Rising America

Chapter 1504: you? Doing robot business?

After all, Coco is not yet three years old, so it is normal for her to ask some questions that sometimes feel embarrassing.

After all, the bear kids in the world often ask some weird and embarrassing questions, so of course Coco, who is a member of the bear kids, is no exception.

Perhaps, and only then, will Coco look equal to her age and make her look like a normal girl.

It's just that when faced with the embarrassing question of the bear child, how do you let Gu Yi answer it?

So, what Gu Yi can do is to pretend to be dumb, instead of responding to Coco positively.

It's just that Gu Yi doesn't know that once the bear child has curiosity about something and wants to find out, he will never give up easily.

So is it okay not to respond positively!

"Master Gu Yi, why don't you have hairy? Although Master Nuwa is less, I have seen it during the bath, and there are also."

Sitting at the dinner table, Gu Yi's white face was red, as if he was being cooked in a steamer, and white smoke rose vaguely from his bare head.

Jin Xiantai looked at Gu Yi who was not in the right state very suspiciously. He also looked at his daughter Coco. He was a little bit confused about what was going on.

Why is Gu Yi's state so wrong?

And the words that my daughter said to Gu Yi also sounded a little nondescript.

What fluff?

There are also Master Nuwa, but they are missing?

What is this and what!

"Coco, sit down and have a good breakfast."

However, Jin Xiantai didn't intend to ask the question, because he found that Gu Yi seemed embarrassed with some shame, so of course Jin Xiantai would not ask anything brainlessly.


Sure enough, as soon as his father spoke, the little guy obeyed.

Cocoa sat down again, and started ‘Hihiruru’ to eat the lobster porridge in front of her, but she would look up at Gu Yi on the opposite side from time to time.

Gu Yi let out a long sigh, because if the little guy keeps asking, it will keep her embarrassed to death.

"Cocoa, Dad will go to Washington DC and come back in the evening. Do you have to be at home and be obedient."

Old George asked him to go to Washington, because the highest commander of the South Vietnamese American Army, General Astor Moran, came back to request Congress to approve the increase in investment in South Vietnam, so he would stay in Washington for a day. Therefore, Old George hoped to introduce Kim Hyun-tae to General Astor Moran, after all, Jin Xiantai is about to serve in South Vietnam.

At this time, establishing a relationship with the Astor Moran general in advance will be of great benefit to Jin Xiantai who is about to serve in South Vietnam.

Of course, old George’s recommendation to get to know General Astmoreland is a trivial matter. The important thing is that under the recommendation of old George, Kim Hyun-tae can reach General Astmoreland through this meeting. Some private agreements.

Old George said that General Astmoreland will retire in two years.

Therefore, old George's suggestion was enough to let Jin Xiantai know how to deal with General Astoran when he saw General Astoran, and to what extent he promised him the benefits.

Nowadays, many generals who have retired from the military have been recruited to serve as high-level consultants in the "security and defense consultant" company under the names of themselves, Anne, and daughter Coco, and the annual salary for these generals is not low at all. The annual tax is also millions.

Therefore, this condition is really attractive to senior military officials who are about to retire.

For the time being, Jin Xiantai was the first to enter this industry, and no other capital forces have entered this industry yet, so for the time being, he was the only choice for military generals.

Compared with those politicians who retired and were able to publish autobiography or enter a large company as consultants, military executives really became ordinary people after retirement, and the treatment was worse than those who retired. It's not a little bit.

Of course, no matter how bad it is, it is much better than ordinary people. There is no doubt about this.

But the problem is that suddenly, these retired generals are quite unaccustomed to ordinary life, and at the same time, their network of relations in the army will be buried and abandoned, so this is quite a pity.

But now the appearance of Jin Xiantai has brought hope to the military's top leaders, and also let them see that they have a good place to go after retiring.

Therefore, it is impossible for a person like General Astmoreland to be unmoved.

It just so happened that he returned from South Vietnam this time and was preparing to submit a bill on the expansion of the South Vietnam war. At the same time, he hoped that the Congress would approve the increase in the number of troops and supplies. Therefore, he hoped to take advantage of this opportunity to meet Kim Hyun Tae. He has got some guarantees here to ensure that he can also enjoy the qualifications of entering the'security defense consulting company' after retirement.

In fact, it's no wonder that General Astor Moran cared so much. It was because there were too many monks and fewer meats, and there were a lot of generals staring at the meat of the ‘Security Defense Company’.

