Rising America

Chapter 1534: Mysterious

To tell the truth, the fact that Jin Xiantai wants to become a brigadier general has indeed subverted the three views of Jin Jianshe and Wu Yuchen, and made them feel that the Americans are too trivial.

However, this is also based on the fact that Jin Jianshe does not know and understand what Jin Xiantai has done in the United States.

If he knew how many bad ideas Kim Hyun-tae had made through old George and pushed the United States to do some major things, perhaps he would not be so surprised.

The use of Afghan guerrillas to hold the bear, consumes the bear’s economy and strength.

Using the ‘Plaza Agreement’ to cut Dongying’s wool, the Dongying people’s economy began to decline, but the Americans made a fortune from it, especially the financial predators on Wall Street.

By intervening in North Vietnam’s resistance to law, the US troops can be stationed in South Vietnam through the war, depleting old munitions stocks, and making a fortune from the South Vietnamese puppet regime.

He also used the Gaul's eagerness to ask for help to contend for the power of the Panama Canal into his own hands, so that his power extends to South America, and hopefully turns South America into his own back garden.

The mastermind of these things is Jin Xiantai.

As long as Jin Jianshe can understand this, perhaps he will not be so shocked.

Because through this series of things, strange Americans in different time and space feel that Kim Hyun-tae is a genius who cannot be viewed with ordinary eyes, so there is nothing to criticize for treating geniuses with some exceptions.

In addition, in recent months, Jin Xiantae has invented the "Security Defense Consulting Company", and got on the line with the powerful generals of the military. Therefore, under the efforts of many parties, Jin Xiantai, who was originally just an ensign, finally immediately Is about to become a brigadier general.

Although this is quite a trifling matter to outsiders who don't understand the inside story.

But the bigwigs in the US military and political circles don't care anymore, do they?

Speaking of this matter, Kim Hyun Tae's face also appeared very dumbfounded.

It can be seen that Kim Hyun Tae himself felt a bit too funny about this matter.

However, after all, he is the one who gets the benefits, so it is absolutely impossible for Jin Xiantai to complain about this matter.

Brigadier general who is less than 18 years old, what else can he complain about?

"Is it too childish."

After being shocked for a while, Jin Xiantai came out with such a sentence.

Wu Yuchen simply rolled his eyes, not too lazy to talk about the strange Americans.

In other words, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible in China.

In the eyes of both of them, only the Yankee could do such a funny thing.

Even Wu Yuchen secretly wondered whether to leak this news out, let the major domestic media and newspapers report it, and make fun of Americans through this incident, so that everyone knows about the wonders of Americans.

To be honest, the spread of this matter will definitely make Americans a big laughing stock for countries all over the world, hahahaha, a brigadier general who is less than 18 years old.

What level of internal corruption must Americans have before such a thing will happen.

Wu Yuchen felt that everyone would love to hear about this.

At this time, faced with the problem of Jin Jianshe, Jin Xiantai explained in a tangled way: “I personally don’t think it’s trifling, but I think it’s a result of careful measurement. After all, Uncle Jin, you are from Huaxia, and you don’t know that I’m here. Some situations in the United States, that's why you think that the high-level arrangements of the United States are a bit tricky for me."

As a person with vested interests, Jin Xiantai must give an explanation at this time. Although he himself really agrees with Jin Jianshe's'children's play theory','butt determines the head'.

"After I went to serve in South Vietnam, I had to command the security staff of the three companies in my family. The number of them exceeded 150,000 and they were responsible for the security affairs of Saigon.

At the same time, in addition to commanding these 150,000 people, some other troops will be dispatched, so I need to have a suitable military rank.

I personally infer that perhaps it is because of such a situation that I am prepared to give me the rank of brigadier general. "

When he said this, Kim Hyun-tae blushed.

But then again, his explanation is not unreasonable.

"What is a security defense consulting company? How can there be so many more than 150,000 people!?"

It is obvious that Jin Jianshe is not aware of the three ‘security consulting companies’ established by Kim Hyun-tae. After all, this was only made by Kim Hyun-tae in recent months.

Moreover, it is impossible for this kind of company to advertise and advertise to the public. Therefore, it is normal for Jin Jianshe to not know this.

Seeing Jin Jianshe's puzzled look, Jin Xiantai explained to him.

"It's a mercenary company. I built three mercenary companies a few months ago. They were put under the names of myself, my daughter Coco, and my wife Annie. This is to prevent others from suing me for a monopoly."

Oh, it turned out to be a mercenary company.

This makes sense.

What kind of ‘security defense consultant’ company, dare to change its name.

