Rising America

Chapter 1489: No thirty-eight D can't open Sen!

Guang Chengzi has opened his favorite live broadcast room, and Xiangjiang's wireless network is very fast, so the picture in the room is presented on the tablet screen in just a few seconds.

"Lao Tie, today, Jin Xiaomei played mid laner, and everyone has seen it. The role she chose is the warrior Tauren chieftain. Isn’t it very interesting? You said that she is such a beautiful girl, why she always likes it How about playing that kind of warrior character? Or is she a female man in reality?"

On the screen of the tablet computer, two screens, one large and one small, appeared. One of the larger screens was a live broadcast of the game in the room.

In that relatively small picture, a fat face appeared greasy.

Seeing the face in the picture, Guangchengzi and Chijingzi suddenly showed a greasy look as if they had just eaten a few catties of fat. It was obvious that they knew the fat man in the picture.

In fact, this fat man is not ugly, he is just a little fatter.

If you really want to describe it in one sentence, it is the guy with a big fat face in the picture, a fat guy who looks handsome.

Well, it just looks too greasy, which makes people uncomfortable.

"Why Uncle Master is still so fat."

Chi Jing uttered a grin.

Guang Chengzi answered, "I have been in Jin'ao House for so many years, so I definitely lacked exercise."

"I know the old irons don't want to look at my fat face, so let me give the old irons a little bit of welfare."

When Guang Chengzi talked with Chi Jingzi in a low voice, the small picture suddenly changed. The person in the picture was changed to a beautiful girl with long black hair wearing a **** sling and a **** wavy shawl.

Jin Ling!

Guangchengzi and Chijingzi's eyes lit up.

In particular, Chijingzi also saw a key point, "I did it, Jin Lingmei paper didn't carry Opie!" When he discovered this key point, the brightness in his eyes increased a little.

At this time, the gifts in the room were frantically brushed, and it was obvious that Jin Ling enjoyed a high popularity.

Seeing the flying gifts in the room, Guang Chengzi was very disgusted, and said in a sour tone: "Insane! Knowing that this way of tempting those otakus is really shameful."

But the problem is that Guang Chengzi, you complain about it, why are you still operating your Alipay quickly, and brushing gifts in the room?

"I want to awaken Jin Ling with a gift of justice and let her know that I am a fairy."

The expression on Guang Chengzi's face was serious, and the words he said were also very serious, but the problem was that the words left after the gift he brushed out were not like this.

"Golden Sister Paper 666, you are so beautiful today. It's a great welfare! Great welfare!"

Chijingzi's forehead was full of black lines, and he was speechless to the senior brother Guang Chengzi beside him to the extreme.

In the picture, the Jin Lingmei paper, the number of operations Tauren chieftain came to a beautiful double kill, and the audience in the room suddenly provoke a wave of gifts.

Jin Ling looks young, at most twelve or thirteen years old, but the development is quite good, plus the appearance is very beautiful, so a lot of strange strange brothers became the death in the live broadcast room. Loyal fans.

At this time, the picture changed again. This time there was a girl wearing a white shirt with the same delicate face. She was over 17 or 18 years old and looked very soft and waxy.

[Ladies and gentlemen, I am on the road with a small fire. Just now Jin Xiaomei double-killed in the middle of the road, then let's watch my performance on the road, and I will ask the old irons to walk. 】

When the seemingly innocent girl in the picture opened her mouth, a strong female man's aura suddenly came upon her face, and Chijingzi found that she looked like a sister with a Northeast accent.


this is……

Chi Sperm's eyes widened, his face was full of surprise.

Guang Chengzi glanced at Chi sperm faintly, and then said: "Don't doubt your eyes, you are not mistaken, this is Huo Ling sister paper."

Hearing this, the surprised expression on Chijingzi's face did not fade, and he turned to look at the big brother Guangchengzi beside him, and muttered: "Jin'ao people are all such virtues now?"

"What? Are you envious?" Guang Chengzi squinted at the chi sperm beside him. "It's useless to envy you, who made our master confiscate the female disciples so that we are all men here. So you can't envy you, master uncle."

Chijingzi glanced at the number of viewers in the live broadcast room and found that it actually reached millions, which means that there are already millions of people watching the live broadcast, which is definitely not a small number.

And this discovery once again surprised Chi Sperm.

Because of these millions of viewers, as long as one tenth can provide them with faith value, and then they can get a lot of faith after purification.

To be honest, Chijingzi didn't expect that Little Shishu would actually think of using such a way to open up a way for himself to gain faith, and what is even more surprising is that the return of Tema was actually successful.

"Oh! The little fire girl wrapped her chest today, which is really disappointing."

While Chijingzi was thinking about it, Guang Chengzi shook his head again and again, and said a word in disappointment.

This caused Chi Sperm to look intently at the small picture. Sure enough, after careful observation, he also discovered this.

"Brother! What's so disappointing about this."

