Rising America

Chapter 1556: The revenge came so fast

Frost led the team to kill more than a dozen guys who had intersections with the North Vietnamese agents, and put all their families in the car, immediately sent to the front line, and began to communicate with North Vietnam through special channels.

These are all family members. Their families have provided help to the North Vietnamese agents, so now it is up to the North Vietnamese side to do.

If North Vietnam does not accept these people, it will be very difficult for North Vietnam agents to continue to sneak into Saigon in the future and to get help from some people from South Vietnam.

At the same time, it not only depends on whether North Vietnam accepts or not, but also how they treat these family members after receiving it, and how they arrange for them.

Whenever North Vietnam treats these family members badly, then Frost will encourage the media to promote it in South Vietnam and internationally.

Now, Frost is in charge of this one.

After all, she was originally arranged by Serena to help Jin Xiantai after serving, so she must also find something to do.

And scenes like what happened here in the villa group are constantly being staged in many places in Saigon at the same time.

It's just that the people leading the teams are different.

Frost is in charge of the villa area, and on the side of a vegetable market in the slum area of ​​Saigon City, it is Jin Xiantai's good brother Hulk.

The North Vietnam's penetration of Saigon is pervasive, and it has lurked in Saigon in various ways and identities.

Thanks to Andrew's grasp of the high-level of the North Vietnamese Secret Service Organization, from the mind of that high-level, Andrew successfully grasped the information of all the lurkers and was able to carry out such actions at the same time.

Speaking of it, Andrew was unwilling to act so quickly, but the North Vietnamese agents did a little too much in the past few days, so Andrew had to take such violent actions and launched cruel revenge against them.

After all, there were indeed deaths on the Fran base. Although five ordinary logistics personnel died, Andrew was very angry, enough to make him take such an action.

Of course, he cannot be judged by the kind of vision and thinking he used to treat people on Earth.

At dusk, there was a lot of traffic in the market in the West District of Saigon City, which had a significant impact on the arrest, but in the end Hulk still paid the price of two ordinary American soldiers seriously injured, and succeeded in doing what he had to bear. This task captured all eight North Vietnamese agents who were disguised as fishmongers.

And after capturing the eight North Vietnamese agents, Hulk, like Frost, was on the street here in the vegetable market, and under the full gaze of people, he personally walled the eight North Vietnamese agents.

Although after being captured, the eight North Vietnamese agents kept shouting grievances, but they were all pierced by the dog-legged A Ruan who was following Hulk.

So far, the lurking agents of North Vietnam in Saigon and the people who helped them have been completely resolved, but this is not over yet, Andrew himself personally led the team, the Lianbao force that ran the rabbits, and the French lurking in Saigon. The forces haven't let it go, and they're all brave together.

After this action, the situation in Saigon City area has completely changed, and Kim Hyun Tae truly controls the city.

Of course, it is still chaotic outside the city limits of Saigon, and the North Vietnam spy organization is still quite active, but Jin Xiantai doesn't want to deal with problems outside Saigon city, as long as those guys don't come to trouble.

It's just that in many cases, things are not always as expected.

And this idea of ​​Jin Xiantai is a bit too naive.

The action from dusk to nightfall added a **** atmosphere to Saigon City, but Andrew and the others, who were the principals, did not care at all. After completing what they had to do, they returned to the city. Long military base.

Frost, Hulk, and Andrew are all fierce people, and at the same time they are not existences that can be explained by common sense, because no one can be like them after killing people, behave so calmly, but only three people That's it.

After Frost, Hulk, and Andrew returned to the military base, Lingdie, who was also assigned the task, and the team led by several groups of genetic people have not returned.

But the three of them showed no trace of worry.

Jin Xiantai had already ordered people to prepare dinner, and waited for them to come back and enjoy it together.

But because Lingdie hadn't come back yet, Andrew and the others decided to wait for a while and talked with Jin Xiantai about what might happen next and how to judge something.

This matter was first mentioned by Andrew.

"Bao University and the French are not to be afraid of. For us, only the North Vietnamese are in trouble. Although the agents lurking in Saigon City have been solved by us, there are still a large number of North Vietnamese agents in the villages and towns outside Saigon City. active.

And our current actions will inevitably provoke the North Vietnamese side to retaliate against us, and even they will take attacks against you, so we must take precautions early. "

Andrew's judgment, Hulk and Frost are very agreeable, basically the two of them also have such an estimate.

Therefore, Frost took the words: "The situation must be like this in the early stage, but as long as we can survive this for a while, when the girls you recruit are trained, the situation will be completely reversed. ."

Listening to Frost, she has great expectations for the mixed-race girls recruited by Jin Xiantai, and even thinks that they can come in handy on this issue.

Andrew smiled and continued: "That's for sure. I have a special training method that will definitely make them qualified agents. I am in charge of this. You only need to look at the final results. "

Frost and Hulk didn't think much about it, only Jin Xiantai knew that Andrew was planning to use a little black technology behind his back to let the sisters ‘grow’.

