Rising America

Chapter 152: Annie

   "Uncle Scott, Coco will add you as a friend when he gets home, and we will play "Heroic" together in the future."

   After playing for a few hours, Kim Hyun-tae is about to leave the company with his daughter.

   And before leaving, Coco, who knew Scott well, said something to him.

   Scott, who looked like 13 and nodded to Coco with a wry smile.

   The little guy is too pitted. In one afternoon, Scott realized the concept of what is called a **** pit god.

   It is especially important that the little guy does not think that he is a pit, but thinks that he is a master, you can't oppose her yet.

   If you say that she is not a master, then the little guy will make a lot of noise until you admit that she is a master.

   So what else can you tell Scott to say.

   I met someone who likes to play "Blade of the Soul" just as much as she did. It made Coco very happy, so even if she left the company, she didn't plan to give up such a friend.

   Well, after adding friends, you can often play online games together in the future.

   Anyway, Scott is dead, Xiao Ke will definitely look for him on the Internet, and he can't refuse.

   After all, Kim Hyun Tae is him.

   In this way, at Ku 13 Scott looked sad, Kim Hyun Tae left with his daughter.

   On the way home, Xiao Keke sang out-of-tune children's songs all the way happily. She was very happy and excited to see.

   I don’t know if it’s because I played a midday game and pitted so many teammates, or because I met a fat boy Scott who played Heroic Soul.

   Seeing her daughter so happy, Kim Hyun-tae was in a very good mood, but when he realized that he still had some troubles to solve, the good mood disappeared.

   The matter of the Internet company has not been resolved yet, which makes Kim Hyun-tae a little distressed to think of.

   is driving home. He has been thinking about this problem silently.

   If this matter is not resolved, he really has no way of peace of mind.

------split line------

   New York, Midtown Manhattan reads();.

   At this time, it is time for the first time of Hua Deng. The entire island of Manhattan was shrouded in dazzling lights, setting off the magnificent beauty.

  The shop signs of various colors flashed neon. Hope to attract rushing street pedestrians to patronize.

   Annie stood in front of the bedroom floor-to-ceiling window with her pregnant belly, looking at the night view of Central Park outside the window, taking deep breaths.

   Behind her, the old butler, Nord, is reporting some trivial matters to her.

"The appreciation of the yen is a foregone conclusion, and Japan has nothing to do about it. George Older, together with most of the parliamentarians, pressured the Congress to pass the relevant bill, and some domestic financial predators also supported the bill. And our country is ready to increase troops to the Japanese garrison base.

The French had already failed in the Vietnam War, but there was news that the French united European countries, and at the same time gave great promises and benefits, persuading Britain and Italy to jointly send troops to Vietnam to help the French-supported puppet regime continue to fight, and Provide a large amount of military weapons assistance.

   During the same period, the business of Whiston Arms Company increased by 60%, and the sales of light and heavy weapons increased. It is expected that this momentum will continue for some time as long as the Vietnam War does not end. "

   retracted his gaze. Annie slowly turned around, now her belly is getting bigger and bigger, and her movements are getting less and less convenient.

   The old butler Nord quickly walked over and helped Annie's arm. Helped her to walk slowly to the side of the bed and sat down and then retreated.

   Annie, pregnant with twins, has a much larger belly than an ordinary pregnant woman, especially now that she has been pregnant for more than seven months, which is why such a situation appears.

   At this time, Annie's face, hands and feet are slightly swollen, which makes her look a little rounder than before.

   After sitting down, Annie said after pondering: "All we have to do now is to wait, wait patiently, and wait for the yen to appreciate.

   The arms company must continue to increase production capacity. Not only to sell to the French, if the North Vietnamese People’s Army wants to buy it. We can also sell to the other party, of course, provided that the other party gives cash. If the price is right. Even if the other party wants heavy weapons, we can't sell them. "

   The old butler stood quietly across from Annie, and silently remembered what the lady said to his heart.

   After talking about these business matters, Annie asked, "How is it in Los Angeles?"

   The old butler, Nord, knew what his lady was asking.

   "The little guy is recovering well, and he will be able to resume campus life in some time. However, he has recently encountered some troubles, mainly because of the pirating of his software company."

   The old housekeeper whispered out what happened during this period of time.

   "That company is becoming more and more blatant, and constantly plagiarizing all the functions proposed by the qq software, and at the same time it has begun to use shameless means to hinder some of the development and construction of qq."

   After listening to the old butler telling himself these things, a faint chill flashed in the corner of Annie's mouth.

   "According to the reliable information I have obtained, the Japanese fund behind this company has used political power in the United States, which seems to be destroying the QQ Internet company."

  The old butler finally said one more thing, which made the chill on Annie's face more intense reads();.

   "Huh! These shameless Japanese think that they have a bit of money, can they do whatever they want by knowing some people in the United States?"

   Kim Hyun Tae was "bullyed", which made Annie really unbearable.

