Rising America

Chapter 155: phone

When Kim Hyun-tae and her daughter were about to enjoy a warm dinner, they received a call from Dave. After the phone was connected, Dave informed Kim Hyun-tae of some news. There are good news and bad news, just like life. , Always mixed. ☆→

   "William, I have a few news to let you know, you should be mentally prepared."

   "You said, I can bear any news, and I am not that fragile." Dave's opening remarks made Jin Xiantai feel unconscious.

After groaning for a while, Dave continued: "First of all, I want to tell you that according to the information I got from reliable sources, it is confirmed that someone in the Patent Office has made a trick, and some of QQ's patents have been changed by shameful guys. So you have to act quickly here, otherwise the time will drag on for a long time and it will be very detrimental to you."

   The old butler, Nord, told Dave the news, and Dave would know this to Jin Xiantai so that he could be prepared to deal with the trouble.

   And Kim Hyun-tae, who got the news from Dave, was really shocked by the incident, because he had never imagined that such a thing would happen in this time and space where the patent law is strictly protected.

   However, Jin Xiantai was an ordinary person in his previous life, and it is impossible for him to know too much about the dark side of the world, especially when it comes to such things.

   Judging from his inherent thinking of ordinary people, such a thing is obviously unlikely to happen, after all, laws and regulations are there, right?

   But he never thought about it. Of course, laws and regulations have restrictions on ordinary people, but for some special people, this is just a toy and can be trampled on at will.

   So it’s not impossible for something like this to happen.

   just happened to himself, which made Jin Xiantai a little unacceptable for a while.

   "Why is this? Are those laws and regulations all decorations?"

   Kim Hyun Tae's face is very ugly.

   "William, you should understand. For some people, laws and regulations can't stop their greed, especially when faced with huge interests, taking risks is understandable."

   Dave’s words reminded Kim Hyun-tae of a famous saying he knew in his previous life.

This famous saying is very detailed, and one of them is [When the interest is 300%, people can trample any law, even if they lose their lives, they dare to take a risk]. Although there is a big difference in the literal, but the meaning It definitely means that.

   It seems that the other party also sees the huge potential of QQ in the future, so it will do so.

   This happened to someone else. Of course, Kim Hyun-tae would take it for fun, but it actually happened to him right now, so this is different.

   "Asshole! I won't let them go."

   This time, Kim Hyun-tae was really angry, even swearing, and he didn't care about his daughter being by his side.

   "Calm down, William, anger and anger can't solve the problem now. What you have to do now is to act immediately and don't delay the matter. Otherwise, it will be more and more unfavorable to you."

Dave on the other end of the phone could hear that Kim Hyun-tae is now in a state of extreme anger, but Dave understands Kim Hyun-tae very well, and it’s not likely to be better than Kim Hyun-tae on anyone else. . This is a normal reaction.

   He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down, and forcibly suppressed his anger.

   "Yes, Mr. Dave, anger does not help solve this problem. I know what to do, and I want to thank you for telling me the news, otherwise I will be in trouble."

   Kim Hyun-tae is right. If Dave hadn't told him this, he would have no idea about it.

   The Patent Office was passive, which is very detrimental to him.

   If he confronts court in the future, he will be at a disadvantage, and even lose all rights and interests of QQ, the loss can be great.

"Things are not as bad as you think. We still have to believe in the law. The gloomy rats are only a small part. If this matter is stabbed, many people will be unlucky. I firmly believe that the law will give you justice. I will stand by your side and support you."

   Dave’s remarks sounded like comforting Kim Hyun Tae, but Kim Hyun Tae was very clear that Dave was telling himself that he would provide himself with the necessary help, and it was the kind of saying he did what he said.

   I thought that I didn't have any acquaintances in this world, and my only friend was Dave, so Jin Xiantai could only ask him for help.

   There is nothing shameful about this, and it is not shameful to ask for help instead of fighting the sinister enemies on your own.

   Being able to do things in the patent office, it can be seen that the other party’s network is not simple, so it is obviously not that easy to deal with it alone.

   It is impossible for Kim Hyun-tae to fail to see this truth.

   At least Jin Xiantai understands that he is not so strong right now and can deal with such an opponent.

   "Mr. Dave, it seems that I really need your help this time. As you know, I am only a minor, and I don’t have many relationships and friends, so..."

   Of course, Dave on the other end of the phone understood what Jin Xiantai was referring to. After hearing the words, he immediately gave Jin Xiantai a reply, which he hoped to get.

