Rising America

Chapter 1551: influences

The movement made by Kim Hyun-tae was great, and this incident had a considerable international impact, so that the current president of the South Vietnamese puppet regime,'Yang Wen-tae', called on the day after the incident. The White House cried out.

Fortunately, this matter had already been discussed with Old George, so when Old George got the news, he immediately contacted everyone in his camp to support Kim Hyun Tae in Congress.

In addition, people in the hawks camp feel that Jin Hyun-tae’s approach is truly in line with their tastes, and it has truly done what the hawks should do, instead of being soft like the three strange factions. The lying guys are weak in everything.

Therefore, people in the hawks camp faced President Kenny’s proposal [whether to let Kim Hyun Tae withdraw from South Vietnam] and launched a fierce attack. Any member of Congress who supports this proposal will have to face several members of the hawks camp. In the end, the "slobber attack" was the only thing that the conservative faction of the original ruling party, which still maintained a huge membership base, persisted despite going down to the opposition. The two factions of the pigeon and the mule completely died down.

But even so, the conservatives can only be on par with the hawks, and can't play a decisive role. That is to say, Jin Xiantai will not have any trouble at all, and can continue to stay in South Vietnam comfortably and continue to implement his plan. .

The reason why people in the conservative camp are so excited is mainly because they have considerable interests in South Vietnam, especially the South Vietnamese president'Yang Wentai' came to power with their support, so it can be said that Yang Wentai of South Vietnam, Is an agent of conservative interests.

Don’t think that this guy only represents the overall interests of the United States. In private, he also has to take care of the interests of the conservatives. It is precisely because of this relationship that Kim Hyun-tae’s behavior is tantamount to touching the interests of the conservatives in South Vietnam. Therefore, the conservatives will of course not give up.

It's just that the old George and the others are stubbornly supporting Kim Hyun Tae, so what the conservatives can do now is to fight the old George and the others in Congress.

Of course, in private, conservatives will definitely make some small actions, but this small problem will not cause too much trouble for Jin Xiantai, so Jin Xiantai does not need to worry too much.

Taking advantage of the banquet, Kim Hyun-tae took several senior officials in one fell swoop, all of whom were in charge of the vital departments. Then Kim Hyun-tae quickly let old George and Hulk take over these departments, leaving no time for the conservatives and Yang to respond. Wentai.

Because the Americans were "grandfathers" in this period, Andrew and Hulk took over these departments smoothly without much resistance, and everything went smoothly.

After all, for those middle- and lower-level officials, it is also hard work to sell their lives to the South Vietnamese puppet regime, and it is the same to change to the Americans. It is nothing more than to see who pays the higher price, and morality is no longer so important.

After taking over these key departments, Kim Hyun-tae issued a series of orders, including new welfare policies and internal affairs rectification regulations. In short, there are big sticks and sweet dates, which can let people working in these departments see hope and let them. See the benefits.

After this set of ‘combined punches’, how could things not go well?

The head of the South Vietnam Police Department and the head of the Security Department were arrested by Kim Hyun-tae on the grounds that he used his power to sell information to hostile forces. At the same time, he also used the so-called confession of these two guys as an excuse to seize a group of internal disturbances. Molecules, and all of them are inserted into their own people.

At the same time, the only puppet regime in South Vietnam, 80% of the mid- and high-level officers of the 100,000 troops stationed in Saigon, were also taken away by Jin Xiantai with the above excuses, so that this force was completely ineffective and became panic.

Although this matter is very controversial, Kim Hyun-tae’s reasons are strong enough to make people unable to fault it. At the same time, he still has very strong ‘evidence’ in hand, allowing himself to stand invincible.

Well, tell the truth.

Strictly speaking, the so-called ‘evidence’ was made up by Andrew Kim Hyun-tae, or even forged altogether.

But so what.

Anyway, with the science and technology possessed by the Earth in Different Time and Space, there is no way to reveal that these evidences are forged, so these evidences are equivalent to true.

Moreover, Kim Hyun-tae not only has paper evidence, but also has evidence such as personal testimony, video, etc., absolutely leaving everyone unable to refute.

Black technology is so powerful!

Not accept it!

"Thank you, Uncle George, I’ve troubled you from the Congress side. Just leave things to me on the South Vietnam side. Everything is going very smoothly. I have completely mastered the key departments. Now they are looking at us. The face is acting."

"Well, um, I know. Next, while starting our plan, I will clear out all the hostile underground organizations and forces in South Vietnam, and keep South Vietnam firmly in our hands while the US military is stationed here. I will correct some mistakes. It will certainly not be so easy for the North Vietnamese side to obtain information as easily as before."

