Rising America

Chapter 1488: There is such a thing!

Since the two little guys are communicating in Spanish, the two masters, Guangchengzi and Chijingzi, really can't understand what the little guys are saying.

Therefore, the two masters were confused after listening for a while, and then they lost interest in the two little guys who were complaining about themselves.

I have to say that I can’t understand foreign languages, and sometimes I really listen to sad reminders.

Because I don’t know that others are speaking badly about myself.

"Master has found a way to gather faith, and has opened a school in Beijing. Those juniors who have not found a way have been called by the master to serve as teachers in various subjects in the school.

As you and I have already found a way to gather faith, Master said that we don’t have to go to the capital to join in the fun, as long as we continue to use our own methods to gather faith for Master. "

The original Tianzun opened the "Lan Xiang" school in the capital. Chijingzi also got the news. He thought he would leave Xiangjiang soon and would never go into the underworld again.

However, Guang Chengzi's remarks completely poured cold water on Chijingzi's head. He had to continue to mix his own underworld and become a man of the underworld in Xiangjiang.

To be honest, Chi Sperm really doesn't want to be in the underworld.

It is too ridiculous to think that he is eloquently teaching one of the twelve golden immortals, but now he is going to be mixed with the underworld in the world.

But the master has already expressed his position, so no matter how rebellious Chijingzi is in his heart, he still has to follow the original arrangement of his master.


Chi Sperm was very ‘excited’, and even his body was trembling.

Of course, Chi Sperm did not react like this because he was happy, but because he really felt that he was too sad to urge him.

"Junior Brother, accept your fate, but I think we are better than the juniors who were called by Master to be teachers. As far as I know, Yuding is still going to learn how to drive excavators. At least we don't need to learn that stuff."

Guang Chengzi told Chi Jing with a sorrowful expression about his experience in the capital.

When I went to see Master Yuan in the capital, the "Lan Xiang" school had already broken ground and half of its construction, and Guang Chengzi also saw all the students and disciples scattered around.

But the life of those juniors was not easy, because they were not like themselves and Chijingzi, they had found a feasible way to gather faith.

Therefore, under the original request, they had to stay in the capital, and began to learn some secular skills, striving to master the skills in a short time, and then become teachers.

A guy like Yuding Zhenren is just learning how to drive an excavator, and after he learns it well, when the'Lan Xiang' school is completed, he will teach students as an excavator teacher.

In addition to the real person of Yuding, the real person of Taiyi was also asked by the original Tianzun to start learning cooking techniques in order to be able to serve as a teacher of cooking subjects in the future.

Like Lingbao Tianzun, they are afraid to stay with their grandchildren.

So in this way, Guangchengzi and Chi sperm are considered good.

In any case, their life is still free, and they can make a lot of money to enjoy life, which is much better than those juniors.

After all, those juniors, following their own master, can only get a little teacher's salary each month, and they don't have much freedom. There are Guangchengzi and Chisperm in the life.

Therefore, after hearing Guang Chengzi's disclosure of such insider information, Chijingzi's depression in his heart was wiped out, because if someone is more unlucky than him, then he will be very relieved.

"The master has made such a big move, what is the reaction of the old otaku thirty-three days away, and the fat man on Jin'ao Island?" The happiness is based on the younger brothers and sisters who are more unfortunate than him. Now they are very happy. Chi sperm asked a question.


My master made such a big movement, the one who wanted to come to the Palace of Dust, and the one who hid on Jinao Island after the defeat of the Primordial Conferring God War, I would definitely not pretend to not see it. .

Hearing this, Guang Chengzi lowered his voice quite a bit, pretending to be mysterious, and replied: "Lao Zi and Shi Shu opened a beauty salon in the capital. I heard that the business is very hot. I heard that I will open it when I leave the capital. It’s a branch."

Chi Jingzi was surprised, he was shocked by the news that Guang Chengzi revealed.

Also, the matter of Taishang Laojun opening a beauty salon, how can people not be connected with his identity.

Guang Chengzi saw Chi Jingzi's look of astonishment, and he knew that he was thundered by the news. He thought that when he knew the news, it was not such a reaction.

But then again, Guang Chengzi really admires Tai Guru Uncle, because he did find a way to amass faith by setting up a beauty salon.

Therefore, Guang Chengzi explained to Chijingzi: “Don’t think that the uncle master is just doing mischief. Through this method, he has successfully found a way to accumulate faith, and at the same time, it can bring himself rich income, even we The masters are jealous."

What! ?

Opening a beauty salon can also gather faith!

Chijingzi felt that his worldview had collapsed.

He even felt that his senior brother Guang Chengzi's words were too nonsense.