After Jin Xiantai's explanation, Jin Jianshe completely understood what the ‘security defense consultant’ company is and the fact that those 150,000 people are mercenaries.

After understanding all this, if you think about it carefully, you might be able to understand why Jin Xiantai is about to become a brigadier general.

Without a high military rank, how could he mix up in South Vietnam, especially commanding an army of 150,000 mercenaries. If the rank is too low, it will not be so easy to deal with the South Vietnamese military and some American troops stationed in Vietnam. .

If there are any problems and conflicts, it is very likely that the opponent will use military rank to overpower Kim Hyun Tae.

Therefore, if Kim Hyun-tae had the status of a brigadier general, this kind of thing would be much less.

Perhaps the top military and political leaders of the United States are based on such considerations, so they are about to grant the rank of brigadier general to Jin Xiantai.

Jin Xiantai's explanation gave Jin Jianshe a reasonable reason, and this is also Jin Xiantai's goal.

After all, Jin Xiantai himself doesn't know what's going on. How can you tell him to tell the inside story?

Jin Jianshe, who thinks that all joints are the same, looked at Jin Hyun-tae with a weird look and said, "Although this is a reasonable explanation, I still think it is a little bit tricky. But what do you do with a mercenary company? Make this kind of money? I’m not talking about you. There are more and more profitable businesses in the world, but some money cannot be made, which will make your reputation bad."

Kim Hyun-tae no longer entangled whether the Americans were weird, or whether Kim Hyun-tae was going to be awarded the brigadier general, but moved to the matter of Kim Hyun-tae’s involvement in the field of mercenaries.

And what he said to Kim Hyun Tae was not aimless.

On the other side of time and space, the reputation of mercenaries is really not so good.

They kill bad guys who set fire for money.

As long as the employer pays, they can do anything!

Yes, anything!

Murder and arson are nothing, as long as the money is sufficient.

Under this premise, of course, mercenaries have no good reputation.

And the competition in the mercenary industry is fierce.

Of course, because the industry’s reputation is not very good, it makes dirty **** money. At the same time, the capitalists in different time and space have not seen any big profits, so there is no such situation of capital inflow support. .

Therefore, the active mercenaries in the mercenary industry now consist of a small team of more than a dozen people, and there is no large-scale, powerful team.

Seeing this, Jin Xiantai decided to enter this industry, taking the opportunity to gain a foothold in this industry, and at the same time using this industry to tie some retired American generals into his camp.

Maybe people in different time and space can't see profit, but Jin Xiantai has seen gold everywhere.

How much money can be earned by the employers? The channel for mercenaries to make money is not in this.

So from the very beginning, Kim Hyun-tae targeted the military's orders.

And he was very successful!

As long as this ticket is completed, the three mercenary companies will have an opportunity for development, and then they can expand other channels of making money.

"Hey, as long as you can make money, reputation is not important." Jin Xiantai didn't intend to tell the truth to Jin Jianshe on this issue, so he used this excuse to perfuse the past.

Yes, I am someone who cares nothing about making money.

In the face of such Kim Hyun Tae, what can you tell Kim Jianshe to say.

[It seems that the life of an orphan makes him extremely value money. Yes, in fact, this is understandable. Perhaps for him, nothing is as important as having money, because in the United States, there is no way to live without money. 】

Jin Jianshe once again made up for it on his own, and thought of such an identity as an orphan of Jin Xiantai and his very difficult life since he was a child.

However, it was thanks to Jin Jianshe's brainstorming that Jin Xiantai was spared the explanation.

"Oh, I can't say anything about this matter. I just hope that when you run a mercenary company, William will be more or less scrupulous about your reputation."

Yes, what can Jin Jianshe say?

In his current capacity ~lightnovelpub.net~ there is really no way to say too much.

After all, they didn't recognize Kim Hyun Tae now.

So as a friend, that's all that can be said.

"Uncle Jin, look at what you said, it seems like I am wicked. But then again, I heard that Africa is not very stable. Because of the turbulence, China's embassies in African countries always face this. You can consider such security threats. I suggest Grandpa Jin and the big guys mention that I can provide security services here, and the charges are absolutely reasonable."

What Jin Xiantai didn't expect was that when Jin Xiantai's conversation turned around, he actually promoted his business.

Although Jin Jianshe was a little bit dumbfounded, but after careful consideration, it seemed that what Jin Xiantai said was not unreasonable.

"Uncle Jin, you first go back and check the contents of the memory card. After reading it, I think this transaction should be done. I am very sincere."

While talking, Kim Hyun-tae put on a mysterious look, and mentioned the mobile memory card again...