Rising America

Chapter 160: Who did you learn from?

   As always, Kim Hyun-tae pushed the stroller and started the morning jog on the beach path with two Labrador dogs.

   Breathing the fresh seaside air in the morning, Kim Hyun-tae felt his whole spirit refreshed, but while he ran, he was thinking about the things to be dealt with today. In short, his mood was not so good.

   Kim Hyun-tae feels unhappy when he thinks that he has been violated.

   It is true that he is also a pirate, but the problem is that what he pirated is something from another time and space, which has nothing to do with this time and space.

   But that's not the case with the company that infringed on their own rights. They are actually infringing on their own interests. This is of a completely different nature.

  Especially, the other party still has the means to buy out officials from the Patent Office and change the patent protection he applied for, which makes Jin Xiantai feel incredible.

   Obviously, the other party is still a little docile.

   Of course, from this incident, Jin Xiantai also understood a truth, that is, some things that he thought before, he really took a little for granted.

   Now that I think about it, I really can be innocent.

   In this world, what is impossible to happen.

   Only you can't think of it.

   After all, one's own height is not enough. If you can't touch such a level, it is impossible to understand some dark sides.

   But he has understood this now, and his mentality is bound to change.

  Santa Monica Beach Trail, there are a lot of people doing morning exercises in the morning, men and women of all ages, everyone will come out to exercise at this time.

   It’s just like Kim Hyun-tae. There are not many people who come out for exercise and push a stroller, so he has become a unique landscape.

   The morning sun slowly rises from the sea level, dispelling the chill and dampness on the beach. The sun shines on people, making people feel lazy involuntarily.

   After a lap, Kim Hyun Tae began to push the stroller back slowly.

   Two Labrador Retrievers followed closely behind, like two little followers.

   daughter Coco sits lazily in the stroller. It seems that the little guy is starting to be lazy.

   It is now the end of February, and it is about to enter March. This time in Los Angeles is the spring season, and the temperature is warmer than that of winter. Sometimes you can even wear short sleeves to go out during the day.

   But you still need to wear a jacket at night. After all, the temperature difference between daytime and night in Los Angeles will be relatively large, so wearing a jacket will be a little safer. If you don’t pay attention, you will catch a cold or something.

   During this morning, the temperature is not very high. So Cocoa is wearing a pink sports suit, and Jin Xiantai puts on her a child's ultra-thin warm clothing to keep her out of the cold.

  Perhaps the reason is that you can't feel the cold. The little guy sits leisurely in the stroller, and the father is pushing the car, so he seems lazy.

   Pushing the stroller and walking on the small road, Kim Hyun-tae was full of thoughts.

   At this time, he thought of Demi again. After returning from Yellowstone Park, he never saw this girl again, and he didn't know if the girl was hiding from him on purpose.

   When thinking of this, Jin Xiantai couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly.

   "Dad. Let's go to the supermarket to see if it is okay, Cocoa wants to eat chocolate."

On the way home, you can see the outline of the large supermarket outside the community. This supermarket is the rented place of Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter. The only large supermarket in the Santa Monica Beach community, so Kim Hyun Tae and Coco often go to the supermarket Wander around and buy some ingredients by the way.

   For shopping in the supermarket, Coco has an unusual hobby, after all, there are a lot of goods in the supermarket. Many of them are liked by Cocoa.

   However, when taking her daughter to the supermarket, Kim Hyun Tae doesn’t buy everything for her daughter.

  Because of acting as an agent for chocolate advertising, he also became a spokesperson. In addition, cocoa himself likes to eat chocolate very much, so every time the little guy goes to the supermarket, he will let his father buy himself chocolate to eat.

   Of course, the optional chocolate must also be the brand she herself endorsed. This cannot be sloppy.

   The chocolate at home has been eaten. Coco remembered this at this time, so he asked his father to take him to the supermarket and buy some chocolates to go home.

   For this little hobby of his daughter, Kim Hyun-tae still won't refuse.

   I just like to eat chocolate, but I don’t eat much anyway, so Kim Hyun-tae is happy to meet his daughter’s little request.

   "Okay! Let's go shopping in the supermarket and buy some chocolates by the way."

   "Oh! Dad is the best."

   got his father's consent, Coco no longer looked so lazy, but cheered excitedly.

   even with the simplicity and beauty that followed, and constantly wagging his tail, was also affected by Coco's happy mood, making it a little excited.

Large supermarket chains are one of the ten largest supermarket chains in the United States in this space-time. They operate a wide variety of goods, from people’s daily needs, to various agricultural products, and even **** toys, etc., which can be found in the supermarket. Bought.

   It can be said that as long as you need it, coming to this supermarket will definitely make you satisfied.

   Even if you want to buy a gun, it’s okay to come to the supermarket. This supermarket also has a special place for selling guns. Various types of pistols and even semi-automatic rifles, including shotguns, can be bought here.

   Of course, the premise is that you have to have a gun license and bring enough money.

   Pushing the baby stroller, Kim Hyun-tae walked onto the fork, walked from the beach path to the community street, and then walked towards the supermarket.

   On the way, Kim Hyun-tae and his daughter chatted.

   "Coco, do you know how much money you have?"

My daughter is the spokesperson of a chocolate brand. She earns a lot of income every month. At the same time, she shot a chocolate ad and also got a lot of income. The money was temporarily deposited in the bank by Jin Xiantai, the father, Xiao Ke Ke At a young age, he wouldn't even bother about these things.