The banquet was basically unhappy. The president'Yang Wentai' was the place where the banquet was held angrily, but Kim Hyuntae saw anxiety and panic in his eyes.

Since Jin Xiantai produced a large amount of evidence to prove that the people he arrested were worthy of the crime, the South Vietnamese puppet regime really had nothing to do with Jin Xiantai.

After all, from the very beginning, the U.S. military was at a disadvantage in the military war with North Vietnam. Until now, it has been in a situation of suppressed and passive combat everywhere. This is very unreasonable.

And every time the CUHK military action, North Vietnam behaved as if it had known it in advance, and it would arrange an ambush in advance to severely damage the US military, which caused the US military to suffer a lot of losses in the military operations for more than a year.

Therefore, the US military headquarters in South Vietnam also began to wonder if someone had leaked military intelligence, so that the North Vietnamese side would know.

However, due to various reasons, the US military command stationed in South Vietnam only doubts that this can be done, and there is no way to make a final conclusion.

Although I will try it out from time to time, but the South Vietnamese puppet regime is not advancing, and I do not admit that the problem lies here. If the command’s words are more intense, these guys from the puppet regime will call the White House. The White House will Called the headquarters to denounce, so everyone in the headquarters was quite helpless.

It's different now.

Kim Hyun-tae shot without warning, he was sure and ruthless, and produced a lot of evidence. Therefore, the US military headquarters in South Vietnam supported Kim Hyun-tae in this matter.

In particular, General Moran, who knew the truth about this matter, felt that his decision to surrender to Old George was very correct.

I thought it would take Jin Xiantai for a year and a half to act, but he brazenly took action only three days after he arrived in Nanyue, and he did it as soon as he took it. How could this not shock General Moran.

Therefore, General Moran increasingly felt that Jin Xiantai was a person. As long as he can maintain the current momentum, there will be no problem at all for being the leader in the military in the future.

This judgment made General Moran more determined. After he retired, he followed the attitude of Kim Hyun-tae. At the same time, General Moran also took this opportunity to implement what he had negotiated with Kim Hyun-tae and old George to win over those in the US military stationed in South Vietnam. The actions of unwilling mid- and high-level officers.

In the United States, Qiao An got the evidence forged by Kim Hyun-tae and began to broadcast it on CNN’s major channels, trying to exaggerate the central idea of ​​“It’s not that our army is incompetent, but that the puppet regime is too corrupt,” and passed it very obscure The series of reports tell the public how reasonable it is for Kim Hyun-tae to arrest people without power.

In this way, the American public basically believed and understood Kim Hyun Tae, and some even took to the streets to demonstrate their support for Kim Hyun Tae.

Of course, whether the person organizing the demonstration has collected the money does not need to be discussed and investigated.

However, although the domestic and South Vietnamese Kim Hyun-tae have settled, but the United Nations has produced a moth. After all, although the South Vietnamese puppet regime is not there, it is recognized by the League of Nations. As a U.S. brigadier general, Kim Hyun-tae really does not have the power to arrest other officials. That's hard evidence.

The conservatives stabbed this matter to the United Nations, and the bears, the Gaul cock, and the countries that are not afraid of big things, began to contribute to the situation in secret, so that Kim Hyun-tae’s name was registered here at the United Nations. This is what Kim Hyun-tae thought. I didn't expect it.

The 100,000 troops of the South Vietnamese puppet regime were sent directly to the front line as cannon fodder. Although there are not many 100,000 troops, they at least managed to reduce the pressure on the front-line US troops a little bit, which is not useless at all.

While in Saigon, Kim Hyun-tae vigorously recruits and trains new troops formed by locals~lightnovelpub.net~These troops will really be able to play a role in the near future.

Everything is being implemented in an orderly manner.

After finishing the conversation with Old George, Jin Xiantai turned his head and confessed to Hulk beside him: "I don't need those people to admit that they didn't do it. Anyway, as long as I arrest them, then all things will be done by them. As for the evidence, Andrew will find a way."

Andrew, who also followed Kim Hyun Tae, nodded towards Hulk with a smile.

"Don't worry, leave the evidence to me. I can find out what kind of evidence you want, so that people won't see any flaws."

Looking at his'Brother William' and the magical old British butler, Hulk suddenly felt that his three views were completely subverted.

Originally, he thought this world was dark enough, but he couldn't imagine that it could be even darker.

But I don’t know why, Hulk is not at all disgusted with it, and while not disgusted, he still feels that with the "Brother William" who can do this kind of thing, the boring life becomes stimulating again, as if back. In the days of the San Juan Orphanage...