Rising America

Chapter 1537: Saigon

Cocoa was left in the capital, and was taken back by Jin Jianshe to the old man's house. This matter was approved by Jin Xiantai and Nuwa, and the little guy himself accepted it.

In a word, as long as the father is happy to serve, the little guy can accept everything with confidence. I have to say that Coco, a bear kid, is really different from ordinary children.

If this were to be another child, he would have been crying and wiping away tears at this time, holding his father's thigh and hoping not to leave him.

But Coco did not act like this, and even said that she was eager for her father to leave quickly.

Because only after her father leaves, she can play happily without any scruples, and she will have to go home again when she doesn't have time.

Look, this is the truest thought in Coco's heart.

Fortunately, her father, Jin Xiantai, didn't know this, otherwise it would really make Jin Xiantai a father sad.

Before leaving the capital, Kim Hyun-tae spent a day playing with Coco in the capital. He went to the amusement park and played a lot of amusement facilities with Coco. It was not until the evening after dinner that Kim Hyun-tae let his daughter create a passage with magic energy and returned. Home in Los Angeles, USA.

Early the next morning, Jin Xiantai, accompanied by Annie, boarded the plane to South Vietnam, took his own private jet and set off for South Vietnam, where he began his service journey.

Cocoa was left in the capital, Jin Xiantai went to Nanyue, and Dabao Erbao followed two unreliable masters in China, leaving Anne alone in the United States.

Fortunately, Annie is not an ordinary woman. She can accept this state of separation from her family with great endurance. I have to say that this woman is quite tough.

You know, this kind of thing is absolutely unacceptable for a normal woman.

But Anne is Anne after all, she is not an ordinary woman after all.

Nowadays, the relatives in the family are all carrying out their own development, and Annie feels that she can't be left behind, so she continues with the politics she started planning last year.

According to Annie's idea, she wanted to take advantage of Jin Xiantai's service in South Vietnam in the past few years, use her advantage to enter politics, and then better assist Jin Xiantai to go further.

Although there are already iron rods like Old George in politics, Anne feels that no matter how old George is, it is not as safe as her family's insurance.

After all, this has to make people envious of Jin Xiantai, how can he make Annie look at him, and everything is being considered and planned for him.

Sometimes the ‘fate’ thing is really unpredictable and embarrassing.

------split line------

Time has entered October 2017. Due to its geographical location, South Vietnam is very hot even in this season of October. Due to its location in the subtropical zone, even if it is winter, it will not make people wear it in winter. A'big bear'.

At Saigon International Airport, Kim Hyun Tae’s A380 private jet slowly landed on the runway. Through the porthole, Kim Hyun Tae discovered that a safe area had been opened up on the edge of the airport runway, and a large number of people had already been waiting there. I saw the figure of Andrew who came to South Vietnam before me.

The beautiful gene-man stewardess opened the door of the cabin, and after getting off the airport elevator, Jin Xiantai sorted out the military uniform on his body and walked out energetic.

The people waiting below all saluted a military salute.

It turned out that the waiting here were basically the first batch of officers who arrived in South Vietnam early and belonged to the three major security companies.

Of course, the embassy in South Vietnam also sent people, and the military in South Vietnam also sent people.

In any case, before Jin Xiantai arrived in South Vietnam, he had not been assigned to the army directly under his control, and before he was assigned to the defense jurisdiction, he had already had 150,000 or 160,000 mercenary troops, and his troops alone came to him. Said that he is already a powerful figure in Nanyue that cannot be underestimated.

For the time being, Kim Hyun-tae's rank is still a colonel, and he has not been promoted to brigadier general when he left the United States. He needs to see General Moran before he can get the brigadier general rank from General Moran.

Looking around, the South Vietnamese government did not send anyone here, as if the guys didn't show much importance to themselves, the colonel.

Perhaps, the people of the South Vietnamese puppet regime don't think they are such a small colonel how important to them.

After observing such a phenomenon, Jin Xiantai pursed his lips and sneered, and continued to walk down the gangway.

"Master, you are finally here."

Andrew took the lead in stepping past the crowd, putting on the style that the old British butler should have, and paying respects to Kim Hyun Tae in a regular manner.

Jin Xiantai smiled at Andrew and asked, "The base has been selected? Why didn't I see people from the South Vietnamese government today?"

Andrew, dressed in a tuxedo and dressed as a housekeeper, responded: "The base has been selected. There are three in total, Saigon's northern suburbs, Da Nang, and Bien Hoa City in the northeast of Saigon."

Not all of the 150,000 mercenaries were deployed in Saigon. Instead, they were stationed in three places. One of them was the Da Nang Air Base near the 17-degree line.

