Rising America

Chapter 1478: Okay?

The storm was advancing very fast, and Coco galloped forward very quickly. Due to the direction of the hedge, the little guy quickly passed through the storm.

Looking at the time, he had been running for an hour and had reached the time limit he had set, so Coco stopped.

The distance has been confirmed. The next thing to do is to search carefully to see if there is no lifeless existence within the diameter of one hour.

Coco was going to be lazy, so she bit her lip, broke one of her hair cruelly, and carefully divided the hair into several sections.

The little guy learned the magical powers of "Tiangangdisha" from the master Nuwa, and now it just happens to come in handy. After all, the magical powers are learned for use, and there is no need to learn to do something.

It's just that no one could think that after this bear kid learned supernatural powers, he actually used it to be lazy.

Throw the divided hair in front of you, and the next second will appear in pieces of cocoa. Looking at the same small faces, if there is an obsessive-compulsive disorder patient here, it is estimated that it will collapse on the spot.

"Go! My clone!"

The real Cocoa was single and pinched his waist and waved his hand very angry, and immediately the dense clusters of cocoa were scattered and scattered.

The cocoa body remained in place, and his little face looked triumphant.

"Haha! This terrible magical power is good, although the clone only inherited 30% of my power, but even so is very powerful. If I fight again in the future, whether it is a single or group fight, it can be, hahahaha, I From now on, it will be an absolutely invincible fighting king."

To be honest, it was the first time this little fellow with the magical power of the earth had used it, so she didn't know the use of this magical power before.

However, after using it for laziness this time, the little guy seemed to have discovered the New World, and saw the good side of it.

Originally, Cocoa had only the seventy-two earth evil magic powers, and there was a method such as the clone technique, but considering that the clone only inherited 30% of his own strength, the little guy felt that since the clone did not inherit 100% of his own strength, so It was very insignificant, so he slowly became less interested in this supernatural power.

This time, if it wasn't for being lazy, maybe I couldn't remember this magical power.

But after using this magical power right now, Coco found that his past cognition was quite wrong. It seemed that this magical power was not as **** as he thought.

It is true that the clone has only inherited 30% of its own strength, which is not a little bit different from the 100% strength of the body, but it cannot hold the clone much.

I thought there was a limit to the number of clones, but only then did Coco discover that this was not the case at all.

It was just such a discovery that suddenly reversed the original understanding of this clone technique in Coco's Seventy-two Transformation of Earth Shaman.

The number of clones of Cocoa in the past was about hundreds.

Think about it, how much damage can be caused by hundreds of cocoa clones with 30% of the true power of cocoa?

To be honest, thinking about this makes people shiver.

Not to mention 30% power, even 10% destructive power is quite terrifying, OK?

You know, the power that Cocoa possesses is too much.

So, even if those clones of Cocoa only possess 30% of the power of Cocoa's body, it is quite scary.

With the help of more clones, Cocoa soon gained a very detailed understanding of the scope of his responsibility.

I dare not say anything else, after all, I haven't searched it, but at least no life or even signs of existence have been found in the searched area.

After a while, the same message came from Kayla.

Soon, Coco and Kayla reunited.

"Oh, I didn't expect us to come to such a place where the birds don't shit. I thought we could come to a civilized planet."

Kayla was a little bit unsatisfied to be here on such a seemingly deserted, deserted, and harsh environment.


Kaila was originally full of expectations, wanted to see the magnificence, full of all kinds of imagination, which can only be seen in film and television dramas, the real science fiction city style, but unexpectedly came to such a place now. How could she not be disappointed.

After all, the gap is too big.

Coco nodded, agreeing with Kayla's dissatisfaction.

However, Coco does not completely agree with Kayla.

Because Coco felt that it would be nice to come to such a deserted place, at least coming to such a place also provided convenience for certain things.

That's right, before coming to this time and space, Coco was reminded by Kayla to pay attention to safety issues, and in order to relieve Kayla's worries, but also to provide some convenient conditions for his trip to the alien world. , So I bought some fun goods in the mystery store.

One of the products named "StarCraft" needs to find a remote, preferably deserted place where it can be used.