   Especially being ‘bully’ to such a point is even more unacceptable to Annie.

   "Is there any action on William's side?"

   After all she was pregnant with the baby, Annie forced herself to calm down and asked the old butler Nord.

  The old butler Nord quickly replied: "Still collecting evidence secretly, obviously to kill the other party with a stick. However, the little guy is obviously not clear. The other party has already used the relationship on the political scene and has done tricks with the patent office."

   There are things that Jin Xiantai doesn't know, but he can't hide from people like Annie and the old housekeeper Nord.

   The old butler Nord has been paying attention to this matter, so he also learned some inside stories.

   It was like the other party used a very disgraceful means to do tricks at the Patent Office, and the old butler learned about it through the relationship.

   "No wonder it's so bold. It turned out to be such a thing."

   Annie heard what the old butler said, and after squinting her eyes for a moment, she immediately understood everything.

   This time and space, the official of the US Patent Office. Many of them are Japanese Americans, most of whom are descendants of Japanese American veterans who have experienced World War II.

  In fact, the US government department in this time and space. Like the other time and space, it is filled with a large number of high-ranking officials of Japanese American or descendants.

  Even in the military, there are Japanese-American generals, and there are still a lot of them.

  Although these people are all descendants of Japanese-American veterans of World War II, they were born in the United States, and their accepted culture and philosophy are all American. They are basically the same as Huaxia in the United States, and they have no sense of identity with Japan. Only think that America is the motherland.

   But there is one thing that no one can deny, and that is that by nature, these Japanese descents will easily have some good feelings after contact with Japan.

   Therefore, it is not impossible for these people to be corroded.

   Private bribery, who can guarantee that it will not happen?

   The power of money is small, but it is also huge.

   For those who are money like dirt, money has no effect.

   But for most people, how many people can resist the magic of money?

   Since the American Conservative Party came to power. Senior Japanese-American officials and military generals, but none of them advocated the argument that Japan is non-threatening, which has been in the process of Japan's rise for decades. But it has not played some beneficial effects.

   And many Japanese-American officials obstructed the proposal by George Sr. to force the appreciation of the yen. Is there really no problem here?

   The more Japan’s economy has strengthened over the years, the more corrosive it is to the United States.

  Anne believes that many Japanese-American officials and generals in American politics have actually turned to Japan, or simply reads(); puppets raised by the Japanese.

   Then use this convenience to annex a company by illegal means. What can't happen.

   As long as it is done to make it look legal and can pass legal challenge. Then everything is logical, right?

   Such things have not happened in this time and space. At least when Annie is doing business, she occasionally uses this method.

   It can be said that none of the people in the business are clean.

   It's just that Annie felt extremely angry when this happened to Kim Hyun Tae.

   Kim Hyun Tae can use this kind of thing on others, but it won’t work if he is treated like that.

   I have to say, Annie's idea is really a bit... weird.

   It is also fortunate that these people can think of doing things at the Patent Office to prevent things from going to the worst point.

   These things may not be understood by ordinary people, but Annie can sort it out after a little thought.

   After all, for ordinary people, such a thing is too fanciful and hard to believe.

  As a type of person at the top of the pyramid of the world, how could Annie not understand that something like this would really happen.

  " Inform Dave and ask him to tell William that the black hole fund is willing to accept investment. I know he has a sum of 2.2 billion in cash left unused, so I want to help him and expand his capital.

  Of course, this can be regarded as a kind of return to him, after all, he originally proposed the appreciation of the yen. "

   Annie didn't say how to help Kim Hyun-tae solve his eye problems~lightnovelpub.net~ but offered to help him expand his cash capital.

   The old butler, Nod, understood that the lady already had some plans, so he didn't ask how to solve the problem of Kim Hyun Tae.

   "Okay, I'll notify Dave in a while and let him use his own way to convince the little guy to invest in."

   Black Hole Fund is a financial investment fund actually controlled by Annie herself. It is similar to various hedge funds in another time and space, and is mainly based on various financial products in the financial market.

   This time the yen depreciated, Annie had already prepared the black hole fund in advance, and a large amount of funds also used various channels to flow into Japan in exchange for a large amount of yen.

  Like this kind of big capital, when doing these things, it is really convenient for individuals.

   In exchange for Kim Hyun Tae, in his personal capacity, he wanted to exchange the US dollars in his hand for Japanese yen to take the train for this feast, but it was not so easy.

   Therefore, Annie decided to let Kim Hyun-tae get a share of the pie, which allowed Dave to tell Kim Hyun-tae that there is a black hole fund that can invest and can make money in the short term.

   As to whether it can be achieved in the end, it depends on how Dave touched Jin Xiantai.

   At the same time, Annie is also wondering in her heart how to help Kim Hyun-tae through her eyes.

  After the old butler Nord left, Annie walked to the phone with some difficulty and dialed the number of old George... (to be continued.)