Rising America

Chapter 1538: There are so many mixed-race girls here

The vehicle in front was released after showing its ID.

Andrew said to Kim Hyun-tae: "There was another explosion in the Saigon disturbances in the morning. Two US military advisers were killed and a dozen South Vietnamese locals were killed or injured. There is no place in this country that can be called safe. That's right."

"There was an explosion in the morning? Needless to say, it must have been infiltrated by North Vietnamese agents. Has the South Vietnamese government no longer been able to contain these people's activities?" Hearing Andrew mentioning this incident made Jin Xiantai quite surprised.

In his memory, when the US military first intervened in Vietnam in another time and space, the law and order in Saigon was not so uncontrollable. Basically, it became worse after the collapse.

The Americans have just entered South Vietnam in different time and space, and they have just joined the North Vietnamese army. Why is the South Vietnamese government unable to contain the activities of North Vietnamese agents in Saigon?

Besides, the situation in Vietnam in different time and space is very strange. The French who were destroyed in another time and space two years ago have fought with North Vietnam for decades in this time and space, and helped stabilize the South Vietnamese puppet regime for dozens of years. year.

If the South Vietnamese puppet regime is really so unbearable, how can they, with the support of the French, persist for these decades without being completely destroyed by North Vietnam from the inside.

This is what makes Kim Hyun Tae very confused.

In the past two years, Kim Hyun-tae has learned about Vietnam through news channels and the Internet, and has not come here to experience all this firsthand.

I have to say that when he came to the land of Nanyue, he discovered that many things were not what he had originally imagined.

Andrew curled his lips at this moment: "Those guys from the South Vietnamese government don't think about this at all. They are all focused on how to fight for power and how to make money.

In their opinion, it would be better for the Americans to deal with these things. In the past, they also left these things to the French to do, and they would not bother at all.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the French can't hold on to it after decades and throw this mess to the United States. "

Although it was only two days in advance, Andrew had collected as much information as possible about the situation of the South Vietnamese authorities and national conditions in these two days, so that after Jin Xiantai arrived, he could have a more intuitive understanding.

If there is no Andrew, Jin Xiantai wants to understand these situations, not to say that it takes a lot of effort, but also takes a long time.

But how good it is now. Just after arriving in Vietnam, Andrew has been able to present all these situations in front of Jin Xiantai, so that he has a detailed understanding.

So, this is also a big advantage of Jin Xiantai, and this advantage is not available to others.

"Unexpectedly, this is the situation in Nanyue, and in this way, the South Vietnamese authorities don't take the Americans as the victims!?" Jin Xiantai said some of his own judgments in disbelief.

Andrew smiled: "That's the truth."

In the end Andrew settled the matter.

Kim Hyun-tae let out a sigh of relief, and then said to Andrew: "I don’t know whether the South Vietnamese authorities treat Americans as fools, but they don’t think I’m a bully. I’m here this time to plunder South Vietnamese resources and the government’s control. Golden. So no matter who gets in my way, I won't make him feel better, no matter who it is!"

It is rare that Kim Hyun Tae, who has always been polite and polite to everyone, will show his hideous side.

However, Andrew was not disgusted with Kim Hyun Tae in this state, and instead thought he was a real man like this.

"Master, you are right to think like this. No matter what you do here, I will support you, but I will get rid of those guys who stand in your way."

Andrew cooperated with Kim Hyun Tae, sitting there and clamoring.

It can even be seen from the expression of excitement on Andrew’s face that he tried to hide it. This guy was hoping that Jin Xiantai would mess around during his service in South Vietnam, and then he would have something big.

Well, this is typical for fear that the world will not be chaotic.

However, Andrew also has Andrew's confidence and confidence.

He firmly believes that no matter what the young master Jin Xiantai wants to do, he has the strength to support him, after all, he has a lot of black technology.

"You need to help me collect intelligence as soon as possible. Although the intelligence office of the embassy assigned a small group of intelligence personnel to my command, the abilities of these people are not comparable to you, so I still rely on Andrew you for intelligence matters. of."

Kim Hyun Tae intends to hand over the intelligence to Andrew, because in Kim Hyun Tae's view, Andrew is in charge of this item, that is an absolutely suitable candidate.

And Andrew himself didn't mean to refuse Jin Xiantai's arrangement, but he was very excited because of this arrangement.

"If necessary, can I use lynching to obtain information? It may be very cruel to do so, but I need Master, you can give me an attitude."

Andrew raised a question very excited.

Jin Xiantai stayed for a while, and said to his heart [With your ability and means, can you still use such a troublesome method? ] Then he asked Andrew curiously: "With your ability and means, it doesn't need to be so troublesome, right?"

Indeed, if it is only for intelligence, as far as Andrew's ability is concerned, no one can stop talking to him, not to mention that Andrew also possesses countless black technologies to obtain intelligence.

Andrew smiled'hehe' and explained to Jin Xiantai: "Master, I know that the intelligence personnel on the earth are all black-hearted. I think this kind of person is very cool, so I want to learn too. "

That's it?

That's it.

Jin Xiantai has nothing to say. Dare to say that Andrew will do it because he wants to be the kind of dark-type intelligence officer, which makes Jin Xiantai very speechless.

God knows where Andrew saw this set.

"Master, do you also arrange an identity for me, or how can I manage the intelligence personnel assigned by the embassy?"

