Rising America

Chapter 1554: That's not bad

"Sister Selena, I'm Hulk, and Brother William gave me the contact information!

Please don't yell at me, okay? Don't be angry at me just because it's not Brother William who contacted you. You are not a lady. No wonder Brother William chose Sister Xiaoxiao at the beginning. It was not because you were too fierce. "

Since being captured, he has become the dog-legged A Ruan next to Hulk, looking at Hulk who is talking in disbelief.

Because the Hulk now is completely different from the people he usually comes into contact with.

Hulk is usually cold and cruel, and will kill the devil if he doesn't agree.

Well, at least that was the impression left on A Ruan.

But the Hulk now has suddenly become the cheapest teenager, who is totally different from usual, and can't be seen directly.

"You want ladies and gentlemen. After all, female men don't like most men. This is my sincere advice."

After saying this, Hulk lifted the phone high, obviously to avoid the "brain-piercing magic sound" on the other end of the phone.

After about ten seconds, Hulk put the phone down again and returned to its original position.

"Okay, let's stop here for the gossip. I have important things to say. Today, a young girl named Lingdie came to the door and said that a person named Frost asked her to come and she would stay Next to Brother William, I was wary of this girl, but Brother William said that she was a member of the organization you established. How do you say this."

Hulk returned to a serious appearance and listened for a long time with the phone, apparently Selena on the phone was explaining him in detail.

About ten minutes later, Hulk ended the conversation with Selena, walked back to Jin Xiantai's side again, and looked away from Lingdie for a while.

"Okay, now I'm relieved, this is indeed arranged by Selena, because she has reached a secret agreement with Colonel Stryker, and also will do something for you by the way."

Obviously, after some communication with Selena, Hulk was able to accept the existence of Lingdie.

"Selena has a secret agreement with Colonel Stryker?"

Hearing what Hulk said, it aroused Jin Xiantai's little curiosity.

He didn't expect that Colonel Stryker would really have him everywhere.

However, I introduced Colonel Stryker to Selena by himself, so it was not impossible that this created an opportunity for Colonel Stryker.

Anyway, this guy will always use various methods and channels for his own secret research and still have opportunities.

Hulk nodded: "Col. Stryker needs a large number of living mutants, and South Vietnam is in war. Obviously it is a very suitable place. So he reached an agreement with Selena and established a A very secret laboratory. Frost is the executive collaborator who secretly captured mutants for him to conduct experiments."

Oh, it turned out to be so.

Now Jin Xiantai finally understood everything, he said why Harley Quinn would send Frost to South Vietnam, it turned out that the ultimate root is here.

Speaking of which, Colonel Stryker is a ruthless man, he and Drizzt's short **** are the same.

But so immortal, Jin Xiantai seemed to have a deep intersection with both of them, and he was still the big benefactor of the two of them.

When he thought of this, Jin Xiantai was a little bit dumbfounded.

Because to some extent, Kim Hyun Tae seems to be a member of the villain camp.

After all, the people he currently supports with funds, such as Colonel Stryker, Dr. Drizzt, and Osborne Biochemical who have invested in them, are all villains.

Even what I am doing now is not too noble and justice.

[Could it be that you are really a villain, come to this world of different time and space, just to become a big boss? 】

Suddenly, such an amusing thought suddenly appeared in Jin Xiantai's mind.

[No way, there is a villain as weak as me, without any special ability]

After thinking about it, Jin Xiantai felt that the possibility was not very high.

After all, he doesn't have the slightest special ability, so how could he be a villain? There is no such a weak villain in the world.

With a wry smile, he shook his head and threw this funny thought out of his mind. Jin Xiantai felt that he was thinking too much.

Regarding the secret agreement between Selena and Colonel Stryker, Jin Xiantai didn't care. Anyway, they were all mutants from the South Vietnamese side. Why should Jin Xiantai care?

Moreover, he himself is not an indigenous human in this time and space, so he will not worry about that.

I have to say that this concept of Jin Xiantai is really different from the general ‘traversers’.

If this were to be replaced by other traversers, when they knew this was happening, they would have a sense of justice long ago, and they would have to destroy the evil laboratory.

But Kim Hyun-tae is different from them, and he has no such idea at all.

In his opinion, the unlucky people are from Nanyue in different time and space, so this matter has something to do with him, and besides, he is not a person in this world, is he not?

To be honest, as long as it does not involve infringement of Kim Hyun Tae's own interests and threats to his personal safety with his daughter, Coco, then he does not care what the indigenous humans of different time and space will do and what evil they commit.

To put it bluntly, he has not really integrated into the world of different time and space at all, and has a cautious isolation guard against the whole world of different time and space in his mentality.

For Kim Hyun Tae, only his daughter, Coco, can make him care about, and there is really nothing else.

Of course, perhaps now we have to add Dabao and Erbao, who are known to be related to her by blood, and their mother Annie.

But that's it.

So in this state of mind, Selena and Colonel Stryker cooperated to set up a secret laboratory on the South Vietnamese side, and secretly arrested mutants from South Vietnam to conduct experiments. Will Jin Hyun-tae care?

"Some people have begun to suspect us recently, and the local mutant organization has already taken action, so Miss Frost hopes you can provide some convenience for us to move the laboratory to this military base so that we can avoid it. The threat of local mutant organizations."

Lingdie put on a green uniform and conveyed Frost's request to Jin Xiantai.

The styles of the US military uniforms on the different time and space are similar to those of Jin Xiantai's original US military uniforms in the 1950s and 1960s. They are all that green.

However, although this style of military uniform is not very attractive, it is still worn on Lingdie's body, setting off her perfect figure.

Looking at the beautiful sister in front of her, Jin Xiantai thought [I don't know if she controlled her figure with her mind, after all, her ability is the transformation of her mind].

