Rising America

Chapter 1553: Why is the treatment different

Seeing the girl who walked towards him, Kim Hyun-tae was quite entangled in his heart, because he suddenly discovered that he would always be magical, meeting some ‘familiar’ celebrities in a very strange way.

Magneto’s family is like this, Wolverine is like this, and now even the girl who is walking towards him is the same.

Of course, the famous Iron Man, and President Osborne, who has not yet become the "Green Devil", have now had an intersection with themselves.

Even Spider-Man and Superman are now working for companies under his name.

Kim Hyun-tae sometimes thinks about this kind of thing, but it is really funny.

And now, he is about to come into contact with a Marvel celebrity, but this Marvel celebrity does not seem to be an adult, and at the same time, he is not as famous as the Magneto guys he has ever met.

It’s not bragging to say that Jin Xiantai has even seen Dr. X, and he still hasn’t turned into a bald-headed and handsome little version of Dr. X.

Therefore, Kim Hyun-tae is also someone who has seen the big scene, so although he inferred the identity of the girl, he was only slightly surprised and quickly returned to normal.

In other words, with his identity and status, he has been exposed to so many ‘celebrities’, this girl has been unable to shock him too much.

After all, Magneto is now a member of the security company under his daughter's name, so what is this girl?

But what shocked Jin Xiantai again was the first sentence that the girl said when she walked up to him and stood still.

"Ms. Frost asked me to say hello to her, and asked Mr. William to remind Mr. William that you would not forget the promise you had promised her."


The White Queen!

Okay, after the girl wearing the South Vietnamese unique ethnic "Ao Dai" cheongsam, after mentioning the name Frost, Jin Xiantai finally remembered something.

At the beginning of the year, he got to know Harley Quinn through his old friend Selena, who is now in the CIA, and learned that Harley Quinn is Salina’s subordinate, and with Selena’s support, he is doing a lot on the US-Mexico border. To collect black money, and to ensure the smooth implementation of this plan, Harley Quinn even formed a gang. After a brutal and **** killing, she has made a big name in the border cities of Mexico and established the organization. prestige.

And Frost, the helper recruited by Harley Quinn, is one of the top combatants under Harley Quinn.

At that time, Harley Quinn knew that she was about to serve in South Vietnam, so she got a promise from herself, hoping that when she came to serve, she would be able to support some of her activities in South Vietnam.

At that time, Harley Quinn told himself that Frost would be responsible for the affairs of South Vietnam, and the girl had already been sent to South Vietnam at that time.

More than half a year has passed, and Jin Xiantai has almost forgotten about this matter. If it hadn't been mentioned by the girl in front of him, he wouldn't be able to remember it.

After all, there are so many things to deal with every day, who would take such things to heart.

"In the future, I will be by your side, Mr. William, as your liaison with Miss Frost. We will fully support you, including doing things and people that are not convenient for you to come forward."

The beautiful girl stood in front of her, looking attractive, exuding the kind of fresh charm unique to a girl, but Jin Xiantai's heart was like water, and she would not be seduced by her temperament like the stunned green.

Because Jin Xiantai knew very well how dangerous the girl in front of him was.

Especially when he knew that the girl had been mixed with Frost and the others, he would not have any thoughts about this girl.

Frost is Harley Quinn’s subordinate, and the girl has mixed up with Frost. As the saying goes, those who are close to the vermilion are close to the ink and black. If she wants to come, she must be a cruel girl, so such a person can not be provoked. Don't provoke it.

Fortunately, they did not show malice, which makes Kim Hyun Tae not too worried.

It was said that Frost asked the girl to convey such a meaning, after Jin Xiantai quickly measured it, he felt that he had no reason not to accept it.

On the one hand, refusal will offend the other party, and on the other hand, it is true that during my service in South Vietnam, there will be some things and problems that are not convenient to deal with on the surface. Therefore, Frost and the others are willing to do such things. Of course, Jin Xiantai can't ask for it.

After comprehensive consideration, Jin Xiantai nodded at the girl: "Okay, you can follow me as an adjutant in the future."

Seeing that Jin Xiantai had promised to stay with herself, the girl let out a sigh, obviously she was still a little worried that Jin Xiantai would refuse.

After all, the girl knew how dark her organization was, so after she got this task, she was very worried that Jin Xiantai would not accept Frost's kindness, and because of rejection, she became the enemy of the organization.

Well now, everyone is not an enemy.

What I was worried about did not happen, everything is still so beautiful.

"Frost established a branch of the'San Juan Knights' here. What is it that attracts her here, and what do you usually do?"

