Rising America

Chapter 1542: Annie Pit Kayla

"After all, you two are young and have overlooked some very important things, but it doesn't matter. I have already wiped your butts."

After seeing Kayla at the appointed place, Annie asked Kayla to get into her car, and then Annie told the driver to start the car and drive herself and the two little guys toward the city.

Annie was traveling today in her favorite bulletproof and extended Bentley sedan.

Sitting in the spacious car, Annie taught the two little guys seriously, gave them a business class, and gave the two little guys an analysis to let the little guys know what kind of mistakes they made.

After all, it's a child, and she must not think so comprehensively about what she is doing. In this regard, Annie will not criticize anything, but Annie will use this opportunity to let the little guy learn something.

This kind of education was invented by Annie herself.

She fell in love with Kim Hyun-tae at first, and after she was mentally prepared to become a stepmother, she began to wonder how she could educate Cocoa. In the end, she decided to use these things to learn alive whenever she encountered something in her life. Use it as an example to teach Cocoa.

And now, it is a good opportunity to attend class.

Coco and Kailawei sat there, the reaction of the two little guys now made Annie have the urge to laugh, but she was fortunate to hold back it, and this did not destroy the atmosphere of the'teaching scene'.

"Do you know why Mommy said that?"

Faced with Annie's question, the two little guys shook their heads together.

Annie explained: "Where did you get the technology? This technology is still not mastered by the major R&D Ia smart companies. You said that the problem is not big."

Kayla nodded with a serious face: "Aunt Anne is right. We really neglected this. The problem is a bit serious."

Coco didn't speak, she was still digesting and understanding.

"It's not a little serious, it's very serious!" Annie continued her previous words severely, "Because of this negligence, you will even bring danger to yourself and your family."

Are we and our family in danger?

The two little guys opened their eyes wide, and looked incredulous.

Neither Coco nor Kayla felt that in fact, anyone could threaten the safety of themselves and even their family members.

Needless to say, the little guy has the power to guard against the sky. It would be nice if she didn't trouble other people. If anyone came to trouble her, it would really be ‘toilet light’.

Similarly, Brother Kaila is a superman, and their family are all aliens, with special powers beyond ordinary people.

"Don't look at me with such eyes, I said that there is a premise. If you are ordinary children, doing so will definitely cause trouble to your family."

Well, it turned out to be so.

The two little guys looked at each other.

Annie raised her voice: "Although we are not ordinary people, you can't rely on this kind of thinking to do things so comprehensively. After all, who can guarantee that you are invincible in the world, so you will give yourself As well as the danger caused by my family, I am not wrong at all."

I am invincible in the world!

Coco retorted in her heart, but she didn't dare to say that.

"The superiority of technology will cause people to covet, you should never underestimate the greed in human nature, and how courage some people will be driven by greed.

And in order to achieve their goals, the methods that those guys will use are endless. They are dirty and dirty that people can't even think of, and they just subvert the three views of normal people.

Although it means that we are not afraid, if such things happen more often, we will always be bored. "

Having said that, even if some Coco is not convinced, he has to admit that what Annie said is not unreasonable.

It's so obvious, the little guy is really not afraid of anything.

But if those secret methods are used, the little guy will also feel a headache, and Cocoa must also admit this.

Besides, she is very powerful, but her father is still an ‘ordinary person’, and the little guy suddenly thought of his father.

Just like Annie said, when there is no chance in her own body, who can guarantee that she will not attack her father.

Thinking of this, the little guy's face turned pale.

Annie, who has been observing Coco's reaction, saw that Coco's face turned pale, and she knew what she meant. The little guy had completely understood what she said, so she comforted the little guy and said: "Okay, you don't need to think too much. , I have wiped your ass, even if things go bad, they will not go bad.

The Frankstein Lab will take care of everything. What you have to remember is that no matter you face anyone, you must insist that the technology belongs to the Frankstein Lab. What you have is the right to convert results into commercial value.

In this way, even if someone is looking for trouble, they will just go to the Frankstein Lab instead of you and your family. "

After all, Annie is an old world. She thinks more about these things than the bear children and handles them more safely.

It's just that Dr. Frankstein has suffered in the end. He will definitely have a lot of trouble in the end, but as long as she doesn't bring trouble to the family, Annie won't care about Dr. Frankstein's side.

Besides, Dr. Frankstein himself was bred by Andrew and used to be a genetic man at some point. Now it is very appropriate for Annie to do so.

At the same time, there is no need to worry about Dr. Frankstein at all. Not to mention that this product itself is a genetic man, it also has a strong combat power. It is not so easy for anyone who wants to take advantage of him.

Besides, the security of Frankstein's laboratory is not weak, so Annie decided that she would not be pleased to find the troublesome guy.

"Okay, we remembered it."

Coco and Kaila nodded in response.

