Rising America

Chapter 1560: A lot of information

No matter what, it is definitely inevitable to walk on the street today, so the two old people, Jin and Li, also agreed.

As for whether he would be seen through his identity by the people on the street, and what kind of influence he would cause, the two elderly people have ignored them.

After all, at this age, I can live for a few years.

It's better to be crazy with the "big baby Coco" who is with you.

After all, it was the two old men who pampered Cocoa, and they were indeed pampered to the extreme.

Otherwise, they would never accompany the little guy so much.

You know, the status and status of the two elders in China, this will really have a great impact.

But to be honest, the two elders, Jin and Li, who are dressed in American street hip-hop style, do look quite trendy now. Under the premise of not revealing their identity, anyone who sees them will only think that they are two trendy people.

In the end, the clothes and pants that Coco bought are all very expensive. They are not the kind of street stalls, so they won't let the old men wear them like "township non-agricultural killing".

And Coco also sent a pair of sunglasses to the two elderly people. When the old man puts on the sunglasses, in addition to increasing his own trendy index, he can also play a role in disguising his own identity.

So as long as it is not too pretentious, it is still impossible to expose identity.

Besides, the two old men are walking down the street, and ordinary people will not recognize the two old men unless they are carefully identified.

After all, the general public is familiar with the elderly, and that is all through the news network.

There is still a little difference between the real person in reality and the image that appears on TV.

At the same time, even if some people think that the two elderly people look familiar, they will never dare to think about some aspects.

Based on the above points, this is also the key to why Old Man Jin dared to agree to Coco and changed into such a trendy outfit to accompany the little guy to the streets.

It's just that the old man has overlooked one thing, that is, he goes to the streets with Coco, the lineup is different from that of ordinary old people who go to the streets with their children.

A dozen or so black red-flag bullet-proof cars are driving on the highway leading to the city, and the license plates on each car are not necessary.

While the car was driving, no one overtook or honked the whistle... Of course, the team did not change lanes to overtake at will, and the driving speed was maintained at 80 miles.

If it was only Mr. Jin, there would definitely not be such a big battle, but the problem is that this time he joined a Mr. Li. When two elderly people travel together, this is definitely not as simple as 1+1.

A dozen cars accompanied by guards, this is already a small lineup.

But it must be considered that this is just a very common time to accompany a bear child to the streets.

"Cocoa, in a while, tell your grandfather what you want to eat. Grandpa has money and will buy it for you." Perhaps it is the first time to accompany cocoa to the streets. Old man Jin is full of love. Make various promises.

Whatever you want to eat, order whatever, grandpa has money!

"Thank you, grandpa, you are so kind to me, but I just want to eat braised boiled fire and grilled skewers." Coco's small mouth is also sweet and very polite.

"Oh, my cocoa is so cute, and grandfather loves you." How old do you think he likes cocoa? It's called a never-satisfying cocoa. The old man is wondering, why is there such a rare little bit in the world? .

Old man Li on the side was a little bit savory, so he immediately interjected: "If you are rich, I am too rich. My grandfather spent a lot of money when he was young. I have saved money for a lifetime like my grandfather, so what do I like? Just tell your grandpa, grandpa will buy everything for you."

Fight for favor?

Old man Jin was angry.

"You are afraid of your wife. The salary is always under the control of your wife, so you save money. What do you mean to say, it's not shameful." Old man Jin ruthlessly exposed the truth.

"Anyway, I have saved more money in my life than you, and I will definitely be able to buy a lot of things that she likes for the little guy. You dare to admit this fact!" Old man Li replied.

Sitting in the front passenger seat, Jin Jianshe raised his hand and began to gently rub his temples. It can be seen that he has nothing to do with these two elderly people.

Cocoa didn't mean to stop him at all. Instead, watching the two old men quarrel with interest, he almost took out a bag of melon seeds.

The two old men quarreled for a while, and stopped when they noticed some dryness.


It was like two children, both so old, they were still childishly staring at each other, and after a cold snort, they all turned their heads to the other side.