However, Jin Xiantai did not intend to prevent this matter.

The next one was Hulk: "It's a pity that we didn't recruit local mutants. This is a very pity. If we can have local mutants to sell their lives, then everything will become much easier. .

Unfortunately, as far as I know, most of the local mutants are very disgusted with the South Vietnamese puppet regime. At the same time, they are also very annoying to us Americans. Many of them have joined underground organizations that belong to North Vietnam. It is because of this. Relationship, so the North Vietnamese forces are so active in South Vietnam.

So I think, maybe William Brother you will face the next attack from these guys. "

After all, Hulk has stayed here longer than Jin Xiantae, so he must know more about the local situation than Jin Xiantae, so the issue he said is definitely worthy of Jin Xiantae's serious treatment.

Andrew became very serious, and he attached great importance to the information provided by Hulk.

Although he firmly believes that under his protection, his young master, Jin Xiantai, is absolutely impossible to be dangerous, but if North Vietnam's revenge rises from ordinary people to mutants, this matter will still be more or less troublesome.

"Master, I think the security forces around you need to be improved. Even for Miss Coco, you have to accept my suggestion."

Originally, Jin Xiantai had always been reluctant to let Andrew plant genetic humans and liquid metal robots by his side during his military service. He was worried that he would be able to see anything.

But in the current situation, even if Jin Xiantai is unwilling, he has to seriously consider it.

What's more, Andrew also used'cocoa' as a reason, which had to shake Jin Xiantai quite a bit.

Frost saw Kim Hyun-tae showing some embarrassment, so he proposed: "Well, I will be responsible for security matters, and at the same time I will not leave the military intelligence department. I don't know what you think?"

Frost's ability is very strong. Just controlling his thoughts is enough to deal with situations in many planes. So when Frost expressed his willingness to take this responsibility, Andrew nodded and agreed after thinking about it.

"If you add Lingdie, you don't need to worry too much about the safety of the young master." Andrew nodded, and after evaluating it in his own mind, he felt that there was no problem with this arrangement.

Hulk intervened: "I will also select people from my team to form a **** squad to be responsible for your safety while traveling.

After all, you can't always stay in the military camp, there will be times when you have to go out to do errands, and dangers often happen at that time, so I think this is necessary. "

For Kim Hyun-tae, as long as he doesn't use genetic humans and liquid metal robots, he will be fine.

But if you change to the ‘indigenous’ humans in different time and space, you don’t have to worry so much.

So Kim Hyun Tae did not refuse.

Besides, Andrew made not only genetic humans, liquid metal robots, but also a mess with cocoa, the improved alien and predator, and the combination of the two creatures, which is a powerful mess. Where's the different-blood warrior.

And these guys are always inconvenient to use.

While talking, Lingdie also completed her mission and returned to the military base, and shortly after her, other teams also returned one after another.

What everyone didn't expect was that they were still talking about careful revenge, but the revenge came quite quickly.

With the return of Lingdie, everyone happily prepared to have dinner.

But suddenly, Jin Xiantai felt that the hairs on his body were erect, and at the same time an inexplicable tremor emerged from the bottom of his heart.

in danger!

A transparent figure appeared behind Jin Xiantai, raised a weapon, and slammed it down at the back of Jin Xiantai's neck.

Just when the opponent was about to succeed, suddenly a layer of milky white halo enveloped Jin Xiantai's whole body and blocked the weapon that the opponent had cut down.

Andrew’s care and prudence saved Kim Hyun-tae, because he would always be by his side, placing a small gadget that releases an energy shield when encountering danger, and it’s this gadget that worked at this time, providing A layer of energy helped Jin Xiantai block the fatal blow.

Without this layer of energy shield, Jin Xiantai would be dangerous, even if he could not die but would be injured.

Andrew, Hulk, Frost and Lingdie all reacted, and began to attack the invisible assassin.

With a miss, the assassin disappeared again, making everyone unable to feel any fluctuations in his movements.

Frost~lightnovelpub.net~Hulk, the three people of Lingdie have very ugly faces.

Only Andrew sneered, and quickly took out a slender metal stick like a baton. With such a stroke of the void, it released a very strange force field barrier and enveloped all the military bases.

As Andrew released this force field barrier, the deeds of the guy who assassinated Jin Xiantai finally revealed.

"Playing this with Lao Tzu, let you know how awesome it is today! Look at my [Air Cannon]!"

Andrew didn't know when he put a metal tube on his right index finger, and made a gesture of pretending to be holding a gun and pointed it at the assassin. At the same time, he added a sound effect with a "puff" sound, which made him see It looks like an elderly mentally disabled who is playing children's gunfight games with children.

But what is very strange is that the assassin who had already revealed his figure really seemed to have been hit hard, and his whole person was knocked into the air.

At the same time, everyone present clearly felt that the surrounding air seemed to be pulled away for an instant, so that everyone's breathing became a little bit not so smooth...