And after Annie's education and analysis, the two little guys basically figured it out and understood the truth.

Los Angeles Avenue of Stars, China Theater Street.

The store where Cocoa bought is located next to the China Grand Theater.

In order to buy this store, Coco really spent a lot of money.

The store has not been re-decorated, the original shelves have been removed, and only a few robots have been placed in the store.

Without that kind of high-tech decoration, everything seems quite simple.

At the same time, because the robot body is covered with a layer of artificial skin, people who don't know and don't know when they pass by here think that the guys standing still in the store are doing performance art.

After all, this is Hollywood, and the location is on the Walk of Fame, so some people here in order to attract attention and make people pay attention to themselves, any kind of strange behavior will appear.

But no one has thought that those guys who seem to be doing performance art are actually robots at all.

A group of people are busy in front of the store. They are setting up a small performance stage, which makes the movement of pedestrians somewhat inconvenient.

But Annie had already applied for the qualification for the event, so there were two police officers on the side who were responsible for maintaining the flow of people, so it did not cause much complaint.

"There will be performances in a while. Mommy invited a few big stars. Then you will let those robots dance with them, but you need to remove their simulated skins before the dances, so as to give people a more intuitive impact."

Annie must be great in doing business. Cocoa is definitely not comparable to Kayla.

Neither of them even thought about showing robots in this way.

"There are several advantages to doing this. The first is to show people how flexible the robot is. And there are activities in the performance, which can also show Ia intelligence. Third... Through this more intuitive display, people also In order to understand the product better."

The two little guys listened carefully.

Annie said it very patiently.

"It's like selling arms. Let the buyers see the power of selling weapons. If you want to sell robots, you must also let people understand that the advantages of these robots are there, and they can do it after buying them back. what."

The two little guys felt that they had learned a good thing, and there were little stars in their eyes when they looked at Annie.

Annie herself was a little bit dumbfounded, because the things she taught the two little guys were the most basic principles and knowledge of doing business.

"By the way, what is the price of your robots?"

Annie asked casually.

The two little guys were silent for a long time, which made Annie very speechless.

She knew it, obviously the two little guys hadn't thought about this problem.

In other words, there is no price for selling robots yet.

"Talk about what functions your robots have?"

Annie asked with a dumbfounded look.

Coco and Kayla looked at each other again, and then Kayla answered the question.

"They can do everything, such as taking children, guarding the house, bodyguards, playing with them, etc., in short, they are omnipotent, and they are always cost-effective products."

Annie frowned, she keenly grasped a key point in Keira's words.

"You said they can do everything?"

Kayla nodded: "Yes, Aunt Anne, they can do everything."

Annie asked: "Can boy and girl friends do it too?"

Kayla smiled shyly: "Of course, because these robots themselves are for entertainment."

Well, no need to ask any more, Annie has basically understood what the most real purpose of these robots are.

What the nursing home cares for are ancillary functions. In fact, these robots are specifically designed to meet the physiological needs of buyers.

Annie looked at the two little girls in front of her, and her mood became very complicated for a while.

After a long time, Annie took out the phone and dialed a phone number.

"Things have changed. You go to Las Vegas to find the largest venue. One month later, I will hold the largest adult entertainment exhibition. There is no need to be so tight on time. You must handle this matter properly. People are paying attention to this exhibition."

After knowing the real purpose of the robot, Annie had a new idea.

Originally, she wanted to have a sensational opening ceremony here, but now she feels that due to the real purpose of the robot, she must change it.

Speaking of which, this is also caused by the bear children.

The two little guys didn't know the real purpose of the robot, so they hurriedly took it out and sold it. They simply didn't seize the selling point.

"Coco, you are the corporate legal person?"

Cocoa didn't know why Annie asked, but she nodded: "The legal person is me, but the CEO is Kayla."

Annie cast a weird look at Kaila, who was a little unclear about her.

Although Coco is a corporate legal person, Annie breathed a sigh of relief. Anyway, it was Kayla who showed her face. At least Coco didn't have to bear the name of an'adult merchandise tycoon'. People would only remember the little Krypton girl in front of the stage.

"Kayla~lightnovelpub.net~ Auntie has something to assure you, no matter who asks about it in the future, don't say that Coco is the legal person of the company, just say that the company is your own."

"Auntie Anne, why."

"Auntie tells you the truth, the reputation of this company will not be very good in the future."

"Not a good name? But can you make money?"

"Yes! Still make a lot of money."

"Then it doesn't matter. I won't expose Cocoa boss, besides, this business was originally thought of by me. All that is needed is the financial support of Coco boss."

"Cocoa, you can share more of Kayla's shares. Kayla will have to bear a heavy burden in the future."

"Oh, then I can give her 5% more."

"Thank you Coco boss!!!"

At this moment, Kayla feels that she has made a profit, but I don’t know if she thinks back in the future, will she feel that she is so second at this time...