Andrew still cares about this. He thinks that Jin Xiantai should arrange an identity for himself so that he can better manage and command the intelligence team.

Jin Xiantai thought for a while and felt that Andrew's words were not unreasonable, so he assured Andrew: "After seeing General Moran, I will contact Director Lawrence and ask him to give you an identity."

Lawrence is the current director of the CIA, and he is also a member of the personnel appointment. He is a member of the same hawkish camp as the old George. He is also very familiar with Kim Hyun Tae and also values ​​Kim Hyun Tae.

With this kind of relationship, going through the back door to get Andrew the identity of the CIA and managing the intelligence team assigned by the embassy is a breeze for Kim Hyun-tae.

You know, if Kim Hyun-tae can make a lot of money in South Vietnam, Director Lawrence will also have a share.

I have to say that the United States in different time and space is so weird, and it can also go through the back door.

Step by step and seniority ranking are all for people who have nothing to do with them. People like Jin Xiantai don't need to be so tired at all. He can make the people around him prosper by mastering important relationships.

Of course, this is also a wonderful feature of the United States in another time and space, which is really quite different from the United States in another time and space.

The dirt road has been turned into a cement pavement that has been in disrepair for many years. At the same time, the two sides of the road have been replaced by buildings full of French style.

After all, before the Americans, South Vietnam was a colony run by the French. Therefore, there are a large number of French-style buildings on the South Vietnam side. Even the locals speak fluent French. They are even influenced by France in their diet. I like French bread very much.

Compared with the simple North Vietnam, South Vietnam, especially the local people here in Saigon, looks quite trendy.

Women wearing cross-style cheongsam can be seen everywhere on the street.

The vietnamese cheongsam perfectly presents the female figure, and also makes the local women look so full of classical charm and special charm.

Especially because of the French colonization for more than one hundred years, Saigon is full of a large number of beautiful girls of Vietnamese and French mixed-races. The beauty of these beautiful girls is so bright that they blinded Kim Hyun-tae.

"There are many beauties here. They are young and beautiful, but most of them are orphans. I heard that their fathers are French. They ran away after growing up their mothers' belly. Single mothers couldn’t support them. Throw them outside and let them fend for themselves.

If you are lucky, you will be adopted by an orphanage. If you are not lucky, you will die on the street. There are many more such girls who have embarked on the road of betraying their bodies in order to survive, and they just perish like this.

Such things and such girls are not surprising in South Vietnam, especially in Saigon, and the locals think it is a very common thing. "

Looking out of the car window, Jin Xiantai saw many American soldiers who were surrounded by one or two super-bodied girls who were dressed in line with the trend of the times and had high-value Vietnamese girls.

This made Kim Hyun Tae very embarrassed.

“South Vietnam’s economy collapsed, and people basically couldn’t find jobs. In order to make money to fill their stomachs, these girls really have no other way, let alone the soldiers stationed in Vietnam paying US dollars, which is hard currency.”

Andrew, who had only been here for only two days, was quite eloquent when it came to this matter, and he didn't know if he had studied this issue specifically.

"Good cabbage has been swept away by pigs."

After a long time, Jin Xiantai sighed and said his own evaluation.

He felt that it was a waste of these good-looking mixed-race sister papers to let the American soldiers spoil them.

Andrew nodded in sympathy, and said in a loud voice filled with righteous indignation: "Yes, if this is to make you miserable, you won’t waste it, these beautiful girls, you should make you sleepy first. ."

How can I hear this?

Kim Hyun Tae's cheek muscles twitched, and he didn't bother to pay attention to Andrew.

But he ignored Andrew and couldn't help Andrew take the initiative to talk to him.

"Master, in order to avoid your loneliness in South Vietnam, why not just go find a few sister papers to accompany you, I guarantee that they are all high-value, good-looking, and very pure type, anyway, we are not short of money , As long as the bid code is opened, the girls will definitely swarm.

And master, don’t you know, the North and South Vietnam have fought for decades. There were too many men who died in the war, so that there were more women than men in both the North and South Vietnam. Men are very popular on both sides, let alone. Master, you are such a handsome man.

I don’t think it’s necessary to pay, the sisters’ papers will come up all the time, even if mother and daughter take it all, there’s no problem with sisters spending..."

Andrew is getting more and more talking about it~lightnovelpub.net~ Jin Xiantai can't listen anymore.

He quickly raised his hand to stop Andrew from continuing, looking at his butler, the alien elementary school student with a speechless expression: "Andrew, can we not continue this topic?"

Andrew looked a little aggrieved: "I’m not for the good of my young master. You are always holding back like this, and you are not afraid that it will be broken, and what should you do if you become a big pervert in the end. You people on earth have physiological needs, I have seen related The books..."

Jin Xiantai turned his face away, and really didn't want to talk to Andri anymore, because he felt that Andrew, who was in this state, definitely couldn't continue to communicate well.

On the street outside the car window, the figures of American soldiers swaggering around with beautiful mixed-race girls were seen by Kim Hyun-tae, making him feel a little worthless for those girls.

In the ear, Andrew was still talking about his theory, just to tell Jin Xiantai not to be a ‘ascetic monk’ and to find a few sisters here in Vietnam to relieve his physical needs.

The convoy, passing through crowded and narrow streets, continued to drive towards the embassy.