Seeing the reaction of Chi Sperm, Guang Chengzi knew that he didn't believe what he was saying, so he explained it patiently.

"This era is an era that pays attention to beauty. Uncle Taiguru saw this and entered this industry.

The beauty salon of Uncle Taiguru is not just as simple as doing beauty care. Its main core is to do plastic surgery, so that men and women who are dissatisfied with their appearance can have a satisfactory appearance after the plastic surgery.

Therefore, the beauty salon of Uncle Grand Master has become a holy place in the hearts of many face value party men and women. It is a sacred place for them to worship. These men and women can contribute a lot of faith to Uncle Grand Master every day, especially It is the men and women who have succeeded in plastic surgery.

I even heard from the master that someone in Korea has invited Master Master to open a branch there, and they are still willing to invest. Maybe Master Master’s beauty shop will become an international company. "

This works too!

Chi Sperm didn't know what to say now.

The secularity of this era is indeed an era of facial value, and Chijingzi himself admits it.

It's just that he didn't expect that Taishang would actually see an opportunity from it, and if he seized this opportunity, he was even more successful.

"Don't you know, the Venerable Nuwa has already walked ahead of everyone. She has made a huge reputation in the United States, has fans all over the world, and provides her with massive amounts of faith every day. And she will soon return to China and make her debut as a singer in the mixed entertainment industry. By then, her fans will be more."


Holy Venerable Nuwa pulls his skin, are you going to play in the entertainment industry?

I have to say that as long as you lower your body and posture these years, and can do it with a cheeky, then you can really get rich returns.

Thinking about it this way, I am in the Xiangjiang underworld, what's the point?

Guang Chengzi continued: "The fat uncle of Jin'ao Island is not idle either. The number of roads he walks is even more surprising. Did you know that he has stepped into the e-sports circle now, and brought Wudang sister and Jin Ling , Gui Ling sister paper, and three generations of disciples Huo Ling, five people formed a team, and played a prominent role in the e-sports circle, has a large number of fans, the number of fans exceeds 30 million.

And their team also conducts live broadcasts on the QQ live broadcast platform every day, and can get a lot of fan rewards and beliefs, and the momentum is not weak at all. "

Chi Sperm felt that some of his brain cells were not enough, and it was difficult to digest the news he heard from Guang Chengzi.

And when Guang Chengzi talked about these people who were in the same vein, blue veins appeared on his forehead.

"Uncle Fatty is shameless, you don't know. In order to attract fans, he actually let Wudang eldest sister, Jin Ling, Gui Ling sister paper, and the third generation Huo Ling wear cool and hot clothes, so he attracted With a large number of otaku fans, his team has almost thrown the face of the gods into it."

When mentioning this incident, Guang Chengzi put on a just and awe-inspiring appearance.

Unexpectedly, before his words fell, Zhiyu next to him came out.

"Master, didn't you even rewarded Master Jin Ling with a large sum of money, and drooled while saying that he is in good shape~lightnovelpub.net~Uh!

Guangchengzi's justice and stalwart appearance broke the mark.

"Brother! You even gave people a reward!"

Chi Sperm looked at Guang Chengzi in surprise.

After Guang Chengzi got to the bottom of his face, after the initial embarrassment, he quickly reacted and began to make random excuses to cover up.

And making excuses for nonsense is obviously Guang Chengzi's strong point.

"Do I also respect other people's labor? Secular money has nothing to do with me, and rewards. I can't watch other people's live broadcasts for nothing. That's a shameful thing."

The excuse is very lame, the excuse that Jizhongshengzhi can find, and that's it.

But anyway, just have an excuse.

However, the focus of Chi sperm is not this, "Brother, how cool are the sisters wearing?" When asked this question, Guang Chengzi clearly saw Chi sperm's eyes light up.

what! Good!

Guang Chengzi found something in the bright eyes of Chi Sperm, and instantly a smile that the old driver could understand appeared on his face.

[Worthy of my good brother! Unexpectedly, even the hobbies are the same. 】

In the bottom of his heart, Guang Chengzi gave Chi Jingzi a silent compliment.

Immediately, Guang Chengzi took out a tablet computer, quickly connected to the Internet, and then opened his favorites, opening a favorite URL in the favorites.

Ha ha!

This is all collected.

"Hearing is fictitious, seeing is believing, brother, I will show you your vision today, you have to be ready to reward you, Jin Lingmei and their live broadcasts are still very beautiful."

While operating the tablet, Guang Chengzi reminded Chi sperm with a smile.

"Don't worry, brother, I'm also a good person now." Chijing raised his hand and patted his chest, and an aura of'I am very proud' spread from him...