Rising America

Chapter 1543: Bold puppet regime

Saigon, the northern outskirts of the military base ‘Folang’, on the second day of Jin Xiantai’s arrival, a sign for recruiting locals as soldiers was hung up, and the focus was on recruiting female soldiers, which caused a sensation in the local area.

Before Jin Xiantai arrived in South Vietnam, he had already negotiated a plan for recruiting local soldiers with George and General Moran, so Jin Xiantai was not doing it indiscriminately.

Therefore, when the news that Kim Hyun Tae recruited locals as soldiers reached General Moran, General Moran did not react too violently. He also informed the officers at all levels of the headquarters that what Kim Hyun Tae was doing was getting He authorized it, so the headquarters must give Jin Xiantai a convenience here.

With the support of General Moran, Kim Hyun Tae's recruitment of soldiers from Saigon has become much easier.

It's just that, for the time being, the South Vietnamese government has not yet been authorized, that is, Jin Xiantai has not greeted the South Vietnamese puppet regime at all, which makes the South Vietnamese puppet government officials in Saigon a bit unbearable.

For a time, the South Vietnamese puppet regime sent many people to the ‘Folang’ military base to get in touch with Kim Hyun-tae to test what he meant.

Unfortunately, for these people, Jin Xiantai didn't mean to meet them at all. They were all blocked by him outside the military base, and the people sent by the South Vietnamese puppet regime were quite embarrassed.


When Kim Hyun-tae arrived in Saigon yesterday, the South Vietnamese puppet regime did not send anyone with an identity to pick up the plane. Obviously, this meant that he did not put him in their eyes, and even Kim Hyun-tae was not considered a personal thing in their eyes. It is looked down upon.

Therefore, Kim Hyun-tae intends to take advantage of this matter to give play to.

He wouldn't be afraid of those guys in the South Vietnam puppet regime, because Jin Xiantai knew very well that these people in the South Vietnam puppet regime were foreigners and foreigners. They now need American military power to help them maintain their ruling power over South Vietnam.

So if you offend the Americans, this is definitely not a good thing for their South Vietnamese puppet government, but it is impossible for anyone who is not an idiot to choose to do so.

The reason why they ignored Kim Hyun Tae was mainly because they did not understand Kim Hyun Tae's identity and status in the United States.

It was precisely because of this relationship that their attention was focused on people like General Moran, and they completely ignored Jin Xiantai who came to serve in South Vietnam as a colonel.

Think about it, too, a little colonel, there is worthy of his own attention.

Although not many American colonel officers stationed in South Vietnam are like dogs, they have walked all over the floor.

But they don’t even know that the colonel Kim Hyun Tae is now a brigadier general, one of the few general officers stationed in South Vietnam, and he also holds 150,000 mercenaries in his hands. Command power, as well as the command power of the 100,000 troops of the six army divisions that General Moran only announced last night, are absolutely powerful generals in the entire US military system in Vietnam.

You know, the number of American troops in Zhenge Ge Nanyue is only one million people, but Jin Xiantai's troops have already controlled a quarter (including mercenaries), and the power is not small.

Of course, the U.S. Congress has just passed a bill to continue to increase troops. In half a year, it will add 1.2 million troops to South Vietnam. These troops will definitely not let Kim Hyun Tae get involved, but even so, Kim Hyun Tae’s power is not. Small.

It was also at this time that the high-ranking officials of the South Vietnamese puppet regime realized what a big mistake they had committed. They clearly understood that the little colonel Kim Hyun-tae was not as inconspicuous as they thought, but was a complete one. The big crocodile is here.

Such a great **** is appointed to be responsible for things in Saigon. For those high-ranking officials of the South Vietnamese puppet regime, it is impossible to deal with them properly.

It's a pity that Jin Xiantai didn't see any representative sent by any of them in one morning, and put on the appearance of "no one else in," making them speechless.

However, Andrew, as the steward of Kim Hyun Tae, gave gifts to those who were sent by representatives of various parties to meet Kim Hyun Tae. He received almost 20 kilograms of gold just for gold... It shows that the South Vietnamese officials are rich.

Inside the base, in the temporary officer's office, Jin Xiantai looked at the gift packed in the green wooden ammunition box, raised his hand and rubbed his smooth chin, with a wicked smile on his face from time to time.

Andrew, and Hulk who reported in the morning, sat quietly in the seats next to them, waiting for Kim Hyun Tae to express his attitude.

"Andrew, you go to inform, let them prepare a dinner party, then I will give them a big surprise at the dinner party, I want to control all the key departments of Saigon at once."

Jin Xiantai didn't want to bother to deal with this problem too much, so he planned to come to a ten-stroke meeting to control Saigon all at once.

Andrew nodded, got up and left the temporary office, leaving Hulk here with Jin Xiantae.

Hulk is an old friend of Kim Hyun Tae. The two of them had known each other during the San Juan Orphanage and grew up together, so this relationship need not be mentioned.

As for Kim Hyun Tae coming to serve in South Vietnam and becoming his immediate boss, Hulk expressed his happiness and welcome.

