Rising America

Chapter 1552: It really is that girl

"I heard that the UN will send an investigation team, Brother William, how shall we deal with it then?"

Having mastered the police and special agents, by the way, they also solved the puppet regime's only army of 100,000 people. Now the puppet regime has truly become a polished commander, so they can't turn a wave.

At this point, Kim Hyun Tae is really worthy, and he has become a landlord in Saigon.

After all, he holds 50,000 mercenaries in his hands, 100,000 American soldiers in the six army infantry divisions that have arrived in Saigon, and the Hulk Mutant Special Operations Group, which has absolute military strength.

Not to mention that he is still fully recruiting locals, planning to form a force of more than 500,000, and has recruited 30,000 and started training.

Therefore, here in Saigon, Kim Hyun-tae stomped his feet, and the high-ranking officials of the South Vietnamese puppet regime would shake three times. This is not a joke.

But the UN investigation team is a big trouble.

"Just send someone to receive it. I won't deal with them. Then I will send someone to lead them to eat and drink and entertain them in Saigon, and show them all the evidence we'hold'. Look."

Andrew smiled and answered, "Leave this to me. I promise that they won't cause you any trouble, Master."

Now that Andrew has made a guarantee, he must have his own way, and Jin Xiantai doesn't need to worry about this matter.

But Hulk spoke with a solemn expression: "Why did this matter go to the United Nations, and the United Nations sent an investigation team down?"

Jin Xiantai sneered and said: "The conservatives stabbed them up. After all, what I did touched on their layout and interests in South Vietnam. Now the conservatives are all out of the field. They need a lot of The amount of funds and the support of external forces, and the South Vietnamese puppet regime is one of the external forces that support them and the source of funds."

If Jin Xiantai didn't say these things, Hulk wouldn't be clear, after all, he didn't have such a level.

"Brother William, what shall we do next?"

Hulk was not very interested in political matters, so he did not go to the roots, but asked Jin Xiantai about the next arrangement.

Yes, it's a good start now, but the next thing needs to be arranged well.

"Since the conservatives are doing little tricks, then we don't need to be polite. We can simply tear our faces apart. The next step is to start to seize the various mine powers that are difficult to puppet regime officials."

Now that the conservatives have all gone to the United Nations, Kim Hyun-tae must have no reason to be polite, so he decided to take advantage of the situation and implement his next plan.

Andrew handed the black briefcase in his hand to Hulk. After taking it, Hulk opened the purse and looked at it. There was a thick pile of documents inside, and he took out a part and glanced roughly.

Each file is a list of information of a person, and the personal information listed is very detailed, even for the elderly, children, and women.

"According to the list, no matter what method is used, let them voluntarily transfer their rights and interests to us. Can it be done?"

When Hulk looked at Kim Hyun-tae suspiciously, Kim Hyun-tae gave such an order to Hulk.

Hulk agreed without thinking.

To be honest, he thought it was quite appropriate for Jin Xiantai to arrange himself like this.

"No problem, I will definitely let them'voluntarily'."

Hulk nodded repeatedly with a weird look.

Not far away, in the military camp that is still under construction, the locals who have been recruited are receiving military training. They are wearing green American military uniforms, standing under the scorching sun, being reprimanded and scolded by the instructors, and even encountered tempers. Bad instructors will beat and kick them.

However, Jin Xiantai took his gaze back after just a glance, and he had no intention of going over to stop the instructor who committed the violence.

"Andrew, you are now in charge of the police and secret service departments. Are there any difficulties?"

Now Andrew is arranged by Kim Hyun Tae to control the power of the police and the secret service department, so Kim Hyun Tae is worried that Andrew will not be able to handle so many things.

Faced with Kim Hyun Tae’s concern, Andrew smiled and replied, “There is no problem at all. You should believe in my ability. I can still do this little thing. I don’t even need to mobilize my personal power, just a little bit. The small benefits can make the people below work hard, and the little gangsters in Saigon performed very well and provided me with a lot of useful news."

Jin Xiantai understands what Andrew is talking about. His so-called "private power" refers to those powerful liquid metal robots and genetic people.

Seeing Andrew's relaxed face, Kim Hyun-tae had nothing to worry about. He nodded in response to Andrew and said, "Okay, since then I won't ask more. The police and agents should bother you more, and remember. Live, I am not allowed to have too many hostile forces here in Saigon. I don't care about other cities, but there can only be one voice here in Saigon."