Although Jin Xiantai was curious about Andrew's choice, he did not show anything, because he knew that Andrew would have such an arrangement, which must have been his consideration.

"Well, everyone can be arranged."

"Colonel William, I am Darwin from the Intelligence Division of the Embassy. From today onwards, my subordinates and I will be under your command."

At this time, people from the embassy came up.

"Hello, William King, we will work together in the future."

Kim Hyun-tae was very indifferent and didn't play big, but he was not so polite.

A representative of the military, a major paid a military salute to Kim Hyun-tae, and then said to Kim Hyun-tae in a serious voice: "General Moran is waiting for you at the U.S. Embassy in Saigon. He asked me to inform you and report to the embassy now. "

Kim Hyun Tae nodded to the major.

Not far away, a slip of green military Hummer stopped there, and Jin Xiantai walked over under Andrew's guidance, and then got into the car.

Everyone didn't mean to greet you here at the airport, so they didn't want to waste too much time in this place.

The car started, and the convoy slowly left the airport and began to drive towards the Saigon room.

After leaving the airport, Jin Xiantai found that the road leading from the airport to Saigon was actually a dirt road returning to Tema, which was very bumpy along the way.

"This was all caused by the war. The South Vietnamese government's money was used to fight the war, so there was no extra money to build roads, so that the road from the airport to downtown Saigon had not been repaired at all."

An Andrew who was observing Jin Xiantai's facial expression could immediately understand some of Jin Xiantai's thoughts at this moment.

This is not how amazing Andrew is. He can see through Jin Xiantai's thinking. It is really Andrew who has learned the psychological knowledge of the earth through the Internet. Only through these learned knowledge can he have such an accurate judgment.

Therefore, Andrew is an alien child who loves to learn, and his learning ability is still very strong, with the potential to learn to dominate.

"This road needs to be repaired, and the indoor roads in Saigon should also be repaired. In fact, the money can still be squeezed out. I don’t want to drive bumps on this road every day. Okay, I know this in my mind. The money will be pulled from the South Vietnamese government."

It's just a business, or a profitable business.

Build roads.

Pull out from the South Vietnamese government, and then turn one package, two packages, three or four rounds, Jin Xiantai will also play.

As for the quality of Kim Hyun-tae, he has not considered it. As long as the road built can last for five or six years, the United States will definitely withdraw its troops by then.

After all, when Kim Hyun-tae came to South Vietnam, Jin Xiantai deducted money from the South Vietnamese government and competed with the high-ranking officials of the South Vietnam government for benefits. So Kim Hyun-tae immediately thought of building roads to test the water and see what the officials of the South Vietnam gang did. reaction.

Although the U.S. military is a'grandfather'-level existence to the South Vietnamese puppet regime, Kim Hyun-tae cannot start his actions rashly, because many people in the South Vietnamese puppet regime are related to some powerful figures in American politics. , Has a very good personal relationship.

God knows they represent the interests of these big brothers.

So, what Kim Hyun-tae needs to do is to test and tempt to know well.

You know, according to General Moran, many senior executives of the South Vietnamese puppet regime rely on their good relations with the political leaders in the United States and represent their interests in South Vietnam. Even General Moran’s face is sometimes lost. Won't give it.

In addition, George said that these officials of the South Vietnamese puppet regime basically have a good relationship with the conservative political leaders in the opposition, which means that they represent the interests of the hostile camp.

In this way, Jin Xiantai initially had a number.

Obviously, representing the interests of the old George's camp, he had to face some difficulties and obstacles during his service in Vietnam.

Jin Xiantai was very silent, and his thoughts reversed~lightnovelpub.net~ Andrew didn't continue to say anything, and became quiet. He knew that his master was thinking.

On the road, through the car window, Kim Hyun-tae noticed that on both sides of the road, there were thatched huts in a row, one by one.

"These are all refugees from the north?"

"Yes, the people in Hue and Quang Chi. Since that area has become a battlefield where the U.S. and North Vietnamese forces fought fiercely, a large number of refugees had to withdraw south and finally flooded into safe Saigon. After all, this place is far away from fighting. The region has a rare security guarantee."

Andrew nodded and answered the question.

Kim Hyun Tae sighed, "It's a pity, Saigon is not safe anymore."

While speaking, a checkpoint with the crossbar down appeared in front of him. On both sides of the checkpoint, there were a large number of South Vietnamese soldiers with live ammunition and green American uniforms, all guarding the surroundings as if they were facing enemies.

This shows that the law and order in Saigon is not bad.