Rising America

Chapter 1583: Serious cocoa

Although Coco does everything in a'three-minute' heat, and her freshness cannot be maintained for a long time, she has never been the kind of child who just talks and doesn't do anything at all, no matter what She will do what she says first.

Of course, the freshness of the "three-minute heat" is not a common problem for all children, so it is not surprising that Coco has such a small problem. After all, even if she is against the sky, she is essentially a little human girl. Well.

So, in the powerful and heaven-defying cocoa, there will be such a small problem of human children's nature, which is really not worth making people strange.

But anyway, fortunately, the little guy never talks about it, but he doesn't take any action. From this point of view, Coco's little problem can be ignored.

After inspecting the building with a plaza, he was satisfied with the location and environment of the building.

Now that the matter of opening the dojo has been settled, all that is left is to see when the little guy will start his own dojo, and how many people will be attracted to come and worship the entrance.

For this question, the little guy is still a little unsure.

Although my master is a big name and I am very powerful, but his age is not a small flaw, but I am worried that because I am too young, I cannot attract too many people to come and worship her. Be a master, come and learn the traditions passed down by her.

Therefore, in the next few days, Cocoa seemed to be a little bit troubled. It would be very surprising for those who are familiar with bear children to see.

After all, the bear child has always been showing a carefree appearance, except for his father's affairs, he will not care about anything else.

So it's hard to imagine that the opening of a dojo will actually affect the little guy, which is really rare.

But to be honest, this is actually because the bear child is afraid that he will be ashamed, and that will be the case when he is dishonored.

That's right, in the final analysis, the crux of the problem lies in the terrible "facelessness", which has nothing to do with other factors.

So, in order to avoid such a situation, but did everything possible.

"Master! My "Dark Gothic Martial Arts" dojo will open the day after tomorrow. After you have agreed, you must help me invite famous people to the town."

At Mr. Jin's home, Coco woke up early in the morning and called Nuwa, the master who was filming a web drama on the crew, to make sure that there would be no problems with the master.

And these days, Coco has to call Nuwa four or five times a day on such calls.

Nuwa, who was dressed as a chivalrous girl with a hat on her head, was in the break of filming, with an extremely helpless expression on her face. Listening to the voice of the little guy on the phone, she really felt that she was a disciple. , I got too excited about this matter.

"Relax! Don't you still believe in being a teacher! Being a teacher and sending posts to those big guys, they have to be more or less a face for the teacher. If they don't give face, then being a teacher will definitely make them look good. After all, being a teacher The heart is not big, and he loves to hold grudges.

I have to say for my teacher. Instead of worrying about those people coming, I should carefully consider my suggestions for my teacher. Let’s see how to pass on Tiangangdisha as a tradition. What is your "Dark Gothic Martial Art" 'Let's give up, Master, I always feel that this kind of orthodoxy is a little bit strange, and it makes people laugh when they hear it. "

After reconfirming that there will be no problems here, Nuwa once again expressed her painstakingly to persuade Coco, hoping that she would give up the ‘Orthodox’ which sounds like a strong and amusing atmosphere, and choose the upright immortal family magic method.

In any case, Tiangang and Disha change in the same way. It is also the magical power of the immortal family. Although it takes great potential and opportunity to learn, you can learn one or two at the last time, and it will not weaken the name of the palace. head.

But if Coco is allowed to pass on the so-called "dark gothic non-mainstream martial arts" stuff, Nuwa thinks that the future will not make it difficult for the immortal family to mention the Wa Palace, and will equate Wa Palace with Funny than the same exists.

It is true that I used to be very curious and funny, but at least no apprentice Coco has such a curious and funny comparison.

But there are children who can be persuaded so easily in Coco and then change their opinions.

You know, kids are always pretty stubborn.

To say that someone can change the bear child, there is only her father Jin Xiantai on the other side of time and space, but the problem is that Jin Xiantai is now serving in South Vietnam and is not by the little guy's side.

And just as the master's Nuwa, she simply doesn't have the ability to do this.

"Master! You have to believe me, I will let everyone know that the'Dark Goth's non-mainstream martial arts' is powerful, don't doubt me, I don't want to use such mainland goods as the gods and earth to deceive the people. those people."

The bear kid on the other end of the phone was not moved. He continued to hold on to his point of view and said that he was always a different person.

Indeed, the magical powers of the'Tiangang Disha', although it is a very high-level practice method of the Three Realms, it is actually spread very widely. Basically, even if it is really a'three realms' magical power, it is not rare and rare. thing.

It is only because of the need to practice the ‘Tian Gang Di Sha’ that requires a practitioner’s foundation, understanding, and potential in all aspects, that is why there are very few people who succeed in the ultimate cultivation of this magical power.

And because it is too difficult to practice, I don’t know which person of insight, and finally divided this magical power into two parts, ‘Heaven Gang’ and ‘Earth Sha’, to allow sentient beings in the Three Realms to practice, hoping to succeed in this way.

But in the end, it was discovered that even so, there are not many people who can cultivate successfully ~ lightnovelpub.net~ like Monkey King, they are just the staff and staff of the drama, accompanied by carefully watching Nuwa , After all, everyone now knows the identity of Nuwa.

At the home of Mr. Jin, Coco angrily threw his phone on the sofa aside, and turned his head to Jin Jianshe with a smile on his face. "Huh! I think I will be ashamed when I fall. I just want to make some achievements." Come out and show it to everyone, let those guys who are waiting to see the joke shut up, let them know that I didn't give it for nothing!"

The little guy is very stubborn and does not admit defeat, but when he strengthens his conviction, he usually does something surprising.

And now, the little guy is obviously serious.

"Come out! Haihu! Yiyouzi! Nangong Wentian!"

In order to ensure the affairs of the day after tomorrow, Coco decided to take advantage of the two days of work to make a proper arrangement for this matter, so she wanted to call some helpers.

So Coco used the summoning card bought from the mystery store to summon the masters of the "Hong Kong Comic Series"...