Having been watching the lively Cocoa, I took out two red fruits from my pocket and handed them to the two old men.

"Grandpa, grandpa, you are thirsty, let's come one person and one fruit, this is very thirst quenching, after eating you continue to fight, it is very interesting."

The red fruit exudes bursts of strange fragrance, and the scent fills the compartment almost instantly, and people can't help swallowing saliva after smelling it. At the same time, the fruit also emits waves of energy visible to the naked eye. None of them are Fanpin.

The two old men, Jin and Li, looked astonished, and dumbly reached out and took the fruit that Coco had handed over.

[Why not mine! 】

Jin Jianshe was a little sad.

"Cocoa, where did the fruit come from?"

The two elderly people were still in shock, so Jin Jianshe asked this question.

After all, this fruit is not ordinary, so he needs to figure out what it is.

"My master gave it to him. She said it was called Zhu Guo."

Coco's answer not only shocked Jin Jianshe's face, but even the two elderly people who were already in shock trembled at the same time.

'Zhu Guo' is a good thing, and it is not necessarily something you can buy if you have money, because it is a fairy fruit eaten by practitioners or immortal families. It is rumored that one bite can prolong life and at the same time remove the body. The impurities make people healthier and the effect is very magical.

Of course, the ‘Zhu Guo’ is only one of many fairy fruits, and its effect and effectiveness are not the best, but even if such an ordinary person wants to have one, he can’t do it all his life.

Even if the two elders, Jin and Li, want to own one, it is not easy.

But now, Coco took out two Zhu Guos at once.

Jin Jianshe quickly recovered and asked Coco cheeky: "Cocoa, why is there no Uncle Jianshe, you can't treat it differently."

The little guy rolled his eyes, then took out another Zhu Guo, and threw it directly at his Jin Jianshe.

At this time, Mr. Jin finally recovered.

"Coco, this thing is precious, right?"

The little guy took out a golden fruit and took a big bite, and as the cocoa took out the golden fruit to eat, the original aroma of vermilion was instantly suppressed by the taste of the golden fruit, and the whole car was filled with , Are the kind of mouth-watering faint mint fragrance.

The corners of her mouth were full of golden juice. Coco shook her head and responded, “It’s not precious. This is a snack given to me by my master. She said that children who grow up should eat more fruit, so she gave me tons of them at once. Thanks Fortunately, Uncle Andrew gave me an insurable storage space, or I would worry about it rot."

The two elders of Jin and Li glanced at each other, and they both saw an extremely shocking color in each other's eyes. At the same time, they also thought of who Coco's master was, and they were relieved again.


The little guy’s master is the famous Nuwa.

With such a master, eating Zhu Guo is not like playing around.

Didn't you hear what the little guy said by himself, her master gave her several tons in one go.

Look, what is pride!

People don’t give them one by one, they are all given by ton!

"Actually, I don't like to eat vermilion fruit at all. They are not sweet, and the ones that are still eye-catching are'Yang Huo Pomegranate, Apricot Plums, Thick Soil Chestnuts, Chaos Pears'..." The name came out of the little guy's mouth, once again turning the two old men and Jin Jianshe into a petrified state.

But this is not over yet, the little guy continued: "In fact, none of the above are delicious. The best one is the "golden apple" that Mummy Anne gave me, and the master got it from a company called Wuguanzhuang. "Ginseng Fruit"."

"You have eaten ginseng fruit too!" Jin Jianshe lost his voice in disbelief.

"I have eaten it, what's the matter?" The little guy didn't understand what ‘ginseng fruit’ was, anyway, she ate it as a snack.

Raised her hand to turn the golden fruit yellow: "This is the golden apple. Mommy Anne gave me. It took tens of millions of years to grow hundreds of them. Basically, she gave me snacks. It’s not much. It’s a pity to think about it. If it yields more than a few tons at a time, the taste of this fruit is really good."

[Taste a bite for uncle! 】

Jin Jianshe wanted to make such a brazen request to Cocoa shyly.

However, due to his father's presence, Jin Jianshe could only suppress this shameless idea, and at the same time looked envious of Coco.

