Rising America

Chapter 1597: About AI

Just as the rise of the Wa Palace began, Cocoa revealed a special ability of his own. The members of the distant US Congress in Washington were also having heated discussions around a matter that Coco had made.

"Whether to promote IA intelligent robots"

This is a serious problem, and once AI intelligent robots are promoted to the market and entered thousands of households, the problems that this brings can not be ignored at will.

First of all, whether AI needs to expand in the military.

Whether AI intelligent robots have loopholes has become a hidden eye for surveillance users.

Will AI's smart programs have problems and hidden dangers that will erupt one day, causing users to be harmed.

A series of issues, etc., were brought up for discussion in this meeting.

The opponents do not support the sale of AI intelligent robots, their reasons are the above, and there are other very alarmist aspects.

These people are represented by the conservative conservatives who do not want to make Cocoa's AI intelligent robots go to market, and enter thousands of households to make money for kids.

The supporters are the radicals represented by George Sr., and the Jewish business group that was wooed by Annie. They are firm supporters.

"I am opposed to the sale of AI intelligent robots. This is a very dangerous product. It will bring us considerable danger, and even let users have no secrets at all, because you cannot guarantee that it will be on them. No secret-stolen programs will be loaded, and users will be monitored 24 hours a day."

This is a congressman’s objection, and it is not unreasonable.

The opposing members' remarks won applause from the same opponents.

Old George and their faces sank.

To be honest, the debate on this issue has been happening for several days.

Since Cocoa has established a specialty store selling AI smart robots, and a few days after starting to broadcast advertisements through the TV media platform, conservatives have organized all aspects of manpower, ordered the suspension of AI smart robots advertisements, and forced them Temporarily closed all major specialty stores.

At the same time, it also seized a batch of AI intelligent robots that were shipped to central China, and secretly contacted people from related companies, and asked them to transport a batch of research rooms for dismantling and research, hoping to develop the same AI intelligence as soon as possible. Compete with cocoa for this market.

The reason is very simple. The market profit of this piece is huge, so huge that people cannot ignore it.

But it is a pity that those companies that have a relationship with conservatives can't figure out why, let alone copy R&D.

Therefore, the conservatives mobilized all their forces and held a meeting of Congress dedicated to this matter. The main purpose is not to restrict the listing of AI intelligent robots, but to force Cocoa to open up AI technology in this way.

And the excuses used by conservatives are also high-sounding, saying that AI intelligence is related to the safety of human destiny, so it cannot be equated with other commodities, and must be treated differently.

And this excuse convinced many people.

After all, this remark is not unreasonable.

In fact, it is such a truth, as long as a normal person with a brain thinks a little, it can be considered.

Imagine that I bought a smart housekeeping robot at home. This product can definitely transmit everything in the home back to the headquarters through the video scanning system, so there is no secret in the user's home.

Even the user's every move, including some intimate behaviors, will be recorded by AI intelligence.

This is not what monitoring is!

Therefore, to a certain extent, conservatives are not alarmist, but they have mentioned a realistic problem that is likely to arise.

Of course, if conservatives really get the technology from Cocoa and then develop their own AI products, then they will definitely do it like this, without even thinking about it.

Therefore, they not only saw the profitable money scene in this fast market, but also saw a special purpose.

No wonder they will mobilize all their power to deal with this problem.

It's just that the conservatives didn't think about it, old George would they give in?

Will Annie yield?

Will Cocoa agree in the end?

Obviously, these three forces are not so easy to succumb.

The radicals represented by the old George, of course, also know what benefits AI intelligence will have on them after it is launched.

Just like what the conservatives criticized, Old George and the others really thought about loading monitoring equipment in AI intelligence to monitor every move of the user.

And on this matter, Old George and the others reached a consensus with people in the military, and they also got the support of the CIA.

After all, this is a great advantage for their high-level elites to manage the country. They can find and grasp the people and things that harm the country's interests in the first time, and then solve them in the shortest time.

Even simply let AI intelligence can eliminate such hidden dangers.

So, how can this kind of technology be opened up and then mastered by conservatives, and this idea of ​​conservatives is simply not naive.

Therefore, the radical forces headed by George Sr. showed no signs of letting go of this issue, making conservatives gnash their teeth and headaches.

Even worse, the military still supports Old George and the others in this matter.

The business power that Annie represents is the largest Jewish business group in the United States. Through the benefit of issuing sales agency rights, Annie has attracted many Jews to her side.

