Rising America

Chapter 1502: accident! Minister!

In the face of evidence, Cai Minghua has no room for a comeback.

And after losing all of his support, Cai Minghua has no chance of turning over.

But is this really the case?

God in the dark has caused a scum like Cai Minghua to have an intersection with Jin Xiantai, and things here are definitely not that simple.

Moreover, as far as Jin Xiantai is concerned today, there is too much time between him and Cai Minghua.

It stands to reason that Jin Xiantai wants to kill a small trash like Cai Minghua, which is just a matter of lip-synching.

But now it's a bit of a lot of trouble, which is very difficult to understand.

In fact, Jin Xiantai didn't know why he did this, he really didn't think about it carefully.

Perhaps this is the influence of some inexplicable factors.

But anyway, Cai Minghua was eventually convicted.

He had a lot of crimes, and they were all unspeakable crimes, and there were dozens of victims, and it was really okay to do evil for his sake.

Therefore, after a jury resolution and a sentencing ruling by the High Court, Cai Minghua was finally sentenced to life imprisonment.

Since Xiangjiang does not have the death penalty, Cai Minghua does not have to die.

Although for the crimes he committed, ten minutes was enough to shoot him out, but he was only sentenced to life imprisonment.

And Chen Hao was acquitted.

As an accomplice in the original ‘Qingshui KTV’ case, Wang Jiahui was also sentenced to three years in prison. Wang Jiahui accepted the result and said that he would bear the result for the original crime and use this method to atone for the crime.

And Wang Jiahui's attitude has won the sympathy and support of many people for herself. After all, she was also a victim at the beginning.

Everyone thought that this matter would come to an end. Cai Minghua, a scumbag, would spend the rest of his life in prison.

But whoever thought, unexpected changes appeared in this matter.

This unexpected change stunned Kim Hyun Tae who was far away in Los Angeles.

When I received a call from Qiao An in Xiangjiang, it was three days before Jin Xiantai was going to serve in South Vietnam. Three days later, Jin Xiantai was going to serve in South Vietnam. Now he is preparing for this at home.

Cocoa rarely went out mad, and honestly stayed at home with his father.

Comparing with the reluctance of others, Coco didn't feel that the incident of his father's service had any influence on him.

According to Coco's words, his father went to serve in Vietnam. If he wanted to see his father, he could use magic power to establish a channel. This is not troublesome at all.

Indeed, Coco, who has the ability to guard against the sky, can completely ignore the effects of his father's service, so the little guy did not have much reaction at all.

Even the little guy can't wait for his father to go to the service soon.

Because that way, you can have a lot of time to play without worrying about being supervised.

To be honest, if the little guy's thoughts were understood by Jin Xiantai, it is estimated that the father of Jin Xiantai would definitely be very sad.

But Jin Xiantai doesn't understand mind-reading after all, so it's impossible to see this strange thought of his daughter.

"What are you talking about! Cai Minghua was rescued the day after serving his sentence!"

Three days before the military service, Jin Xiantai, who was watching cartoons with his daughter Coco at home, received a call from Qiao An and told him a message on the phone. This news made Jin Xiantai very surprised and surprised.

It's really surprising that someone like Cai Minghua is going to save him.

Moreover, Jin Xiantai has investigated Cai Minghua's network, and to be honest, he really did not find his network except for Liao Ya and Situ Feifei.

At present, the two girls, Liao Ya and Situ Feifei, are no longer affected by the power of the harem and have restored their true consciousness, so it is absolutely impossible to use their relationship to save Cai Minghua.

Of course, even if the backgrounds of the two girls are not simple, the relationship they have is not able to save a big living person from a heavily guarded prison.

Obviously, this is Cai Minghua who he has not known about or organized the rescue, and the strength of this person or organization is not small, otherwise it would not be possible to successfully rescue Cai Minghua.

Then the problem arises.

Who saved Cai Minghua?

Why save such a scumbag?

In Jin Xiantai's view, Cai Minghua is not worthy of someone's rescue.

But no matter what, the fact is that Cai Minghua has been rescued now.

"BOSS, I also just received the news that there are 18 prison guards and dozens of prisoners who died in the prison. I heard that the prison guards were killed when they stopped the murderer, and those prisoners were blasting Cai Ming. When Hua was killed, he was killed by the man who rescued him.

After this incident, the Xiangjiang Police Department strictly sealed the news, and organized a capable team to search for Cai Minghua and the people who rescued him, but after more than ten hours of searching, they did not find any clues.