"What do you know, Xiao Huo's figure is very good, according to my previous visual observations, at least it has reached the level of 38D!"

While talking, Guang Chengzi didn't mean to stop in his hands. He actually brushed a few more gifts out, and they were all top gifts.

[Today I can't see the 38D of Xiaohuo don't open the forest! 】

[Today I can't see the 38D of Xiaohuo don't open the forest! 】

[Today I can't see the 38D of Xiaohuo don't open the forest! 】

[Today I can't see the 38D of Xiaohuo don't open the forest! 】

"Brother! How can you do this!" In this way, Guang Chengzi couldn't stand the red sperm beside him.

Looking at the Chi Sperm with the look of "I don't know you" beside him, Guang Chengzi was furious, and when he raised his hand, he slapped the back of the Chi Sperm's head.


"I've been your senior for the rest of my life, you think you can break the relationship with me, your senior, I'm just like this, I'm upset, you have to bear it with me!"

In the face of such a Guangchengzi, what can Chi sperm say?

No way, who made Guang Chengzi a big brother?

As the second senior brother, Chi Sperm can only lower his head.

While talking, Huo Ling also completed a double kill on the road, and started to return to the city.

At this time, the fat face appeared in the small picture again, replacing the beautiful sister paper, causing criticism from everyone in the live broadcast room, including Guang Chengzi.

"Go down! Go down! We want to look at Shulingling's beautiful sister paper, no one will look at your big greasy face plate!"

The above passage is from Guangchengzi.

Chi Sperm suddenly felt that his big brother was too courageous.

Guang Chengzi seemed to feel something, and he turned his head over to wink at Chi Sperm and smiled slyly: "Do you think that brother, I'm so courageous, dare to say this to Master Tongtian?"

Chi Sperm nodded honestly, indicating that he thought so.

After getting a response from Chi Sperm, Guang Chengzi raised his hand grinningly, patted Chi Sperm’s shoulder with carelessness, and then said to Chi Sperm earnestly: "Brother, this is on the Internet, Master How could uncle know that I sent that paragraph?

I think the technology that people have tinkered with in this era is very interesting. At the very least, people like me can say this to Shishu without letting him know who said it.

If it is really face-to-face, your brother, I am not a brain-dead, of course I would not dare to do this, but on the Internet... hehe "

Oh, it turned out to be such a thing.

Chi Sperm understands now.

[Worthy development, don't let the waves, Xiao Huo go to the road, I can be on the road alone, Xiaojin mid laner is no problem, Xiao Huo, Xiao Wu, Xiao Gui you three go to the road to push the tower. 】

The fat man in the small picture directs the sisters to launch an offensive on the bottom road.

Immediately, there were four more small pictures.

On the right side of the small picture that the fat man appeared, there was a row of four small pictures, and in each picture there appeared a beautiful girl like a flower.


Chi Sperm actually heard the sound of his senior brother Guang Chengzi swallowing saliva, which caused Chi Sperm to look sideways at the senior brother beside him.

"Sister Wu's paper is so beautiful today, and she still wears a cheongsam."

The "Xiao Wu Sister Paper" that Guang Cheng Zi said was actually the Virgin of Wudang, but she gave herself a secular name called'Wu Tai Tai'. Therefore, during the live broadcast, Guang Cheng Zi and Chi Jing Zi referred to the fat teacher Uncle, he would call him "Xiao Wu".

In fact, it is not only the Undang Madonna who has given herself a secular name, but the Turtle Spirit, Fire Spirit, and Jin Ling also have secular names.

You know, even Nuwa has a secular name.

Unlike the tortoise spirit, the fire spirit, and the golden spirit, the Virgin of Wudang is a very beautiful, elegant female and mature charm. The attractiveness to adult men is much higher than the other three sisters. level.

So when the Virgin of Wudang appeared in the small picture, even Guang Chengzi became excited.

"Uncle Master really formed an e-sports team with them."

At this moment ~lightnovelpub.net~ can't help but Chi Sperm doesn't believe this.

After all, the facts have proved that his little uncle, the leader of Tongtian on Jinao Island, really formed an e-sports team in the world and began to compete in the e-sports circle, as his brother said before.

Guang Chengzi wiped the saliva at the corner of his mouth, never leaving the small video screen where the Virgin of Wudang appeared, and responded to Chijingzi: "Of course, brother, how can I talk nonsense about such a thing, it must be true."

After finishing speaking, Guang Chengzi paused, and with some reluctance, he withdrew his gaze from the video of the Virgin of Wudang, turned his head to look at the junior brother Chi sperm beside him, and said with a painful expression: "In fact, this It’s not a big deal, do you think that the weird things done by the little uncle is just that? No! There are even more weird things!"


It’s already weird that the Tongtian leader organized a team to play e-sports, okay, it's not a big deal?

What's more weird.

Hearing what Senior Brother Guang Chengzi said, Chi Sperm couldn’t even gossip...