Rising America

Chapter 1498: You must look good! !

Yes, after Kayla came home last night, she did ask her family for money.

The reason why Kayla would do this is mainly because Kayla considered that this idea of ​​hers could be implemented. This is because of the relationship with Coco. If there is no Coco, then her idea is simply impossible to achieve.

After all, she herself did not have the ability to go to the science fiction plane, nor did she have the ability to develop a civilization.

So all this is brought about by cocoa.

So under such a premise, Kayla felt that it would be inappropriate for him to build a company like this and take 10% of the benefits if he didn't pay any money.

In addition, Kayla is really optimistic about the prospects of the robotics business, so she decided to make a sum of money from home to invest in the future company, so that she can take advantage of the 10% with peace of mind.

It's just that Kayla didn't expect that when she asked for money, her father and mother didn't believe her, and thought that she was using this method to cheat money out of the house.

But these are basically secondary, the most important thing is that her parents are too stingy.

This makes Kayla very sad.

Since her parents didn't work here, Kayla went to her brother Kent, who was already working, hoping to get financial support from him.

It's a pity that her brother Kent didn't get the results she wanted here either. Like her parents, her brother didn't believe her either.

This is a result that makes Kayla really sad.

So she had a quarrel with her brother Kent, and no matter what Keira said, no one wanted to believe her.

In the end, Kayla found Coco early the next morning and asked her to stand up and prove that all of what she said was not made up.

Speaking of it, the Kayla family is really wonderful.

No one would know that Kayla's parents were so depressed.

To be honest, this is the best for Krypton's parents.

It is hard to imagine that there will be such a stingy existence among aliens.

"Huh! I will prove that Kayla is not deceiving. If you want me to say that your family is stingy and stingy, your brother is also a miser, so you can treat your lovely sister like this. You are really an incompetent brother. ."

From Kayla's point of view, Coco blamed Kent with indignation.

For Kayla's righteous words, Kayla was very grateful, because Coco's remarks were completely on her heart.

To be honest, Kayla didn't have much pocket money since she was a child, and even her parents who worked at home did not give her pocket money as she learned from the children of the earth.

So, Kayla didn't even have pocket money to buy snacks. She was a well-known poor ghost in the kindergarten, just a fact that the children knew.

And this kind of thing, for a little girl, how damaging.

If it were in an ordinary kindergarten, perhaps this would not happen yet.

However, the kindergarten that Kayla went to was the kindergarten for the children of wealthy people in Beverly Hills, so she was squeezed out as a "poor devil". It was not until the emergence of cocoa that this situation had a fundamental change. .

You know, during the short period when Coco was in Beverly Hills kindergarten, when he met Kayla, Kayla had no friends and was bullied by Pietro every day.

Therefore, Kayla has a lot of grievances against her stingy father and her brother who doesn't care about her.

According to Kayla's parents, you have already been sent to such a good kindergarten to study, so what do you need for allowance?

Of course, in the Kryptonian culture, it is unreasonable for a kid without a job to ask for pocket money, and parents are not responsible for giving pocket money to the kid.

The reason why Kayla's parents have such a stingy performance is that they are following the tradition of Krypton.

It's just that Kayla's parents obviously overlooked an important point, that is, they are no longer Krypton, but an earth with a culture and environment that is very different from Krypton.

In addition, Kayla was born on the earth, so she did not understand why her parents never gave herself pocket money.

Especially if other children want pocket money, they will achieve their goals by working at home in this way.

But Kayla didn't work even in this way.

Moreover, her family is not poor. Her parents are famous scientists on Krypton. If she settled on the earth, her parents also made a lot of patents and made a lot of money. Otherwise, how could her family live in Beverly Hills, a rich man? Area.

But it happened that such wealthy parents were stingy to death for her daughter, which made Kayla very difficult to understand.

Especially his own Kent.

The elder brothers of other people feel sorry for the younger sister, and will give some pocket money when they are fine.

But this brother of my own is good, and his level of stinginess is comparable to that of my parents. He always says that this sister is not good and that is not good.

Therefore, Kayla felt that her life was terrible.

Thanks to encountering Cocoa and joining the Hydra organization established by Cocoa, Kyla finally became richer.