Originally, the police didn't want to disclose this matter, but it was accidentally discovered by a reporter from a local newspaper in Xiangjiang, and then stabbed it out. Otherwise, even I didn't know about it. "

Don't say that Jin Xiantai was surprised, even Qiao An, who was far away from Xiangjiang on the phone, was shocked.

I thought that this scumbag Cai Minghua was just like this, but who would have thought that he was rescued, and someone would save such a scumbag!

How can this kind of thing not surprise and surprise people.

"Do you know who did it? Or which organization did it!?"

Kim Hyun Tae frowned and asked.

Although he was surprised by this incident, he didn't take it to heart. After all, Cai Minghua was in the eyes of Jin Xiantai as a small and vagrant character, and it was not worth bothering for him.

"Hydra! I learned through special channels that it was Hydra's people who rescued Cai Minghua. After they left Cai Minghua, they arrogantly left the mark of Hydra."

Qiao An told what she had learned and what she knew about it.

After hearing what Qiao An told him, Jin Xiantai thought about it, and then said to Qiao An on the other end of the phone: "Do you believe it? I can't think of the reason why Hydra saved Cai Minghua, a scumbag. To be honest, I don't think so. may."

In all fairness, Kim Hyun-tae doesn't believe that Hydra did this thing, and that is excusable.

Because Jin Xiantai had understood, Cai Minghua had nothing to do with Hydra at all.

In addition, Cai Minghua, a scumbag, does not have the merits of Hydra that is worth saving him, so the message of Cai Minghua rescued by Hydra is very difficult to believe.

At least Kim Hyun Tae sees it this way.

After hearing what Jin Xiantai said, Qiao An on the other end of the phone immediately responded: “BOSS, in fact, I don’t believe it was made by Hydra. I think it’s possible that an organization deliberately made the mark of Hydra. , To confuse the audience.

The reason why I told the BOSS you this information is mainly because I have temporarily grasped this, there is no more detailed information, and this is also a clue. "

It was unexpected that Cai Minghua was rescued, but Jin Xiantai didn't bother to worry about it. After all, he had three days left to serve.

Therefore, he said to Qiao An on the other end of the phone: "You come back, since there was an accident with Cai Minghua, there is no use for you to stay in Xiangjiang. Besides, I will be going to serve in the company in three days. You are indispensable."

Cai Minghua, Jin Xiantai didn't care too much. After all, he was like a small trash fish, and no one thought he could make much waves.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai decided to put this matter aside, and focus his energy on the matter of his upcoming service.

In fact, Kim Hyun-tae is right to think so.

Cai Minghua is a fart.

His business is really not as important as Kim Hyun Tae's own business.

"BOSS, I will go back now, but I have something to tell you. I found a girlfriend in Xiangjiang. I hope I can take her back together. I hope you don't mind."

On the phone, Qiao An suddenly mentioned that he would go with Xia Xue.

Jin Xiantai was taken aback when he heard it, and immediately said: "This is your private matter, what do you tell me! I am your boss, and I am not interested in your private life~lightnovelpub.net~, so don’t say it. For a girlfriend, I don’t care if you open Lily Harem."

To tell the truth, Jin Xiantai felt that it was really unreasonable to tell him about this matter. After all, it was Qiao An's own personal matter, so what the **** was he talking to himself.

After talking about it, Kim Hyun Tae ended the call with Qiao An.

After putting down the phone, Jin Xiantai found that his daughter, Coco, was erecting her ears with a funny look, apparently listening to all the phone calls he had just with Qiao An.

"Dad, is Hydra looking for trouble again?"

The little guy’s hearing is very good, so all the conversations on the phone can’t hide from the little guy’s ears.

Since Hydra was mentioned in the conversation, this attracted the attention of the little guy.

You know, the little guy formed a ‘really! The Hydra organization is known as an enemy that is incompatible with the Hydra.

Seeing her daughter inquired about this matter, Jin Xiantai didn't know how to respond.

On the other side of Xiangjiang, Qiao An just put down the phone, turned and smiled and hugged the Xia Xuemei paper beside him, and came up with a French style, and the Xia Xuemei paper had a blush on her face.

After the kiss, Qiao An looked at Xia Xuemei's paper with an expression: "It's done, the boss will not take care of you and me. Then I will take you and your master to the United States, and I will be able to arrange you into the company as my secretary. We are together every day."

------split line------

On the boundless sea, a small fishing boat is slowly driving on the surface.

Cai Minghua, in a prison uniform in the cabin, was looking at the two men kneeling in front of him with a look of astonishment.

At this time, the two men were kneeling in front of him respectfully, saying some things that Cai Minghua didn't sound clear or harsh.

"Chen! Chonghou Hu! Chong Black Tiger! Have seen your Majesty!"