Rising America

Chapter 1487: I'm afraid i'm bad

[I don’t know what's going on over there, is it done now? I hope he doesn't make any mistakes here. As long as everything goes well with him, then Wang Jiahui, the little lady, will not cause me any more trouble, and even Chen Hao will die in prison. 】

Since Chachai had been killed by Guang Chengzi, Cai Minghua, who was sent back to the temporary custody, never contacted Chachai again, so he felt a little uneasy.

However, because he didn't know exactly what happened, Cai Minghua felt uneasy while still holding a trace of fantasy in his heart.

At the same time, he was completely unexpected that his plan would be completely disrupted, and even Cha Guai would have been killed.

Since Cai Minghua’s deposits are all ‘routine’ by Andrew, he really can’t get a penny now.

And Cai Minghua, who has no money, has lost the advantages he relied on in the past, so that now he can't even hire a lawyer.

Cai Minghua himself couldn’t figure out the fact that he was being "routine" at all. He couldn’t figure out how he would be deceived by such inferior scams, and stupidly transferred his bank deposits. Give it to the other party.

For this matter, Cai Minghua really can't think through 10,000.

To be honest, Andrew's ‘routine’ is not very clever, but the problem is that he succeeded, which is really funny.

Of course, it was possible to succeed, thanks to the help of black technology.

If Andrew does not have the support of black technology, it is obviously very difficult for Cai Minghua to succeed in the routine.

After all, Cai Minghua is not an idiot, and when it comes to the secrets of his bank deposits, how could he be careless.

Speaking of it, Cai Minghua was unlucky, but on the smooth road of life, he provoked an existence like Jin Xiantai, so he became unlucky.

In fact, let's not say that Cai Minghua is such a small person. Even if he is even more powerful than him, if Jin Xiantai wants to deal with it, he will not be able to escape the various methods of those around Jin Xiantai.

If Cai Minghua understood this matter, perhaps he would not be so confused now.

But the problem is that he doesn't understand.

Staying in his prison, on the surface, it seems that Cai Minghua's performance is the same in peace days, but in fact his inner mood fluctuates greatly, but he pretends to be very good.

At this time, it has been two days since the monster spider attacked the High Court. In these two days, the investigation has not contacted him, which is very abnormal.

Because according to what Cai Minghua has learned, in terms of the mobility of the Nanyang heads, generally two days are enough for the heads to be the employers.

Therefore, Cai Minghua vaguely felt that there might be an accident over there.

However, hesitating Cai Minghua still has a fluke mentality, so such a thought only flashed through his mind, but he did not care too much.

Perhaps Cai Minghua himself is unwilling to see such a situation.

Think about it, if there is a problem there, then Cai Minghua himself will be affected in the end.

Therefore, Cai Minghua would not want such a problem.

However, many things in the world will not be transferred by personal will, and Cai Minghua is not the real ‘protagonist of the destiny’ either.

My money is gone.

Guess there is no news.

Seriously, if Cai Minghua is still in a good mood, then he really has seen a ghost.

And because the high court was attacked by monster spiders, and at the same time, the monster spiders also brought great damage to the court. As a result, Cai Minghua did not have to worry about being arraigned for a period of time. This was a small accident. In Cai Minghua's eyes, this small accident was a sign of his turnaround.

It's a pity that no one knows Cai Minghua's current psychological dynamics, otherwise he will definitely tell him that he really thinks so much.

Since he was detained in the temporary detention center, and because a large amount of evidence has been shown in the previous court trial, everything has proved that Cai Minghua did commit the crime. Therefore, Cai Minghua’s identity has been compared with the previous one. There has been a big change some time.

He has gone from a suspect to a criminal with evidence to prove the crime.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to enjoy a lot of treatment as a suspect now.

For example, when he was detained here some time ago, his mobile phone has not been confiscated and he can contact the outside world.

But now, his mobile phone has been confiscated, so that he can no longer communicate with the outside world, and this change has also caused Cai Minghua himself to have no way to understand the dynamics of the outside world.

Therefore, Cai Minghua is not clear at this moment, the public opinion of the outside world has become extremely unfavorable to him, especially the scolding on him on the Internet.

Although the trial was temporarily suspended, the lawyer team showed video evidence and Wang Jiahui's testimony during the trial. This has all been posted on the Internet. At the same time, the three major television media in Hong Kong are also broadcasting every day in these days.