Therefore, if he didn't fight for it, General Astmoreland felt that he might not even be able to drink the soup.

And Jin Xiantai is about to serve in South Vietnam, which gave him an opportunity.

As the highest officer of the South Vietnamese American Army, he has important decision-making powers for many things, and this right can be a bargaining chip for him to reach an agreement with Kim Hyun Tae.

It's just that Astor Moran needs to understand what Kim Hyun Tae wants through this meeting. In short, Astor Moran will do things for private use.

So on the way, Astor Moran called Old George, communicated his thoughts with Old George in a vague way, and got the answer from Old George's recommendation.

Nowadays, both the military and politicians in the United States believe that Kim Hyun-tae is old George’s iron, so if you want to see Kim Hyun-tae, you must pass old George.

Because there was no referral from George, Jin Xiantai would never go to see anyone in the military or politician circle.

Of course, the old George has also fulfilled the role of'screening people'. Only those who agree with the interests will be introduced to Jin Xiantai. Those who do not meet the interest standards will be very straightforward. Rejected.

In general, in this respect, Jin Xiantai really wants to thank the old George.

Because of the presence of the old George, the network that Kim Hyun-tae has expanded is basically very strong, and everyone can guarantee the same benefits.

Therefore, as long as the current interest circle can be maintained for a few years, it will inevitably become a very ‘hardcore’ network of relationships, or even an alliance of interests.

And the old George is so helpful to Jin Xiantai, of course there is no small advantage to face him here.

Because old George can also enter such a coalition of interests that spans both military and political circles and become a member of it. Then this relationship can be handed over to his son George, and he can enjoy huge returns from it.

Of course, for the time being, Kim Hyun-tae’s small circle of interest alliances is still relatively ‘young’, but as long as it can be properly operated and maintained, it will definitely be very different in a few years.

Old George is very optimistic about this ‘young interest alliance’.

After all, there is not only Kim Hyun Tae in this alliance, but also Annie. The combined wealth of the two cannot be underestimated in the US wealth rankings. Especially the companies under the names of the two have monopoly qualifications and can also make people Seeing very considerable development prospects.

Therefore, when working with Kim Hyun Tae and Annie, neither the military generals nor the politicians are unwilling.

More importantly, Kim Hyun Tae owns the largest media group on the West Coast and also controls a large law firm. It has shares in Stark Industries Group and Osborne Group, and is in line with the controllers of these two groups. Has a very hard-core personal relationship, so the energy is very huge.

Even an idiot understands that catching Kim Hyun Tae is equivalent to catching a golden thigh.

Then, under such a premise, the interest circle established by Kim Hyun-tae and Old George will inevitably be quite smooth and at the same time quite stable.

Not to mention privately, Anne also told the old George the secret that she had obtained the godhead, and said that she could use the godhead to make ordinary people become gods as a temptation to attract political figures such as old George.

Therefore, with the passage of time, the future development of Kim Hyun Tae in the United States will only get stronger and stronger, and it is absolutely impossible to get weaker.

Of course, all of this is just the beginning. Now, Kim Hyun-tae is just a ‘small seedling’, and he needs to be patient to grow into a towering tree.

"Okay, Dad, you go, I will be good at home."

Coco agreed to his father without any hesitation, that he would stay at home and behave.

But if Xiong's answer is true, then the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom.

But in terms of Coco's personality, it is quite unreliable to expect that she will stay at home obediently.

But anyway, my daughter agreed to her here, and Jin Xiantai truly believed in her daughter.

"Master Gu Yi, please take care of Cocoa for one day."

Kim Hyun Tae turned his head to get rid of Gu Yi and took care of Cocoa.

Gu Yi, dumbfounded, agreed.

But Gu Yi~lightnovelpub.net~, who agreed to take care of Cocoa by Kim Hyun-tae, knows that it is really difficult for him to do this.

But in order to reassure Jin Xiantai, Gu Yi had to agree to him.

"Dad, I forgot to tell you. Kayla and I have registered a robotics business company. We are going to run business today, so it is impossible to stay at home."

Suddenly, Coco remembered this and told his father.

Indeed, she is going out today with Kayla to contact major media and magazines to advertise and promote her robots, and at the same time find a venue to hold a small robot exhibition.

So, it's impossible for me to stay at home today. I must tell my father about this matter.

"You also registered a company to do robotics business?"

Kim Hyun-tae didn’t know anything about it, so when he heard about it from his daughter, Kim Hyun-tae was a little surprised.

Even Gu Yi looked at Coco in disbelief.