Rising America

Chapter 1606: 1Owned, nothing more

Cocoa's power is beyond doubt.

But no matter how strong Cocoa is, it is impossible for her to live without a friend, so Annie is very clear that in the future, Cocoa must have a friend like Kayla by her side.

And Kayla is not only Cocoa's friend, she must also be Cocoa's subordinates, Cocoa's stakeholder, and all the honor and disgrace must have a deep relationship with Cocoa.

It is precisely for this reason that Annie does not object to Kayla's unprovoked taking of 15% of the shares in the AI ​​intelligent robot company.

Speaking of which, if you want to find someone to top this fame, Annie can find someone whoever finds it, not necessarily Kayla to do this.

With Annie's energy, finding such a person is simply not too easy.

The reason why she did not object was based on the above consideration.

Compared to Pietro, who is a fan of money, Kyla, a once-innocent girl, is the person Anne values ​​most.

Therefore, now Annie will not spare her energy to teach the little guy so much.

Otherwise, Annie would have let Kayla stay where it was cool, she wouldn't have any nonsense with her at all.

Regardless of whether the Kaila family are Kryptonians, they all have power beyond ordinary people.

But this thing Annie really doesn't like.

After all, Jin Xiantai's family nowadays, except for Jin Xiantai himself, everyone is no longer ordinary people.

Annie herself is a brand-new boss of Olympus and Nordic Gods. She has a lot of mutant gods in her body and possesses powerful divine power.

Therefore, the trivial Krypton is really not a great existence in her eyes.

But who makes Kayla a friend of Cocoa.

Based on this relationship, Annie had to look at Kayla differently.

Now that Kayla has become the CEO of AI Intelligent Robot Company and the person who presides over the management, it means that she and Cocoa have an interest bond. As long as she is well trained, she will definitely become Cocoa's diehard partner in the future.

And Annie didn't want Coco to be so invincible that she really had no friends.

If there are no friends and partners, the little guy is really too pitiful, isn't it.

So, it's better to have a snack.

After speaking to Kayla, Annie turned on the microphone again and said loudly to the direction of the shouting under the stage: "A boyfriend who will never betray you has a variety of powerful skills to meet all your physical needs, but also speak A lot of sweet words of love, do housework, be patient, let alone the fact that it is just a robot, the value of 200,000 US dollars is not worth it, all female friends, you can measure it in your own heart!"

For a while, the scene became quiet and strange.

All the women on the scene showed the appearance of serious thinking, obviously they were really measuring in their hearts.

In all fairness, many women find it worthwhile.

After all, the values ​​of Western women are not the same as those of Eastern women. Especially after entering the 21st century, more Western women have become singles, and even this trend of thought has begun to have some influence on the East.

The number of women who are single, unmarried, or married without giving birth began to increase, and they paid more attention to their career pursuits and other aspects.

But physiological problems are something no one can avoid.

After all, they are all normal people, and it is not surprising that they have physical needs.

But in the same way, solving physiological needs will also be troublesome.

There was a disturbance due to a night of passion, or because of spending money to buy chic, but because the police cracked down on a large male duck force, and his name appeared in the list of traders, and he was notorious, and even after a night, he found out that he was pregnant. , But I happen to be a person who does not want to have children, so the problem is coming.

At that time, in order to solve all kinds of troubles, the energy and money needed to consume will be far from 200,000 US dollars.

Even if you are under pressure to form a family and start having children, you will eventually find that the man has a woman outside, and you have an affair.

What's more, they will encounter domestic violence.

Then look back and think about it, one will always be good to oneself, will not betray, will not have an affair, will not fist against oneself, will always clean up the house, and will not show complaints against oneself. A little impatience, always looking at yourself so tenderly, coupled with superb skills, as long as you try not to think that he is a robot, there is nothing wrong with treating him as a normal man for a lifetime.

More importantly, the AI ​​Intelligence company is also very considerate, launching a special customized service that can meet the various special privacy requirements of female customers, which simply hits the inner G-spot of all women.

Before the women on the stage responded, Annie let the exhibition enter the thematic section and began to show AI intelligent robots.

After all, no matter how much I said, it is better to let everyone see it with their own eyes and really feel what they see.