Under such a premise, even if Cai Minghua is full of mouths, it is still unclear.

Besides, everything presented in the video is all real facts. How can Cai Minghua quibble with such facts?

The headquarters can make him shout ‘the video he took away is the only surveillance evidence’.

And Cai Minghua didn't understand. Why did the lawyer team come up with another video, which made him want to break his head and didn't understand.

At first, I had confirmed repeatedly that I had already got the surveillance video from KTV.

------split line------

"Junior brother, don't come here unharmed."

Mid-levels, the residence of the Situ family.

Guang Chengzi took his apprentice Zhiyu and saw his apprentice Chijing who was a guest at Situ's house.

"Brother, why are you here."

Seeing Guangchengzi who finally appeared, Chijingzi complained very much when he spoke.

He had already contacted Guangchengzi and asked him to come to Xiangjiang, but it took him a month before Guangchengzi came to meet with him. To be honest, in this era of such developed and convenient transportation, Guangchengzi is too inked.

Seeing the grumbling look on his younger brother's face, Guang Chengzi grinned and explained: "I went to see the master once before I came to see you. I spent a lot of time with the master, so it was too late."

Guang Chengzi shrewdly pushed the Master out, so that Chi Jing couldn't say anything that he wanted to complain next.

After all, compared with Xiangjiang meeting with him, of course it was the matter of Master Primordial Tianzun that was more important. What could Chi Sperm do about this?

It's just that Chijingzi didn't even think about it at all. Senior Brother Guangchengzi's words were just bludgeoning.

Although it was true that he had met the original Tianzun, he met on the same day, and then left the capital where the original Tianzun was located. He didn't delay any time as he himself said.

Obviously, the reason Guang Chengzi said this was to stop Chijingzi from complaining about himself next, so he moved his master out.

Slick to the point of Guang Chengzi, there is really no one in the world.

He will take out the name of his master at will, really...

Anyway, Chi Jingzi believed it.

After all, it involves his own master, so what else can he say.

"Master invites you to go to the capital, is there something important?"

Chi Sperm led the way and took Guang Chengzi to the room where he lived, asking with concern on the way.

Chi Jing Zi is now a guest of Situ Hao's family, and he is still a VIP guest. After all, he can suppress the influence of the'Harem Power' on Situ Feifei here, so Situ Hao does not dare to neglect Chi Jing Zi at all.

So much so that Chijingzi now regards Situhao's family as his own.

Zhiyu saw his brother Chenghua, and the two little guys had been apart for a while, so after the two brothers met, they were quite happy.

The two masters had things to talk about, so the two little guys disappeared from the master's supervision, so they got together and hid in the corner for a while and whispered.

"My master is so weird. He deliberately summoned some ghosts to make trouble at other people's houses~lightnovelpub.net~ and then he appeared to hunt ghosts and eliminate disasters. I have never seen such shameless people."

As soon as the two little guys met, they started to complain about each other. First, Zhiyu complained about his master Guangchengzi, and told his brother about the despicable means of making money from his master.

After hearing his brother complain about his master, Chenghua opened his eyes wide, and his face was full of shocked expressions. Obviously the little guy didn't expect that his brother's master would be such a shameless and wonderful work.

I thought my master was a ‘underworld’, and led a young self to live a life of sword, light and sword. It’s already very funny.

But after listening to his brother's complaints, Chenghua realized that his master was not the most funny and bizarre. Compared with his brother's master, he was simply a white lotus.

"Your master is really so shameless!?"

Clear and fluent Spanish blurted out.

In order to avoid letting my master hear what he and his brother are talking about, the two little guys are very thief and choose to communicate in Spanish.

Because the little guys understand very well that their master does not understand Spanish, so they communicate in Spanish and don't have to worry about what they say will be heard by the master.

As for the corners of his mouth twitched, and then he nodded heavily.

"It's so shameless, brother, don't you know that, every time I catch ghosts for someone with my master, my whole person feels bad, especially when those people are still grateful to my master, and they show me something. This feeling becomes stronger when you have a lot of money. To be honest, I am worried that if I spend a long time with such a shameless master, I will become such a shameless child in the future."

Zhiyu is obviously very worried about his future.

After all, the old saying goes well, ‘the one who is near Zhu is red and the one is black is near Mo.’