."

The temperature of this planet is ‘slightly’ higher, anyway, ordinary people will never survive in such a place.

"Kayla, let's go and take a look around separately to make sure if there are other creatures on this planet." Cocoa made a suggestion at this time.

Hearing this, Kayla nodded.

"What is the scope of the search?" Kayla did not object to Coco's suggestion to check whether there is life. She just asked how much Cocoa needs to search.

Cocoa thought for a while: "Sprint in one direction for an hour and search within an hour."

Regarding the concept of scope, I don't know how to say it. In the end, I had to use this method to determine the degree of need.

After making a decision, Coco and Kayla ran in opposite directions, and the two little guys turned into two streams of light, and disappeared from where they were in an instant.

Coco said that he was sprinting with all his strength, so Kayla also used the strength to suckle.

Regardless of whether it is Kayla or Coco, even if they come to a planet that is different from the Earth in different time and space, even if the gravity and various indicators have become different, the speed at which they run is still jaw-dropping.

Even when Kayla ran and found that the gravity of this planet had no significant effect on her flight, she jumped into the air and moved forward in flight.

Cocoa also used magic energy, stepping on two pulleys formed by magic energy under his feet.

In short, the two little guys used their abilities to ensure that they can move forward with all their strength.

This is a planet different from the Earth in different time and space, and the environment is very different from the Earth in different time and space. Looking towards the sky, one can see two planets, one large and one small, standing there. This kind of scene is in different time and space. The earth can never be appreciated.

And because the two planets, one large and one small, are too close to the planet where Cocoa is located, it even seems to give people an illusion, as if these two planets are not far in front of them. And with the naked eye, the nearest planet can be seen clearly, and the ring-shaped belt pattern on the surface can be seen clearly.

To be honest, the two planets, one large and one small, are much closer to the planet where Cocoa is located than the moon and the earth in different time and space, so that people can see it so clearly with the naked eye.

The universe is vast, but also magical.

In the vast universe, if you have the opportunity, you can really see all kinds of amazing or terrifying scenes, but all of them can be shocking to the limit.

Some even surpassed people's imagination. After seeing them, some people sigh that their imagination is so lacking.

However, in the face of the current ‘spectacle’, the little guy has no interest at all. She just glanced at it for so long, and then her gaze shifted to other places.

However, this is not surprising. Regardless of her young age, she has a rich experience of "playing" on different planes that ordinary people do not have. She has been to several time and space planes, and she has also seen many beautiful scenery.

So if you watch too much, you won't be too fussy.

It is true that the landscape of the science fiction world is completely different from that of the ancient world.

But Coco felt that she was already a child who had seen the world, so even if it was the first time she had seen this kind of cosmic ‘spectacle’, the little guy still behaved very calmly, not so surprised.

In front, a black line appeared, and the black line quickly moved towards the cocoa side and swept in at an extremely fast advancing speed.

This is another planetary storm. From a distance, it looks like a black line is nothing, but if the storm is near, you will find that the scale of this storm is not small at all, and the wind is far more than that. The degree to which the earth is rated for wind power.

The speed of Cocoa's gallop didn't slow down at all~lightnovelpub.net~ Even she increased her speed a little bit, and slammed into the engulfing storm.

Cocoa crashed into the storm and found that in the dust flying in the sky, there would be one or two lightning bolts from time to time, and the visibility became poor due to the dust.

But the little guy didn't care at all.

It is said that the wind of the storm is very strong, and the intensity exceeds the so-called "hurricane", but Cocoa looks calm in the storm and is not affected at all.

At this moment, the little guy's body was wrapped with a faint golden light, and under the protection of this golden light, the little guy seemed so calm and relaxed.


A thick electric arc struck the golden light outside of the little guy.

Coco in the golden light looked left and right with curiosity, but the speed did not weaken at all, and he continued to gallop forward with all his strength.

The blue arc dissipated, and the golden light did not even fluctuate at all. It can be seen that the lightning in the storm will not pose any threat to cocoa.

Coco, who stepped on the magic wheel, curled his mouth and muttered in a low voice, "Even the immortal energy that I put out can't move. It seems that this storm just looks scary. I don't need to be too cautious."

But in fact, this storm, and the lightning contained in it, was not as powerless as Coco thought.

If you were an ordinary person like Coco, and slammed into the storm, it is estimated that the body was torn apart by the violent storm, and the dead could no longer die.

Even if it's okay, it will be killed by the lightning contained in the storm. There can be no exceptions.

So, that is, Coco, a bear boy who is against the sky, can survive such a storm. It really won't work if he changes to an ordinary person.