Rising America

Chapter 1577: Andrew in action

Hanoi, the capital of the North Vietnam regime, has a population of 32 million, and it can be regarded as a big city in different time and space.

However, Andrew, who was walking on the streets of Hanoi, found that the types of goods sold by the vendors in the street markets here were not so many, and it seemed a bit sluggish.

After investigating, Andrew knew that the North Vietnamese regime now adopts the economic method of ‘collective cooperation’, which is why the whole city is scarce of goods and the market appears so depressed.

The change is the North Vietnamese people, speaking an authentic and fluent North Vietnamese accent. Andrew did not come to investigate these things, so he is not very interested in these issues.

The intelligence department of the North Vietnam regime has already infiltrated the secret service organization in Saigon, South Vietnam, and launched an assassination attack on his young master, Kim Hyun Tae, putting his young master Kim Hyun Tae into a very dangerous situation. The young master did not suffer any harm, but he also scared Andrew into a cold sweat.

But for such an action, how could Kim Hyun-tae's party be able to swallow it, so the implementation of retaliation has become inevitable, and the implementer of the retaliation is Andrew.

After all, this guy has the ‘shuttle’ black technology and the ability to change his appearance at will. He is the most suitable person to perform this revenge action.

In this regard, Andrew himself did not raise any objections, so he accepted the task.

As for how to carry out retaliatory actions in Hanoi, Andrew already had a draft in his mind, and he was going to play a big game in this city.

When Andrew walked on the streets of Hanoi, there were already more than a thousand genetic people, and they were also distributed in various areas of Hanoi, even including some important departments set up by the North Vietnamese regime in Hanoi.

These genetic people were temporarily bred by Andrew, specifically for this retaliation plan, a temporary consumable.

In order not to cause trouble, and in order not to let his young master fall into the whirlpool of public opinion, this revenge Andrew is going to let other forces take the blame, anyway, as long as he gives the young master's breath, it doesn't matter whether he leaves a name.

After setting up everything, Andrew wandered leisurely on the streets, and at the same time experienced the unique style of Hanoi controlled by the North Vietnamese regime.

About half an hour later, Andrew informed more than a thousand genetic people to start acting through his special thought signal.

With the issuance of this order, those genetic people who have branches in various places in Hanoi rushed towards the set goal frantically. If they were stopped, they would have a violent explosion. An illusion as if this was a'body bomber'.

In fact, this is not the case at all.

These genetic people themselves are loaded with consciousness-controlled bombs. If they rush towards the target and be intercepted, and feel that they have reached the target without hope, they will use their mind to control the bombs in the inner body to explode to make the surrounding targets. Hurt.

And more than a thousand people with such fierce and undaunted genes acted at the same time, and more than half of them were successful and successfully exploded within the established target. So for a time, Hanoi city sounded one after another explosion. From high places, thick black smoke can be seen in many places.

North Vietnam’s armed forces, military logistics, civil administration, economic planning committees, militia training institutions and other departments set up in Hanoi have all been bombed by the genetic people, and they have suffered heavy losses.

The bombs that Andrew set in those disposable genetic humans are powerful and powerful bombs. In addition to destroying the surrounding structures when they explode, they can even kill and wound the staff in the building. .

Listening to the sound of explosions one after another, Andrew, who was walking down the street with his head down, turned his mouth slightly, and a sneer flashed across his face.

This retaliation action definitely caused considerable losses to the grassroots of the North Vietnamese regime. At least they have to make up for the loss of manpower for a period of time, and it is very troublesome to restore the original functional departments.

So this time Andrew's purpose of coming to Hanoi was accomplished very well.

But this is not enough, Andrew will have to continue to do something before he can leave Hanoi.

Just when the pedestrians on the street showed a look of confusion and doubt, Andrew walked into the side alley, and his figure quickly disappeared into the alley.

When Andrew appeared again, he was already on the outskirts of Hanoi.

Andrew, who appeared on the outskirts of Hanoi, calmly expanded his storage space, and then fell out of the space with a few guys **** with five flowers.

These guys are of different ages. Judging from the costumes they wear, they all seem to be officials of the North Vietnamese regime.

These people are sane, so they are very clear about what happened to them.

It is precisely for this reason that every one of them has a very worried and uneasy appearance, as well as a frightened appearance.

Also, anyone who was thrown into the storage space after being attacked would not have a better response than them, especially when Andrew was arresting them, but he carried out a **** killing on the guards who protected them.

