Rising America

Chapter 153: Still developing

   Los Angeles has entered March, and Kim Hyun-tae is also actively preparing for resuming campus life.

   2016 is good or bad for Kim Hyun Tae, there are joys and worries.

He and his daughter have been living here for more than a year since Christmas Eve in 2014 through the space-time tunnel to this time and space. Although the daughter has no feelings because of her young age, Kim Hyun-tae knows that his life has happened. Has changed drastically.

   Now he has lived in a different time and space for more than a year, and has completed the initial accumulation of wealth, and has successfully mastered billions of dollars in wealth, so that he and his daughter Coco basically don't have to worry about money.

  Where is it like when I just came to this time and space, I rushed to the streets every day for my three meals with my daughter, and opened my eyes to think about how to make money and how to fill my stomach.

   However, Jin Xiantai also knows that his current state is like sailing against the current and retreating. Although he seems to be rich, he has invested all this money in his ongoing business.

   If those careers fail, the wealth he has now will be wiped out. He has a deep understanding of this.

   Then, in order to prevent his wealth from being squandered, Kim Hyun-tae will of course put up the spirit of 120 points to manage his career.

   After all, these careers have developed well, and they can be left for their daughters in the future. When they are old or if there are any accidents, they can also give their daughters a foundation in this time and space without worrying about money.

   For the current Kim Hyun Tae, his source of income has the following aspects.

First of all, he started by creating [pirated] another time-space novel in the earliest days, including "Song of Ice and Fire", "Lord of the Rings", "William's Fairy Tales", which brought him sustainable income. Source, and the monthly income is not cheap.

   With the income from the novel, Kim Hyun-tae can basically live a carefree life with his daughter. He will not become a super rich person, and at most he will be a rich man.

   There is also a toy factory under Kim Hyun Tae's name. An animation production company, a small Chinese TV station, and his copycat qq network instant messaging software company, a total of four companies.

   Compared to the novel which can bring stable income every month. Now these four companies are only the huge income that the animation company brings to Jin Xiantai, and the other three companies, such as toy factories, Chinese TV stations, and qq network instant messaging software company, have not yet brought him any benefits.

   is also especially a Chinese TV station. There are also two qq network instant messaging software, which need to consume a lot of funds to maintain, which can be regarded as a black hole that swallows funds, which makes Jin Xiantai somewhat helpless.

A series of toys recently produced by the toy factory have already been put on the market. Thanks to the success of the cartoon movie "Flying House and Traveling Around the House", it is considered familiar to the public. So for this series of toys, everyone There is more or less interest in buying.

   According to the character image in the cartoon movie "Flying House", the boy scout is chubby. Characters such as grandpa and grandma are made into ornaments, or some small accessories are on the market.

   After these small toys went on the market, Dave gave a lot of help. He opened up toy areas in his bookstores in various places to sell these small toys.

   And Dave’s help, of course, also made Kim Hyun-tae secretly grateful, after all, Dave didn’t need to do this, no one would say anything even if he didn’t help himself.

   Of course, Kim Hyun-tae must keep this in mind, and he will pay it back if he has a chance in the future.

   So the friendship between him and Dave. As these things continue to happen, they begin to gradually improve.

   After all, since Kim Hyun Tae knew Dave until now, it is impossible for Kim Hyun Tae to feel Dave’s kindness and help.

   At least he made Kim Hyun Tae feel. In this time and space, it is indeed a very lucky thing to know someone like Dave.

   But after all, Kim Hyun-tae didn't know the real story. He thought that Dave was really trying his best to help himself. He didn't want to think about it, if Dave didn't have Annie behind him. Dave knows him as that green onion.

   Of course, as Kim Hyun Tae’s novels have become popular and continue to sell well, even if the publisher’s Dave does not have Annie behind him, he obviously has to treat Kim Hyun Tae differently with admiration.

   After all, Kim Hyun-tae’s ‘ability’ is there, and his novels can bring a lot of money to publishing houses.

   So for such an author, of course Dave has to make good friends and maintain, right?

   More importantly, unlike most novel authors, Kim Hyun Tae is still very young and very productive, which makes him even more unique than other authors.

   Dave is obviously not invisible.

   Therefore, there is a good relationship between Kim Hyun-tae, who is so touched by the unknown truth, and Dave, who deliberately befriends Kim Hyun-tae with a little bit of inner affection, and that is normal.