In a word, Jin Xiantai wants to wipe out all the hidden forces in Saigon.

For others, this job may be very difficult, but it is not difficult for Andrew.

"Can I use my personal power?"

Things are easy to handle, but there is absolutely no way to rely solely on the local police and agents with poor professional skills.

So Andrew asked Jin Xiantai whether he could use his personal power.

"Be more secretive."

Kim Hyun Tae responded vaguely to Andrew.

Andrew, who understood, smiled and nodded.

Only Andrew and Kim Hyun Tae understood this conversation. Although Hulk was on the sidelines, he didn't really understand the meaning.

After Andrew uses his secret power, he will definitely let those genetic people or liquid metal robots have the identity of locals, and in order to avoid some trouble, he will even let some local people disappear, and then replace them with liquid metal robots and genetic humans. .

Although it is troublesome to do so, it can make no one see any flaws.

At that time, Andrew can let these real subordinates do some extremely dangerous things, not the way they are now, sometimes after he ordered, the following people can't work hard.

Although some people dared to kill their lives under the stimulation of high bonuses, there are too few such people after all, and they are not enough for Andrew.

At the same time, a few people should die in time, but their strength is also too unbearable.

So, Andrew proposed that he wanted his personal power to join the police and secret service organizations.

Jin Xiantai also understood the little trouble Andrew was facing, and after weighing it, he agreed.

"The girls have now recruited more than 3,000 people, and the level of beauty has remained above 95 points. I will send all the girls below 95 points to Da Nang. They will be trained by werewolves.

And among these girls, I also found many mutants. Do you have any arrangements for the mutant girls, Master? "

Andrew mentioned another thing, that is, some arrangements and discoveries about Jin Xiantai's order to recruit mixed-blood sisters.

And Andrew would actually make some different placements according to his appearance, which was a big surprise to Kim Hyun Tae himself, because he had never thought about it at all. Andrew would also look at his face.

"Except for those sent to Da Nang, mutants are left among the remaining girls, and the rest are sent to Bien Hoa base for military training. In the future, they will all work in your secret service department."

"Master, are you really not planning to build a harem? These girls are all very beautiful and are of mixed race. Although most of them are of mixed blood, there are also British, Vietnamese, German, and other mixed girls, all of them beautiful. "

"That's right, Brother William, you don't want to leave me two, there is no need to send them all away.

As Jin Xiantai's voice fell, Andrew and Hulk began to chatter, and those words made Jin Xiantai's forehead blue veins.

"I found several mutant girls, what are their abilities?"

Kim Hyun-tae knew that he could not talk to Andrew and Hulk on the issue of'can't open the harem', otherwise he would definitely be talked about by their harem comments about collapse, so he brought up another topic. .

"Up to now, a total of 8,000 girls have been recruited, but the mutant only discovered one person, but her appearance is very high, far exceeding the value of 95, and the proportion of her body is also very good. There is an urge to take care of her, especially with **** and butts..."

Although Kim Hyun-tae successfully changed the topic, Andrew, who was talking, started to develop on a crooked road.

Of course, he did not fail to disclose useful information.

Among the 8,000 girls, only one mutant was discovered, and this ratio was a bit small in Jin Xiantai's eyes.

"Say well to answer the question, what is her ability?"

Resisted the urge to hit someone~lightnovelpub.net~ Jin Xiantai motioned to Andrew not to crook the building.

Finding that Kim Hyun-tae was trying his best to endure something, Andrew, who knew him very well, immediately became serious: "She can use thought power to conjure all kinds of weapons to fight, but maybe because of her young relationship, her thought power is not that strong, so Her combat effectiveness is a bit weak, even a bit scumbag, but I have assessed her potential is very strong, it is worth training."

Turn your mind into a weapon for combat?

After hearing the answer he wanted from Andrew's mouth, Jin Hyun Tae thought for a while, and felt an obedient feeling in his heart, because after listening to Andrew's description, how did he feel that it corresponded to a girl from Marvel in his memory.

"what is her name?"

In order to confirm, Jin Xiantai asked again.

Andrew replied: "She is a mixed blood of English and French, but she has more Asian genes. It is precisely because she is of mixed blood that her name is Isabella? Betsy? Braddock..."

After hearing Andrew's name of the girl, Kim Hyun-tae's expression became very weird, and at the same time he secretly said in his heart [It really is that girl].