Because the mouths of these guys were blocked by white cloth, they could only make a ‘mum-mum’ sound, but couldn’t say a word.

Andrew didn't care about this.

He calmly looked down at the few people lying on the ground in front of him, took a small silver metal ball from his pocket and threw it over.

The small silver-white metal ball was strangely suspended above the heads of a few guys, and began to spin.

"Don't leave the metal ball within one meter, or you will definitely have no bones left. Please don't doubt what I said."

After speaking to the horrified guys in front of him, Old Andrew took out his mobile phone and pressed a few buttons without knowing who made a call.

"You are General Huang of the Intelligence Department, Lieutenant General Yang of the Armed Forces, Commander Lei of the People's Army on the small road outside Lemen Village in the northern suburbs of Hanoi. Hurry up and send someone to pick them up."

It turned out that Andrew was actually contacting relevant parties in North Vietnam and told him where the people he had arrested were.

This can’t help but make it a little hard to understand. What is Andrew doing this for?

Generally speaking, he can completely kill the man in front of him now, then pat his **** and leave.

But now he has spent so much time to arrest the other party, and then notified the North Vietnamese forces to find these guys. Doesn't this seem a bit unnecessary?

To be honest, Andrew's behavior is somewhat confusing.

Putting away the phone, Andrew squatted down, stretched out his hand to pat one of the guys' face with carelessness, and then said solemnly: "You must be wondering who I am? Why do you do this right? wrong?"

The man who was slapped with some insult to his face by Andrew, with a complex expression of both fear and anger on his face, nodded heavily.

Then Andrew smiled: "Why should I tell you? I'm going to let you die with this doubt."

After speaking, Andrew stood up, his expression became solemn, raised his right hand, and shouted "Hi! Hydra!" This guy actually pretended to be a member of the Hydra. Unfortunately, he can figure it out.

After shouting this voice, Andrew opened the teleportation channel, and then stepped in.

The passage closed quickly, leaving only a few people with amazement on their faces.

Actually, he was not killed. These guys who were caught by Andrew felt the joy of ‘fleeing from birth to heaven’ in their hearts. They all thought that they would definitely die.

And before Andrew did not shout the slogan "Hydra", they thought Andrew was a South Vietnamese puppet regime or an agent sent by the Americans.

But unexpectedly, Andrew didn't kill himself, instead he just left.

Of course, the crisis has not yet been resolved, the small metal ball floating above their heads is still spinning, so no one dared to move.

After all, the life is his own, and no one dares to take Andrew's previous words as deaf ears. If the other party does not deceive, then they will be blind.

So, the best way now is to honestly wait for your own rescue.

Anyway, Andrew has notified the North Vietnamese regime that they will send someone there soon if they want to come, so now I just have to wait here with peace of mind, and I don’t need to do such superfluous things at all, and I’ll be careful when I’m done. wonderful.

At the same time, these few people also whispered in their hearts, and began to analyze what Andrew did not kill when he caught him. What is the meaning of ~lightnovelpub.net~.



But after much deliberation, they can't think of a reason.

About an hour later, a large number of North Vietnamese troops appeared, and they finally found several North Vietnamese officials who were brought to this place by Andrew.

As the cloth stuck in his mouth was removed, the commander Li among them roared: "It was the Hydra people who did it, the Hydra people did it!"


In this way, the black pot Hydra almost sat down.

Immediately after this situation, the rescued officer reported it to his superiors.

The Hydra organization has been hated by the North Vietnamese regime so far, so that the few Hydra members lurking in the NATO regime suddenly did not dare to be too aggressive, and hated Andrew, the blamer.

Several officers carrying the rank of colonel came over and leaned over to support a few senior officials who were sitting on the ground, but this senior official was reluctant to get up, after all, there was a small metal ball floating above their heads.

"Find someone to crack this metal ball. This is a small bomb. We can't drive it within one meter or it will explode!"

But the caller's voice hadn't fallen yet, the small metal ball stopped spinning strangely, and then the metal shell of the ball split, and at this moment it suddenly exploded.

Regardless of the fact that the small ball is not big, the power it produces is very powerful. The person at the center of the explosion was blown to ashes in the first place, and even the troops who came to the rescue were killed by half.

And all of this was done by Andrew, who had returned to Saigon, who remotely controlled the explosion of the small metal ball.

Just blasting those guys out of their anger, so Andrew would choose to use this method to have a spoonful of stew when the other rescue team arrives.

At the same time, he wanted to make Hydra carry a scapegoat for this.