   But her daughter’s money is her daughter’s money. Kim Hyun-tae thinks it is still necessary to communicate with her daughter to let her know that she has money.

   "Is Coco rich? Doesn't Coco know?"

   Little Coco was sitting in the stroller and was confused by his father's question.

   Indeed, the little girl has no idea about money or anything.

   So she is even more unclear. She is already a little rich woman.

   "Coco, Dad said very much, didn’t you endorse a chocolate brand some time ago? This endorsement made you a lot of money."

   Kim Hyun Tae pushed the car slowly, tentatively telling her about this to her daughter. I also want to see how my daughter reacts to this.

   "If I have money, then dad will take it. Dad is very hard to make money. If Coco can also make money, he can reduce his burden."

   His daughter's answer made Kim Hyun Tae's heart warm.

   At the same time, he never thought that his daughter would actually say so.

   "My dear girl, Dad doesn't use your money. The money you earn is put in the bank, and Dad saves it for you. When you grow up, you can use the money as you like."

   Kim Hyun Tae, who was warm in his heart, slowly pushed the stroller, and said his thoughts to his daughter in a very soft tone.

   "Why don't you use Coco's money? Cocoa doesn't want my father to work so hard."

   Coco leaned out half of his body out of the stroller sideways, and looked back at his father curiously, his face full of incomprehension.

   The little girl doesn’t understand, why can’t her father use her money?

   I said it myself, I don’t want my father to work so hard.

   "Haha. How can Dad use your money? You should save your money."

   Jin Xiantai didn't want to say so much, after all, the little guy couldn't understand some things.

   "Dad, Annie once said that it's best to invest my money when you have money, so can dad use my money for investment?"

   Coco at this time, thinking that Annie had taught herself something, so she said it casually.

   When Annie took Cocoa, she taught Cocoa a lot of knowledge, and she didn't play with her every day.

   but while playing. Also instilled some business experience in her.

   Of course, Xiao Ke may not understand, only God knows.

   is difficult to resemble, a child over one year old like Coco. After being educated by Annie, he will do business, which is obviously impossible.

  And when Coco said this to his father, it was only because she thought that Annie had said it, so she had to say it like this.

   If you really want to ask Coco what investment is, the little guy can’t tell why.

   Like Anne once mentioned to Coco, it is best to have money for investment. Because it can get more profit instead of storing it in the bank.

   There are some small truths in it, and they are all told to Cocoa.

   It's just that most of Coco didn't remember it, just remember that if you have money, you need to invest it.

   Father mentioned that she had money. Although she didn't know how much money she had, she remembered the words Annie taught herself, so she said this to her father casually.

   "Does Coco want Dad to invest your money?"

   "Yes, Dad, Annie taught Cocoa. Cocoa is very smart. Remember."

   Kim Hyun-tae learned that her daughter knew that she had money to invest, and this was what Annie taught her.

   My daughter mentioned Annie, which makes Kim Hyun-tae still a little bit missing this woman.

   Apart from anything else, when Annie was there, she didn't bother much with the education of Cocoa, and Kim Hyun-tae saw it all.

   It is normal for Kim Hyun-tae to miss Annie so kindly to her daughter.

   It's just this kind of miss, which is different from the kind of love between men and women, just thinking about her bringing cocoa good.

   "Well, Dad will just invest your money according to your wishes, but what if you lose?"

   "If you lose, you lose."

   Little Coco waved his hand, so proud.

   The kids don’t understand this yet, so they are very relaxed and casual.

   You know, that’s more than two million dollars.

   Seeing her daughter look like this, Kim Hyun-tae felt amused.

  After talking, the father and daughter arrived at the destination supermarket parking lot.

   A big billboard was erected by the big parking lot of the supermarket. On the billboard was an image of a girl holding chocolate with a happy face.

   And the girl in the advertisement is not someone else, but Cocoa.

   "Look, dad, that's cocoa."

   Seeing the cocoa on the billboard was very excited.

   Jin Xiantai was also shocked. He had no idea that Coco's advertising signs would be here.

   "Dad saw it, Dad saw it."

   The billboard is very new. It looks like it was erected by these geniuses. It just so happens that I haven't been to the supermarket these days, so it's normal not to know this.

   "Dad, is Coco pretty?"

   "Pretty, you are the most beautiful girl in the world."

   "Then why does Jerry say I'm an ugly monster?"

   "Because he has no eyesight. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

   "Jerry is your so-called enemy, right?"

   "Yes, that's the fat boy, he is very bad, he always bullies the little girls, but after being taught me, he is much more honest."

   "How did you teach him?"

   walked towards the gate of the supermarket, the conversation between father and daughter continued. .

   "I kicked him in the crotch!"


   After hearing his daughter's answer, Kim Hyun-tae couldn't help but spray.

   "Who did you learn from?"

   "Antra of the TV series "The Detective of the Goddess" is like this, I learned it by watching it."

   Coco answered his father with an innocent look, and finally said: "I think this trick works very well."

  What can Jin Xiantai say about this? He really can't imagine the scene, how painful the little fat man will be when his daughter kicks a fat man in the crotch.

   But, who caused him to provoke Coco, Kim Hyun Tae would not pity him.

   Hum, unexpectedly, my daughter still has a little bit of violence.

   Kim Hyun-tae, who was pushing the stroller, looked at the back of his daughter sitting in the car, and thought to himself... (to be continued.)