Rising America

Chapter 1595: The value of the face determines 1 cut

"Hurry up, don't miss it when you pass by. Diaosi counterattacks and rewrites your own destiny. This is a major turning point in your life. Invincible Liu will help you achieve the glory of life. Just take a step bravely and go to the registration point. You may be the future leader of the Three Realms!"

Don’t say that the monsters who posted on the Internet have no morals, but the invincible stream advertisements written by myself are also without morals. After combining the MLM language, dozens of Qingqiu sisters who have been hired hold electronics. The loudspeaker is on the edge of the square, bewitching people trying their best.

The reason why these fox sisters in Qingqiu worked so hard, that was because Coco promised that their wages were calculated according to the piece rate, but any person who confuses a person to sign up will have ten yuan soft money, so how can this not let the sisters It's hard to shout.

Among them, a sister named Bai Qian worked hardest. So far, she has successfully registered hundreds of little monsters and ordinary people. She can earn more than a thousand yuan for her achievements alone.

Even she herself signed up as a disciple of Invincible Liu. She painted a dark Gothic makeup on her face early in the morning, and wore a non-mainstream costume, just like a non-mainstream young lady in Europe and America.

If it weren’t for too many worries, I can’t say that this little white girl would even have a nose ring, umbilical ring, etc., after all, she was worried that she would be beaten by her father when she returned home, so she didn’t. Get those things.

But even so, her non-mainstream costumes and dark gothic makeup on her face already made his father shiver with anger after seeing it.

If it weren’t for the critical moment, she shouted to her dad, “I’m already a disciple of Invincible Liu”, which forced the dad to worry about Nuwa’s reaction and didn’t beat her daughter painfully, or she was so old that she would beat her in the street. This white girl is full of paper bags.

The potential of Bai Qian’s paper is very strong. After the witch’s test, she passed the reserve disciple and the outer disciple in triple jump, and directly obtained the qualification to become the inner disciple. If there is no accident, after a year and a half There is no surprise that she succeeded in becoming a direct disciple or true disciple.

And when choosing the master, this Bai Qian actually chose the women's elder Nangong Wentian as her master of art, and became the only female disciple among the male disciples who chose Nangong Wentian for the time being. A little red in the ten thousand green bushes.

Of course, there were no harmonious scenes everywhere at the opening ceremony. Even though everyone knew that the "Invincible Flow" dojo had a deep relationship with Nuwa, there was still a discordant scene.

Here is the registration point. There are many little monsters who have been tested and have failed to meet the standards. They belong to the category of extremely poor and extremely poor. After being rejected as invincible streamers, they started the post process of Sapo rolling.

A weasel monster from the Yellow Wind Cave has extremely poor qualifications after testing. He has no qualifications to become a reserve disciple at all. He is even unqualified to become a handyman. After persuasion, this monster will not leave and must enter invincibility. The stream becomes the invincible stream of people.

Finally, the guy lay down on the ground and started to roll around.

"Little demon, I am a diao silk. I have been like this in this life. I want the demon student to counterattack and step onto the peak of the demon life, and become the demon Aotian holding the right and left sides. Live, not live!"

I don't know if this product has seen too many online novels. In short, in the process of splattering and rolling, all the words that pop up are the most frequent words in online novels.

The commotion aroused Coco's attention. The little guy temporarily ended the one-on-one test and came to the witch test site. Upon arrival, he saw the weasel little monster rolling on the ground and crying bitterly.

To be honest, the image of this guy is really bad. I won’t say that the body is a weasel. Even if this guy’s heart is disguised as a human, but it is also a sharp-mouthed monkey to the extreme. In fact, the witch rejected him as an invincible disciple. In addition to the poor potential, there is also a very important relationship with this product that will lower the overall appearance of the invincible stream.

The movement here attracted Cocoa, and also made Nuwa come over.

But Nuwa did not speak. She hoped to see how her apprentice Coco would deal with it. After all, in the future, the little apprentice will be required to inherit the management of Wa Palace, so Nuwa also started to learn from Annie. Education is a small cocoa.

"Don't cry, you ugly."

Coco was not polite at all, looking at the weasel monster splattering and rolling on the ground, he hit the most painful point in his heart when he spoke.

The weasel little monster who transformed into a wretched human form, which looked like a human being eleven or twelve years old, really stopped rolling, but a very sad and angry expression appeared on his face.

"Don't you have no demon power without face value!"