   The income of the toy factory is not yet clear. After all, those products have just been launched, and the public has no idea whether they will buy it or not.

   Although "Flying House Around the Travels" has a good box office, it has had a certain impact.

   But Kim Hyun-tae is still a little worried about whether the film and television surroundings can bring income.

   Fortunately, he has enough patience to wait for a final result to appear.

  According to the feedback from the marketing department at the factory, he said that even if he didn't make money, he would not lose money. With this in mind, Jin Xiantai gradually stopped paying attention to this matter.

   Just go to the factory's marketing department to find a way, isn't it just for them to do things by spending money on their own?

   If you have to find a way for your own boss, then ask these guys to come back.

   Make your own decisions about the general direction, and leave the rest to the people in the factory to do. This perception is correct, isn’t it?

   I have to say that Jin Xiantai now has a little boss' mentality and thinking, instead of what he used to be.

However, what troubles Kim Hyun-tae most is the pirated version of the QQ instant messaging software he copied. Every time he thinks of this, he is very choked. It seems that there is a suffocation that cannot be relieved in his chest. This makes him very Uncomfortable.

   Four companies under the name of Kim Hyun Tae, in fact, Kim Hyun Tae’s most important thing is even the communication software, that is, qq.

   Even though he was a silk in his last life, he knew that this instant messaging software had a market value of 200 billion U.S. dollars after it went on the market. Its monthly income is very impressive, and it is a very profitable company.

   Then if this software can be successfully expanded in this time and space, even if it is not listed in the end, but with this time and space ten times the population base, he can still imagine how much revenue he can bring to himself in the future. This is the real cornucopia.

  The other three companies, and even the novels that now generate continuous income for themselves, cannot match them.

   Of course, instant messaging software is still in the user sticky experience period for the time being, there is still a long way to go to make money, and a long time to wait.

   But for Kim Hyun Tae who knows how to make money, he can wait patiently.

   After all, compared to most Internet companies that don’t know how to generate revenue, Jin Xiantai, with his bug, knows very well how this instant messaging software will make money in the future and how it will make money.

   As far as these advantages he has, he can of course be there.

   But the ghost knows where a **** company popped out. It actually pirated its own software and copied everything brazenly. This made Kim Hyun-tae feel disgusted as if he had eaten shit.

  Although he himself is a copycat, at least in this time and space, as long as he doesn't say it, no one knows this.

  There are some fundamental differences between Kim Hyun Tae and this company.

------split line------

   "Fuck! Sit up!"

   Little Coco in the living room at home is training four puppies. I don't know where she heard it. If the puppies have been trained since childhood, they can do many things in the future.

  The little cocoa who is concerned about this, started training the puppies from morning to night every day from the previous day.

   The four puppies were playing in front of Coco, or fighting with each other. They ignored Coco at all. This made Coco very disappointed and a little angry.

   "Stand up, line up, stand in line."

   The angry little Coco stretched out his hand, gathered the puppies who were playing around, and then took them one by one in a row.

   It's a pity that the restless puppies, even after being set up, still do what they should do in the next moment~lightnovelpub.net~, they didn't do what Xiao Keke meant at all.

   "Dad! They are not obedient, okay if you don't give them food at night."

  Coco, helpless to the puppies, turned around and shouted at his father who was busy in the kitchen and was preparing dinner.

   "You can't treat puppies like this. You have to be patient. You have to understand that puppies are still children."

   Of course, Kim Hyun Tae would not agree to his daughter's request, after all, he is not a child.

   "Hmph! These little guys are disobedient. I think this method is the best way to educate them." After Xiao Ke Ke heard the words, he replied loudly to his father again, somewhat noncommittal.

   Kim Hyun-tae, who was cooking in an apron, heard his daughter say this and looked back at her.

   "Sometimes you are not obedient, so dad doesn't give you dinner, do you think dad does it right?"

   This kind of thinking of my daughter needs to be corrected, but correction also needs a way, and this method used by Kim Hyun Tae is not bad.

   at least made Coco appear to be thinking very seriously, obviously the little guy is thinking about this issue.

   "Not good! Coco, don't be hungry."

   Soon, Cocoa gave his own answer.

   Kim Hyun-tae kept turning his hands and turned the wok: "So, you don't let the puppies eat dinner, this is also wrong, you know?" (To be continued.)