When Andrew left, Hulk said to Kim Hyuntae excitedly: "Boss, when I knew you were going to serve here, I was quite happy, because we can work together again, as if we are back in San Juan. At that time in the orphanage."

Facing the extremely excited Hulk, Kim Hyun-tae smiled and asked Hulk: "I think you have a good life here. You are now a major officer."

Hulk waved his hand carelessly, and replied nonchalantly: "There is nothing surprising, nothing more than daring to kill too many people and getting promoted."

It sounds simple, but Kim Hyun Tae knows that things are definitely not as easy as Hulk showed, and it must be full of various dangers.

Although his experience at the San Juan Orphanage was faked by Andrew, Hulk and the others are so sincere and hard-core to Kim Hyun Tae that Kim Hyun Tae also had to pay his sincerity to his friends and treat them. Treated like a real friend.

"Now General Moran assigns you to my subordinates to be under my command, then I will definitely not let you face that kind of dangerous fighting again. During this period of my service, you will be by my side and help I will control the city of Saigon."

"Boss, what is your mission here?" Hulk did not show the slightest unwillingness, and asked Jin Xiantai's purpose of controlling Saigon.

Hulk is trustworthy, and Jin Xiantai never doubted this, so he did not intend to conceal Hulk, and he told Hulk about his purpose and plan to serve in South Vietnam.

Unlike imagined, Hulk not only didn't feel bad, but became more excited, and repeatedly claimed that Kim Hyun Tae's plan was very good, so he should do it!

It can be seen that Hulk himself quite agrees with Jin Xiantai's plan.

"Those guys in the puppet regime will certainly not let you control Saigon so easily. After all, no matter how much they rely on the help of our Americans, they won't let us grasp every key department in Saigon, because that is their life. !"

Now that he knew Jin Xiantae's plan, Hulk's mind began to spin quickly, and began to consider issues for Jin Xiantai.

I have to say that Hulk is still very good.

"And I heard that the forces operating here in Saigon are not only the secret service organizations infiltrated by North Vietnam, but also the people who used to protect the power of the emperor, as well as the French. We have to settle for these guys."

After all, Hulk has been in Nanyue for a long time, so he has a more thorough understanding of this aspect than Jin Xiantai.

But Jin Xiantai himself didn't know much about these things.

After Hulk revealed these key information, the expression on Kim Hyun Tae's face gradually became more serious and dignified, because from the information revealed by Hulk, the problem here in Saigon is not just a little troublesome. , The forces he mentioned really need to be balanced one by one by themselves.

"It's not difficult to level these guys. What I need is a breakthrough. Although I can force all the power in my hands, it will bring great hidden dangers, so it is quite unwise, so I need Find the right excuses and opportunities."

Hulk is his second iron buddy. In front of him, Jin Xiantai can discuss with this buddy without any concealment, so Jin Xiantai can express his thoughts without any scruples.

Hulk wearing a blindfold flashed one eye, bursting out a fierce light, and it could be seen that the days of Nanyue's service had made Hulk even more brutal.

Originally in the life of an orphan in the San Juan Orphanage, Hulk and the other children were fierce characters who dared to fight with the underworld in order to survive. Now he joined the army to serve in Vietnam, and has experienced hundreds of life and death struggles. , After seeing a more cruel war than the fight with the underworld, Hulk will definitely become more brutal than in the past.

"If anyone dares to make trouble, I will help the boss to kill him. The dead will never get in our way." Sure enough, Hulk expressed his attitude and the method he would choose with these words.

But Jin Xiantai didn't plan to do this, because it would be a real problem. Although it seemed that the problem would be solved easily, it would actually bring about bigger problems, which is the most undesirable method.

So Kim Hyun Tae shook his head.

Hulk shrugged helplessly: "Boss, you've always been smarter than me. You used to get your ideas, so now I'm going to listen to you. You know that I advocate violence to solve problems, and my brains have never been good. "

Kim Hyun Tae-yin looked at Hulk with a smile, and said to him, "I heard that the South Vietnamese puppet regime is corrupt?"

Hulk nodded: "It's not normal corruption~lightnovelpub.net~ is already corrupted into the bones. They even dared to sell their important intelligence to North Vietnam for money, even the important military intelligence of our US military. , They all dare to sell to North Vietnam in exchange for profit..."

The mention of this made Huoke angrily.

Because according to the information he learned from some secret channels, some people in the South Vietnamese puppet regime even dared to sell some military intelligence of the US military to North Vietnam in order to profit for themselves.

It is precisely for this reason that many important military operations of the US military have been notified in advance by the North Vietnamese side, and the deployment and preparations have been made, causing the US military to suffer multiple severe injuries.

Even the Hulk team lost a lot of manpower for this reason, so he didn't have a slight impression of the people of the South Vietnamese puppet regime, and he hated them to death.

It's just that he has no conclusive evidence, so Hulk has nothing to do with the people of the South Vietnamese puppet regime, and he was ordered by the original superiors to never do some behavior that affects the relationship, so that Hulk is very depressed. .

Now that Jin Xiantai mentioned this, Hulk suddenly spit out bitterness.