Unable to help, the little monster rushed to Coco in grief and asked what was in his heart.

Coco nodded to the other party seriously and solemnly: "Of course, if you don’t have a good looks, you have nothing. Now is an era of looking at faces. You don’t even have a good face. What do you say, everything you say is fake, I Invincible flow also depends on the appearance."

After speaking, Coco looked around at the men and women waiting to sign up.

"Remember, our invincible stream also looks at the value of appearance. If you don’t have the value of appearance, don’t sign up. So you take a mirror and take a good look at yourself before you sign up. If you find that your appearance is not high, it is better to leave as soon as possible , The province finally made a mess.

I put my words here. If you don’t have any value, even if your potential is against the sky, our Invincible Liu will not want you. What we require in our Invincible Current is the appearance and strength, so that in the future, our Invincible Liu can step onto the peak of the Three Realms and become The powerful force! In the worst case, I must rely on my face to get rid of the other forces and become the face of the Three Realms! "

Nu Wa lowered her head, raised her hand and gently pressed her temple, she felt a headache.

As soon as these words made everyone present grow up, the first to be born with Cocoa was actually the group of sisters from Qingqiu.

The Qingqiu sisters responded quickly and were the first to agree with Coco, mainly because these fox sisters have always been known for their high looks and are very narcissistic.

It's just that they usually act very low-key, so even if they look good, they can't show it off, so they are quite distressed about this matter.

However, Coco declared that Invincible Liu will not only become the slogan of the Three Realms' strength, but also the slogan of the face value, but it really speaks to their hearts.

Because according to Coco's words, as long as you enter the Invincible Stream, you can grow up to show your beauty.

Therefore, the Qingqiu sisters immediately cheered and responded to Coco.

The monsters of other races who were in shock also showed joy on their faces after regaining their senses.

Because they found that as long as they succeed in worshipping the Invincible Stream, it means that they have a very good appearance. In the worst case, this is also a condition that can attract bragging.

Even if you quarrel with other monsters in the future, you can use "You Ugly Bi" to fight each other, which is simply wonderful.

Therefore, following Coco's remarks, not only did not dampen everyone's enthusiasm for registration, but it made the applicants more enthusiastic.

Nuwa did not expect that Coco, who has never acted in accordance with common sense, would use such incredible remarks to not only deal with the trouble, but also make everyone more active.

As for the little weasel monster who was snarling and rolling, he covered his face in his hands and ran towards the sun, and ran all the way, shedding sad tears. It seemed that he was shocked by Coco's remarks. As for whether it will become a dark scene in its monster life , I think only it, the client knows best.

The performances at the opening ceremony are still going on. The performances on the podium are large-scale group dance performances from the Qingqiu clan, and they are performing modern dances. Whether they dance well or not, the girls have great looks. The long legs are a feast for everyone.

After preliminary statistics, the ordinary people and little monsters who have come to the invincible stream have now broken through the tens of thousands of people~lightnovelpub.net~ and there is more and more momentum. Seeing this is a good start Yes, this Cocoa is quite satisfied.

However, Nuwa suddenly discovered that ordinary people who seem to have worshipped her apprentice Invincible Stream, or little monsters, have one thing in common, that is, they are young, not underage, or underage monster.

Such similarities made Nu Wa very curious.

Immediately after careful observation, she finally found the answer to this strange phenomenon.

Quite simply, only ordinary minors or children from the monster race can be attracted by the Invincible Stream. As for adults or grown-up monsters, they will not be attracted by the Invincible Stream of Coco.

The reason is obvious, just the stipulated ‘invincible under-the-money attire’ is enough to keep those adults or adult monsters away.

As for the under-door attire prescribed by the "Invincible Stream", only the underage children nowadays and underage monsters who are accepting the current trend of mankind can be accepted frankly.

Because according to Coco's regulations, since all the forces and the schools of mankind will have uniform clothing or school uniforms, then the invincible stream must have uniform clothing and makeup.

And because Coco itself is a non-mainstream member of the dark Gothic system, the little guy stipulates that all the doors of Invincible Liu must wear dark gothic non-mainstream costumes, and also draw a strong dark Gothic face. The makeup, forming a characteristic of the invincible flow, is taking the road of difference.

And this rule is definitely not acceptable to adults or adult monsters.

But instead of being ordinary underage people, or underage little monsters, there is nothing wrong with it, so now it is only children who have come to the invincible stream.

In this regard, Nuwa herself was quite speechless.