Now that he knew the girl's identity and whereabouts, Jin Xiantai didn't need to worry so much, and immediately raised some questions.

Yes, Kim Hyun-tae is very curious about what the South Vietnam has here, it is worthy of Harley Quinn to send Frost here as a permanent residence. After deliberation, there must be something that is worthy of attention for Harley Quinn, otherwise she would never have it. s arrangement.

Hulk scanned the girl with scrutinizing eyes. After all, he didn't know Frost, and he didn't know who was Harley Quinn.

Only Old God Andrew was there, and there was no nervousness at all.

"Mr. William, you will call me'Lingdie' from now on. This is my code name within the organization, and it is also my external nickname.

Regarding your question, I am not sure how to answer it. After all, many things are known to the senior management, and my status in the organization is not that high, so I still have no access to key information.

So I suggest you, maybe it's best to ask our leader directly, Miss Frost will surely be able to answer these questions you are curious about. "

This is the truth, Jin Xiantai could hear that the girl in front of him did not lie or shirk.

At the same time, judging from the identity information revealed by the girl herself, it also verified some of Jin Xiantai's previous judgments and guesses.

Sure enough, she was the mutant named'Lingdie'.

Of course, the "Lingdie" who is young and young, is far from the "Lingdie" who has the charm of mature women and wears a bikini in the Marvel movies that Jin Xiantai has seen.

In addition, this ‘Spirit Butterfly’ of different time and space did not join the so-called ‘Hellfire Club’ at this time. Although it was considered the same power as Frost, they all became members of the Harley Quinn organization.

This point is quite different from the Marvel world character line that Kim Hyun-tae is familiar with.

But considering the peculiar characteristics of different time and space, Jin Xiantai certainly wouldn't go to the brain cell exploration, because this is not necessary at all.

Having lived in different time and space for almost three years, Jin Xiantai has learned to accept everything here, whether it is reasonable or unreasonable.

Jin Xiantai has no interest in staying at the recruiting point anymore. It is because of the relationship that the "Spirit Butterfly" appeared, so Jin Xiantai took Hulk and Andrew, as well as the dog-legged A Ruan and Lingdie back to the military base.

"Find her a suitable military uniform, she will be my adjutant in the future."

Although he was wary of Harley Quinn and the others, out of trust in Selena, Jin Xiantai really wanted to leave Lingdie by his side as an adjutant.

Upon seeing this, Hulk reminded: "William, is she really trustworthy?"

"Her boss, Harley Quinn, is a close associate of Selena at the CIA. Now he is responsible for earning a large amount of illegal funds at the US-Mexico border through special methods and channels to support the CIA's various secret activities. .

Therefore, the organization that Lingdie belongs to can be regarded as Selena's organization, so we have to give some trust more or less. "

Selena is certainly a trustworthy person, everyone is from the San Juan Convent.

But what the **** is ‘Frost’ and ‘Harley Quinn’? Hulk can trust Selena, but there is no way to trust others, especially those who are not from the San Juan Monastery.

So it is difficult for him to be like Jin Xiantai, just relying on Lingdie's own rhetoric to leave him like this.

Jin Xiantai saw that Hulk wanted to continue to say something, so he stopped him.

"I know it in my heart. This is Selena's number. If you really have any questions, just ask Selena. I think she will give you an answer. Even I think Harley Quinn was After being sent to Nanyue, Selena is actually the driving force behind."

After stopping Hulk who wanted to say something more, Jin Xiantai sent Hulk the special number of Selena via mobile QQ.

After all, Selena is lurking in China, performing a special task, and most people have no way to grasp her current contact information.

But Kim Hyun-tae is different. Even though he violated the regulations ~lightnovelpub.net~, Selena still told him her contact information.

After all, for Selena, the regulations of the CIA are really inferior to the person in her heart.

Don't say that you violate the regulations for the person you love, and it is not impossible to rebel against the CIA when necessary.

"You actually have Sister Selena's contact information. After her original contact information was changed, I didn't even tell it! Sure enough, she treats you differently from those of us. It really makes us envious."

Hulk temporarily gave up to continue to persuade Jin Xiantai, and after Jin Xiantai sent Selena's new and special contact information through his mobile phone QQ, he began to complain with envy and hatred.

Facing Hulk's complaints, Jin Xiantai rolled his eyes silently.

Andrew, the creator of everything, stood on the side as a small transparent as possible, with a mean smile on his face.

A Ruan was very dumb and laughed.

Lingdie watched everyone curiously.