When I found that Jin Xiantai was staring at him with a strange expression on his face, Lingdie looked a little awkward. After all, any girl would seem a little uncomfortable to be stared at like this.

"It's okay, you tell Frost to move the lab over as soon as possible. After all, Colonel Stryker and I are old acquaintances, everyone is friends."

For this matter, Jin Xiantai did not intend to refuse.

And for some threats that may be brought, such as what actions the local mutant organization will take, he doesn't care at all.

He didn't even care about the impact of catching local mutants for experiments in the future, once it spreads out.

After all, he came to serve in South Vietnam, just to be a villain.

"At the same time, you tell Frost that you will all acquire a new identity, a member of the Military Intelligence Service of the 101st Army of the United States in Saigon. This will also facilitate your actions.

I just took over the police and secret service departments of the South Vietnamese puppet regime, which requires a lot of manpower. Your presence now happens to help me solve this little trouble. "

For Kim Hyun Tae, it was a coincidence that Frost and the others appeared.

Although Andrew can use a large number of genetic people, or liquid metal robots, to flood the two departments to do things.

But Kim Hyun-tae always feels that it is more psychologically acceptable to use a "real person".

Coincidentally, Frost sent someone to contact him now, which gave Jin Xiantai an opportunity. He thought why not take the opportunity to arrange Frost and the others in.

At the same time, doing so is equivalent to giving Frost and the others an identity, so that they can better move in South Vietnam. They will also give themselves a big reward if they want to come to Frost.

Others don’t know, but Kim Hyun-tae ‘understands’ Frost and knows how powerful she is as the Queen of White.

"Okay, I will convey your meaning to the young lady."

Lingdie, as the contact person, nodded and then turned and left. She wanted to use her own channels and methods to convey Jin Xiantai's meaning back.

The day passed quickly, and it was evening in a blink of an eye.

The evening sky in Saigon is still very beautiful, the red fire clouds soaking half of the sky, as if covering the sky with a layer of orange-red haze.

The crowd at the recruiting point outside the military base has dispersed. They will gather again tomorrow morning, and the small trade fair will be crowded, starting the busiest time of the day.

The temperature has dropped, not as high as during the day, but because there is no wind, it is still a bit sultry outside.

Jin Xiantai, who was sitting outside the temporary barracks, did not feel the heat at all, because Andrew had placed several small cooling devices around to make the temperature within a certain range of the temporary barracks very comfortable and cool.

Sitting outside the makeshift barracks, Kim Hyun Tae was about to enjoy his hearty dinner.

Hulk, Andrew, and the newly joined Lingdie were around him in turn, and the wooden dining table in front of everyone was piled with all kinds of fresh food.

Steak, lobster, tiger prawns, oysters, deep sea crabs, sea urchins, tuna, fresh matsutake, green vegetables, as long as Kim Hyun Tae wants to eat them, he will definitely be able to eat them.

Everyone has a bottle of even expensive red wine on hand.

Of course, Jin Xiantai doesn't drink red wine, so he has a bottle of Wuliangye on hand.

During the meal, Hulk opened the chatterbox: "Selena is not in China now. She has been sent to South Korea. I heard that she will be coming to South Vietnam for some time."

"Ah, she is coming to Nanyue." Jin Xiantai didn't really understand this matter, so he seemed a little surprised.

But in general, the fact that Selena went to South Korea instead of China, still made Kim Hyun Tae's heart more relaxed.

Although Jin Xiantai didn't have any sense of identification with different time and space, after all, he looked at Hua Xia in different time and space very kindly, and had a very different sense to other countries in different time and space.

Because of this, he couldn't accept Selena's lurking mission in China.

Because Selena's lurking task in China is to use the Internet as a way and use a large amount of money to lure those brain-dead, so that they can do something that sells national interests.

But now it's alright, Selena has already gone to South Korea, so that Kim Hyun Tae won't have to worry about this matter.

But even though she left China, she went to South Korea, and the news that she was coming to South Vietnam after a while still surprised Jin Xiantai.

Kim Hyun-tae can't figure out what Selena is going to do in South Korea, and why she wants to come to South Vietnam.

Hulk nodded here, picked up the red wine on the side and drank it. After putting down the glass, he said: "South Korea had a military coup a few months ago. Now it is a military dictatorship. Selena went there. South Korea in South Korea, I heard that it has an important mission, but I don’t say how I ask her, really, she will not hide anything from you, but it is different for us people."

Having said that, Hulk glanced at Jin Xiantai strangely.

"Is it really different if you have a good appearance? I asked myself, although I don't have a good appearance, but he is still a man with a masculine look, why I don't have the good treatment of Brother William."

Speaking of these, Hulk's one eye was flickering.

Lingdie, who has been silent all the time, suddenly said: "For girls~lightnovelpub.net~ handsome guys are definitely more favored, especially for girls of our age. It’s a very important thing, such as a man’s temperament, that only a 30-year-old woman cares about, so I suggest you try to get in touch with a woman like that. You might have unexpected surprises."

Hulk's one-eyed blinked, put away the hippie smile, and asked Jin Xiantai solemnly: "Can I beat this little lady?"

Kim Hyun Tae grinned: "It is not good to beat a woman after all, so bear with it. Besides, people are right. This is indeed a face-saving era."

Hulk was extremely sorrowful and angry: "Of course you would say that if you are a handsome guy. If I had the looks of Brother William, I would not say anything."

Lingdie put down the knife and fork in her hand, and took a deep look at Hulk: "You can have money without good looks, but you have no good looks and no money..." After that, she spread her hands and shrugged. Head, its meaning is self-evident.

Hulk received a million critical hits!

Andrew looked at everyone happily and slowly ate the food in front of him, thinking that such a day would be pretty good.