But this is not enough!

Because of the fear of being'poor', Kayla felt that she should get herself insurance so that she could avoid being'poor' in the future.

So when Kayla found out about the robot business, he spared no effort to persuade Coco to do this business, and finally achieved the goal, and also got 10% of the promised shares from Coco.

In order to make herself eligible to enjoy the 10% shares, Kayla decided to go home to borrow money from her parents!

Yes, that's right, just borrow money!

Kayla asked her parents if she wanted to pay back the money.

According to her own speculation, the money will be paid off in half a year.

But what she didn't expect was that her parents didn't believe in herself at all.

【Humph! In the future, I make money to eat snacks by myself, but I won’t buy them for you! I eat, let you look at me! Greed you to death! 】

Kayla silently made an idea in her mind that was very ‘vicious’ in her opinion.

After all, she was still a child, and the ‘vicious’ idea she could think of was to such a degree.

At this time, Coco, facing Kent's question, the old **** replied: "We already have the product. You can rest assured that your sister Kayla is not bragging!"

"Hahahaha! Little guy are you kidding me!"

Kent didn't believe all this Cocoa said at all.

Think about it, his sister Kayla is a girl who is almost seven years old, and Coco is even a kid who is less than three years old. When the two of them said to themselves to be a smart robot business, this No one will believe it.

"Where is your robot manufacturing plant? How intelligent is the robot..." Kent decided to pierce the hides of the two little guys.

In the face of this question, Coco was also a bit poor, because she hadn't really learned the data yet.

Therefore, in Kent's eyes, the little guy's reaction to being asked is already asking a fact.

Standing up, Kent decided to leave the cafe. He didn't want to stay with the two little guys anymore. After all, he still went to work and didn't have time to talk with the two little guys here.

"Little guys, goodbye, don't brag like this in the future."

Kent said goodbye to Coco and his sister Kayla very funny, and then walked out of the cafe, leaving Coco and Kayla behind.

I originally planned to come out for my good friend, but I didn't expect that I would become the object of ridicule.

"Your brother actually left without paying the bill. What does he think? Do you want to keep you and me here to pay the debts!"

After a while, Coco finally recovered and pointed out a very critical issue.

That's right, when Keira's brother Kent left the cafe, this guy didn't check out!

Kayla's face was very ugly at this time.

"This kind of thing is what he did. I guess he really wants to see us making a fool of myself? I really feel ashamed to have such a brother, this pervert who likes to wear tights."

As Kent's sister, Kayla spoke of her brother without mercy at all.

Coco said angrily to Kayla: "Your brother is too jerk~lightnovelpub.net~ Isn't this bullying the child! Don't worry, we will definitely want him to look good when we have the opportunity, and I must also let him know that children are not good Bullied."

Hearing this, Kayla nodded heavily, and encouraged Coco: "Boss, just let it go, as long as it makes him shame."

Coco narrowed his eyes and thought about it for a while before he said: "This is not a hurry. Let's register the company first and start the robotics business. With my ability, I can find opportunities to embarrass your brother. Minutes."

This is not a boast.

Kent can't even beat Kayla now, let alone Coco who is against the sky.

If the little guy really wants to deal with Kent, the'Superman', then he is destined to become a tragedy in capitals.

But Coco is not ready to deal with Kent right away, because she now needs to rectify her name with Kayla, let the Kayla family know that they are not bragging, nor are they making up such an excuse for pocket money.

Humph! Defender of justice!

The hateful mention of the people of Los Angeles gave Superman Kent such a nickname.

"I must make you a laughingstock!"

"Yes! I don't want this kind of bad brother. Support the boss and deal with him!"

Kayla shouted from the side.

It's hard to imagine that as a younger sister, she would not defend her brother, and the relationship between Keira and Kent is really drunk.

"Let's go, let's register the company first, and contact major media newspapers and publish the advertisements of intelligent robots. In short, I will get everything done today and sell intelligent robots as soon as possible!" Coco greeted Kayla Walk towards the entrance of the cafe.

"Two, you haven't paid the bill yet!"

Just as Coco and Kayla were about to leave the cafe, they were stopped by the waiter.