The two old people never hesitated to eat Zhu Guo in their hands.

There are so many good things for the little guy, there is no need for the two old people to be embarrassed, and the little guy himself said that Zhu Guo is not a good thing for her.

It's just nothing for the little guy, but it's not like that for the two old men.

The old man Jin is serious, and his expression is very serious: "There is a wild aura in the body that is spreading from the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, ha! This is the way I am going to start the expedition of the two monarchs of the vertical and horizontal fairy and the devil to the immortal world?"

The old man of the Li family was not to be outdone, and he also sat in his seat with a solemn expression, and took the words of old man Jin: "Several heat currents are hitting the two channels of Ren Du, this is a precursor to the success of the magical power, and the rivers and lakes have been stormed since then. I'm going to make the tide!"

The words of the two elders were stunned by Cocoa.

Only Jin Jianshe looked at the two elders with a constipated expression, and said to his heart [So you are actually like this], and couldn’t help but complain: "Dad, Uncle Li, are all seven and eighty, can you be serious? a little."

It is a pity that the two elders did not pay attention to the construction of money at all. At this moment, they are completely immersed in their own fantasy.

"Old Li!"

"Old Jin!"

"The top of Huashan, see who is the best in the world!"

The two elders looked at each other with'bearing for each other', and said the above words in unison. This scene seemed to be too funny for Jin Jianshe, even the guard in charge of driving was almost too hard. Let the car hit the roadbed of the highway.

"Just kidding, do you want to be so serious. Construction, come and see if I have less gray hair?"

"Jiangsu Nephew, see if the wrinkles around Uncle Li's eyes have faded."

Unlike the speechless Jin Jianshe, Coco feels that the two old men in this state are quite in line with her own preferences. She likes such old men.

So Coco immediately asked: "Are you interested in joining my'True? Hydra', with high benefits and good remuneration, and you can become a senior executive (not a few people) if you have special requirements. Just don't go too far."

The old men thought Coco was joking, so he didn't take it seriously, so Mr. Jin asked casually: "Haha, it's not impossible to join, but can you give me two ginseng fruits?"

Unexpectedly, after thinking about it seriously, Coco nodded heavily.

"Yes, wait for me, I'll go to my master."

After speaking, the little guy's body was enveloped by a layer of faint blue light, and then the cocoa figure disappeared from where she was sitting.

As the little guy disappeared, the two elders, Jin and Li, and Jin Jianshe in the carriage grew up with a surprised expression.

For a long time, Jing Jian stammered out: "Couldn't she really let her master get ginseng fruit?"

And the old man Li who came back to his senses looked at the old man Jin and said, "If the little guy really gets back the ginseng fruit, you really join her nonsense ‘really? Hydra’?"

Mr. Jin opened his mouth and didn't answer directly. Instead, he asked Mr. Li, "What would you do for you?"

Elder Li didn't know how to answer.

However, Jin Jianshe was very bachelor and gave his own answer: "Join, ginseng fruit, I don't think so much, but it's just a children's organization that bears children."

While talking ~lightnovelpub.net~ the blue halo appeared again, and Coco was back again.

And after returning, the little guy raised his hands, the things on his hands attracted everyone's attention.

The three little dolls were filled with fragrant fruits, so they were held in the hands by the little guys, and the two old men and Jin Jianshe immediately recognized what it was, that is, ginseng fruit.

"The master snatched it from Wuguanzhuang. She said that the Taoist priest was so stingy and didn't want to give it to him, so the master furiously snatched three of them back, and by the way also beat the Taoist priest, saying that it was to teach him a lesson. He forgot the identity of my master as Honghuang’s number one fighting king."

Seeing everyone's shocked look, she was quite satisfied, because she liked to see how everyone reacted to her.

At the same time, Coco also gave out a message that shocked everyone. These three ginseng fruits were actually snatched by Coco's master Nüwa, and Nüwa also claimed to be the first fighting king in the wild. How does this name sound like it? The description of myths and legends is so unmatched.

To put it another way, it would be ‘Well, the amount of information is a bit big’...