And the place where they are now just meets the above conditions.

Therefore, Coco was not dissatisfied with being in such a place like Kayla.

"Boss, what should we do now? We can't just stay on this empty and desolate planet. Don't you want to see what the city of the interstellar age is like?"

Kayla asked Coco without saying a word.

Coco thought for a while and responded: "Of course I want to see it."

After receiving a response from Coco, Kayla said helplessly: "But, boss, how can we leave this practice? Even if we leave this planet, how can we find the wisdom civilization of this universe and go to this civilization? The planet under its jurisdiction."

Well, this is a very real problem.

If it weren't for Kayla's mention, Cocoa hadn't even thought about this issue, and now being mentioned by Kayla, Coco's eyes suddenly widened.

Not bad!

To say that she and Kayla can still leave this planet, but to say that after leaving this planet, it is a little difficult to find civilized forces in the vast universe.

You know, the universe is very large, and the distance at all times is calculated based on light years.

If the two little guys don't have any special means, then look for them one by one. God knows how long it will take to meet an alien civilization.

So this is really something that needs attention.

If the place where they descended is itself a planet city under the jurisdiction of an alien civilization, then this issue does not need to be considered.

But now the place where the two of them descended is a barren planet with a harsh environment, and the two little guys don't know how far this planet is from the sphere of influence of the alien civilization.

In case, the planet they are on is far, far away from the forces of alien civilization, this can be difficult.

Besides, they don't know the position of the alien civilization in the universe of this plane, so in such a situation, it is really as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

Coco is so careless, he hasn't thought about these problems at all.

If it hadn't been mentioned by Kayla now, I don't know if Coco would have noticed this.

Now that Keira mentioned this problem, Coco suddenly felt tricky.

If Coco couldn't solve it, then in the end the two of them had to leave this plane world temporarily and go back, and doing so was a shame in Coco's eyes.

After a brief silence, Coco's eyes met Kayla and slowly said: "Well, I admit that I neglected these things. In fact, I didn't think of them at all."

Kayla's face collapsed when she heard the words. She felt that now she had to leave this plane world temporarily and that way could go.

But unexpectedly, Coco's next remarks turned things around.

"However, the matter is not unsolvable, it's just a little troublesome, and a little bit of time needs to be wasted." Coco pretended to raise his hand deeply, and kept rubbing his clean jaw.

"Boss, what can you do?" Kayla asked quickly.

Putting down his hands, Coco looked at Kayla solemnly: "Because I have "StarCraft" in hand, as long as we create a civilization on this planet, then we can have warships that can cross the galaxy and find aliens in this universe. The power of civilization."


Do you have to build a civilization yourself!

Kayla’s face collapsed again ~lightnovelpub.net~ To be honest, she knew very well how difficult it is to build a civilization, especially a civilization with technology with intergalactic capabilities.

Not to mention, Coco still has to do it from scratch.

Kayla admits that the merchandise of the Mystery Store is very powerful, but no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to create a civilization with interstellar navigation technology from scratch.

Anyway, Keira felt that Coco's idea was unreliable.

From another perspective, even if it can be done in the end, how much time will it take?

It will be needed for thousands of years.

Oh my!

Kayla thought Coco was really whimsical.

Coco saw Kayla's extremely speechless expression, walked over and patted Kayla's stomach, and said to Kayla solemnly: "You have to have faith in me, you have to believe that as your boss, I am Coco Being able to do things that ordinary people can't do is the kind of thing that in the eyes of most people simply cannot be done."

After speaking to Kayla, Coco took out the "StarCraft" card from his pocket and threw it away.

Immediately, the card exploded in the process of landing and set off waves of smoke and dust. After the smoke and dust dissipated, three very strange buildings appeared out of nowhere.

Of these three strange buildings, one is a big and disgusting creeping sarcoma, the other is a square building with all metal construction, and the last is a golden light with four diamond-shaped crystals circling non-stop on the outside, more than ten floors. Highly metal'eggs'.

Kayla looked a little dumbfounded.

And just when she looked dull, Coco next to her patted her belly again, and said: "Go, you go choose a civilization, after you choose, the remaining two belong to me."