"Don't worry, I will find some powerful friends to come forward and pay attention to this matter together. After all, if this matter is allowed to succeed, it will have a bad start in terms of patent protection, which is not for many people. What good news is it?"

   What Dave said is not wrong. After all, it seems that Kim Hyun-tae was infringed on his rights alone. But if Kim Hyun-tae is really succeeded by the other party, then who can guarantee that he will not become a victim like Kim Hyun-tae in the future.

  Especially Dave, who is in the publishing industry, owns many copyrighted novel books. If someone deals with him in this way, then he will not be any better than Jin Hyuntae.

   So for Kim Hyun Tae and for himself, Dave will also attach great importance to this matter.

   What's more, Annie is also paying attention to this matter.

"William, I propose to take the matter out immediately, while the other party has not fully succeeded. At the same time, you can contact Governor George. After all, you have met with him, and the other party has a good impression of you, and Governor George has come forward. There will be a lot of pressure on the other party in this matter, which will be good for you."

   Dave gave a suggestion to ask Kim Hyun Tae to find Governor George.

   "Does Governor George see me? He is the Governor, who manages all sorts of things all day long, he must be very busy, not to mention I'm just a small person."

   Kim Hyun-tae is a bit arrogant about his own position, and he considers himself a small person.

   For Kim Hyun Tae’s self-identification, Dave was a little bit dumbfounded.

"Don't underestimate yourself William this way. Governor George admires you very much and told us about it. After your high school is over, he is willing to send you to the West Point Military Academy as a referrer. This shows how much he appreciates and values ​​you. Up."

   Dave revealed the attitude that Old George said to Annie, which is not clear to Kim Hyun Tae.

   West Point Military Academy?

   How famous this school is, even Kim Hyun-tae knows it very well, but he doesn’t understand how he is so appreciated by George.

   You must know that West Point Military Academy is not so easy to enter. This requires the recommendation of powerful people with heavyweight status. Only have the qualifications to study.

   does not mean that you can enter West Point if you have money.

   And people like Old George have only two qualifications and powers for recommendation, and one of them must be given to themselves.

   I don’t know, what is there in me that is worthy of old George's attention.

   But if you can enter West Point Military Academy. This doesn't look bad.

After    comes out, how can I mix with a large number of classmates, then the network will be established.

   As for whether he will work in the government or not, Kim Hyun-tae doesn’t care. What he likes is the network of West Point classmates.

  Whether I need it or not, at least there is such a relationship. With the identity of the West Point Military Academy, then it will definitely benefit the United States in a different time and space in the future.

  For this critical issue. Kim Hyun Tae can still see it.

   Therefore, the news that Dave revealed made Kim Hyun Tae feel a little better when he was depressed.

   "Okay, I will contact Governor George to have a try." Under Dave's persuasion, Jin Xiantai said that he could find George and mention this question to him to see if the other party can provide some help.

   After all, it's like Dave said, it would be much better for him to have someone like the governor come forward.

   It's like telling an insignificant enemy that it's not unrelated to oneself, and it can also bring pressure to the other party.

   The Dave on the phone talked about this and started talking about the ~lightnovelpub.net~ that Annie had confessed to let himself persuade Jin Xiantai to invest.

   "William, do you have an idle fund? I remember you asked me about this, and I have been helping you to contact you about this matter."

   Mentioning this incident immediately reminded Kim Hyun-tae. Indeed, he had sought help in this regard. There were 2.2 billion in cash left by the Internet company.

After all, Internet companies have been obstructed and disturbed by mysterious forces when they set up information processing centers and purchase servers. Therefore, in a short period of time, the funds can only lie quietly in bank accounts. This is a pity. thing.

   If you can take advantage of this gap, it would be a good thing to use the funds.

   I recently learned from the news that the appreciation of the yen is a foregone conclusion. Although I have not caught up with the good times, it would be nice to eat a bowl of leftovers.

   It is a pity that Kim Hyun-tae asked the bank that it has become very troublesome to exchange Japanese yen, mainly because Japan has strengthened the approval process and qualifications for foreign exchange currency.

   Strictly speaking, it was the Japanese who wanted to reduce future losses and made such a response.

   It has become somewhat difficult for people like Jin Xiantai to participate in this feast.

   That's why Jin Xiantai approached Dave and asked him to help, to see if he could find a relationship so that he could exchange for Japanese yen and make a fortune. (To be continued.)