"Next, let everyone take a look at the latest and highest AI intelligence achievements with their own eyes! Please come to the stage for the first batch of AI intelligence."

There was a fierce music rhythm. With the sound of the music, Annie pulled Keira off the stage, and a group of girls with models and angelic faces stepped onto the stage.

[Is it possible that the girls on these stages are all robots! Oh my god, they look like real people, and there are no traces of robots at all. If such a high-end machine only costs one hundred thousand, it is really worth it. 】

In reality, some people have many unspeakable hobbies. If you want to find a normal partner, you will definitely not find it for a lifetime, and this may even trigger a law and order case.

But if they can have an intelligent partner that is no different from a real person, these people can solve this trouble, and even reduce the number of public security cases caused by this.

Of course, the girls on the stage look no different from real people, but what is it like when communicating with them.

The invited host stepped onto the stage and began to interact with the smart girls in order to let everyone have a more intuitive understanding.

"My name is Ava. Please forgive me for keeping my age secret. I have many hobbies, but I have a unique experience in doing housework. I hope that my future partner is a humorous person. I am also very humorous. I will accompany him every time. one day."

This smart girl named Ava was generous in conversation, and she was very decent in answering questions from the host, and she was humorous and witty in the process, making everyone on the scene stupid.

So that everyone exclaimed in my heart [Where is this intelligent robot, it is a real person at all], and some even have doubts that the girls on the stage are real people, and they are not the so-called high-end AI intelligent robots at all. , They are all kindergartens invited by AI intelligence company.

However, after tearing off his artificial skin in Ava, revealing the metal skeleton inside, there was no more doubt.

I saw Ava, who had done all this, with a miserable face and a soft and sad expression, and said to the host: "This is over. Maybe when everyone knows that I am a robot, I will never There are people who like me, and who else would want to be my partner with a metal body, Ava is so pitiful."

I'll take it!

Unexpectedly, high-end smart phones also have performance capabilities.

At the moment, there is a fat man wearing glasses and popcorn holding up his hand and shouting hoarsely: "I like you and I will be your partner. I just hope you don't think I am too fat."

Unexpectedly, Ava rushed off the stage like a gust of wind, and nestled in the fat man’s arms in a bird-like manner. The simulation eyes were full of tenderness and honey, and the fat man was completely drunk. .

"You are a kind person with a beautiful heart. I like kind people the most, because usually kind people don't lack a sense of humor. You are the best companion God has given me."

Although Ava is a robot, her body can't feel the hard metal texture at all. The fat man only felt the warmth of nephrite jade in his arms, and there was no other feeling other than that. .

And Ava is also very good at talking. She said that the fat man is a kind-hearted person with a sense of humor. This is the most proud feature of the fat man. He is indeed known for his kindness and humor in the circle of friends.

US$100,000~lightnovelpub.net~ Fatty paid US$100,000 and became the first person to buy a smart high-end robot today, and after buying Ava, he immediately took Ava back home .

Fatty is a native of Las Vegas. He is a program engineer who likes to live at home. He accepts task orders from major online companies through the Internet. He earns a lot of money every month, so 100,000 dollars is nothing.

However, due to his fatness and work factors, it is difficult for him to find a girlfriend. Only a few times in his life, he finds a girlfriend. The result is that the girl is just because he is rich and does not really like him. .

Therefore, the fat man is desperate for love.

But the appearance of Ava brought his life from the cold winter to the spring.

After returning home, Fatty and Ava immediately embarked on an indescribable practice. After the practice, Fatty sighed and praised the power of the AI ​​intelligent company's technology, because what Ava gave him was really no different from ordinary people.

No, even more than real girls brought him.

Especially Ava is very virtuous. After being unspeakable, she immediately started to tidy up the house, tidy up the messy rooms, and make the whole home look new. It is a real feeling of home. All this shocked the fat man at the same time. , And feel warm again.

Fatty posted all this through the QQ blog, and told everyone through his own experience that the AI ​​high-end intelligent robot is worth having, and once he has it, he has nothing else.

"Ava, let's get married."

In the evening, watching the smart robot Ava making dinner from the back, the fat man proposed to the robot Ava to marry him.

And Fatty has also become the first but not the last person to marry a robot in Las Vegas, and even in different time and space in American history.

AI Smart Company, it succeeded!