Now that conservatives are doing this, it is tantamount to hindering their path to wealth.

As the saying goes; killing one's parents while cutting off the wealth

Therefore, the Jewish forces are launching a public opinion offensive, making the environment very unfavorable for the conservatives. At the same time, economically, Annie has also joined hands with her compatriots, and through Wall Street's financial blockade, businessmen who support conservatives have suffered heavy losses.

And Annie also announced that the ports and ships under her control will no longer transport goods related to conservatives and merchants who support conservatives. This can be regarded as a matter of drawing money from the bottom.

You know, Annie now controls 99% of the US ports, ships, and shipbuilding industry. It can be said that anyone who has an import and export business cannot bypass Annie's control in shipping.

Therefore, the businessmen who support the conservatives and even give economic support to the conservatives repeatedly, the businessmen who do import and export business lose money and can't even wear their pants.

Their goods can't even enter the container area and can only be discarded outside the area waiting to be packed, without anyone taking care of them.

Therefore, many businessmen recently went to the court to sue Annie for vicious competition.

Annie's response was simple. She invited a group of barristers to fight with those people, and this matter would not be finished in a few years, so she could afford it.

As for cocoa... the little guy didn't need to think about it, how could she give in.

At this time, a member of the old George’s side stood up and began to criticize the member who had made comments before, and gave his words extremely fierce, many of which were mixed with some swear words such as'FK', which greatly turned Congress into a curse. The appearance of the vegetable market.

"Congressman Mark made a generous statement just now, and I heard my **** is about to come out, because he is talking nonsense! Everyone knows that his family has a company that specializes in the development of AI intelligence..."

Some things that were not easy to say under the table were all said by this radical congressman. The meaning of this action was completely torn apart.

And the guy who was exposed to those things had a rather embarrassed face.

"Mr. Jason detained Coco AI's intelligent robots and sent a batch of them to your laboratory for cracking research. What does this behavior mean?"

Facing the congressman’s accusation, the congressman Mark, who previously criticized AI intelligence, had already lowered his head to his crotch, and he still had no way to refute this matter, because it was all facts.

Only conservatives were unwilling to be exposed, especially the named Senator Jason, who stood up and said back and forth: "This gentleman, speak with evidence, or I will sue you for defamation!"

Facing Congressman Jason’s response, the congressman glanced at Old George, and when he noticed that Old George nodded his head inadvertently, he responded knowingly: “Of course I have evidence. If you don’t object, I Willing to show the evidence in court!"

I go!

There is really evidence!

Could it be that you are deliberately scaring me! ?

The other party admitted that he held the evidence, which really scared Congressman Jason.

However, he carefully recalled that what he did on that day was very secretive, and at the same time, everyone present was his own, so it shouldn't be someone who disclosed this matter.

Besides, it is not good for everyone to disclose this matter, and there will never be such an idiot.

Besides, based on the principle of caution, the venues have also been professionally tested, and no monitoring equipment has been found.

So, where did the evidence claimed by the other party come from!

After some thinking, Senator Jason felt that the other party was frightening himself with exaggeration.

So he gritted his teeth and said to the other party without showing weakness: "Okay! Then please show the evidence! I myself am not afraid of the shadow crooked, and I am not afraid of your framing!"

The member of the radical group sneered, then took out a storage card from his suit pocket and gave it to a congressional worker.

At this time, the congressman named Jason seemed a little flustered, because he suddenly discovered that the other party was not scaring himself, but there was really evidence.

While waiting, Old George stood up and said: "On behalf of the State of Texas, I announced that I agree to sell Cocoa AI intelligently only in Texas. As for your opponents, we can't control our Texas thing."

Old George's attempt at ~lightnovelpub.net~ seems to be a signal.

Members of the radicals who were able to influence the judgment of the governor of a state all stood up and said that they could sell in their own state, and things began to be outside the control of conservatives.

A total of more than half of the state legislators announced that they agreed to the sale of Cocoa AI Smart, which caught conservatives by surprise.

And just after this incident, the congressman representing the military also stood up and announced: "Our military supports AI smarts to go on sale. At the same time, our military will also support cocoa's AI smarts, conduct military AI research, and the military From this moment on, the Appropriation Committee will broadcast a portion of the funds for this purpose."

At this point, the conservative ambitions were completely shattered.

They can only watch Coco make a lot of money.

Annie dialed Qiao'an's phone number.

"To prepare Las Vegas for speed, I will hold the most exciting adult products exhibition this year."